Ejemplo n.º 1
 def test_repr_str(self):
     """Test that the right representation is returned for strings. """
     self.assertEqual(summary._repr(''), 'str')
     self.assertEqual(summary._repr('', 1), 'str')
     self.assertEqual(summary._repr('', verbosity=1), 'str')
     self.assertEqual(summary._repr('', verbosity=2), 'str')
     self.assertEqual(summary._repr('', verbosity=100), 'str')
Ejemplo n.º 2
 def test_summarize(self):
     """Test summarize method. """
     objects = [1, 'a', 'b', 'a', 5, [], {}]
     expected = [[summary._repr(''), 3, 3*getsizeof('a')],\
                 [summary._repr(1), 2, 2*getsizeof(1)],\
                 [summary._repr([]), 1, getsizeof([])],\
                 [summary._repr({}), 1, getsizeof({})]]
     res = summary.summarize(objects)
     for row_e in res:
         self.assert_(row_e in expected)
Ejemplo n.º 3
 def test_summarize(self):
     """Test summarize method. """
     objects = [1, 'a', 'b', 'a', 5, [], {}]
     expected = [[summary._repr(''), 3, 3*_getsizeof('a')],\
                 [summary._repr(1), 2, 2*_getsizeof(1)],\
                 [summary._repr([]), 1, _getsizeof([])],\
                 [summary._repr({}), 1, _getsizeof({})]]
     res = summary.summarize(objects)
     for row_e in res:
         self.assert_(row_e in expected)
Ejemplo n.º 4
 def test_sweep(self):
     """Test that all and only empty entries are removed from a summary."""
     objects = ['the', 'quick', 'brown', 'fox', 1298, 123, 234, [], {}]
     summ = summary.summarize(objects)
     # correct removal of rows when sizes are empty
     summary._subtract(summ, {})
     summary._subtract(summ, [])
     summ = summary._sweep(summ)
     found_dict = found_tuple = False
     for row in summ:
         if row[0] == "<type 'dict'>":
             found_dict = True
         if row[0] == "<type 'tuple'>":
             found_tuple = True
     self.assert_(found_dict == False)
     self.assert_(found_tuple == False)
     # do not remove row if one of the sizes is not empty
     # e.g. if the number of objects of a type did not change, but the
     # total size did
     summ = summary._subtract(summ, 'the')
     summ = summary._subtract(summ, 'quick')
     summ = summary._subtract(summ, 'brown')
     summ = summary._subtract(summ, '42')
     summ = summary._sweep(summ)
     found_string = False
     for row in summ:
         if row[0] == summary._repr(''):
             found_string = True
             self.assert_(row[1] == 0)
             totalsize = getsizeof('fox') - getsizeof('42')
             self.assert_(row[2] == totalsize)
     self.assert_(found_string == True)
Ejemplo n.º 5
 def test_sweep(self):
     """Test that all and only empty entries are removed from a summary."""
     objects = ['the', 'quick', 'brown', 'fox', 1298, 123, 234, [], {}]
     summ = summary.summarize(objects)
     # correct removal of rows when sizes are empty
     summary._subtract(summ, {})
     summary._subtract(summ, [])
     summ = summary._sweep(summ)
     found_dict = found_tuple = False
     for row in summ:
         if row[0] == "<type 'dict'>":
             found_dict = True
         if row[0] == "<type 'tuple'>":
             found_tuple = True
     self.assert_(found_dict == False)
     self.assert_(found_tuple == False)
     # do not remove row if one of the sizes is not empty
     # e.g. if the number of objects of a type did not change, but the
     # total size did
     summ = summary._subtract(summ, 'the')
     summ = summary._subtract(summ, 'quick')
     summ = summary._subtract(summ, 'brown')
     summ = summary._subtract(summ, '42')
     summ = summary._sweep(summ)
     found_string = False
     for row in summ:
         if row[0] == summary._repr(''):
             found_string = True
             self.assert_(row[1] == 0)
             totalsize = _getsizeof('fox') - _getsizeof('42')
             self.assert_(row[2] == totalsize)
     self.assert_(found_string == True)
Ejemplo n.º 6
    def test_subtract(self):
        """Test that a single object's data is correctly subtracted from a summary.
        - result in correct total size and total number of objects
        - if object was not listed before, it should be listed negative

