Ejemplo n.º 1
def test_ewald():
    """ Ewald Rydberg test """
    from numpy import all, abs, sqrt
    from pylada.crystal import Structure
    from pylada.ewald import ewald
    from quantities import angstrom, a0, Ry

    structure = Structure([[1, 0, 0],
                           [0, 1, 0],
                           [0, 0, 1] ], scale=50 )             \
        .add_atom(0, 0, 0, 'A', charge=1e0)                     \
        .add_atom(float(a0.rescale(angstrom) / 50.0), 0, 0, 'A', charge=-1e0)

    result = ewald(structure, cutoff=80)
    assert abs(result.energy + 2e0 * Ry) < 1e-3
    assert all(abs(abs(result[0].force) - [2e0, 0, 0] * Ry / a0) < 1e-3)
    assert all(abs(abs(result[1].force) - [2e0, 0, 0] * Ry / a0) < 1e-3)

    a = float(a0.rescale(angstrom) / 50.0) / sqrt(2.)
    structure = Structure([[1, 0, 0],
                           [0, 1, 0],
                           [0, 0, 1] ], scale=50 )              \
        .add_atom(0, 0, 0, 'A', charge=1e0)                     \
        .add_atom(0, a, a, 'A', charge=-1e0)

    result = ewald(structure, cutoff=80)
    assert abs(result.energy + 2e0 * Ry) < 1e-3
    assert all(
        abs(abs(result[0].force) -
            [0, 2. / sqrt(2), 2. / sqrt(2)] * Ry / a0) < 1e-3)
    assert all(
        abs(abs(result[1].force) -
            [0, 2. / sqrt(2), 2. / sqrt(2)] * Ry / a0) < 1e-3)
Ejemplo n.º 2
def test():
  from numpy import all, abs, sqrt
  from pylada.crystal import Structure
  from pylada.ewald import ewald
  from quantities import angstrom, a0, Ry
  structure = Structure( [ [1,0,0],
                           [0,0,1] ], scale=50 )                               \
                       .add_atom(0, 0, 0, 'A', charge=1e0)                     \
                       .add_atom( float(a0.rescale(angstrom)/50.0), 0, 0, 'A',  
                                  charge=-1e0 )
  result = ewald(structure, cutoff = 80)
  assert abs(result.energy + 2e0*Ry) < 1e-3
  assert all(abs(abs(result[0].force) - [2e0, 0, 0]*Ry/a0) < 1e-3)
  assert all(abs(abs(result[1].force) - [2e0, 0, 0]*Ry/a0) < 1e-3)

  a = float(a0.rescale(angstrom)/50.0) / sqrt(2.)
  structure = Structure( [ [1,0,0],
                           [0,0,1] ], scale=50 )                               \
                       .add_atom(0, 0, 0, 'A', charge=1e0)                     \
                       .add_atom(0, a, a, 'A', charge=-1e0 )
  result = ewald(structure, cutoff = 80)
  assert abs(result.energy + 2e0*Ry) < 1e-3
  assert all(abs(abs(result[0].force) - [0, 2./sqrt(2), 2./sqrt(2)]*Ry/a0) < 1e-3)
  assert all(abs(abs(result[1].force) - [0, 2./sqrt(2), 2./sqrt(2)]*Ry/a0) < 1e-3)
def get_madelungenergy(latt_vec_array, charge, epsilon, cutoff):
    """ Function returns leading first order correction term, i.e.,
        screened Madelung-like lattice energy of point charge
    Reference: M. Leslie and M. J. Gillan, J. Phys. C: Solid State Phys. 18 (1985) 973

        defect = pylada.vasp.Extract object
        charge = charge of point defect. Default 1e0 elementary charge
        epsilon = dimensionless relative permittivity, SKW: isotropic average of dielectric constant
        cutoff = Ewald cutoff parameter

        Madelung (electrostatic) energy in eV                                                                                                                

        1. Units in this function are either handled by the module Quantities, or\
        defaults to Angstrom and elementary charges
        2. Function is adopted from Haowei Peng's version in pylada.defects modules

    ewald_cutoff = cutoff * Ry

    cell_scale = 1.0  # SKW: In notebook workflow cell parameters are converted to Cartesians and units of Angstroms
    # SKW: Create point charge in pylada.crystal.structure class (used for charge model)
    # http://pylada.github.io/pylada/userguide/crystal.html
    struc = Structure()
    struc.cell = latt_vec_array
    struc.scale = cell_scale
    struc.add_atom(0., 0., 0., "P", charge=charge)

    #Anuj_05/22/18: added "cutoff" in ewald syntax
    result = ewald(struc, cutoff=ewald_cutoff).energy / epsilon
    return -1 * result.rescale(eV)
Ejemplo n.º 4
def first_order_charge_correction(structure,
    """ First order charge correction of +1 charge in given supercell. 

