Ejemplo n.º 1
	def _iter_items(cls, repo, common_path = None):
		if common_path is None:
			common_path = cls._common_path_default
		rela_paths = set()
		# walk loose refs
		# Currently we do not follow links 
		for root, dirs, files in os.walk(join_path_native(repo.git_dir, common_path)):
			if 'refs/' not in root: # skip non-refs subfolders
				refs_id = [ i for i,d in enumerate(dirs) if d == 'refs' ]
				if refs_id:
					dirs[0:] = ['refs']
			# END prune non-refs folders
			for f in files:
				abs_path = to_native_path_linux(join_path(root, f))
				rela_paths.add(abs_path.replace(to_native_path_linux(repo.git_dir) + '/', ""))
			# END for each file in root directory
		# END for each directory to walk
		# read packed refs
		for sha, rela_path in cls._iter_packed_refs(repo):
			if rela_path.startswith(common_path):
			# END relative path matches common path
		# END packed refs reading
		# return paths in sorted order
		for path in sorted(rela_paths):
				yield cls.from_path(repo, path)
			except ValueError:
Ejemplo n.º 2
		def store_path(filepath):
			"""Store file at filepath in the database and return the base index entry"""
			st = os.lstat(filepath)		# handles non-symlinks as well
			stream = None
			if S_ISLNK(st.st_mode):
				stream = StringIO(os.readlink(filepath))
				stream = open(filepath, 'rb')
			# END handle stream
			fprogress(filepath, False, filepath)
			istream = self.repo.odb.store(IStream(Blob.type, st.st_size, stream))
			fprogress(filepath, True, filepath)
			return BaseIndexEntry((stat_mode_to_index_mode(st.st_mode), 
									istream.binsha, 0, to_native_path_linux(filepath)))
Ejemplo n.º 3
	def checkout(self, paths=None, force=False, fprogress=lambda *args: None, **kwargs):
		"""Checkout the given paths or all files from the version known to the index into
		the working tree.
		:note: Be sure you have written pending changes using the ``write`` method
			in case you have altered the enties dictionary directly

		:param paths:
			If None, all paths in the index will be checked out. Otherwise an iterable
			of relative or absolute paths or a single path pointing to files or directories
			in the index is expected.

		:param force:
			If True, existing files will be overwritten even if they contain local modifications.
			If False, these will trigger a CheckoutError.

		:param fprogress:
			see Index.add_ for signature and explanation.
			The provided progress information will contain None as path and item if no
			explicit paths are given. Otherwise progress information will be send
			prior and after a file has been checked out

		:param kwargs:
			Additional arguments to be pasesd to pygit-checkout-index

			iterable yielding paths to files which have been checked out and are
			guaranteed to match the version stored in the index

		:raise CheckoutError:
			If at least one file failed to be checked out. This is a summary,
			hence it will checkout as many files as it can anyway.
			If one of files or directories do not exist in the index
			( as opposed to the	 original pygit command who ignores them ).
			Raise GitPyCommandError if error lines could not be parsed - this truly is
			an exceptional state
		.. note:: The checkout is limited to checking out the files in the 
			index. Files which are not in the index anymore and exist in 
			the working tree will not be deleted. This behaviour is fundamentally
			different to *head.checkout*, i.e. if you want pygit-checkout like behaviour, 
			use head.checkout instead of index.checkout.
		args = ["--index"]
		if force:

		def handle_stderr(proc, iter_checked_out_files):
			stderr = proc.stderr.read()
			if not stderr:
			# line contents:
			# pygit-checkout-index: this already exists
			failed_files = list()
			failed_reasons = list()
			unknown_lines = list()
			endings = (' already exists', ' is not in the cache', ' does not exist at stage', ' is unmerged')
			for line in stderr.splitlines():
				if not line.startswith("git checkout-index: ") and not line.startswith("git-checkout-index: "):
					is_a_dir = " is a directory"
					unlink_issue = "unable to unlink old '"
					if line.endswith(is_a_dir):
					elif line.startswith(unlink_issue):
				# END special lines parsing

				for e in endings:
					if line.endswith(e):
					# END if ending matches
				# END for each possible ending
			# END for each line
			if unknown_lines:
				raise GitPyCommandError(("git-checkout-index", ), 128, stderr)
			if failed_files:
				valid_files = list(set(iter_checked_out_files) - set(failed_files))
				raise CheckoutError("Some files could not be checked out from the index due to local modifications", failed_files, valid_files, failed_reasons)
		# END stderr handler

		if paths is None:
			kwargs['as_process'] = 1
			fprogress(None, False, None)
			proc = self.repo.git.checkout_index(*args, **kwargs)
			fprogress(None, True, None)
			rval_iter = ( e.path for e in self.entries.itervalues() )
			handle_stderr(proc, rval_iter)
			return rval_iter
			if isinstance(paths, basestring):
				paths = [paths]