        objects = ['the', 'quick', 'brown', 'fox', 1298, 123, 234, [], {}]
        summ = summary.summarize(objects)
        summary._subtract(summ, 'the')
        summary._subtract(summ, {})
        summary._subtract(summ, (1, ))
        # to verify that these rows where actually included afterwards
        checked_str = checked_dict = checked_tuple = False
        for row in summ:
            if row[0] == summary._repr(''):
                totalsize = getsizeof('quick') + getsizeof('brown') +\
                self.assert_(row[1] == 3, "%s != %s" % (row[1], 3))
                self.assert_(row[2] == totalsize, totalsize)
                checked_str = True
            if row[0] == summary._repr({}):
                self.assert_(row[1] == 0)
                self.assert_(row[2] == 0)
                checked_dict = True
            if row[0] == summary._repr((1, )):
                self.assert_(row[1] == -1)
                self.assert_(row[2] == -getsizeof((1, )))
                checked_tuple = True

        self.assert_(checked_str, "no str found in summary")
        self.assert_(checked_dict, "no dict found in summary")
        self.assert_(checked_tuple, "no tuple found in summary")

        summary._subtract(summ, 'quick')
        summary._subtract(summ, 'brown')
        checked_str = False
        for row in summ:
            if row[0] == summary._repr(''):
                self.assert_(row[1] == 1)
                self.assert_(row[2] == getsizeof('fox'))
                checked_str = True
        self.assert_(checked_str, "no str found in summ")
Ejemplo n.º 7
    def test_subtract(self):
        """Test that a single object's data is correctly subtracted from a summary.
        - result in correct total size and total number of objects
        - if object was not listed before, it should be listed negative

        objects = ['the', 'quick', 'brown', 'fox', 1298, 123, 234, [], {}]
        summ = summary.summarize(objects)
        summary._subtract(summ, 'the')
        summary._subtract(summ, {})
        summary._subtract(summ, (1,))
        # to verify that these rows where actually included afterwards
        checked_str = checked_dict = checked_tuple = False
        for row in summ:
            if row[0] == summary._repr(''):
                totalsize = _getsizeof('quick') + _getsizeof('brown') +\
                self.assert_(row[1] == 3, "%s != %s" % (row[1], 3))
                self.assert_(row[2] == totalsize, totalsize)
                checked_str = True
            if row[0] == summary._repr({}):
                self.assert_(row[1] == 0)
                self.assert_(row[2] == 0)
                checked_dict = True
            if row[0] == summary._repr((1,)):
                self.assert_(row[1] == -1)
                self.assert_(row[2] == -_getsizeof((1,)))
                checked_tuple = True

        self.assert_(checked_str, "no str found in summary")
        self.assert_(checked_dict, "no dict found in summary")
        self.assert_(checked_tuple, "no tuple found in summary")

        summary._subtract(summ, 'quick')
        summary._subtract(summ, 'brown')
        checked_str = False
        for row in summ:
            if row[0] == summary._repr(''):
                self.assert_(row[1] == 1)
                self.assert_(row[2] == _getsizeof('fox'))
                checked_str = True
        self.assert_(checked_str, "no str found in summ")
Ejemplo n.º 8
 def test_repr_dict(self):
     """Test that the right representation is returned for dicts. """
     self.assertEqual(summary._repr({'a': 1}), 'dict')
     self.assertEqual(summary._repr({'a': 1}, 1), 'dict')
     self.assertEqual(summary._repr({'a': 1}, verbosity=1), 'dict')
     self.assertEqual(summary._repr({'a': 1}, verbosity=2), 'dict, len=1')
     self.assertEqual(summary._repr({'a': 1}, verbosity=3), 'dict, len=1')
     self.assertEqual(summary._repr({'a': 1}, verbosity=100), 'dict, len=1')
def format_(rows, limit=15, sort='size', order='descending'):
    """Format the rows as a summary.

