Ejemplo n.º 1
 def command_output(self, values):
     out_path = []
     v = self.v()
     while v is not None:
         v = self.v()
     for value in values:
         if not isinstance(value, tuple):
         pattern = value[0]
         filename = value[1]
         settings = value[2]
         for path in out_path:
             path = formatted_string(path, pattern, filename)
             ext_split = os.path.splitext(path)
             name = ext_split[0]
             ext = ext_split[1]
             if '*' in name:
                 filename_suffix = os.path.split(filename)[1]
                 name = name.replace('*', filename_suffix)
             if ext == "" or ext == ".*":
                 for file_type in pyembroidery.supported_formats():
                     if 'writer' in file_type:
                         out_file = name + '.' + file_type['extension']
                         self.log("Saving:", out_file)
                         pyembroidery.write_embroidery(file_type['writer'], pattern, out_file, settings)
                 self.log("Saving:", name + ext)
                 pyembroidery.write(pattern, name + ext, settings)
     return []
Ejemplo n.º 2
def write_embroidery_file(file_path, stitch_plan, svg):
    origin = get_origin(svg)

    pattern = pyembroidery.EmbPattern()

    for color_block in stitch_plan:

        for stitch in color_block:
            command = get_command(stitch)
            pattern.add_stitch_absolute(command, stitch.x, stitch.y)

    pattern.add_stitch_absolute(pyembroidery.END, stitch.x, stitch.y)

    # convert from pixels to millimeters
    # also multiply by 10 to get tenths of a millimeter as required by pyembroidery
    scale = 10 / PIXELS_PER_MM

    settings = {
        # correct for the origin
        "translate": -origin,

        # convert from pixels to millimeters
        # also multiply by 10 to get tenths of a millimeter as required by pyembroidery
        "scale": (scale, scale),

        # This forces a jump at the start of the design and after each trim,
        # even if we're close enough not to need one.
        "full_jump": True,

    pyembroidery.write(pattern, file_path, settings)
Ejemplo n.º 3
    def on_menu_export(self, event):
        page = self.main_notebook.GetCurrentPage()
        if not isinstance(page, EmbroideryView) or page.emb_pattern is None:
        files = ""
        for format in pyembroidery.supported_formats():
                if format["writer"] is not None:
                    files += format["description"] + "(*." + format[
                        "extension"] + ")|*." + format["extension"] + "|"
            except KeyError:

        with wx.FileDialog(self,
                           "Save Embroidery",
                           | wx.FD_OVERWRITE_PROMPT) as fileDialog:

            if fileDialog.ShowModal() == wx.ID_CANCEL:
                return  # the user changed their mind

            # save the current contents in the file
            pathname = fileDialog.GetPath()
            pyembroidery.write(page.emb_pattern, str(pathname))
Ejemplo n.º 4
 def on_menu_save(self, event):
     page = self.main_notebook.GetCurrentPage()
     if not isinstance(page, EmbroideryView) or page.emb_pattern is None:
     path = page.emb_pattern.extras["filename"]
     if path is None:
     pyembroidery.write(page.emb_pattern, str(path))
Ejemplo n.º 5
def write_embroidery_file(file_path, stitch_plan, svg, settings={}):
    origin = get_origin(svg, stitch_plan.bounding_box)

    pattern = pyembroidery.EmbPattern()
    stitch = Stitch(0, 0)

    for color_block in stitch_plan:

        for stitch in color_block:
            if stitch.stop:
                jump_to_stop_point(pattern, svg)
            command = get_command(stitch)
            pattern.add_stitch_absolute(command, stitch.x, stitch.y)

    pattern.add_stitch_absolute(pyembroidery.END, stitch.x, stitch.y)

    # convert from pixels to millimeters
    # also multiply by 10 to get tenths of a millimeter as required by pyembroidery
    scale = 10 / PIXELS_PER_MM

        # correct for the origin
        "translate": -origin,

        # convert from pixels to millimeters
        # also multiply by 10 to get tenths of a millimeter as required by pyembroidery
        "scale": (scale, scale),

        # This forces a jump at the start of the design and after each trim,
        # even if we're close enough not to need one.
        "full_jump": True,

    if file_path.endswith('.csv'):
        # Special treatment for CSV: instruct pyembroidery not to do any post-
        # processing.  This will allow the user to match up stitch numbers seen
        # in the simulator with commands in the CSV.
        settings['max_stitch'] = float('inf')
        settings['max_jump'] = float('inf')
        settings['explicit_trim'] = False

        pyembroidery.write(pattern, file_path, settings)
    except IOError as e:
        # L10N low-level file error.  %(error)s is (hopefully?) translated by
        # the user's system automatically.
        msg = _("Error writing to %(path)s: %(error)s") % dict(
            path=file_path, error=e.strerror)
Ejemplo n.º 6
    def on_menu_save_as(self, event):
        page = self.main_notebook.GetCurrentPage()
        if not isinstance(page, EmbroideryView) or page.emb_pattern is None:
        files = "Comma-separated values, csv (*.csv)|*.csv"
        with wx.FileDialog(self, "Save Embroidery", wildcard=files,
                           style=wx.FD_SAVE | wx.FD_OVERWRITE_PROMPT) as fileDialog:

            if fileDialog.ShowModal() == wx.ID_CANCEL:
                return  # the user changed their mind
            # save the current contents in the file
            pathname = fileDialog.GetPath()
            pyembroidery.write(page.emb_pattern, str(pathname))
            page.emb_pattern.extras["filename"] = pathname
Ejemplo n.º 7
    def on_menu_export(self, event):
        files = ""
        for format in pyembroidery.supported_formats():
                if format["writer"] is not None and format[
                        "category"] == "stitch":
                    files += format["description"] + "(*." + format[
                        "extension"] + ")|*." + format["extension"] + "|"
            except KeyError:

        with wx.FileDialog(self,
                           "Save Stitch",
                           | wx.FD_OVERWRITE_PROMPT) as fileDialog:

            if fileDialog.ShowModal() == wx.ID_CANCEL:
                return  # the user changed their mind