			# make sure we have our entries loaded before we start checkout_index
			# which will hold a lock on it. We try to get the lock as well during 
			# our entries initialization
			kwargs['as_process'] = True
			kwargs['istream'] = subprocess.PIPE
			proc = self.repo.git.checkout_index(args, **kwargs)
			make_exc = lambda : GitPyCommandError(("git-checkout-index",)+tuple(args), 128, proc.stderr.read())
			checked_out_files = list()

			for path in paths:
				co_path = to_native_path_linux(self._to_relative_path(path))
				# if the item is not in the index, it could be a directory
				path_is_directory = False

					self.entries[(co_path, 0)]
				except KeyError:
					dir = co_path
					if not dir.endswith('/'):
						dir += '/'
					for entry in self.entries.itervalues():
						if entry.path.startswith(dir):
							p = entry.path
							self._write_path_to_stdin(proc, p, p, make_exc, 
														fprogress, read_from_stdout=False)
							path_is_directory = True
						# END if entry is in directory
					# END for each entry
				# END path exception handlnig

				if not path_is_directory:
					self._write_path_to_stdin(proc, co_path, path, make_exc, 
												fprogress, read_from_stdout=False)
				# END path is a file
			# END for each path
			self._flush_stdin_and_wait(proc, ignore_stdout=True)

			handle_stderr(proc, checked_out_files)
			return checked_out_files
		# END paths handling
		assert "Should not reach this point"
Ejemplo n.º 4
	def add(self, items, force=True, fprogress=lambda *args: None, path_rewriter=None, 
		"""Add files from the working tree, specific blobs or BaseIndexEntries
		to the index. 

		:param items:
			Multiple types of items are supported, types can be mixed within one call.
			Different types imply a different handling. File paths may generally be
			relative or absolute.

			- path string
				strings denote a relative or absolute path into the repository pointing to
				an existing file, i.e. CHANGES, lib/myfile.ext, '/home/gitrepo/lib/myfile.ext'.

				Paths provided like this must exist. When added, they will be written
				into the object database.

				PathStrings may contain globs, such as 'lib/__init__*' or can be directories
				like 'lib', the latter ones will add all the files within the dirctory and

				This equals a straight pygit-add.

				They are added at stage 0

			- Blob or Submodule object
				Blobs are added as they are assuming a valid mode is set.
				The file they refer to may or may not exist in the file system, but
				must be a path relative to our repository.

				If their sha is null ( 40*0 ), their path must exist in the file system
				relative to the pygit repository as an object will be created from 
				the data at the path.
				The handling now very much equals the way string paths are processed, except that
				the mode you have set will be kept. This allows you to create symlinks
				by settings the mode respectively and writing the target of the symlink
				directly into the file. This equals a default Linux-Symlink which
				is not dereferenced automatically, except that it can be created on
				filesystems not supporting it as well.

				Please note that globs or directories are not allowed in Blob objects.

				They are added at stage 0

			- BaseIndexEntry or type
				Handling equals the one of Blob objects, but the stage may be
				explicitly set. Please note that Index Entries require binary sha's.

		:param force:
			If True, otherwise ignored or excluded files will be
			added anyway.
			As opposed to the pygit-add command, we enable this flag by default
			as the API user usually wants the item to be added even though
			they might be excluded.

		:param fprogress:
			Function with signature f(path, done=False, item=item) called for each
			path to be added, one time once it is about to be added where done==False
			and once after it was added where done=True.
			item is set to the actual item we handle, either a Path or a BaseIndexEntry
			Please note that the processed path is not guaranteed to be present
			in the index already as the index is currently being processed.

		:param path_rewriter:
			Function with signature (string) func(BaseIndexEntry) function returning a path
			for each passed entry which is the path to be actually recorded for the
			object created from entry.path. This allows you to write an index which
			is not identical to the layout of the actual files on your hard-disk.
			If not None and ``items`` contain plain paths, these paths will be
			converted to Entries beforehand and passed to the path_rewriter.
			Please note that entry.path is relative to the pygit repository.

		:param write:
				If True, the index will be written once it was altered. Otherwise
				the changes only exist in memory and are not available to pygit commands.
			List(BaseIndexEntries) representing the entries just actually added.

