Ejemplo n.º 1
def load_tab_data(fname, start_bin, chunksize, out=None, tab=None):
    f = filterbank.filterbank(fname)
    if out is not None:
        out[tab] = f.get_spectra(start_bin, chunksize).data
        data = f.get_spectra(start_bin, chunksize).data
    return data
Ejemplo n.º 2
def open_data_file(fn):
    if fn.endswith(".fil"):
        # Filterbank file
        filetype = "filterbank"
        rawdatafile = filterbank.filterbank(fn)
    elif fn.endswith(".fits"):
        # PSRFITS file
        filetype = "psrfits"
        rawdatafile = psrfits.PsrfitsFile(fn)
        raise ValueError("Cannot recognize data file type from "
                         "extension. (Only '.fits' and '.fil' "
                         "are supported.)")
    return rawdatafile
Ejemplo n.º 3
def open_data_file(fn):
    if fn.endswith(".fil"):
        # Filterbank file
        filetype = "filterbank"
        rawdatafile = filterbank.filterbank(fn)
    elif fn.endswith(".fits"):
        # PSRFITS file
        filetype = "psrfits"
        rawdatafile = psrfits.PsrfitsFile(fn)
        raise ValueError("Cannot recognize data file type from "
                         "extension. (Only '.fits' and '.fil' "
                         "are supported.)")
    return rawdatafile
Ejemplo n.º 4
def proc_trigger(fn_fil, dm0, t0, sig_cut,
                 ndm=50, mk_plot=False, downsamp=1,
                 beamno='', fn_mask=None, nfreq_plot=32,
                 cmap='RdBu', cand_no=1, multiproc=False,
                 rficlean=False, snr_comparison=-1,
                 outdir='./', sig_thresh_local=5.0,
                 threshold_time=3.25, threshold_frequency=2.75, 
                 bin_size=32, n_iter_time=3, 
                 n_iter_frequency=3, clean_type='time', 
                 freq=1370.0, sb_generator=None, sb=None, 
                 dumb_mask=True, save_sb_fil=False):
    """ Locate data within filterbank file (fn_fi)
    at some time t0, and dedisperse to dm0, generating

    fn_fil     : str
        name of filterbank file
    dm0        : float
        trigger dm found by single pulse search software
    t0         : float
        time in seconds where trigger was found
    sig_cut    : np.float
        sigma of detected trigger at (t0, dm0)
    ndm        : int
        number of DMs to use in DM transform
    mk_plot    : bool
        make three-panel plots
    downsamp   : int
        factor by which to downsample in time. comes from searchsoft.
    beamno     : str
        beam number, for fig names
    nfreq_plot : int
        number of frequencies channels to plot
    freq       : int
        central frequency used to find zapped channels file
    sb_generator: SBGenerator object
        synthesized beam mapper from DARC (None for TAB/IAB)
    sb         : int
        synthesized beam to generate (None for TAB/IAB)

    full_dm_arr_downsamp : np.array
        data array with downsampled dm-transformed intensities
    full_freq_arr_downsamp : np.array
        data array with downsampled freq-time intensities

    if dumb_mask:
            rfimask = np.loadtxt(fndmask)
            rfimask = rfimask.astype(int)
            rfimask = np.array([])
            logging.warning("Could not load dumb RFIMask")
        rfimask = np.array([])

    SNRtools = tools.SNR_Tools()
    downsamp = min(4096, downsamp)

    if downsamp >= 100:
        wideclean = int(downsamp)
        wideclean = None

    # store path to filterbanks
    if sb is not None:
        prefix_fil = fn_fil
        # get first file
        fn_fil = prefix_fil + '_00.fil'
        if not os.path.exists(fn_fil):
            fn_fil = prefix_fil + '00.fil'
    rawdatafile = filterbank.filterbank(fn_fil)
    dfreq_MHz = rawdatafile.header['foff']

    dt = rawdatafile.header['tsamp']
    freq_up = rawdatafile.header['fch1']
    nfreq = rawdatafile.header['nchans']
    # fix RFI mask order
    rfimask = nfreq - rfimask
    freq_low = freq_up + nfreq*rawdatafile.header['foff']
    ntime_fil = (os.path.getsize(fn_fil) - rawdatafile.header_size)/nfreq
    tdm = np.abs(8.3*1e-6*dm0*dfreq_MHz*(freq_low/1000.)**-3)
    dm_min = max(0, dm0-40)
    dm_max = dm0 + 40
    dms = np.linspace(dm_min, dm_max, ndm, endpoint=True)