            # save the current contents in the file
            pathname = fileDialog.GetPath()
            pyembroidery.write(self.stitch_panel.emb_pattern, str(pathname))
Ejemplo n.º 8
def test_simple():

    pattern = pyembroidery.EmbPattern()

        "rgb": 0x0000FF,
        "name": "Blue Test",
        "catalog": "0033",
        "brand": "PyEmbroidery Brand Thread"

        "rgb": 0x00FF00,
        "name": "Green",
        "catalog": "0034",
        "brand": "PyEmbroidery Brand Thread"


    settings = {
        "tie_on": True,
        "tie_off": True
    temp_dir = "temp"
    if not os.path.isdir(temp_dir):
    pyembroidery.write(pattern, temp_dir + "/generated.u01", settings)
    pyembroidery.write(pattern, temp_dir + "/generated.pec", settings)
    pyembroidery.write(pattern, temp_dir + "/generated.pes", settings)
    pyembroidery.write(pattern, temp_dir + "/generated.exp", settings)
    pyembroidery.write(pattern, temp_dir + "/generated.dst", settings)
    settings["extended header"] = True
    pyembroidery.write(pattern, temp_dir + "/generated-eh.dst", settings)
    pyembroidery.write(pattern, temp_dir + "/generated.jef", settings)
    pyembroidery.write(pattern, temp_dir + "/generated.vp3", settings)
    settings["pes version"] = 1,
    pyembroidery.write(pattern, temp_dir + "/generatedv1.pes", settings)
    settings["truncated"] = True
    pyembroidery.write(pattern, temp_dir + "/generatedv1t.pes", settings)
    settings["pes version"] = 6,
    pyembroidery.write(pattern, temp_dir + "/generatedv6t.pes", settings)

    pyembroidery.convert(temp_dir + "/generated.exp", temp_dir + "/genconvert.dst", 
        {"stable": False, "encode": False})
Ejemplo n.º 9
import sys
from pyembroidery import read, write

if len(sys.argv) <= 1:
    print("No command arguments")
input = sys.argv[1]
if len(sys.argv) >= 3:
    output = sys.argv[2]
    output = sys.argv[1] + ".csv"
pattern = read(input)
write = write(pattern, output)
Ejemplo n.º 10
import pyembroidery as emb

def h_straight(pattern, x, y, dx, nx):
    for x in range(x,x_nx,dx):
        pattern.add_stitch_absolute(emb.STITCH, x,y)
    if x != x+nx:
        pattern.add_stitch_absolute(emb.STITCH, x+nx,y)

def v_straight(pattern, x, y, dy, ny):
    for y in range(y,y+ny,dy):
        pattern.add_stitch_absolute(emb.STITCH, x,y)
    if y != y+ny:
        pattern.add_stitch_absolute(emb.STITCH, x,y+ny)

def squares(pattern,del):
    for inset in range(10,50):
        square(inset, inset) 
    return pattern

pattern = squares()
emb.write(pattern, "squares.pes")
    def RunScript(self, Pattern, FilePath, Execute):
        # check supported formats
        supported = [d["extension"] for d in pyembroidery.supported_formats()]
        supported = ["." + ext for ext in supported]
        supported = {ext: True for ext in supported}

        # verify pattern and filepaths
        if Pattern and FilePath:
            # make info message
            if len(Pattern) > len(FilePath):
                rml = self.RuntimeMessageLevel.Remark
                imsg = ("List of supplied filepaths does not suffice. " +
                        "Additional filepaths will be constructed based on " +
                        "the last one to write all patterns!")
                self.AddRuntimeMessage(rml, imsg)

            # loop over patterns and verify/construct filepaths
            for i, pat in enumerate(Pattern):
                # if there is a valid supplied filepath
                if i <= len(FilePath) - 1:
                    # normalize path and get extension
                    fp = path.normpath(FilePath[i].strip("\n\r"))
                    ext = path.splitext(fp)[1]
                    # if format in not supported, add warning
                    if ext not in supported:
                        rml = self.RuntimeMessageLevel.Warning
                        errMsg = ("Format with extension '{}' is not a " +
                                  "supported file format! Please check the " +
                                  "description for a list of supported " +
                                  "formats. This pattern will not be written!")
                        errMsg = errMsg.format(ext)
                        self.AddRuntimeMessage(rml, errMsg)
                    fp = path.normpath(FilePath[-1].strip("\n\r"))
                    fp, ext = path.splitext(fp)
                    # if format in not supported, add warning
                    if ext not in supported:
                        rml = self.RuntimeMessageLevel.Warning
                        errMsg = ("Format with extension '{}' is not a " +
                                  "supported file format! Please check the " +
                                  "description for a list of supported " +
                                  "formats. This pattern will not be written!")
                        errMsg = errMsg.format(ext)
                        self.AddRuntimeMessage(rml, errMsg)
                    # alter filepath to avoid overwriting original files
                    fp = fp + " ({})"
                    fp = fp.format(i - len(FilePath) + 1) + ext

                # write on execute
                if Execute:
                    pyembroidery.write(pat, fp)
            rml = self.RuntimeMessageLevel.Warning
            if not Pattern:
                errMsg = "Input Pattern failed to collect data!"
                self.AddRuntimeMessage(rml, errMsg)
            if not FilePath:
                errMsg = "Input FilePath failed to collect data!"
                self.AddRuntimeMessage(rml, errMsg)