Ejemplo n.º 1
def _checkBaseClassInit(moduleFilename, c, func_code, funcInfo) :
    Return a list of warnings that occur for each base class whose __init__()
    is not called

    @param funcInfo: triple of functions called, code objects, return values
    @type  funcInfo: triple

    warnings = []
    functionsCalled, _, returnValues = funcInfo
    for line, stackItem, dummy in returnValues :
        if stackItem.data != None :
            if not stackItem.isNone() or cfg().returnNoneFromInit :
                warn = Warning(func_code, line, msgs.RETURN_FROM_INIT)

    classInit = getattr(c.classObject, utils.INIT, None)
    if cfg().baseClassInitted and classInit is not None :
        classInitInfo = _get_func_info(classInit)
        for base in getattr(c.classObject, '__bases__', None) or ():
            if not _baseInitCalled(classInitInfo, base, functionsCalled):
                warn = Warning(moduleFilename, func_code,
                               msgs.BASE_CLASS_NOT_INIT % utils.safestr(base))
    return warnings
Ejemplo n.º 2
def updateCheckerArgs(argStr, func, lastLineNum, warnings):
    @param argStr:      list of space-separated options, as passed
                        on the command line
                        e.g 'blacklist=wrongname initattr no-classdoc'
    @type  argStr:      str
    @param func:        'suppressions' or code object
    @type  func:        str or {function.FakeCode} or {types.CodeType}
    @param lastLineNum: the last line number of the given function;
                        compare to func.co_firstlineno if exists
    @type  lastLineNum: int or {types.CodeType}
    @param warnings:    list of warnings to append to
    @type  warnings:    list of L{Warning}

    @rtype:   int
    @returns: 1 if the arguments were invalid, 0 if ok.
        argList = string.split(argStr)
        # if func is code, might trigger
        # TypeError: code.__cmp__(x,y) requires y to be a 'code', not a 'str'
        if argList and not type(func) == str:
            debug('func %r: pychecker args %r', func, argStr)
        # don't require long options to start w/--, we can add that for them
        for i in range(0, len(argList)):
            if argList[i][0] != '-':
                argList[i] = '--' + argList[i]

        return 1
    except Config.UsageError, detail:
        # this gets triggered when parsing a bad __pychecker__ declaration
        warn = Warning(func, lastLineNum, msgs.INVALID_CHECKER_ARGS % detail)
        return 0
Ejemplo n.º 3
def _getUnused(module, globalRefs, dict, msg, filterPrefix=None):
    Return a list of warnings for unused globals.


    For example, for modules:
      from twisted.internet import defer
    would result in
      'defer' -> PyCheckerModule at 0x...: twisted.internet.defer

    @param globalRefs: dict of token alias -> full name of token aliases
                       that have been used ?
    @type  globalRefs: dict of str -> str
    @param dict:       dict of token alias -> token containing the tokens
                       to check for use
    @type  dict:       dict of str -> token
    @param msg:        the message template to use to create warnings
    @type  msg:        str from L{msgs}

    import pprint

    warnings = []

    for ref in dict.keys():
        check = not filterPrefix or utils.startswith(ref, filterPrefix)
        # FIXME: do a ref in globalRefs instead?
        if check and globalRefs.get(ref) == None:
            lineInfo = module.moduleLineNums.get(ref)
            if lineInfo:
                warnings.append(Warning(lineInfo[0], lineInfo[1], msg % ref))

    return warnings
Ejemplo n.º 4
def _checkOverridenMethods(func, baseClasses, warnings) :
    for baseClass in baseClasses :
        if func.func_name != utils.INIT and \
           not function.same_signature(func, baseClass) :
            err = msgs.METHOD_SIGNATURE_MISMATCH % (func.func_name, utils.safestr(baseClass))
            warnings.append(Warning(func.func_code, func.func_code, err))
Ejemplo n.º 5
    def load(self, warnings=None):
            # there's no need to reload modules we already have
            global _output, _statusDlg, _count
            txt = _("Loading Module %s\n") % self.moduleName
            _count += 1
            if _count == 100:
                _count = 95
            _statusDlg.Update(_count, txt)

            module = sys.modules.get(self.moduleName)
            if module:
                if not _allModules[self.moduleName].module:
                    return self._initModule(module)
                return 1

            return self._initModule(self.setupMainCode())
        except (SystemExit, KeyboardInterrupt):
            exc_type, exc_value, exc_tb = sys.exc_info()
            raise exc_type, exc_value
        except SyntaxError, (message, (fileName, line, col, text)):
            # ActiveGrid: added this for better feedback when module couldn't be loaded.
            w = Warning(
                self.fullpath, line,
                _("Syntax Error: %s\n%s\n%s^error near here") %
                (message, text, ' ' * (col - 1)))
            return 0
Ejemplo n.º 6
def processFiles(files, cfg=None, pre_process_cb=None):
    # insert this here, so we find files in the local dir before std library
    if sys.path[0] != '':
        sys.path.insert(0, '')