    # make sure dm0 is in the array
    dm_max_jj = np.argmin(abs(dms-dm0))
    dms += (dm0-dms[dm_max_jj])
    dms[0] = max(0, dms[0])

    global t_min, t_max
    # if smearing timescale is < 4*pulse width,
    # downsample before dedispersion for speed
    downsamp_smear = max(1, int(downsamp*dt/tdm/2.))
    # ensure that it's not larger than pulse width
    downsamp_smear = int(min(downsamp, downsamp_smear))
    downsamp_res = int(downsamp//downsamp_smear)
    downsamp = int(downsamp_res*downsamp_smear)
    time_res = dt * downsamp
    logging.info("Width_full:%d  Width_smear:%d  Width_res: %d" %
                 (downsamp, downsamp_smear, downsamp_res))

    start_bin = int(t0/dt - ntime_plot*downsamp//2)
    width = abs(4.148e3 * dm0 * (freq_up**-2 - freq_low**-2))
    chunksize = int(width/dt + ntime_plot*downsamp)

    t_min, t_max = 0, ntime_plot*downsamp

    if start_bin < 0:
        extra = start_bin
        start_bin = 0
        t_min += extra
        t_max += extra

    t_min, t_max = int(t_min), int(t_max)

    snr_max = 0

    # Account for the pre-downsampling to speed up dedispersion
    t_min /= downsamp_smear
    t_max /= downsamp_smear
    ntime = t_max-t_min

    if ntime_fil < (start_bin+chunksize):
        logging.info("Trigger at end of file, skipping")
        return [], [], [], []

    # get data of all files (SB) or one file (TAB/IAB)
    if sb is not None:
        ntab = 12
        data = np.zeros((ntab, nfreq, chunksize))
        # get list of unique TABs in required SB
        sb_map = list(set(sb_generator.get_map(sb)))
        logging.info("SB {} consists of TABs {}".format(sb, sb_map))
        threads = []
        for tab in range(ntab):
            # skip if we do not need this TAB
            if not tab in sb_map:
            fname = prefix_fil + '_{:02d}.fil'.format(tab)
            if not os.path.exists(fname):
                fname = prefix_fil + '{:02d}.fil'.format(tab)
            load_tab_data(fname, start_bin, chunksize, out=data, tab=tab)
        for thread in threads:
            logging.info("Waiting for loading of {}".format(thread.name))
        # generate sb
        logging.info("Synthesizing beam {}".format(sb))

        data = sb_generator.synthesize_beam(data, sb=sb)
        # convert to a spectra object, mimicking filterbank.get_spectra
        data = spectra.Spectra(rawdatafile.frequencies, 
                               rawdatafile.tsamp, data,
        data = rawdatafile.get_spectra(start_bin, chunksize)

    if save_sb_fil:
        fn_sbfil_out = '%s/data/CB%s_snr%d_dm%d_t0%d_sb%d.fil' % \
                     (outdir, beamno, sig_cut, dm0, t0, sb)
        reader.create_new_filterbank(fn_sbfil_out, telescope='Apertif')
        reader.write_to_fil(data.data.transpose(), rawdatafile.header, fn_sbfil_out)
#        fil_obj = reader.filterbank_.FilterbankFile(fn_sbfil_out, mode='readwrite')
#        fil_obj.append_spectra(data.data.transpose())
#        np.save(fn_fig_out, data.data)


