Ejemplo n.º 1
# following).
preimport('pydevd', [

# When pydevd is imported it sets the breakpoint behavior, but it needs to be
# overridden because by default pydevd will connect to the remote debugger using
# its own custom protocol rather than DAP.
import pydevd  # noqa
import debugpy  # noqa

def debugpy_breakpointhook():


# Ensure that pydevd uses JSON protocol
from _pydevd_bundle import pydevd_constants
from _pydevd_bundle import pydevd_defaults
pydevd_defaults.PydevdCustomization.DEFAULT_PROTOCOL = pydevd_constants.HTTP_JSON_PROTOCOL
Ejemplo n.º 2

# When pydevd is imported it sets the breakpoint behavior, but it needs to be
# overridden because the pydevd version will connect to the remote debugger by
# default, but without using the ptvsd protocol (so, we need to use the ptvsd
# API to handle things as expected by the debug adapter).
import pydevd  # noqa
import ptvsd  # noqa

def ptvsd_breakpointhook():


# Ensure that pydevd uses JSON protocol
from _pydevd_bundle.pydevd_constants import JSON_PROTOCOL
from _pydevd_bundle.pydevd_defaults import PydevdCustomization

Ejemplo n.º 3
# Now make sure all the top-level modules and packages in pydevd are
# loaded.  Any pydevd modules that aren't loaded at this point, will
# be loaded using their parent package's __path__ (i.e. one of the
# following).
preimport('pydevd', [

# When pydevd is imported it sets the breakpoint behavior, but it needs to be
# overridden because the pydevd version will connect to the remote debugger by
# default, but without using the ptvsd protocol (so, we need to use the ptvsd
# API to handle things as expected by the debug adapter).
import pydevd  # noqa
import ptvsd  # noqa

def ptvsd_breakpointhook():