    # ensure we have a config object, it's necessary
    global _cfg
    if cfg is not None:
        _cfg = cfg
    elif _cfg is None:
        _cfg = Config.Config()

    if _cfg.ignoreImportErrors:

    warnings = []
    for file, (moduleName, moduleDir) in zip(files, getModules(files)):
        if callable(pre_process_cb):
            pre_process_cb("module %s (%s)" % (moduleName, file))
        oldsyspath = sys.path[:]
        sys.path.insert(0, moduleDir)
        module = PyCheckerModule(moduleName, moduleDir=moduleDir)
        if not module.load():
            w = Warning(module.filename(), 1,
                        msgs.Internal("NOT PROCESSED UNABLE TO IMPORT"))
        sys.path = oldsyspath
    return warnings
Ejemplo n.º 7
def _getUnused(module, globalRefs, dict, msg, filterPrefix = None) :
    "Return a list of warnings for unused globals"

    warnings = []
    for ref in dict.keys() :
        check = not filterPrefix or utils.startswith(ref, filterPrefix)
        if check and globalRefs.get(ref) == None :
            lineInfo = module.moduleLineNums.get(ref)
            if lineInfo:
                warnings.append(Warning(lineInfo[0], lineInfo[1], msg % ref))
    return warnings
Ejemplo n.º 8
def processFiles(files, cfg=None, pre_process_cb=None):
    @type  files:          list of str
    @type  cfg:            L{Config.Config}
    @param pre_process_cb: callable notifying of module name, filename
    @type  pre_process_cb: callable taking (str, str)

    warnings = []

    # insert this here, so we find files in the local dir before std library
    if sys.path[0] != '':
        sys.path.insert(0, '')

    # ensure we have a config object, it's necessary
    global _cfg
    if cfg is not None:
        _cfg = cfg
    elif _cfg is None:
        _cfg = Config.Config()

    if _cfg.ignoreImportErrors:


    utils.debug('Processing %d files' % len(files))

    for file, (moduleName, moduleDir) in zip(files, getModules(files)):
        if callable(pre_process_cb):
            pre_process_cb("module %s (%s)" % (moduleName, file))

        # create and load the PyCheckerModule, tricking sys.path temporarily
        oldsyspath = sys.path[:]
        if moduleDir is not None:
            sys.path.insert(0, moduleDir)
        pcmodule = pcmodules.PyCheckerModule(moduleName, moduleDir=moduleDir)
        loaded = pcmodule.load()
        sys.path = oldsyspath

        if not loaded:
            w = Warning(pcmodule.filename(), 1,
                        msgs.Internal("NOT PROCESSED UNABLE TO IMPORT"))

    utils.debug('Processed %d files' % len(files))


    return warnings
Ejemplo n.º 9
def updateCheckerArgs(argStr, func, lastLineNum, warnings) :
    try :
        argList = string.split(argStr)
        # don't require long options to start w/--, we can add that for them
        for i in range(0, len(argList)) :
            if argList[i][0] != '-' :
                argList[i] = '--' + argList[i]

        return 1
    except Config.UsageError, detail :
        warn = Warning(func, lastLineNum, msgs.INVALID_CHECKER_ARGS % detail)
        return 0
Ejemplo n.º 10
def _findFunctionWarnings(module, globalRefs, warnings, suppressions):
    for func in module.functions.values():
        func_code = func.function.func_code
        utils.debug("function:", func_code)

        name = '%s.%s' % (module.moduleName, func.function.__name__)
        suppress = getSuppression(name, suppressions, warnings)
        if cfg().noDocFunc and func.function.__doc__ == None:
            err = msgs.NO_FUNC_DOC % func.function.__name__
            warnings.append(Warning(module.filename(), func_code, err))