    # apply dumb mask
    if len(rfimask)>0:data.data[rfimask] = 0.

    if rficlean is True:
        data.data = cleandata(data.data, threshold_time, 
                              threshold_frequency, bin_size, 
                              n_iter_time, n_iter_frequency, 
                              clean_type, wideclean=wideclean)

    if subtract_zerodm:
        data.data -= np.mean(data.data, axis=0, keepdims=True)

    freq_ref = 0.5*(freq_up+freq_low)
    # Downsample before dedispersion up to 1/4th
    # DM smearing limit
    data.data -= np.median(data.data, axis=-1)[:, None]
#    full_arr = np.empty([int(ndm), int(ntime)])
    if not fn_mask is None:
        # rfimask = rfifind.rfifind(fn_mask)
        # mask = get_mask(rfimask, start_bin, chunksize)
        # data = data.masked(mask, maskval='median-mid80')

    if multiproc is True:
        logging.info("\nDedispersing Serially\n")
        data_copy = copy.deepcopy(data)

        data_dm_max = data_copy.data[:, max(0, t_min):t_max]
        snr_max = SNRtools.calc_snr_matchedfilter(data_dm_max.mean(0), widths=[downsamp_res])[0]

        if t_min<0:
            Z = np.zeros([nfreq, np.abs(t_min)])
            data_dm_max = np.concatenate([Z, data_dm_max], axis=1)

        # scale max DM by pulse width, 5 units for each ms 
        dm_max_trans = 10. + 5*time_res/0.001 + 10*dm0/1000.
        dm_min_trans = -10. - 5*time_res/0.001 - 10*dm0/1000.

        if dm0+dm_min_trans<=0:
            dm_min_trans = 0.
            dm_max_trans = 2*dm0
            dm_center = dm0
            dm_center = 0.

        full_arr, dms, times = RTproc.dm_transform(data_dm_max, 
                                                  (freq_up, freq_low), 
        dms += dm0

    # bin down to nfreq_plot freq channels
    full_freq_arr_downsamp = data_dm_max[:nfreq//nfreq_plot*nfreq_plot, :]
    full_freq_arr_downsamp = full_freq_arr_downsamp.reshape(\
                                   nfreq_plot, -1, ntime).mean(1)

    # bin down in time by factor of downsamp
    full_freq_arr_downsamp = full_freq_arr_downsamp[:,:ntime//downsamp_res*downsamp_res]
    full_freq_arr_downsamp = full_freq_arr_downsamp.reshape(-1, ntime//downsamp_res, 

    if snr_max < sig_thresh_local:
        logging.info("\nSkipping trigger below local threshold %.2f:" % sig_thresh_local)
        logging.info("snr_local=%.2f  snr_trigger=%.2f\n" % (snr_max, sig_cut))
        return [], [], [], []

    times = np.linspace(0,ntime_plot*downsamp*dt,len(full_freq_arr_downsamp[0]))

    full_dm_arr_downsamp = full_arr[:, :ntime//downsamp_res*downsamp_res]
    full_dm_arr_downsamp = full_dm_arr_downsamp.reshape(-1,
                             ntime//downsamp_res, downsamp_res).mean(-1)

    full_freq_arr_downsamp /= np.std(full_freq_arr_downsamp)
    full_dm_arr_downsamp /= np.std(full_dm_arr_downsamp)

    suptitle = " CB:%s  S/N$_{pipe}$:%.1f  S/N$_{presto}$:%.1f\
                 S/N$_{compare}$:%.1f \nDM:%d  t:%.1fs  width:%d" %\
                 (beamno, sig_cut, snr_max, snr_comparison,
                    dm0, t0, downsamp)

    if not os.path.isdir('%s/plots' % outdir):
        os.system('mkdir -p %s/plots' % outdir)

    if sb is None:
        sbname = -1
        sbname = sb

    fn_fig_out = '%s/plots/CB%s_snr%d_dm%d_t0%d_sb%d.pdf' % \
                     (outdir, beamno, sig_cut, dm0, t0, sbname)

    params = sig_cut, dms[dm_max_jj], downsamp, t0, dt
    tmed = np.median(full_freq_arr_downsamp, axis=-1, keepdims=True)
    full_freq_arr_downsamp -= tmed

    if mk_plot is True:

        if ndm == 1:
            plotter.plot_two_panel(full_freq_arr_downsamp, params, 
                                   freq_low=freq_low, freq_up=freq_up,
                                   cand_no=cand_no, times=times, 
                                     full_dm_arr_downsamp, params, dms,
                                     times=times, freq_low=freq_low,
                                     suptitle=suptitle, fnout=fn_fig_out,

