Ejemplo n.º 1
def iir_df1dsos(din, *, a, b, gain, ogain):

    # init temp
    temp = din

    # add cascades for all b coefficients
    for i in range(len(b)):

        # format every cascaded output as input
        temp = temp | iir_1dsos(a=a[i], b=b[i], gain=gain[i]) | qround(
            fract=din.dtype.fract) | saturate(t=din.dtype)

    # add output gain and format as input
    dout = (temp *
            ogain) | qround(fract=din.dtype.fract) | saturate(t=din.dtype)
    return dout
Ejemplo n.º 2
def test_saturate_uint(sim_cls):
    seq = [0, 14, 15, 16, 32, 63]
    ref = [0, 14, 15, 15, 15, 15]

    directed(drv(t=Uint[6], seq=seq),
             f=saturate(t=Uint[4], sim_cls=sim_cls),

Ejemplo n.º 3
def test_saturate_ufixp(sim_cls):
    dtype = Ufixp[4, 8]
    sat_type = Ufixp[2, 6]
    seq = [0.0, sat_type.fmax, sat_type.fmax + dtype.quant, dtype.fmax]
    ref = [0.0, sat_type.fmax, sat_type.fmax, sat_type.fmax]

    directed(drv(t=dtype, seq=seq), f=saturate(t=sat_type), ref=ref)

Ejemplo n.º 4
def test_saturate_int_to_larger(sim_cls):
    seq = [-63, -32, -17, -16, 0, 14, 15, 16, 32, 63]
    ref = seq

    directed(drv(t=Int[7], seq=seq),
             f=saturate(t=Int[9], sim_cls=sim_cls),

Ejemplo n.º 5
def test_saturate_int(sim_cls):
    seq = [-63, -32, -17, -16, 0, 14, 15, 16, 32, 63]
    ref = [-16, -16, -16, -16, 0, 14, 15, 15, 15, 15]

    directed(drv(t=Int[7], seq=seq),
             f=saturate(t=Int[5], sim_cls=sim_cls),

Ejemplo n.º 6
def dot(din: Queue[Tuple[Uint[8], Fixp]]):
    coef_t = din.dtype.data[1]
    accum_t = Fixp[coef_t.integer + 2, coef_t.width + 2]

    return din \
        | queuemap(f=mul) \
        | accum(init=accum_t(0.0), cast=saturate) \
        | qround \
        | saturate(t=Uint[8])
Ejemplo n.º 7
def filter(din: Queue[Uint[8]], *, coeffs, precision=32):
    accum_t = Ufixp[10, 10 + precision]

    coeff = qrange(3*3) \
        | flatten \
        | rom(data=coeffs, dtype=Ufixp[0, precision])

    return czip(din, coeff) \
        | queuemap(f=mul) \
        | accum(init=accum_t(0.0), cast=saturate) \
        | qround \
        | saturate(t=Uint[8])
Ejemplo n.º 8
def fir_direct(din, *, b):

    # init delayed input and output sum
    x = din
    y_sum = x * b[0]

    # construct filter structure for all fir coefficients
    for b_coef in b[1:]:

        # add delay
        x = x | dreg(init=0)

        # summation
        y_sum = y_sum + (x * b_coef)

    # format sum as input
    return y_sum | qround(fract=din.dtype.fract) | saturate(t=din.dtype)
Ejemplo n.º 9
def filter(pixels: Queue[Uint[8]], coef: Queue[Fixp], *, window_num):
    coef_t = coef.dtype.data
    accum_t = Fixp[coef_t.integer + 2, coef_t.width + 2]

    window_cnt = replicate(window_num, 3 * 3)

    mem_wr_data = czip(qcnt(coef, running=True, w_out=4, init=0),
                       coef) | flatten

    coef_rd = qrange(window_cnt['data']) \
        | flatten \
        | sdp(wr_addr_data=mem_wr_data, depth=16)

    return czip(pixels, coef_rd) \
        | queuemap(f=mul) \
        | accum(init=accum_t(0.0), cast=saturate) \
        | qround \
        | saturate(t=Uint[8])
Ejemplo n.º 10
def fir_transposed(din, *, b):

    # init output sum
    y_sum = din * b[0]

    # construct filter structure for all fir coefficients
    for b_coef in b[1:]:

        # multiply input with b coefficient
        mult_b_result = din * b_coef

        # delay output sum
        delayed_y_sum = y_sum | dreg(init=0)

        # add to output sum
        y_sum = mult_b_result + delayed_y_sum

    # format sum as input
    return y_sum | qround(fract=din.dtype.fract) | saturate(t=din.dtype)
Ejemplo n.º 11
def iir_1dsos(din, *, a, b, gain):

    # add input gain and init delayed inputs
    zu0 = din * gain
    zu1 = zu0 | dreg(init=0)
    zu2 = zu1 | dreg(init=0)

    # perform b coefficient sum
    a1 = (zu1 * b[1]) + (zu2 * b[2])
    a2 = a1 + (zu0 * b[0])

    # declare output interface and its type
    y = Intf(a2.dtype)

    # init delayed outputs
    zy1 = y | decouple(init=0)
    zy2 = zy1 | dreg(init=0)

    # perform a coefficient sum
    b1 = (zy2 * a[2]) + (zy1 * a[1])

    # add both sums and set output
    y |= (a2 - b1) | qround(fract=a2.dtype.fract) | saturate(t=a2.dtype)
    return y
Ejemplo n.º 12
def iir_2tsos(din, *, a, b, gain):

    # add input gain
    x = din * gain

    # declare output interface and its type
    y = Intf(din.dtype)

    # perform first tap multiplication and sum
    z0 = ((x * b[2]) - (y * a[2]))

    # delay first sum output
    z0_delayed = z0 | dreg(init=0)

    # perform second tap multiplication and sum
    z1 = ((x * b[1]) + z0_delayed - (y * a[1]))

    # delay second sum output
    z1_delayed = z1 | decouple(init=0)

    # perform final sum and set output
    y |= ((x * b[0]) +
          z1_delayed) | qround(fract=din.dtype.fract) | saturate(t=din.dtype)
    return y
Ejemplo n.º 13
def test_saturate_fail():
    with pytest.raises(TypeError):
        Intf(Fixp[4, 8]) | saturate(t=Fixp[3, 5])

    with pytest.raises(TypeError):
        Intf(Fixp[4, 8]) | saturate(t=Fixp[3, 9])
Ejemplo n.º 14
def format_fixp(din, *, t):
    return din | qround(fract=t.fract) | saturate(t=t)