def load_yaml_dump(filename):
    Load a YAML file and return a dict representation
    # Load YAML file
    with open(filename, 'r') as infile:
        return yaml.safe_load(infile)
Ejemplo n.º 2
    def read_config(filename):
        from pyaml import yaml

        # Read the configuration file
        with open(filename) as config_fd:
            config = yaml.safe_load(config_fd)

        return config
Ejemplo n.º 3
def set_seq_update(collection, seq_update):
    Set seq_update for current collection. 
    with open(CONFIG_FILE, "r") as fl:
        config = yaml.safe_load(fl)
    config["collections"][collection]['seqUpdate'] = seq_update
    with open(CONFIG_FILE, "w") as fl:
        yaml.dump(config, fl, default_flow_style=False)
Ejemplo n.º 4
def read_nodes(nodes_filename):
    Convert a list of node names into a list of IP addresses.

    :param nodes_filename: Name of the YAML file containing the
                           IP addresses
    :type nodes_filename: str
    :return: Tuple (List of IP addresses, Locator bits, uSID ID bits)
    :rtype: tuple
    :raises NodeNotFoundError: Node name not found in the mapping file
    :raises InvalidConfigurationError: The mapping file is not a valid
                                       YAML file
    # Read the mapping from the file
    with open(nodes_filename, 'r') as nodes_file:
        nodes = yaml.safe_load(nodes_file)
    # Validate the IP addresses
    for addr in [node['grpc_ip'] for node in nodes['nodes'].values()]:
        if not utils.validate_ipv6_address(addr):
            logger.error('Invalid IPv6 address %s in %s',
                         addr, nodes_filename)
            raise InvalidConfigurationError
    # Validate the SIDs
    for sid in [node['uN'] for node in nodes['nodes'].values()]:
        if not utils.validate_ipv6_address(sid):
            logger.error('Invalid SID %s in %s',
                         sid, nodes_filename)
            raise InvalidConfigurationError
    # Validate the forwarding engine
    for fwd_engine in [node['fwd_engine'] for node in nodes['nodes'].values()]:
        if fwd_engine not in ['linux', 'vpp', 'p4']:
            logger.error('Invalid forwarding engine %s in %s',
                         fwd_engine, nodes_filename)
            raise InvalidConfigurationError
    # Get the #bits of the locator
    locator_bits = nodes.get('locator_bits')
    # Validate #bits for the SID Locator
    if locator_bits is not None and \
            (int(locator_bits) < 0 or int(locator_bits) > 128):
        raise InvalidConfigurationError
    # Get the #bits of the uSID identifier
    usid_id_bits = nodes.get('usid_id_bits')
    # Validate #bits for the uSID ID
    if usid_id_bits is not None and \
            (int(usid_id_bits) < 0 or int(usid_id_bits) > 128):
        raise InvalidConfigurationError
    if locator_bits is not None and usid_id_bits is not None and \
            int(usid_id_bits) + int(locator_bits) > 128:
        raise InvalidConfigurationError
    # Enforce case-sensitivity
    for node in nodes['nodes'].values():
        nodes['nodes'][node['name']]['grpc_ip'] = node['grpc_ip'].lower()
        nodes['nodes'][node['name']]['uN'] = node['uN'].lower()
    # Return the nodes list
    return nodes['nodes'], locator_bits, usid_id_bits
Ejemplo n.º 5
def print_node_to_addr_mapping(nodes_filename):
    This function reads a YAML file containing the mapping
    of node names to IP addresses and pretty print it