    return full_dm_arr_downsamp, full_freq_arr_downsamp, time_res, params
Ejemplo n.º 5
def proc_trigger(fn_fil,
    """ Locate data within filterbank file (fn_fi)
    at some time t0, and dedisperse to dm0, generating 

    fn_fil     : str 
        name of filterbank file
    dm0        : float 
        trigger dm found by single pulse search software
    t0         : float 
        time in seconds where trigger was found 
    sig_cut    : np.float 
        sigma of detected trigger at (t0, dm0)
    ndm        : int 
        number of DMs to use in DM transform 
    mk_plot    : bool 
        make three-panel plots 
    downsamp   : int 
        factor by which to downsample in time. comes from searchsoft. 
    beamno     : str 
        beam number, for fig names 
    nfreq_plot : int 
        number of frequencies channels to plot 

    full_dm_arr_downsamp : np.array
        data array with downsampled dm-transformed intensities
    full_freq_arr_downsamp : np.array
        data array with downsampled freq-time intensities 
    SNRtools = tools.SNR_Tools()

    rawdatafile = filterbank.filterbank(fn_fil)

    mask = [
    ]  #np.array([ 5,   6,   9,  32,  35,  49,  75,  76,  78,  82,  83,  87,  92,
    #         93,  97,  98, 108, 110, 111, 112, 114, 118, 122, 123, 124, 157,
    #         160, 299, 300, 301, 302, 303, 304, 305, 306, 307, 308, 309, 660,
    #         661])

    dt = rawdatafile.header['tsamp']
    freq_up = rawdatafile.header['fch1']
    nfreq = rawdatafile.header['nchans']
    freq_low = freq_up + nfreq * rawdatafile.header['foff']
    time_res = dt * downsamp
    ntime_fil = (os.path.getsize(fn_fil) - 467.) / nfreq

    dm_min = max(0, dm0 - 20)
    dm_max = dm0 + 20
    dms = np.linspace(dm_min, dm_max, ndm, endpoint=True)

    # make sure dm0 is in the array
    dm_max_jj = np.argmin(abs(dms - dm0))
    dms += (dm0 - dms[dm_max_jj])
    dms[0] = max(0, dms[0])

    # Read in 5 disp delays
    width = 2 * abs(4.14e3 * dm0 * (freq_up**-2 - freq_low**-2))

    tdisp = width / dt
    tplot = ntime_plot * downsamp

    global t_min, t_max

    if tdisp > tplot:
        # Need to read in more data than you'll plot
        # because of large dispersion time
        chunksize = int(tdisp)
        t_min = chunksize // 2 - (ntime_plot * downsamp) // 2
        t_max = chunksize // 2 + (ntime_plot * downsamp) // 2
        # Only need ot read in enough to plot
        chunksize = int(tplot)
        t_min, t_max = 0, chunksize

    start_bin = int(t0 / dt - chunksize / 2.)

    if start_bin < 0:
        extra = start_bin
        start_bin = 0
        t_min += extra
        t_max += extra

    t_min, t_max = int(t_min), int(t_max)
    ntime = t_max - t_min

    snr_max = 0

    if ntime_fil < (start_bin + chunksize):
        print("Trigger at end of file, skipping")
        return 0, 0, 0

    data = rawdatafile.get_spectra(start_bin, chunksize)
    data.data -= np.median(data.data, axis=-1)[:, None]
    data.data[mask] = 0.
    full_arr = np.empty([int(ndm), int(ntime)])

    if not fn_mask is None:
        rfimask = rfifind.rfifind(fn_mask)
        mask = get_mask(rfimask, start_bin, chunksize)
        data = data.masked(mask, maskval='median-mid80')

    if multiproc is True:
        print("\nDedispersing in Parallel\n")
        t0 = time.time()
        global datacopy

        ndm_ = min(10, ndm)

        for kk in range(ndm // ndm_):
            dms_ = dms[10 * kk:10 * (kk + 1)]
            datacopy = copy.deepcopy(data)
            pool = multiprocessing.Pool(processes=ndm_)
            data_tuple = pool.map(multiproc_dedisp, [i for i in dms_])