    Keyword arguments:
    limit -- the maximum number of elements to be listed
    sort  -- sort elements by 'size', 'type', or '#'
    order -- sort 'ascending' or 'descending'

    Heavily based on pympler.summary.print_
    localrows = []
    for row in rows:
    # input validation
    sortby = ['type', '#', 'size']
    if sort not in sortby:
        raise ValueError("invalid sort, should be one of" + str(sortby))
    orders = ['ascending', 'descending']
    if order not in orders:
        raise ValueError("invalid order, should be one of" + str(orders))
    # sort rows
    if sortby.index(sort) == 0:
        if order == "ascending":
            localrows.sort(key=lambda x: summary._repr(x[0]))
        elif order == "descending":
            localrows.sort(key=lambda x: summary._repr(x[0]), reverse=True)
        if order == "ascending":
            localrows.sort(key=lambda x: x[sortby.index(sort)])
        elif order == "descending":
            localrows.sort(key=lambda x: x[sortby.index(sort)], reverse=True)
    # limit rows
    localrows = localrows[0:limit]
    for row in localrows:
        row[2] = stringutils.pp(row[2])
    # print rows
    localrows.insert(0, ["types", "# objects", "total size"])
    return _format_table(localrows)
Ejemplo n.º 10
def format_(rows, limit=15, sort='size', order='descending'):
    """Format the rows as a summary.

    Keyword arguments:
    limit -- the maximum number of elements to be listed
    sort  -- sort elements by 'size', 'type', or '#'
    order -- sort 'ascending' or 'descending'

    Heavily based on pympler.summary.print_
    localrows = []
    for row in rows:
    # input validation
    sortby = ['type', '#', 'size']
    if sort not in sortby:
        raise ValueError("invalid sort, should be one of" + str(sortby))
    orders = ['ascending', 'descending']
    if order not in orders:
        raise ValueError("invalid order, should be one of" + str(orders))
    # sort rows
    if sortby.index(sort) == 0:
        if order == "ascending":
            localrows.sort(key=lambda x: summary._repr(x[0]))
        elif order == "descending":
            localrows.sort(key=lambda x: summary._repr(x[0]), reverse=True)
        if order == "ascending":
            localrows.sort(key=lambda x: x[sortby.index(sort)])
        elif order == "descending":
            localrows.sort(key=lambda x: x[sortby.index(sort)], reverse=True)
    # limit rows
    localrows = localrows[0:limit]
    for row in localrows:
        row[2] = stringutils.pp(row[2])
    # print rows
    localrows.insert(0, ["types", "# objects", "total size"])
    return _format_table(localrows)
Ejemplo n.º 11
    def test_repr_function(self):
        """Test that the right representation is returned for functions. """
        def func():

        self.assertEqual(summary._repr(func), 'function (func)')
        self.assertEqual(summary._repr(func, 1), 'function (func)')
        self.assertEqual(summary._repr(func, verbosity=1), 'function (func)')
        self.assertEqual(summary._repr(func, verbosity=2),
                         'function (muppy.test_summary.func)')
        self.assertEqual(summary._repr(func, verbosity=3),
                         'function (muppy.test_summary.func)')
        self.assertEqual(summary._repr(func, verbosity=100),
                         'function (muppy.test_summary.func)')
Ejemplo n.º 12
def gui_default_str_function(o):
    """Default str function for InteractiveBrowser."""
    return summary._repr(o) + '(id=%s)' % id(o)
Ejemplo n.º 13
def gui_default_str_function(o):
    """Default str function for InteractiveBrowser."""
    return summary._repr(o) + '(id=%s)' % id(o)
Ejemplo n.º 14
 def test_repr(self):
     """Test that the right representation is returned. """
     self.assert_(summary._repr(''), "<type 'str'>")
     self.assert_(summary._repr('', 1), "<type 'str'>")
     self.assert_(summary._repr('', verbosity=1), "<type 'str'>")
     self.assert_(summary._repr('', verbosity=100), "<type 'str'>")
Ejemplo n.º 15
 def test_repr(self):
     """Test that the right representation is returned. """
     self.assert_(summary._repr(''), "<type 'str'>")
     self.assert_(summary._repr('', 1), "<type 'str'>")
     self.assert_(summary._repr('', verbosity=1), "<type 'str'>")
     self.assert_(summary._repr('', verbosity=100), "<type 'str'>")