Ejemplo n.º 1
def _(*args):
    parser = helpers.ArgumentParser(
        prog='logs', description='Get logs for a user or computer')
    parser.add_argument('-c', '--computer', help='Get logs for computer')
    parser.add_argument('-u', '--user', help='Get logs for user')
    parser.add_argument('out', help='Output file')
        args = parser.parse_args(args)

    finds = 0
    for frame in aggressor.data_query('beaconlog'):
        output_type = frame[0]
        bid = frame[1]
        if output_type == 'beacon_input':
            user = frame[2]
            data = frame[3]
            time = convert_time(frame[4])
            data = frame[2]
            time = convert_time(frame[3])

        user = aggressor.beacon_info(bid, 'user')
        computer = aggressor.beacon_info(bid, 'computer')

        if user == args.user or computer == args.computer:
            # it's a match!
            finds += 1

            # -o/--out
            with open(args.out, 'a+') as fp:

    engine.message('Wrote {} finds to {}'.format(finds, args.out))
Ejemplo n.º 2
def _(bid, text, when):
    global _triggers

    user = aggressor.beacon_info(bid, 'user')
    computer = aggressor.beacon_info(bid, 'computer')

    for trigger in _triggers:
        if trigger['type'] == 'output':
            _conditionally_run(bid, trigger)
Ejemplo n.º 3
def get_logs(out, bid=None, user=None, computer=None):
    Get logs for a bid, user, or computer

    :param out: Output file
    :param bid: Bid to match
    :param user: User to match
    :param computer: Computer to match

    finds = 0
    for frame in aggressor.data_query('beaconlog'):
        log = parse_log(frame)

        if log['type'] == 'beacon_indicator':
            # skip indicators

        matched = False

        # check user
        if user:
            log_user = aggressor.beacon_info(log['bid'], 'user')

            if log_user == user:
                matched = True

        # check computer
        if computer:
            log_computer = aggressor.beacon_info(log['bid'], 'computer')

            if log_computer == computer:
                matched = True

        # check bid
        if bid and log['bid'] == bid:
            matched = True

        if matched:
            # it's a match!
            finds += 1

            # -o/--out
            with open(out, 'a+') as fp:
                # fix line endings
                data = log['data'].replace('\r\n', '\n')

                # add user attribution
                if log['type'] == 'beacon_input':
                    data = '{}> {}'.format(user, data)
                # write timestamp
                fp.write('----- {} -----\n'.format(log['time']))
                fp.write(data + '\n\n')

    return finds
Ejemplo n.º 4
def _(*args):
    parser = helpers.ArgumentParser(prog='grep-logs', description='Grep beacon logs for a regex')
    parser.add_argument('-o', '--out', help='Output file')
    parser.add_argument('-w', '--whole', action='store_true', help='Show whole output')
    parser.add_argument('regex', action='append', help='Search for regex')
    try: args = parser.parse_args(args)
    except: return

    for regex in args.regex:
        finds = 0
        engine.message("Searching beacon logs for '{}'".format(regex))
        for frame in aggressor.data_query('beaconlog'):
            output_type = frame[0]
            bid = frame[1]
            if output_type == 'beacon_input':
                user = frame[2]
                data = frame[3]
                time = convert_time(frame[4])
                data = frame[2]
                time = convert_time(frame[3])

            for log in split_output(data):
                if re.search(regex, log, re.IGNORECASE):
                    beacon = '{}@{}'.format(aggressor.beacon_info(bid, 'user'), aggressor.beacon_info(bid, 'computer'))

                    # -w/--whole
                    if args.whole:
                        output = data
                        output = log