            data_tuple = np.concatenate(data_tuple)
            ddm = np.concatenate(data_tuple[0::2]).reshape(ndm_, -1)
            df = np.concatenate(data_tuple[1::2]).reshape(ndm_, nfreq, -1)

            print(time.time() - t0)
            full_arr[10 * kk:10 * (kk + 1)] = ddm[:, t_min:t_max]

            ind_kk = range(10 * kk, 10 * (kk + 1))

            if dm_max_jj in ind_kk:
                data_dm_max = df[ind_kk.index(dm_max_jj)]  #dm_max_jj]hack

            del ddm, df

        print("\nDedispersing Serially\n")

        for jj, dm_ in enumerate(dms):
            print("Dedispersing to dm=%0.1f at t=%0.1f sec with width=%.2f" %
                  (dm_, start_bin * dt, downsamp))
            data_copy = copy.deepcopy(data)

            dm_arr = data_copy.data[:, t_min:t_max].mean(0)

            snr_ = SNRtools.calc_snr(dm_arr)

            full_arr[jj] = copy.copy(dm_arr)

            if jj == dm_max_jj:
                data_dm_max = data_copy.data[:, t_min:t_max]

    downsamp = int(downsamp)

    # bin down to nfreq_plot freq channels
    full_freq_arr_downsamp = data_dm_max[:nfreq//nfreq_plot*nfreq_plot, :].reshape(\
                                   nfreq_plot, -1, ntime).mean(1)
    # bin down in time by factor of downsamp
    full_freq_arr_downsamp = full_freq_arr_downsamp[:, :ntime//downsamp*downsamp\
                                   ].reshape(-1, ntime//downsamp, downsamp).mean(-1)

    times = np.linspace(0, ntime * dt, len(full_freq_arr_downsamp[0]))

    full_dm_arr_downsamp = full_arr[:, :ntime // downsamp * downsamp]
    full_dm_arr_downsamp = full_dm_arr_downsamp.reshape(
        -1, ntime // downsamp, downsamp).mean(-1)

    full_freq_arr_downsamp /= np.std(full_freq_arr_downsamp)
    full_dm_arr_downsamp /= np.std(full_dm_arr_downsamp)

    suptitle = "beam%s snr%d dm%d t0%d width%d" %\
                 (beamno, sig_cut, dms[dm_max_jj], t0, downsamp)

    fn_fig_out = './plots/train_data_beam%s_snr%d_dm%d_t0%d.pdf' % \
                     (beamno, sig_cut, dms[dm_max_jj], t0)

    if mk_plot is True:
        if ndm == 1:
            params = snr_, dm_, downsamp, t0

    return full_dm_arr_downsamp, full_freq_arr_downsamp, time_res
Ejemplo n.º 6
def proc_trigger(fn_fil, dm0, t0, sig_cut,
                 ndm=50, mk_plot=False, downsamp=1,
                 beamno='', fn_mask=None, nfreq_plot=32,
                 cmap='RdBu', cand_no=1, multiproc=False,
                 rficlean=False, snr_comparison=-1,
                 outdir='./', sig_thresh_local=5.0,
                 threshold_time=3.25, threshold_frequency=2.75, bin_size=32,
                 n_iter_time=3, n_iter_frequency=3, clean_type='time'):
    """ Locate data within filterbank file (fn_fi)
    at some time t0, and dedisperse to dm0, generating

    fn_fil     : str
        name of filterbank file
    dm0        : float
        trigger dm found by single pulse search software
    t0         : float
        time in seconds where trigger was found
    sig_cut    : np.float
        sigma of detected trigger at (t0, dm0)
    ndm        : int
        number of DMs to use in DM transform
    mk_plot    : bool
        make three-panel plots
    downsamp   : int
        factor by which to downsample in time. comes from searchsoft.
    beamno     : str
        beam number, for fig names
    nfreq_plot : int
        number of frequencies channels to plot

    full_dm_arr_downsamp : np.array
        data array with downsampled dm-transformed intensities
    full_freq_arr_downsamp : np.array
        data array with downsampled freq-time intensities

        rfimask = np.loadtxt('/home/arts/ARTS-obs/amber_conf/zapped_channels_1400.conf')
        rfimask = rfimask.astype(int)
        rfimask = []
        logging.warning("Could not load dumb RFIMask")