		:raise OSError:
			if a supplied Path did not exist. Please note that BaseIndexEntry
			Objects that do not have a null sha will be added even if their paths
			do not exist.
		# sort the entries into strings and Entries, Blobs are converted to entries
		# automatically
		# paths can be pygit-added, for everything else we use git-update-index
		entries_added = list()
		paths, entries = self._preprocess_add_items(items)
		if paths and path_rewriter:
			for path in paths:
				abspath = os.path.abspath(path)
				gitrelative_path = abspath[len(self.repo.working_tree_dir)+1:]
				blob = Blob(self.repo, Blob.NULL_BIN_SHA, 
			# END for each path
		# END rewrite paths

		def store_path(filepath):
			"""Store file at filepath in the database and return the base index entry"""
			st = os.lstat(filepath)		# handles non-symlinks as well
			stream = None
			if S_ISLNK(st.st_mode):
				stream = StringIO(os.readlink(filepath))
				stream = open(filepath, 'rb')
			# END handle stream
			fprogress(filepath, False, filepath)
			istream = self.repo.odb.store(IStream(Blob.type, st.st_size, stream))
			fprogress(filepath, True, filepath)
			return BaseIndexEntry((stat_mode_to_index_mode(st.st_mode), 
									istream.binsha, 0, to_native_path_linux(filepath)))
		# END utility method

		if paths:
			assert len(entries_added) == 0
			added_files = list()
			for filepath in self._iter_expand_paths(paths):
			# END for each filepath
		# END path handling

		if entries:
			null_mode_entries = [ e for e in entries if e.mode == 0 ]
			if null_mode_entries:
				raise ValueError("At least one Entry has a null-mode - please use index.remove to remove files for clarity")
			# END null mode should be remove

			# create objects if required, otherwise go with the existing shas
			null_entries_indices = [ i for i,e in enumerate(entries) if e.binsha == Object.NULL_BIN_SHA ]
			if null_entries_indices:
				for ei in null_entries_indices:
					null_entry = entries[ei]
					new_entry = store_path(null_entry.path)
					# update null entry
					entries[ei] = BaseIndexEntry((null_entry.mode, new_entry.binsha, null_entry.stage, null_entry.path))
				# END for each entry index
			# END null_entry handling

			# If we have to rewrite the entries, do so now, after we have generated
			# all object sha's
			if path_rewriter:
				for i,e in enumerate(entries):
					entries[i] = BaseIndexEntry((e.mode, e.binsha, e.stage, path_rewriter(e)))
				# END for each entry
			# END handle path rewriting

			# just go through the remaining entries and provide progress info
			for i, entry in enumerate(entries):
				progress_sent = i in null_entries_indices
				if not progress_sent:
					fprogress(entry.path, False, entry)
					fprogress(entry.path, True, entry)
				# END handle progress
			# END for each enty
		# END if there are base entries