        Units in this function are either handled by the module Quantities, or
        defaults to Angstroems and elementary charges.

          structure : `pylada.crystal.Structure`
            Defect supercell, with cartesian positions in angstrom.
            Charge of the point-defect. Defaults to 1e0 elementary charge. If no
            units are attached, expects units of elementary charges.
            dimensionless relative permittivity.
            Ewald cutoff parameter.

        :return: Electrostatic energy in eV.
    from quantities import elementary_charge, eV
    from pylada.crystal import Structure
    from pylada.physics import Ry
    from pylada.ewald import ewald

    if charge is None:
        charge = 1
    elif charge == 0:
        return 0e0 * eV
    if hasattr(charge, "units"):
        charge = float(charge.rescale(elementary_charge))

    ewald_cutoff = cutoff * Ry

    struc = Structure()
    struc.cell = structure.cell
    struc.scale = structure.scale
    struc.add_atom(0e0, 0, 0, "A", charge=charge)

    result = ewald(struc, ewald_cutoff).energy / epsilon
    return -result.rescale(eV)
Ejemplo n.º 5
def get_madelungenergy(defect, charge=None, epsilon=1e0, cutoff=100.0):
    """ Function returns leading first order correction term, i.e.,
        screened Madelung-like lattice energy of point charge
    Reference: M. Leslie and M. J. Gillan, J. Phys. C: Solid State Phys. 18 (1985) 973

        defect = pylada.vasp.Extract object
        charge = charge of point defect. Default 1e0 elementary charge
        epsilon = dimensionless relative permittivity
        cutoff = Ewald cutoff parameter

        Madelung (electrostatic) energy in eV                                                                                                                

        1. Units in this function are either handled by the module Quantities, or\
        defaults to Angstrom and elementary charges
        2. Function is adopted from Haowei Peng's version in pylada.defects modules

    from quantities import elementary_charge, eV
    from pylada.crystal import Structure
    from pylada.physics import Ry
    from pylada.ewald import ewald

    if charge is None: charge = 1
    elif charge == 0: return 0e0 * eV
    if hasattr(charge, "units"):
        charge = float(charge.rescale(elementary_charge))

    ewald_cutoff = cutoff * Ry

    structure = defect.structure

    struc = Structure()
    struc.cell = structure.cell
    struc.scale = structure.scale
    struc.add_atom(0., 0., 0., "P", charge=charge)

    #Anuj_05/22/18: added "cutoff" in ewald syntax
    result = ewald(struc, cutoff=ewald_cutoff).energy / epsilon
    return -1 * result.rescale(eV)
Ejemplo n.º 6
def first_order_charge_correction(structure, charge=None, epsilon=1e0, cutoff=20.0, **kwargs):
    """ First order charge correction of +1 charge in given supercell. 

        Units in this function are either handled by the module Quantities, or
        defaults to Angstroems and elementary charges.

          structure : `pylada.crystal.Structure`
            Defect supercell, with cartesian positions in angstrom.
            Charge of the point-defect. Defaults to 1e0 elementary charge. If no
            units are attached, expects units of elementary charges.
            dimensionless relative permittivity.
            Ewald cutoff parameter.

        :return: Electrostatic energy in eV.
    from quantities import elementary_charge, eV
    from pylada.crystal import Structure
    from pylada.physics import Ry
    from pylada.ewald import ewald

    if charge is None:
        charge = 1
    elif charge == 0:
        return 0e0 * eV
    if hasattr(charge, "units"):
        charge = float(charge.rescale(elementary_charge))

    ewald_cutoff = cutoff * Ry

    struc = Structure()
    struc.cell = structure.cell
    struc.scale = structure.scale
    struc.add_atom(0e0, 0, 0, "A", charge=charge)

    result = ewald(struc, ewald_cutoff).energy / epsilon
    return -result.rescale(eV)