Ejemplo n.º 1
    def test_is_service_available_waiting(self, thread_mgr_get):
        """Test StartRHSMTask - test is_service_available() - waiting."""

        # put this into a variable to fit the patch invocation on single line
        is_running_import = 'pyanaconda.modules.common.task.task.Task.is_running'
        with patch(is_running_import, new_callable=PropertyMock) as is_running:
            # fake is_running
            is_running.return_value = True
            # create the task
            task = StartRHSMTask()
            # fake get_result()
            task.get_result = Mock()
            task.get_result.return_value = True
            # make sure is_running is True
            assert task.is_running
            # assure is_running switches to False before
            # the method starts waiting on the mock thread
            mock_thread = Mock()

            def set_running_false(thread):
                is_running.return_value = False
                return mock_thread

            thread_mgr_get.side_effect = set_running_false
            # by replacing the thread by Mock instance,
            # we can avoid running the method in a thread
            # as it will join() Mock instance not a real thread
            assert task.is_service_available(timeout=1.0)
            # check that the mock thread was joined with the
            # expected timeout value
Ejemplo n.º 2
    def test_is_service_available_timeout(self, thread_mgr_get):
        """Test StartRHSMTask - test is_service_available() - timeout."""

        # put this into a variable to fit the patch invocation on single line
        is_running_import = 'pyanaconda.modules.common.task.task.Task.is_running'

        with patch(is_running_import, new_callable=PropertyMock) as is_running:
            # fake is_running
            is_running.return_value = True
            # create the task
            task = StartRHSMTask()
            # fake get_result()
            task.get_result = Mock()
            task.get_result.return_value = False
            # make sure is_running is True
            assert task.is_running
            # us a mock thread, so that it's
            # join method exists immediately
            mock_thread = Mock()
            thread_mgr_get.return_value = mock_thread
            # test the method times out
            assert not task.is_service_available(timeout=1.0)
            # check that the mock thread join() was called with expected
            # timeout
Ejemplo n.º 3
    def test_is_service_available_failure(self):
        """Test StartRHSMTask - test is_service_available() - failure."""

        # create the task
        task = StartRHSMTask()
        # fake get_result()
        task.get_result = Mock()
        task.get_result.return_value = False
        # test the method
        assert not task.is_service_available(1)
Ejemplo n.º 4
    def test_is_service_available_success(self):
        """Test StartRHSMTask - test is_service_available() - success."""

        # create the task
        task = StartRHSMTask()
        # fake get_result()
        task.get_result = Mock()
        task.get_result.return_value = True
        # test the method
        assert task.is_service_available(1)