		# add the new entries to this instance
		for entry in entries_added:
			self.entries[(entry.path, 0)] = IndexEntry.from_base(entry)
		if write:
		# END handle write
		return entries_added
Ejemplo n.º 5
	def test_root_module(self, rwrepo):
		# Can query everything without problems
		rm = RootModule(self.rorepo)
		assert rm.module() is self.rorepo
		# try attributes
		assert rm.name == rm.k_root_name
		assert rm.parent_commit == self.rorepo.head.commit
		assert len(rm.list_items(rm.module())) == 1
		# deep traversal gitdb / async
		rsmsp = [sm.path for sm in rm.traverse()]
		assert len(rsmsp) == 2			# gitdb and async, async being a child of gitdb
		# cannot set the parent commit as root module's path didn't exist
		self.failUnlessRaises(ValueError, rm.set_parent_commit, 'HEAD')
		# setup commit which remove existing, add new and modify existing submodules
		rm = RootModule(rwrepo)
		assert len(rm.children()) == 1
		# modify path without modifying the index entry
		# ( which is what the move method would do properly )
		sm = rm.children()[0]
		pp = "path/prefix"
		fp = join_path_native(pp, sm.path)
		prep = sm.path
		assert not sm.module_exists()				# was never updated after rwrepo's clone
		# assure we clone from a local source 
		sm.config_writer().set_value('url', to_native_path_linux(join_path_native(self.rorepo.working_tree_dir, sm.path)))
		# dry-run does nothing
		sm.update(recursive=False, dry_run=True, progress=prog)
		assert not sm.module_exists()
		assert sm.module_exists()
		sm.config_writer().set_value('path', fp)	# change path to something with prefix AFTER url change
		# update fails as list_items in such a situations cannot work, as it cannot
		# find the entry at the changed path
		self.failUnlessRaises(InvalidGitPyRepositoryError, rm.update, recursive=False)
		# move it properly - doesn't work as it its path currently points to an indexentry
		# which doesn't exist ( move it to some path, it doesn't matter here )
		self.failUnlessRaises(InvalidGitPyRepositoryError, sm.move, pp)
		# reset the path(cache) to where it was, now it works
		sm.path = prep
		sm.move(fp, module=False)		# leave it at the old location
		assert not sm.module_exists()
		cpathchange = rwrepo.index.commit("changed sm path") # finally we can commit
		# update puts the module into place
		rm.update(recursive=False, progress=prog)
		assert sm.module_exists()
		# add submodule
		nsmn = "newsubmodule"
		nsmp = "submrepo"
		async_url = to_native_path_linux(join_path_native(self.rorepo.working_tree_dir, rsmsp[0], rsmsp[1]))
		nsm = Submodule.add(rwrepo, nsmn, nsmp, url=async_url)
		csmadded = rwrepo.index.commit("Added submodule").hexsha	# make sure we don't keep the repo reference
		assert nsm.module_exists()
		# in our case, the module should not exist, which happens if we update a parent
		# repo and a new submodule comes into life
		nsm.remove(configuration=False, module=True)
		assert not nsm.module_exists() and nsm.exists()
		# dry-run does nothing
		rm.update(recursive=False, dry_run=True, progress=prog)
		# otherwise it will work
		rm.update(recursive=False, progress=prog)
		assert nsm.module_exists()
		# remove submodule - the previous one
		smp = sm.abspath
		assert not sm.remove(module=False).exists()
		assert os.path.isdir(smp)			# module still exists
		csmremoved = rwrepo.index.commit("Removed submodule")
		# an update will remove the module
		# not in dry_run
		rm.update(recursive=False, dry_run=True)
		assert os.path.isdir(smp)
		assert not os.path.isdir(smp)
		# change url 
		# to the first repository, this way we have a fast checkout, and a completely different 
		# repository at the different url
		nsmurl = to_native_path_linux(join_path_native(self.rorepo.working_tree_dir, rsmsp[0]))
		nsm.config_writer().set_value('url', nsmurl)
		csmpathchange = rwrepo.index.commit("changed url")
		prev_commit = nsm.module().head.commit
		# dry-run does nothing
		rm.update(recursive=False, dry_run=True, progress=prog)
		assert nsm.module().remotes.origin.url != nsmurl
		rm.update(recursive=False, progress=prog)
		assert nsm.module().remotes.origin.url == nsmurl
		# head changed, as the remote url and its commit changed
		assert prev_commit != nsm.module().head.commit
		# add the submodule's changed commit to the index, which is what the
		# user would do
		# beforehand, update our instance's binsha with the new one
		nsm.binsha = nsm.module().head.commit.binsha
		# change branch
		# we only have one branch, so we switch to a virtual one, and back 
		# to the current one to trigger the difference
		cur_branch = nsm.branch
		nsmm = nsm.module()
		prev_commit = nsmm.head.commit
		for branch in ("some_virtual_branch", cur_branch.name):
			nsm.config_writer().set_value(Submodule.k_head_option, pygit.Head.to_full_path(branch))
