Ejemplo n.º 1
	# function for running CABS with different temperatures
	# it will compute in directory name+_+temperature
	here = os.getcwd() # since pycabs changing directories...
	a = pycabs.CABS(sequence,secstr,template,name+"_"+str(temperature))
	a.modeling(Ltemp=temperature,Htemp=temperature, phot=300,cycles=100,dynamics=True)
	#remember to come back to `here` directory

#init these variables _before_ running cabs
name = "fnord"
# we have some template, it has to be as list
# suppose we have porter prediction of sec. str.
sss =  pycabs.parsePorterOutput("/home/user/pycabs/proba/playground/porter.ss") 
sequence = sss[0]
secstr = sss[1]
# now we have all data required to run CABS

temp_from = 1.5
temp_to  = 3.0
temp_interval = 0.1
temperatures=np.arange(temp_from,temp_to,temp_interval) # ranges of temperature

# create thread pool  with two parallel threads
pool = mp.Pool(processes=2)
pool.map(runCABS,temperatures) # run cabs threads

# HERE IS THE END OF PART WHERE WE RUN CABS in parallel fashion. 
Ejemplo n.º 2
#!/usr/bin/env python
import pycabs
from Pycluster import *
from numpy import array,zeros
data =  pycabs.parsePorterOutput("/home/user/pycabs/proba/playground/porter.ss") # read PORTER
working_dir = "de_novo" # name of project 
templates = [] # deNOVO
a = pycabs.CABS(data[0],data[1],templates,working_dir) # initialize CABS, create required files
# DENOVO a.generateConstraints() 
a.createLatticeReplicas() # create start models from templates
a.modeling(Htemp=3.0,cycles=20,phot=100) # start modeling with default INP values and create TRAF.pdb when done
tr = a.getTraCoordinates() # load TRAF into memory and calculate RMSD all-vs-all : 

#calculating RMSD 2D array for clustering
distances = zeros((len(tr),len(tr)))
for i in range(len(tr)):
	for j in range(i,len(tr)):
		rms = pycabs.rmsd(tr[i],tr[j])
		distances[i][j] = distances[j][i] = rms
#save RMSD array as heat map
pycabs.heat_map(distances,"Protein model","Protein model","RMSD")		

# clustering by K-medoids method (with 5 clusters)
clusterid,error,nfound = kmedoids(distances,nclusters=5,npass=15,initialid=None)
print clusterid,error
clusterid,error,nfound = kcluster(distances,nclusters=5,npass=15)

# save cluster medoids to file