                    # -o/--out
                    if args.out:
                        with open(args.out, 'a+') as fp:
                        engine.message("Found beacon log matching '{}' from {} at {}:\n{}".format(regex, beacon, time, output))

                    finds += 1

        if finds:
            if args.out:
                engine.message("Wrote {} finds containing '{}' to '{}'".format(finds, regex, args.out))
                engine.message("Found {} logs containing '{}'".format(finds, regex))
            engine.error("Didn't find any beacon logs containing '{}'".format(regex))
Ejemplo n.º 5
def _(regex):
    found = False
    engine.message("Searching keystrokes for '{}'".format(regex))
    for frame in aggressor.data_query('keystrokes'):
        data = frame['data']
        bid = frame['bid']
        time = convert_time(frame['when'])
        beacon = '{}@{}'.format(aggressor.beacon_info(bid, 'user'), aggressor.beacon_info(bid, 'computer'))

        for line in data.splitlines():
            if re.search(regex, line, re.IGNORECASE):
                engine.message("Found keystroke matching '{}' from {} at {}: {}".format(regex, beacon, time, line))
                found = True

    if not found:
        engine.error("Didn't find any keystrokes containing '{}'".format(regex))
Ejemplo n.º 6
    def make_tree(proc, indent=0, our_children=False):
        # are we in our beacon's process tree?
        if proc['pid'] == int(aggressor.beacon_info(bid, 'pid')):
            our_children = True

        # output proc info
        proc = copy.copy(proc)

        # add app description
        exe = proc['name'].lower()
        if exe in processes.process_descriptions:
            proc['description'] = processes.process_descriptions[exe]
            # write unknowns to a file
            if unknowns_file:
                if os.path.isfile(unknowns_file):
                    with open(unknowns_file, 'r') as fp:
                        names = set([line.strip() for line in fp])
                    names = set()


                with open(unknowns_file, 'w+') as fp:

        # clean up name
        if proc['name'].lower().endswith('.exe'):
            proc['clean_name'] = proc['name'][:-4]
            proc['clean_name'] = proc['name']

        # indented name
        proc['indented'] = ' ' * indent + proc['clean_name']
        if our_children:
            # child processes
            proc['indented'] = console.orange(proc['indented'])
        elif 'description' in proc and '!!!' in proc['description']:
            # dangerous processes
            proc['indented'] = console.red(proc['indented'])
        elif 'description' in proc and '+++' in proc['description']:
            # potentially dangerous processes
            proc['indented'] = console.red(proc['indented'])
        elif proc['name'].lower() in processes.browsers:
            # browser processes
            proc['indented'] = console.cyan(proc['indented'])

        # current proc is first one
        output_procs = [proc]

        # recurse children
        children = get_children(proc['pid'])
        for child in children:
            output_procs += make_tree(child,
                                      indent + 4,

        return output_procs
Ejemplo n.º 7
def guess_home(bid):
    Guess %userprofile% directory based on beacon user

    :param bid: Beacon to use
    :return: Possible %userprofile% (home) directory

    return r'c:\users\{}'.format(aggressor.beacon_info(bid)['user'])
Ejemplo n.º 8
def real_user(bid):
    Get just the username of a beacon.

    :param bid: Bid to check
    :return: Username of beacon

    return aggressor.beacon_info(bid)['user'].replace(' *', '')
Ejemplo n.º 9
def _conditionally_run(bid, trigger):
    Run a trigger if the conditions match

    :param bid: Bid to run on
    :param trigger: Trigger to match
    :return: Whether or not command was run

    user = aggressor.beacon_info(bid, 'user')
    computer = aggressor.beacon_info(bid, 'computer')

    if 'all' in trigger and trigger['all'] or \
       'bid' in trigger and bid == trigger['bid'] or \
       'user' in trigger and user == trigger['user'] or \
       'computer' in trigger and computer == trigger['computer']:
        engine.debug('running command: ' + str(trigger['command']))
        _run_command(bid, trigger['command'])
        return True
        return False
Ejemplo n.º 10
def is_admin(bid):
    Check if beacon is admin (including SYSTEM)

    :param bid: Beacon to use
    :return: True if beacon is elevated (i.e. admin with UAC disabled or

    if aggressor.isadmin(bid):
        return True

    user = aggressor.beacon_info(bid, 'user')
    if user.lower() == 'system':
        return True

    return False
Ejemplo n.º 11
def _(bid):
    out = "Beacon info:\n\n"
    for key, value in aggressor.beacon_info(bid).items():
        out += ' - {}: {}\n'.format(key, value)

    aggressor.blog2(bid, out)