			csmbranchchange = rwrepo.index.commit("changed branch to %s" % branch)
		# END for each branch to change
		# Lets remove our tracking branch to simulate some changes
		nsmmh = nsmm.head
		assert nsmmh.ref.tracking_branch() is None					# never set it up until now
		assert not nsmmh.is_detached
		#dry run does nothing
		rm.update(recursive=False, dry_run=True, progress=prog)
		assert nsmmh.ref.tracking_branch() is None
		# the real thing does
		rm.update(recursive=False, progress=prog)
		assert nsmmh.ref.tracking_branch() is not None
		assert not nsmmh.is_detached
		# recursive update
		# =================
		# finally we recursively update a module, just to run the code at least once
		# remove the module so that it has more work
		assert len(nsm.children()) == 1
		assert nsm.exists() and nsm.module_exists() and len(nsm.children()) == 1
		# assure we pull locally only
		nsmc = nsm.children()[0] 
		nsmc.config_writer().set_value('url', async_url)
		rm.update(recursive=True, progress=prog, dry_run=True)		# just to run the code
		rm.update(recursive=True, progress=prog)
		assert len(nsm.children()) == 1 and nsmc.module_exists()
Ejemplo n.º 6
	def _do_base_tests(self, rwrepo):
		"""Perform all tests in the given repository, it may be bare or nonbare"""
		# manual instantiation
		smm = Submodule(rwrepo, "\0"*20)
		# name needs to be set in advance
		self.failUnlessRaises(AttributeError, getattr, smm, 'name') 
		# iterate - 1 submodule
		sms = Submodule.list_items(rwrepo, self.k_subm_current)
		assert len(sms) == 1
		sm = sms[0]
		# at a different time, there is None
		assert len(Submodule.list_items(rwrepo, self.k_no_subm_tag)) == 0
		assert sm.path == 'git/ext/gitdb'
		assert sm.path != sm.name					# in our case, we have ids there, which don't equal the path
		assert sm.url == 'git://github.com/gitpython-developers/gitdb.git'
		assert sm.branch_path == 'refs/heads/master'			# the default ...
		assert sm.branch_name == 'master'
		assert sm.parent_commit == rwrepo.head.commit
		# size is always 0
		assert sm.size == 0
		# the module is not checked-out yet
		self.failUnlessRaises(InvalidGitPyRepositoryError, sm.module)
		# which is why we can't get the branch either - it points into the module() repository
		self.failUnlessRaises(InvalidGitPyRepositoryError, getattr, sm, 'branch')
		# branch_path works, as its just a string
		assert isinstance(sm.branch_path, basestring)
		# some commits earlier we still have a submodule, but its at a different commit
		smold = Submodule.iter_items(rwrepo, self.k_subm_changed).next()
		assert smold.binsha != sm.binsha
		assert smold != sm					# the name changed
		# force it to reread its information
		smold.url == sm.url
		# test config_reader/writer methods
		new_smclone_path = None				# keep custom paths for later 
		new_csmclone_path = None				# 
		if rwrepo.bare:
			self.failUnlessRaises(InvalidGitPyRepositoryError, sm.config_writer)
			writer = sm.config_writer()
			# for faster checkout, set the url to the local path
			new_smclone_path = to_native_path_linux(join_path_native(self.rorepo.working_tree_dir, sm.path))
			writer.set_value('url', new_smclone_path)
			assert sm.config_reader().get_value('url') == new_smclone_path
			assert sm.url == new_smclone_path
		# END handle bare repo
		# cannot get a writer on historical submodules
		if not rwrepo.bare:
			self.failUnlessRaises(ValueError, smold.config_writer)
		# END handle bare repo
		# make the old into a new - this doesn't work as the name changed
		prev_parent_commit = smold.parent_commit
		self.failUnlessRaises(ValueError, smold.set_parent_commit, self.k_subm_current)
		# the sha is properly updated
		assert smold.binsha != sm.binsha
		# raises if the sm didn't exist in new parent - it keeps its 
		# parent_commit unchanged
		self.failUnlessRaises(ValueError, smold.set_parent_commit, self.k_no_subm_tag)
		# TEST TODO: if a path in the pygitmodules file, but not in the index, it raises
		# module retrieval is not always possible
		if rwrepo.bare:
			self.failUnlessRaises(InvalidGitPyRepositoryError, sm.module)
			self.failUnlessRaises(InvalidGitPyRepositoryError, sm.remove)
			self.failUnlessRaises(InvalidGitPyRepositoryError, sm.add, rwrepo, 'here', 'there')
			# its not checked out in our case
			self.failUnlessRaises(InvalidGitPyRepositoryError, sm.module)
			assert not sm.module_exists()
			# currently there is only one submodule
			assert len(list(rwrepo.iter_submodules())) == 1
			assert sm.binsha != "\0"*20
			# preliminary tests
			# adding existing returns exactly the existing
			sma = Submodule.add(rwrepo, sm.name, sm.path)
			assert sma.path == sm.path
			# no url and no module at path fails
			self.failUnlessRaises(ValueError, Submodule.add, rwrepo, "newsubm", "pathtorepo", url=None)
			# lets update it - its a recursive one too