    SNRtools = tools.SNR_Tools()
    downsamp = min(4096, downsamp)
    rawdatafile = filterbank.filterbank(fn_fil)
    dfreq_MHz = rawdatafile.header['foff']
    mask = []

    dt = rawdatafile.header['tsamp']
    freq_up = rawdatafile.header['fch1']
    nfreq = rawdatafile.header['nchans']
    # fix RFI mask order
    rfimask = nfreq - rfimask
    freq_low = freq_up + nfreq*rawdatafile.header['foff']
    ntime_fil = (os.path.getsize(fn_fil) - 467.)/nfreq
    tdm = np.abs(8.3*1e-6*dm0*dfreq_MHz*(freq_low/1000.)**-3)

    dm_min = max(0, dm0-40)
    dm_max = dm0 + 40
    dms = np.linspace(dm_min, dm_max, ndm, endpoint=True)

    # make sure dm0 is in the array
    dm_max_jj = np.argmin(abs(dms-dm0))
    dms += (dm0-dms[dm_max_jj])
    dms[0] = max(0, dms[0])

    global t_min, t_max
    # if smearing timescale is < 4*pulse width,
    # downsample before dedispersion for speed
    downsamp_smear = max(1, int(downsamp*dt/tdm/2.))
    # ensure that it's not larger than pulse width
    downsamp_smear = int(min(downsamp, downsamp_smear))
    downsamp_res = int(downsamp//downsamp_smear)
    downsamp = int(downsamp_res*downsamp_smear)
    time_res = dt * downsamp
    tplot = ntime_plot * downsamp
    logging.info("Width_full:%d  Width_smear:%d  Width_res: %d" %
                 (downsamp, downsamp_smear, downsamp_res))
#    print("Width_full:%d  Width_smear:%d  Width_res: %d" %
#        (downsamp, downsamp_smear, downsamp_res))

    start_bin = int(t0/dt - ntime_plot*downsamp//2)
    width = abs(4.148e3 * dm0 * (freq_up**-2 - freq_low**-2))
    chunksize = int(width/dt + ntime_plot*downsamp)

    t_min, t_max = 0, ntime_plot*downsamp

    if start_bin < 0:
        extra = start_bin
        start_bin = 0
        t_min += extra
        t_max += extra

    t_min, t_max = int(t_min), int(t_max)

    snr_max = 0

    # Account for the pre-downsampling to speed up dedispersion
    t_min /= downsamp_smear
    t_max /= downsamp_smear
    ntime = t_max-t_min

    if ntime_fil < (start_bin+chunksize):
        logging.info("Trigger at end of file, skipping")
#        print("Trigger at end of file, skipping")
        return [],[],[],[]

    data = rawdatafile.get_spectra(start_bin, chunksize)
    # apply dumb mask
    data.data[rfimask] = 0.

    if rficlean is True:
        data = cleandata(data, threshold_time, threshold_frequency, bin_size, \
                         n_iter_time, n_iter_frequency, clean_type)

    if subtract_zerodm:
        data.data -= np.mean(data.data, axis=0)[None]

    # Downsample before dedispersion up to 1/4th
    # DM smearing limit
    data.data -= np.median(data.data, axis=-1)[:, None]
    full_arr = np.empty([int(ndm), int(ntime)])
    if not fn_mask is None:
        # rfimask = rfifind.rfifind(fn_mask)
        # mask = get_mask(rfimask, start_bin, chunksize)
        # data = data.masked(mask, maskval='median-mid80')

    if multiproc is True:
        global datacopy

        size_arr = sys.getsizeof(data.data)
        nproc = int(32.0e9/size_arr)

        ndm_ = min(min(nproc, ndm), 10)

        for kk in range(ndm//ndm_):
            dms_ = dms[ndm_*kk:ndm_*(kk+1)]
            datacopy = copy.deepcopy(data)
            pool = multiprocessing.Pool(processes=ndm_)
            data_tuple = pool.map(multiproc_dedisp, [i for i in dms_])