    :param node_to_addr_filename: Name of the YAML file containing the
                                  mapping of node names to IP addresses
    :type node_to_addr_filename: str
    # Read the mapping from the file
    with open(nodes_filename, 'r') as nodes_file:
        nodes = yaml.safe_load(nodes_file)
    # Validate the IP addresses
    for addr in [node['grpc_ip'] for node in nodes['nodes'].values()]:
        if not utils.validate_ipv6_address(addr):
            logger.error('Invalid IPv6 address %s in %s',
                         addr, nodes_filename)
            raise InvalidConfigurationError
    # Validate the SIDs
    for sid in [node['uN'] for node in nodes['nodes'].values()]:
        if not utils.validate_ipv6_address(sid):
            logger.error('Invalid SID %s in %s',
                         sid, nodes_filename)
            raise InvalidConfigurationError
    # Validate the forwarding engine
    for fwd_engine in [node['fwd_engine'] for node in nodes['nodes'].values()]:
        if fwd_engine not in ['linux', 'vpp', 'p4']:
            logger.error('Invalid forwarding engine %s in %s',
                         fwd_engine, nodes_filename)
            raise InvalidConfigurationError
    # Get the #bits of the locator
    locator_bits = nodes.get('locator_bits')
    # Validate #bits for the SID Locator
    if locator_bits is not None and \
            (int(locator_bits) < 0 or int(locator_bits) > 128):
        raise InvalidConfigurationError
    # Get the #bits of the uSID identifier
    usid_id_bits = nodes.get('usid_id_bits')
    # Validate #bits for the uSID ID
    if usid_id_bits is not None and \
            (int(usid_id_bits) < 0 or int(usid_id_bits) > 128):
        raise InvalidConfigurationError
    if locator_bits is not None and usid_id_bits is not None and \
            int(usid_id_bits) + int(locator_bits) > 128:
        raise InvalidConfigurationError
    print('\nList of available devices:')
def add_hosts(nodes, edges, hosts_yaml):
    Add hosts to a topology
    # Read hosts information from a YAML file and
    # add hosts to the nodes and edges lists'*** Adding hosts to the topology')
    # Open hosts file
    with open(hosts_yaml, 'r') as infile:
        hosts = yaml.safe_load(
    # Add hosts and links
    for host in hosts:
        # Add host
            '_key': host['name'],
            'type': 'host',
            'ip_address': host['ip_address']
        # Get the subnet
        net = str(ipaddress.ip_network(host['ip_address'], strict=False))
        # Add edge (host to router)
        # Character '/' is not accepted in key strign in arango, using
        # '-' instead
            '_key': '%s-dir1' % net.replace('/', '-'),
            '_from': 'nodes/%s' % host['name'],
            '_to': 'nodes/%s' % host['gw'],
            'type': 'edge'
        # Add edge (router to host)
        # This is required because we work with
        # unidirectional edges
            '_key': '%s-dir2' % net.replace('/', '-'),
            '_to': 'nodes/%s' % host['gw'],
            '_from': 'nodes/%s' % host['name'],
            'type': 'edge'
        })'*** Nodes YAML updated\n')'*** Edges YAML updated\n')
    # Return the updated nodes and edges lists
    return nodes, edges
def fill_ip_addresses(nodes, addresses_yaml):
    Add addresses to a nodes dict
    # Read IP addresses information from a YAML file and
    # add addresses to the nodes'*** Filling nodes YAML file with IP addresses')
    # Open hosts file
    with open(addresses_yaml, 'r') as infile:
        addresses = yaml.safe_load(
    # Parse addresses
    node_to_addr = dict()
    for addr in addresses:
        node_to_addr[addr['node']] = addr['ip_address']
    # Fill addresses
    for node in nodes:
        # Update the dict
        node['ip_address'] = node_to_addr[node['_key']]'*** Nodes YAML updated\n')
    # Return the updated nodes list
    return nodes
Ejemplo n.º 8
def get_seq_update(collection):
    Get seqUpdate from file if no -> get from server with default date -> if no def date get (current date - 3)
    with open(CONFIG_FILE, "r") as configuration_file:
        configuration = yaml.safe_load(configuration_file)
    seq_update = configuration['collections'][collection]['seqUpdate']
    if seq_update is not None:
        return seq_update
        default_date = configuration['collections'][collection]['default_date']
        if default_date is None:
            default_date = ( - datetime.timedelta(days=3)).strftime("%Y-%m-%d")
            configuration['collections'][collection]['default_date'] = default_date
            with open(CONFIG_FILE, "w") as configuration_file:
                yaml.dump(configuration, configuration_file, default_flow_style=False)
            seq_update = poller.get_seq_update_by_date(collection, default_date)
            set_seq_update(collection, seq_update)
            return seq_update
            seq_update = poller.get_seq_update_by_date(collection, default_date)
            set_seq_update(collection, seq_update)
            return seq_update
Ejemplo n.º 9
 def get_parsed_student(cls, file_path: str) -> Dict[str, str]:
     with open(file_path, "r") as f:
         return yaml.safe_load(f)
Ejemplo n.º 10
def set_wells():
    with open("input/wells.yml", 'r') as stream:
        wells_loaded = yaml.safe_load(stream)
Ejemplo n.º 11
    "malware/malware": ["name", "platform", "shortDescription", "threatLevel"],
    "malware/targeted_malware": ["date", "malware/name", "md5", "injectMd5", "threatActor/name", "fileName", "fileType", "size", "source" ],
    "suspicious_ip/tor_node": ["dateFirstSeen", "dateLastSeen", "ipv4/ip", "source"],
    "suspicious_ip/open_proxy": ["dateDetected", "dateFirstSeen", "ipv4/ip", "type", "port", "source"],
    "suspicious_ip/socks_proxy": ["dateDetected", "dateFirstSeen", "ipv4/ip", "source"]