			newdir = os.path.join(sm.abspath, 'dir')
			# update fails if the path already exists non-empty
			self.failUnlessRaises(OSError, sm.update)
			# dry-run does nothing
			sm.update(dry_run=True, progress=prog)
			assert not sm.module_exists()
			assert sm.update() is sm
			sm_repopath = sm.path				# cache for later
			assert sm.module_exists()
			assert isinstance(sm.module(), pygit.Repo)
			assert sm.module().working_tree_dir == sm.abspath
			# url must match the one in the existing repository ( if submodule name suggests a new one )
			# or we raise
			self.failUnlessRaises(ValueError, Submodule.add, rwrepo, "newsubm", sm.path, "git://someurl/repo.git")
			# we should have setup a tracking branch, which is also active
			assert sm.module().head.ref.tracking_branch() is not None
			# delete the whole directory and re-initialize
			assert len(sm.children()) == 0
			# dry-run does nothing
			sm.update(dry_run=True, recursive=False, progress=prog)
			assert len(sm.children()) == 0
			assert len(list(rwrepo.iter_submodules())) == 2
			assert len(sm.children()) == 1			# its not checked out yet
			csm = sm.children()[0]
			assert not csm.module_exists()
			csm_repopath = csm.path
			# adjust the path of the submodules module to point to the local destination
			new_csmclone_path = to_native_path_linux(join_path_native(self.rorepo.working_tree_dir, sm.path, csm.path))
			csm.config_writer().set_value('url', new_csmclone_path)
			assert csm.url == new_csmclone_path
			# dry-run does nothing
			assert not csm.module_exists()
			sm.update(recursive=True, dry_run=True, progress=prog)
			assert not csm.module_exists()
			# update recursively again
			assert csm.module_exists()
			# tracking branch once again
			csm.module().head.ref.tracking_branch() is not None
			# this flushed in a sub-submodule
			assert len(list(rwrepo.iter_submodules())) == 2
			# reset both heads to the previous version, verify that to_latest_revision works
			smods = (sm.module(), csm.module())
			for repo in smods:
				repo.head.reset('HEAD~2', working_tree=1)
			# END for each repo to reset
			# dry run does nothing 
			sm.update(recursive=True, dry_run=True, progress=prog)
			for repo in smods:
				assert repo.head.commit != repo.head.ref.tracking_branch().commit
			# END for each repo to check
			sm.update(recursive=True, to_latest_revision=True)
			for repo in smods:
				assert repo.head.commit == repo.head.ref.tracking_branch().commit
			# END for each repo to check
			# if the head is detached, it still works ( but warns )
			smref = sm.module().head.ref
			sm.module().head.ref = 'HEAD~1'
			# if there is no tracking branch, we get a warning as well
			csm_tracking_branch = csm.module().head.ref.tracking_branch()
			sm.update(recursive=True, to_latest_revision=True)
			# to_latest_revision changes the child submodule's commit, it needs an
			# update now
			# undo the changes
			sm.module().head.ref = smref
			# must delete something
			self.failUnlessRaises(ValueError, csm.remove, module=False, configuration=False)
			# We have modified the configuration, hence the index is dirty, and the
			# deletion will fail
			# NOTE: As we did  a few updates in the meanwhile, the indices were reset
			# Hence we create some changes
			sm.config_writer().set_value("somekey", "somevalue")
			csm.config_writer().set_value("okey", "ovalue")
			self.failUnlessRaises(InvalidGitPyRepositoryError, sm.remove)
			# if we remove the dirty index, it would work
			# still, we have the file modified
			self.failUnlessRaises(InvalidGitPyRepositoryError, sm.remove, dry_run=True)
			# this would work
			assert sm.remove(dry_run=True) is sm
			assert sm.module_exists()
			sm.remove(force=True, dry_run=True)
			assert sm.module_exists()
			# but ... we have untracked files in the child submodule
			fn = join_path_native(csm.module().working_tree_dir, "newfile")
			open(fn, 'w').write("hi")
			self.failUnlessRaises(InvalidGitPyRepositoryError, sm.remove)
			# forcibly delete the child repository
			assert csm.remove(force=True) is csm
			assert not csm.exists()
			assert not csm.module_exists()
			assert len(sm.children()) == 0
			# now we have a changed index, as configuration was altered.
			# fix this
			# now delete only the module of the main submodule
			assert sm.module_exists()
			assert sm.exists()
			assert not sm.module_exists()
			assert sm.config_reader().get_value('url')
			# delete the rest
			assert not sm.exists()
			assert not sm.module_exists()
			assert len(rwrepo.submodules) == 0
			# add a simple remote repo - trailing slashes are no problem
			smid = "newsub"
			osmid = "othersub"
			nsm = Submodule.add(rwrepo, smid, sm_repopath, new_smclone_path+"/", None, no_checkout=True)
			assert nsm.name == smid
			assert nsm.module_exists()
			assert nsm.exists()