        _checkNoSelfArg(func, warnings)
        _updateFunctionWarnings(module, func, None, warnings, globalRefs)
        if suppress is not None:
Ejemplo n.º 11
def _findFunctionWarnings(module, globalRefs, warnings, suppressions) :
    @type  module: L{pychecker.checker.PyCheckerModule}
    for func in module.functions.values() :
        func_code = func.function.func_code
        utils.debug("function:", func_code)

        name = '%s.%s' % (module.moduleName, func.function.__name__)
        suppress = getSuppression(name, suppressions, warnings)
        if cfg().noDocFunc and func.function.__doc__ == None :
            err = msgs.NO_FUNC_DOC % func.function.__name__
            # FIXME: is there a good reason why this passes func_code as line ?
            warnings.append(Warning(module.filename(), func_code, err))

        _checkNoSelfArg(func, warnings)
        _updateFunctionWarnings(module, func, None, warnings, globalRefs)
        if suppress is not None :
Ejemplo n.º 12
def removeWarnings(warnings, blacklist, std_lib, cfg):
    if std_lib is not None:
        std_lib = normalize_path(std_lib)
    for index in range(len(warnings) - 1, -1, -1):
        filename = normalize_path(warnings[index].file)
        if filename in blacklist or (std_lib is not None
                                     and utils.startswith(filename, std_lib)):
            del warnings[index]
        elif cfg.only:
            # ignore files not specified on the cmd line if requested
            if os.path.abspath(filename) not in cfg.files:
                del warnings[index]

        # filter by warning/error level if requested
        if cfg.level and warnings[index].level < cfg.level:
            del warnings[index]

    if cfg.limit:
        # sort by severity first, then normal sort (by file/line)
        warnings.sort(lambda a, b: cmp(a.level, b.level) or cmp(a, b))

        # strip duplicates
        lastWarning = None
        for index in range(len(warnings) - 1, -1, -1):
            warning = warnings[index]

            # remove duplicate warnings
            if lastWarning is not None and cmp(lastWarning, warning) == 0:
                del warnings[index]
                lastWarning = warning

        num_ignored = len(warnings) - cfg.limit
        if num_ignored > 0:
            del warnings[:-cfg.limit]
            msg = msgs.TOO_MANY_WARNINGS % num_ignored
            warnings.append(Warning('', 0, msg))

    return warnings
Ejemplo n.º 13
def processFiles(files, cfg=None, pre_process_cb=None):
    # insert this here, so we find files in the local dir before std library
    if sys.path[0] != '':
        sys.path.insert(0, '')

    # ensure we have a config object, it's necessary
    global _cfg
    if cfg is not None:
        _cfg = cfg
    elif _cfg is None:
        _cfg = Config.Config()

    warnings = []
    for moduleName in getModules(files):
        if callable(pre_process_cb):
        module = PyCheckerModule(moduleName)
        if not module.load():
            w = Warning(module.filename(), 1,
                        msgs.Internal("NOT PROCESSED UNABLE TO IMPORT"))
    return warnings
Ejemplo n.º 14
def _checkSelfArg(method, warnings) :
    """Return a Warning if there is no self parameter or
       the first parameter to a method is not self."""

    if not cfg().methodArgName:

    code = method.function.func_code
    err = None
    if method.isStaticMethod():
        if code.co_argcount > 0 and cfg().methodArgName == code.co_varnames[0]:
            err = msgs.SELF_IS_ARG % 'staticmethod'
    elif code.co_argcount < 1: 
        err = msgs.NO_METHOD_ARGS % cfg().methodArgName
        if method.isClassMethod():
            if code.co_varnames[0] not in cfg().classmethodArgNames:
                err = msgs.SELF_NOT_FIRST_ARG % \
                      (cfg().classmethodArgNames, 'class')
        elif code.co_varnames[0] != cfg().methodArgName:
            err = msgs.SELF_NOT_FIRST_ARG % (cfg().methodArgName, '')

    if err is not None :
        warnings.append(Warning(code, code, err))
Ejemplo n.º 15
def find(moduleList, initialCfg, suppressions=None):
    "Return a list of warnings found in the module list"

    if suppressions is None :
        suppressions = {}, {}

    utils.debug('Finding warnings in %d modules' % len(moduleList))

    warnings = []
    before = 0

    for module in moduleList :
        if module.moduleName in cfg().blacklist :

        modSuppress = getSuppression(module.moduleName, suppressions, warnings)
        globalRefs, classCodes = {}, {}