additional_fields = {
    "apt/threat/mitre_matrix": ["threat/id", "threatActor/name", "title", "attackTactic", "attackType", "tacticId"],
    "hi/threat/mitre_matrix": ["threat/id", "threatActor/name", "title", "attackTactic", "attackType", "tacticId"]

with open("configuration.yml", "r") as configuration_file:
    config = yaml.safe_load(configuration_file)

API_URL = config["client"]["api_url"] if config["client"]["api_url"][-1] == "/" else config["client"]["api_url"] + "/"
API_USERNAME = config["client"]["username"]
API_KEY = config["client"]["api_key"]
BIG_DATA_COLLECTIONS = ["hi/threat", "apt/threat"]
LIMIT = config["client"]["default_limit"]
BIG_DATA_LIMIT = config["client"]["big_data_limit"]
CONFIG_FILE = "configuration.yml"
DATA_DIR = config["client"]["data_dir"]

PROXY_PROTOCOL = config["proxy"]["protocol"]
PROXY_ADDRESS = config["proxy"]["ip_addr"]
PROXY_PORT = config["proxy"]["port"]
PROXY_USERNAME = config["proxy"]["username"]
PROXY_PASSWORD = config["proxy"]["password"]
Ejemplo n.º 12
from pyaml import yaml

emp_dict = {'name': 'Theja', 'age': 35, 'salary': 1000.0, 'isMarried': True}

yaml_string = yaml.dump(emp_dict)

with open('emp.yaml', 'w') as f:
    yaml.dump(emp_dict, f)

# ed = yaml.load(yaml_string)
# /Code/venv/serialization/<>: YAMLLoadWarning: calling yaml.load() without Loader=... is deprecated, as the default Loader is unsafe. Please read for full details.
#   ed = yaml.load(yaml_string)

ed = yaml.safe_load(yaml_string)
# print('type(ed)', type(ed))

for k, v in ed.items():
    print(k, ':', v)

with open('emp.yaml', 'r') as f:
    edf = yaml.safe_load(f)

# age: 35
# isMarried: true
# name: Theja
# salary: 1000.0
# type(ed) <class 'dict'>
Ejemplo n.º 13
from pyaml import yaml

with open("student.yaml", "r") as f:
    yaml_string = yaml.safe_load(f)

Ejemplo n.º 14
from pyaml import yaml

    'name': 'Mark',
    'age': 22,
    'spec': 'math',
    'fee': 1000.0,
    'isPass': True,
    'backlogs': None

yaml_string = yaml.dump(STUDENT)


new_dect = yaml.safe_load(yaml_string)



for key, val in new_dect.items():
    print(key, '....', val)
Ejemplo n.º 15
from pyaml import yaml
emp_dict = {'name': 'Surender', 'age': 20, 'salary': 1000.0, 'IsMarried': True}
#serialization to yaml string
yaml_string = yaml.dump(emp_dict)
# #serilaization to a yaml lfile
with open('emp.yaml', 'w') as f:
    yaml.dump(emp_dict, f)
#Deserialization from yamaml string
new_dict = yaml.safe_load(yaml_string)
for k, v in new_dict.items():
    print(k, ':', v)
#Deserialization from yamaml file
with open('emp.yaml', 'r') as f:
    new_dict2 = yaml.safe_load(f)
Ejemplo n.º 16
def p5_reference():
    with'r') as fd:
        return yaml.safe_load(fd)