Ejemplo n.º 1
 async def get(self,
               sid: str = None,
               pipeline: str = None,
               keep_raw: bool = False):
     '''Awaitable. Get this object from the pipeline.\n
     `sid` id identifying the session on the pipeline to reuse.\n
     `pipeline` key identifying the pipeline to execute against.\n
     `keep_raw` flag for storing raw data of the request as a dictionary.\n
     # pylint: disable=no-member
     if pipeline:
     token1 = await self.create_token(
         search="match" if "tournament_code" not in
         self.__dict__ else "tournament")
     token2 = await self.create_token(search="timeline")
     task1 = asyncio.create_task(self._meta.pipeline.get(token1, sid))
     task2 = asyncio.create_task(self._meta.pipeline.get(token2, sid))
     data1 = await task1
     data2 = await task2
     if keep_raw:
         self._meta.raw_data = {
             'match': fast_copy(data1),
             'timeline': fast_copy(data2)
     self._meta.data = self._transform(data1, data2)
     return self
Ejemplo n.º 2
    async def get(self, sid: str = None, pipeline: str = None, keep_raw: bool = False, ptr_cache: PtrCache = None):
        '''Awaitable. Get this object from the pipeline.\n
        `sid` id identifying the session on the pipeline to reuse.\n
        `pipeline` key identifying the pipeline to execute against.\n
        `keep_raw` flag for storing raw data of the request as a dictionary.\n
        `ptr_cache` intercepts a PtrCache, usage details please refer to documentations.\n
        token = await self.create_token()

        if ptr_cache:
            if not isinstance(ptr_cache, PtrCache):
                raise TypeError(f"'ptr_cache' receives object of type 'PtrCache', got '{ptr_cache.__class__.__name__}'")
            item = ptr_cache.get(token.stringify + self._meta.filter_key)
            if item:
                return item

        data = await self._meta.pipeline.get(token, sid)
        data = self._filter(data)
        if keep_raw:
            self._meta.raw_data = fast_copy(data)
        self._meta.data = self._transform(data)

        if ptr_cache:
            ptr_cache.set(token.stringify + self._meta.filter_key, self)

        return self
Ejemplo n.º 3
 def dict(self, pyotify: bool = False, remove_server: bool = True):
     Convert this pyot object to a python dictionary.\n
     Set `pyotify` to True to return a dict with the same schema of the pyot object (This is expensive due to recursion).\n
     Set `remove_server` to False to not remove the server values (region/platform/locale).
     if not pyotify:
         return fast_copy(self._meta.data) # USING PICKLE FOR FASTER COPY
     def recursive(obj):
         dic = obj.__dict__
         del dic["_meta"]
         if remove_server:
             dic.pop(self._meta.server_type, None)
         for key, val in dic.items():
             if type(val) is PyotLazyObject:
                 obj = val()
                 if isinstance(obj, list):
                     dic[key] = []
                     for i in range(len(obj)):
                         inner = recursive(obj[i])
                     inner = recursive(obj)
                     dic[key] = inner
         return dic
     obj = pickle.loads(pickle.dumps(self))
     return recursive(obj)
Ejemplo n.º 4
 async def put(self, sid: str = None, pipeline: str = None, deepcopy: bool = False):
     '''Awaitable. Execute a PUT request against the pipeline.'''
     token = await self.create_token()
     data = await self._meta.pipeline.put(token, self._meta.body, sid)
     data = self._filter(data)
     self._meta.raw_data = fast_copy(data) if deepcopy else data
     self._meta.data = self._transform(data)
     return self
Ejemplo n.º 5
 async def get_limits(self, server: str, method: str):
     limits = []
     responses = enumerate(self._redis.mget(limits))
     # responses = enumerate(await thread_run(partial(self._redis.mget, limits)))
     return [
         pytify(item) if item is not None else fast_copy(self.defaults[ind])
         for (ind, item) in responses
Ejemplo n.º 6
 def dict(self, deepcopy=False, lazy_props=False, recursive=False):
     if lazy_props:
         for prop in self._meta.lazy_props:
             self._load_lazy_prop(self, prop)
     dic = self._recursive_dict() if recursive else self._meta.data
     return fast_copy(dic) if deepcopy else dic.copy()