        # mainCode can be null if there was a syntax error
        if module.mainCode != None :
            utils.debug("module:", module)
            before = len(warnings)
            funcInfo = _updateFunctionWarnings(module, module.mainCode,
                                               None, warnings, globalRefs, 1)

            if before != len(warnings):
                utils.debug("module: %r __main__ triggered %d warnings", module,
                    len(warnings) - before)

            for code in funcInfo[1] :
                classCodes[code.co_name] = code

        before = len(warnings)
        _findFunctionWarnings(module, globalRefs, warnings, suppressions)
        if before != len(warnings):
            utils.debug("module: %r functions triggered %d warnings", module,
                len(warnings) - before)

        before = len(warnings)
        for c in module.classes.values():
            _findClassWarnings(module, c, classCodes.get(c.name),
                               globalRefs, warnings, suppressions)
        if before != len(warnings):
            utils.debug("module: %r classes triggered %d warnings", module,
                len(warnings) - before)

        if cfg().noDocModule and \
           module.module != None and module.module.__doc__ == None:
            warnings.append(Warning(module.filename(), 1, msgs.NO_MODULE_DOC))
            utils.debug("module: %r module doc triggered 1 warning")

        before = len(warnings)
        if cfg().allVariablesUsed or cfg().privateVariableUsed:
            prefix = None
            if not cfg().allVariablesUsed:
                prefix = "_"
            for ignoreVar in cfg().variablesToIgnore + cfg().unusedNames:
                globalRefs[ignoreVar] = ignoreVar
            warnings.extend(_getUnused(module, globalRefs, module.variables,
                                       msgs.VAR_NOT_USED, prefix))
        if before != len(warnings):
            utils.debug("module: %r unused variables triggered %d warnings",
                module, len(warnings) - before)

        before = len(warnings)
        if cfg().importUsed:
            if module.moduleName != utils.INIT or cfg().packageImportUsed:
                # always ignore readline module, if [raw_]input() is used
                if globalRefs.has_key('input') or \
                    globalRefs['readline'] = 0
                warnings.extend(_getUnused(module, globalRefs, module.modules,
        if before != len(warnings):
            utils.debug("module: %r unused imports triggered %d warnings",
                module, len(warnings) - before)

        # we have to do this here, b/c checkFunction doesn't popConfig for
        # classes this allows us to have __pychecker__ apply to all methods
        # when defined at class scope
        if module.mainCode != None:
        if modSuppress is not None:

    std_lib = None
    if cfg().ignoreStandardLibrary:
        std_lib = getStandardLibraries()

    ret = removeWarnings(warnings, getBlackList(cfg().blacklist), std_lib,
    utils.debug('Found %d warnings in %d modules' % (len(ret), len(moduleList)))
    return ret
Ejemplo n.º 16
def _findClassWarnings(module, c, class_code,
                       globalRefs, warnings, suppressions) :
    utils.debug("class:", class_code)
        className = utils.safestr(c.classObject)
    except TypeError:
        # goofy __getattr__
    classSuppress = getSuppression(className, suppressions, warnings)
    baseClasses = c.allBaseClasses()
    for base in baseClasses :
        baseModule = utils.safestr(base)
        if '.' in baseModule :
            # make sure we handle import x.y.z
            packages = string.split(baseModule, '.')
            baseModuleDir = string.join(packages[:-1], '.')
            globalRefs[baseModuleDir] = baseModule

    # handle class variables
    if class_code is not None :
        func = function.create_fake(c.name, class_code)
        _updateFunctionWarnings(module, func, c, warnings, globalRefs, 0, 1)

    filename = module.filename()
    func_code = None
    for method in c.methods.values() :
        if method == None :
        func_code = method.function.func_code
        utils.debug("class %s: method:" % className, func_code)

            name = utils.safestr(c.classObject) + '.' + method.function.func_name
        except AttributeError:
            # func_name may not exist
        methodSuppress = getSuppression(name, suppressions, warnings)

        if cfg().checkSpecialMethods:
            funcname = method.function.func_name
            if funcname[:2] == '__' == funcname[-2:] and \
               funcname != '__init__':
                err = None
                argCount = python.SPECIAL_METHODS.get(funcname, -1)
                if argCount != -1:
                    # if the args are None, it can be any # of args
                    if argCount is not None:
                        minArgs = maxArgs = argCount
                        err = CodeChecks.getFunctionArgErr(funcname,
                                     func_code.co_argcount, minArgs, maxArgs)
                    err = msgs.NOT_SPECIAL_METHOD % funcname

                if err is not None:
                    warnings.append(Warning(filename, func_code, err))
        if cfg().checkOverridenMethods :
            _checkOverridenMethods(method.function, baseClasses, warnings)

        if cfg().noDocFunc and method.function.__doc__ == None :
            err = msgs.NO_FUNC_DOC % method.function.__name__
            # FIXME: is there a good reason why this passes func_code as line ?
            warnings.append(Warning(filename, func_code, err))

