Ejemplo n.º 1
    def f(public_pair):
        yield ("public_pair_x", '%d' % public_pair[0], None)
        yield ("public_pair_y", '%d' % public_pair[1], None)
        yield ("public_pair_x_hex", '%x' % public_pair[0], " x as hex")
        yield ("public_pair_y_hex", '%x' % public_pair[1], " y as hex")
        yield ("y_parity", "odd" if (public_pair[1] & 1) else "even", None)

        key = Key(public_pair=public_pair)
        yield ("key_pair_as_sec", b2h(key.sec(is_compressed=True)), None)
        yield ("key_pair_as_sec_uncompressed",
               b2h(key.sec(is_compressed=False)), " uncompressed")

        network_name = network.network_name
        hash160_u = key.hash160(is_compressed=False)
        hash160_c = key.hash160(is_compressed=True)

        yield ("hash160", b2h(hash160_c), None)

        if hash160_c and hash160_u:
            yield ("hash160_uncompressed", b2h(hash160_u), " uncompressed")

        address = network.address.for_p2pkh(hash160_c)
        yield ("address", address, "%s address" % network_name)
        yield ("%s_address" % network.symbol, address, "legacy")

        address = key.address(is_compressed=False)
        yield ("address_uncompressed", address,
               "%s address uncompressed" % network_name)
        yield ("%s_address_uncompressed" % network.symbol, address, "legacy")

        # don't print segwit addresses unless we're sure we have a compressed key
        if hash160_c and hasattr(network.address, "for_p2pkh_wit"):
            address_segwit = network.address.for_p2pkh_wit(hash160_c)
            if address_segwit:
                # this network seems to support segwit
                yield ("address_segwit", address_segwit,
                       "%s segwit address" % network_name)
                yield ("%s_address_segwit" % network.symbol, address_segwit,

                p2sh_script = network.contract.for_p2pkh_wit(hash160_c)
                p2s_address = network.address.for_p2s(p2sh_script)
                if p2s_address:
                    yield ("p2sh_segwit", p2s_address, None)

                p2sh_script_hex = b2h(p2sh_script)
                yield ("p2sh_segwit_script", p2sh_script_hex,
                       " corresponding p2sh script")
Ejemplo n.º 2
class KeyPair(object):
    ECDSA key pair.
        pkey (str): hexadecimal representation of the private key (secret exponent).
        secret (str): master password.
        keypair (:py:class:`pycoin.key.Key.Key`): BIP0032-style hierarchical wallet.
        NotImplementedError when
            a randomness source is not found.
    def __init__(self, pkey=None, secret=None):

        if secret is not None:
            pkey = format(
                    secret.encode('utf-8')).secret_exponent(), "064x")

        elif pkey is None:
                pkey = format(
                        urandom(4096)).secret_exponent(), '064x')
            except NotImplementedError as e:
                raise ValueError('No randomness source found: %s' % e)

        self.keypair = Key(secret_exponent=int(pkey, 16))

    def node_id(self):
        """(str): NodeID derived from the public key (RIPEMD160 hash of public key)."""
        return b2h(self.keypair.hash160())

    def public_key(self):
        """(str): public key."""
        return b2h(self.keypair.sec(use_uncompressed=False))

    def private_key(self):
        """(str): private key."""
        return format(self.keypair.secret_exponent(), '064x')

    def address(self):
        """(): base58 encoded bitcoin address version of the nodeID."""
        return self.keypair.address(use_uncompressed=False)

    def sign(self, message, compact=True):
        """Signs the supplied message with the private key"""
        if compact:
            fd = io.BytesIO()
            stream_bc_string(fd, bytearray('Bitcoin Signed Message:\n',
            stream_bc_string(fd, bytearray(message, 'utf-8'))
            mhash = from_bytes_32(double_sha256(fd.getvalue()))

            G = generator_secp256k1
            n = G.order()

            k = from_bytes_32(os.urandom(32))
            p1 = k * G
            r = p1.x()
            if r == 0:
                raise RuntimeError("amazingly unlucky random number r")
            s = (numbertheory.inverse_mod(k, n) *
                 (mhash + (self.keypair.secret_exponent() * r) % n)) % n
            if s == 0:
                raise RuntimeError("amazingly unlucky random number s")

            y_odd = p1.y() % 2
            assert y_odd in (0, 1)

            first = 27 + y_odd + (
                4 if not self.keypair._use_uncompressed(False) else 0)
            sig = binascii.b2a_base64(
                bytearray([first]) + to_bytes_32(r) + to_bytes_32(s)).strip()

            if not isinstance(sig, str):
                # python3 b2a wrongness
                sig = str(sig, 'ascii')

            return sig
            return keys.sign_sha256(self.private_key, message)