			# its not checked out
			assert not os.path.isfile(join_path_native(nsm.module().working_tree_dir, Submodule.k_modules_file))
			assert len(rwrepo.submodules) == 1
			# add another submodule, but into the root, not as submodule
			osm = Submodule.add(rwrepo, osmid, csm_repopath, new_csmclone_path, Submodule.k_head_default)
			assert osm != nsm
			assert osm.module_exists()
			assert osm.exists()
			assert os.path.isfile(join_path_native(osm.module().working_tree_dir, 'setup.py'))
			assert len(rwrepo.submodules) == 2
			# commit the changes, just to finalize the operation
			rwrepo.index.commit("my submod commit")
			assert len(rwrepo.submodules) == 2
			# needs update as the head changed, it thinks its in the history 
			# of the repo otherwise
			# invalid inptu
			self.failUnlessRaises(ValueError, nsm.move, 'doesntmatter', module=False, configuration=False)
			# renaming to the same path does nothing
			assert nsm.move(sm.path) is nsm
			# rename a module
			nmp = join_path_native("new", "module", "dir") + "/" # new module path
			pmp = nsm.path
			abspmp = nsm.abspath
			assert nsm.move(nmp) is nsm
			nmp = nmp[:-1]			# cut last /
			assert nsm.path == nmp
			assert rwrepo.submodules[0].path == nmp
			mpath = 'newsubmodule'
			absmpath = join_path_native(rwrepo.working_tree_dir, mpath)
			open(absmpath, 'w').write('')
			self.failUnlessRaises(ValueError, nsm.move, mpath)
			# now it works, as we just move it back
			assert nsm.path == pmp
			assert rwrepo.submodules[0].path == pmp
			# TODO lowprio: test remaining exceptions ... for now its okay, the code looks right
			# if a submodule's repo has no remotes, it can't be added without an explicit url
			osmod = osm.module()
			for remote in osmod.remotes:
				remote.remove(osmod, remote.name)
			assert not osm.exists()
			self.failUnlessRaises(ValueError, Submodule.add, rwrepo, osmid, csm_repopath, url=None)   
		# END handle bare mode
		# Error if there is no submodule file here
		self.failUnlessRaises(IOError, Submodule._config_parser, rwrepo, rwrepo.commit(self.k_no_subm_tag), True)
Ejemplo n.º 7
	def move(self, module_path, configuration=True, module=True):
		"""Move the submodule to a another module path. This involves physically moving
		the repository at our current path, changing the configuration, as well as
		adjusting our index entry accordingly.
		:param module_path: the path to which to move our module, given as
			repository-relative path. Intermediate directories will be created
			accordingly. If the path already exists, it must be empty.
			Trailling (back)slashes are removed automatically
		:param configuration: if True, the configuration will be adjusted to let 
			the submodule point to the given path.
		:param module: if True, the repository managed by this submodule
			will be moved, not the configuration. This will effectively 
			leave your repository in an inconsistent state unless the configuration
			and index already point to the target location.
		:return: self
		:raise ValueError: if the module path existed and was not empty, or was a file
		:note: Currently the method is not atomic, and it could leave the repository
			in an inconsistent state if a sub-step fails for some reason
		if module + configuration < 1:
			raise ValueError("You must specify to move at least the module or the configuration of the submodule")
		#END handle input
		module_path = to_native_path_linux(module_path)
		if module_path.endswith('/'):
			module_path = module_path[:-1]
		# END handle trailing slash
		if module_path == self.path:
			return self
		#END handle no change
		dest_path = join_path_native(self.repo.working_tree_dir, module_path)
		if os.path.isfile(dest_path):
			raise ValueError("Cannot move repository onto a file: %s" % dest_path)
		# END handle target files
		index = self.repo.index
		tekey = index.entry_key(module_path, 0)
		# if the target item already exists, fail
		if configuration and tekey in index.entries:
			raise ValueError("Index entry for target path did alredy exist")
		#END handle index key already there
		# remove existing destination
		if module:
			if os.path.exists(dest_path):
				if len(os.listdir(dest_path)):
					raise ValueError("Destination module directory was not empty")
				#END handle non-emptyness
				if os.path.islink(dest_path):
				#END handle link
				# recreate parent directories
				# NOTE: renames() does that now
			#END handle existance
		# END handle module
		# move the module into place if possible
		cur_path = self.abspath
		renamed_module = False
		if module and os.path.exists(cur_path):
			os.renames(cur_path, dest_path)
			renamed_module = True
		#END move physical module
		# rename the index entry - have to manipulate the index directly as 
		# pygit-mv cannot be used on submodules ... yeah