        _checkSelfArg(method, warnings)
        tmpModule = _getModuleFromFilename(module, func_code.co_filename)
        funcInfo = _updateFunctionWarnings(tmpModule, method, c, warnings, globalRefs)
        if func_code.co_name == utils.INIT :
            # this is a constructor
            if utils.INIT in dir(c.classObject) :
                warns = _checkBaseClassInit(filename, c, func_code, funcInfo)
            elif cfg().initDefinedInSubclass :
                err = msgs.NO_INIT_IN_SUBCLASS % c.name
                warnings.append(Warning(filename, c.getFirstLine(), err))
        if methodSuppress is not None :

    if c.memberRefs and cfg().membersUsed :
        memberList = c.memberRefs.keys()
        err = msgs.UNUSED_MEMBERS % (string.join(memberList, ', '), c.name)
        warnings.append(Warning(filename, c.getFirstLine(), err))

        newStyleClass = issubclass(c.classObject, object)
    except TypeError:
        # FIXME: perhaps this should warn b/c it may be a class???
        newStyleClass = 0

    slots = c.statics.get('__slots__')
    if slots is not None and cfg().slots:
        lineNum = c.lineNums['__slots__']
        if not newStyleClass:
            err = msgs.USING_SLOTS_IN_CLASSIC_CLASS % c.name
            warnings.append(Warning(filename, lineNum, err))
        elif cfg().emptySlots:
                if len(slots.data) == 0:
                    err = msgs.EMPTY_SLOTS % c.name
                    warnings.append(Warning(filename, lineNum, err))
            except AttributeError:
                # happens when slots is an instance of a class w/o __len__

    if not newStyleClass and property is not None and cfg().classicProperties:
        for static in c.statics.keys():
            if type(getattr(c.classObject, static, None)) == property:
                err = msgs.USING_PROPERTIES_IN_CLASSIC_CLASS % (static, c.name)
                warnings.append(Warning(filename, c.lineNums[static], err))

    coerceMethod = c.methods.get('__coerce__')
    if newStyleClass and coerceMethod:
        lineNum = coerceMethod.function.func_code.co_firstlineno
        err = msgs.USING_COERCE_IN_NEW_CLASS % c.name
        warnings.append(Warning(filename, lineNum, err))

    for newClassMethodName in python.NEW_STYLE_CLASS_METHODS:
        newClassMethod = c.methods.get(newClassMethodName)
        if not newStyleClass and newClassMethod:
            lineNum = newClassMethod.function.func_code.co_firstlineno
            err = msgs.USING_NEW_STYLE_METHOD_IN_OLD_CLASS % (newClassMethodName, c.name)
            warnings.append(Warning(filename, lineNum, err))

    if cfg().noDocClass and c.classObject.__doc__ == None :
        method = c.methods.get(utils.INIT, None)
        if method != None :
            func_code = method.function.func_code
        # FIXME: check to make sure this is in our file,
        #        not a base class file???
        err = msgs.NO_CLASS_DOC % c.classObject.__name__
        warnings.append(Warning(filename, func_code, err))

    # we have to do this here, b/c checkFunction doesn't popConfig for classes
    # this allows us to have __pychecker__ apply to all methods
    # when defined at class scope
    if class_code is not None :

    if classSuppress is not None :
Ejemplo n.º 17
def _checkNoSelfArg(func, warnings) :
    "Return a Warning if there is a self parameter to a function."

    code = func.function.func_code
    if code.co_argcount > 0 and cfg().methodArgName in code.co_varnames:
        warnings.append(Warning(code, code, msgs.SELF_IS_ARG % 'function'))
Ejemplo n.º 18
def removeWarnings(warnings, blacklist, std_lib, cfg):
    @param blacklist: list of absolute paths not to warn for
    @type  blacklist: str
    @param std_lib:   list of standard library directories
    @type  std_lib:   list of str or None
    utils.debug('filtering %d warnings with blacklist', len(warnings))

    if std_lib is not None:
        std_lib = [normalize_path(p) for p in std_lib]
    for index in range(len(warnings) - 1, -1, -1):
        filename = normalize_path(warnings[index].file)
        # the blacklist contains paths to packages and modules we do not
        # want warnings for
        # when we find a match, make sure we continue the warnings for loop
        found = False
        for path in blacklist:
            if not found and filename.startswith(path):
                found = True
                del warnings[index]
        if found:
        if std_lib:
            found = False
            for path in std_lib:
                if not found and utils.startswith(filename, path) :
                    found = True
                    del warnings[index]
            if found:
        elif cfg.only:
            # ignore files not specified on the cmd line if requested
            if os.path.abspath(filename) not in cfg.files:
                del warnings[index]

        # filter by warning/error level if requested
        if cfg.level and warnings[index].level < cfg.level:
            del warnings[index]

    if cfg.limit:
        # sort by severity first, then normal sort (by file/line)
        warnings.sort(lambda a, b: cmp(a.level, b.level) or cmp(a, b))

        # strip duplicates
        lastWarning = None
        for index in range(len(warnings)-1, -1, -1):
            warning = warnings[index]

            # remove duplicate warnings
            if lastWarning is not None and cmp(lastWarning, warning) == 0:
                del warnings[index]
                lastWarning = warning

        num_ignored = len(warnings) - cfg.limit
        if num_ignored > 0:
            del warnings[:-cfg.limit]
            msg = msgs.TOO_MANY_WARNINGS % num_ignored
            warnings.append(Warning('', 0, msg))

    utils.debug('kept %d warnings with blacklist', len(warnings))

    return warnings
Ejemplo n.º 19
def find(moduleList, initialCfg, suppressions=None):
    "Return a list of warnings found in the module list"

    if suppressions is None:
        suppressions = {}, {}


    warnings = []
    for module in moduleList:
        if module.moduleName in cfg().blacklist:

        modSuppress = getSuppression(module.moduleName, suppressions, warnings)
        globalRefs, classCodes = {}, {}

        # main_code can be null if there was a syntax error
        if module.main_code != None:
            funcInfo = _updateFunctionWarnings(module, module.main_code, None,
                                               warnings, globalRefs, 1)
            for code in funcInfo[1]:
                classCodes[code.co_name] = code

        _findFunctionWarnings(module, globalRefs, warnings, suppressions)

        for c in module.classes.values():
            _findClassWarnings(module, c, classCodes.get(c.name), globalRefs,
                               warnings, suppressions)

        if cfg().noDocModule and \
           module.module != None and module.module.__doc__ == None :
            warnings.append(Warning(module.filename(), 1, msgs.NO_MODULE_DOC))

        if cfg().allVariablesUsed or cfg().privateVariableUsed:
            prefix = None
            if not cfg().allVariablesUsed:
                prefix = "_"
            for ignoreVar in cfg().variablesToIgnore + cfg().unusedNames:
                globalRefs[ignoreVar] = ignoreVar
                _getUnused(module, globalRefs, module.variables,
                           msgs.VAR_NOT_USED, prefix))
        if cfg().importUsed:
            if module.moduleName != utils.INIT or cfg().packageImportUsed:
                # always ignore readline module, if [raw_]input() is used
                if globalRefs.has_key('input') or \
                    globalRefs['readline'] = 0
                    _getUnused(module, globalRefs, module.modules,

        if module.main_code != None:
        if modSuppress is not None:

    std_lib = None
    if cfg().ignoreStandardLibrary:
        std_lib = getStandardLibraries()
    return removeWarnings(warnings, getBlackList(cfg().blacklist), std_lib,
Ejemplo n.º 20
            return self._initModule(self.setupMainCode())
        except (SystemExit, KeyboardInterrupt):
            exc_type, exc_value, exc_tb = sys.exc_info()
            raise exc_type, exc_value
        except SyntaxError, (message, (fileName, line, col, text)):
            # ActiveGrid: added this for better feedback when module couldn't be loaded.
            w = Warning(
                self.fullpath, line,
                _("Syntax Error: %s\n%s\n%s^error near here") %
                (message, text, ' ' * (col - 1)))
            return 0
            exc_type, exc_value, exc_tb = sys.exc_info()
            w = Warning(
                self.moduleName, 1, "%s: %s.\nUnable to import module %s." %
                (exc_type, exc_value, self.moduleName))
            return 0

    def initModule(self, module):
        if not self.module:
            filename = _getPyFile(module.__file__)
            if string.lower(filename[-3:]) == '.py':
                    file = open(filename)
                except IOError:
                    self._setupMainCode(file, filename, module)