			if configuration:
					ekey = index.entry_key(self.path, 0)
					entry = index.entries[ekey]
					nentry = pygit.IndexEntry(entry[:3]+(module_path,)+entry[4:])
					index.entries[tekey] = nentry
				except KeyError:
					raise InvalidGitPyRepositoryError("Submodule's entry at %r did not exist" % (self.path))
				#END handle submodule doesn't exist
				# update configuration
				writer = self.config_writer(index=index)		# auto-write
				writer.set_value('path', module_path)
				self.path = module_path
			# END handle configuration flag
		except Exception:
			if renamed_module:
				os.renames(dest_path, cur_path)
			# END undo module renaming
		#END handle undo rename
		return self
Ejemplo n.º 8
	def add(cls, repo, name, path, url=None, branch=None, no_checkout=False):
		"""Add a new submodule to the given repository. This will alter the index
		as well as the .gitmodules file, but will not create a new commit.
		If the submodule already exists, no matter if the configuration differs
		from the one provided, the existing submodule will be returned.
		:param repo: Repository instance which should receive the submodule
		:param name: The name/identifier for the submodule
		:param path: repository-relative or absolute path at which the submodule 
			should be located
			It will be created as required during the repository initialization.
		:param url: pygit-clone compatible URL, see git-clone reference for more information
			If None, the repository is assumed to exist, and the url of the first
			remote is taken instead. This is useful if you want to make an existing
			repository a submodule of anotherone.
		:param branch: name of branch at which the submodule should (later) be checked out.
			The given branch must exist in the remote repository, and will be checked
			out locally as a tracking branch.
			It will only be written into the configuration if it not None, which is
			when the checked out branch will be the one the remote HEAD pointed to.
			The result you get in these situation is somewhat fuzzy, and it is recommended
			to specify at least 'master' here.
			Examples are 'master' or 'feature/new'
		:param no_checkout: if True, and if the repository has to be cloned manually, 
			no checkout will be performed
		:return: The newly created submodule instance
		:note: works atomically, such that no change will be done if the repository
			update fails for instance"""
		if repo.bare:
			raise InvalidGitPyRepositoryError("Cannot add submodules to bare repositories")
		# END handle bare repos
		path = to_native_path_linux(path)
		if path.endswith('/'):
			path = path[:-1]
		# END handle trailing slash
		# assure we never put backslashes into the url, as some operating systems 
		# like it ... 
		if url != None:
			url = to_native_path_linux(url)
		#END assure url correctness
		sm = cls(repo, cls.NULL_BIN_SHA, cls.k_default_mode, path, name)
		if sm.exists():
			# reretrieve submodule from tree
				return repo.head.commit.tree[path]
			except KeyError:
				# could only be in index
				index = repo.index
				entry = index.entries[index.entry_key(path, 0)]
				sm.binsha = entry.binsha
				return sm
			# END handle exceptions
		# END handle existing
		# fake-repo - we only need the functionality on the branch instance
		br = pygit.Head(repo, git.Head.to_full_path(str(branch) or cls.k_head_default))
		has_module = sm.module_exists()
		branch_is_default = branch is None
		if has_module and url is not None:
			if url not in [r.url for r in sm.module().remotes]:
				raise ValueError("Specified URL '%s' does not match any remote url of the repository at '%s'" % (url, sm.abspath))
			# END check url
		# END verify urls match
		mrepo = None
		if url is None:
			if not has_module:
				raise ValueError("A URL was not given and existing repository did not exsit at %s" % path)
			# END check url
			mrepo = sm.module()
			urls = [r.url for r in mrepo.remotes]
			if not urls:
				raise ValueError("Didn't find any remote url in repository at %s" % sm.abspath)
			# END verify we have url
			url = urls[0]
			# clone new repo
			kwargs = {'n' : no_checkout}
			if not branch_is_default:
				kwargs['b'] = br.name
			# END setup checkout-branch
			mrepo = pygit.Repo.clone_from(url, path, **kwargs)
		# END verify url
		# update configuration and index
		index = sm.repo.index
		writer = sm.config_writer(index=index, write=False)
		writer.set_value('url', url)
		writer.set_value('path', path)
		sm._url = url
		if not branch_is_default:
			# store full path
			writer.set_value(cls.k_head_option, br.path)
			sm._branch_path = br.path
		# END handle path
		# we deliberatly assume that our head matches our index !
		pcommit = repo.head.commit
		sm._parent_commit = pcommit
		sm.binsha = mrepo.head.commit.binsha
		index.add([sm], write=True)
		return sm