            data_tuple = np.concatenate(data_tuple)
            ddm = np.concatenate(data_tuple[0::2]).reshape(ndm_, -1)
            df = np.concatenate(data_tuple[1::2]).reshape(ndm_, nfreq, -1)

            full_arr[ndm_*kk:ndm_*(kk+1)] = ddm[:, t_min:t_max]

            ind_kk = range(ndm_*kk, ndm_*(kk+1))

            if dm_max_jj in ind_kk:
                data_dm_max = df[ind_kk.index(dm_max_jj)]

            del ddm, df
        logging.info("\nDedispersing Serially\n")
        #print("\nDedispersing Serially\n")
        for jj, dm_ in enumerate(dms):
            tcopy = time.time()
            data_copy = copy.deepcopy(data)

            t0_dm = time.time()
            dm_arr = data_copy.data[:, max(0, t_min):t_max].mean(0)

            full_arr[jj, np.abs(min(0, t_min)):] = copy.copy(dm_arr)

            logging.info("Dedispersing to dm=%0.1f at t=%0.1fsec with width=%.1f S/N=%.1f" %
                         (dm_, t0, downsamp, sig_cut))
#            print("Dedispersing to dm=%0.1f at t=%0.1fsec with width=%.1f S/N=%.1f" %
#                        (dm_, t0, downsamp, sig_cut))

            if jj==dm_max_jj:
                data_dm_max = data_copy.data[:, max(0, t_min):t_max]
                snr_max = SNRtools.calc_snr_matchedfilter(data_dm_max.mean(0), widths=[downsamp_res])[0]
                if t_min<0:
                    Z = np.zeros([nfreq, np.abs(t_min)])
                    data_dm_max = np.concatenate([Z, data_dm_max], axis=1)

    # bin down to nfreq_plot freq channels
    full_freq_arr_downsamp = data_dm_max[:nfreq//nfreq_plot*nfreq_plot, :].reshape(\
                                   nfreq_plot, -1, ntime).mean(1)

    # bin down in time by factor of downsamp
    full_freq_arr_downsamp = full_freq_arr_downsamp[:, :ntime//downsamp_res*downsamp_res\
                                   ].reshape(-1, ntime//downsamp_res, downsamp_res).mean(-1)

#    snr_max = SNRtools.calc_snr_mad(full_freq_arr_downsamp.mean(0))

    if snr_max < sig_thresh_local:
        logging.info("\nSkipping trigger below local threshold %.2f:" % sig_thresh_local)
        logging.info("snr_local=%.2f  snr_trigger=%.2f\n" % (snr_max, sig_cut))
        return [],[],[],[]

    times = np.linspace(0, ntime_plot*downsamp*dt, len(full_freq_arr_downsamp[0]))

    full_dm_arr_downsamp = full_arr[:, :ntime//downsamp_res*downsamp_res]
    full_dm_arr_downsamp = full_dm_arr_downsamp.reshape(-1,
                             ntime//downsamp_res, downsamp_res).mean(-1)

    full_freq_arr_downsamp /= np.std(full_freq_arr_downsamp)
    full_dm_arr_downsamp /= np.std(full_dm_arr_downsamp)

    suptitle = " CB:%s  S/N$_{pipe}$:%.1f  S/N$_{presto}$:%.1f\
                 S/N$_{compare}$:%.1f \nDM:%d  t:%.1fs  width:%d" %\
                 (beamno, sig_cut, snr_max, snr_comparison, \
                    dms[dm_max_jj], t0, downsamp)

    if not os.path.isdir('%s/plots' % outdir):
        os.system('mkdir -p %s/plots' % outdir)

    fn_fig_out = '%s/plots/CB%s_snr%d_dm%d_t0%d.pdf' % \
                     (outdir, beamno, sig_cut, dms[dm_max_jj], t0)

    params = sig_cut, dms[dm_max_jj], downsamp, t0, dt
    tmed = np.median(full_freq_arr_downsamp, axis=-1, keepdims=True)
    full_freq_arr_downsamp -= tmed

    if mk_plot is True:

        if ndm==1:
            plotter.plot_two_panel(full_freq_arr_downsamp, params, prob=None,
                                   freq_low=freq_low, freq_up=freq_up,
                                   cand_no=cand_no, times=times, suptitle=suptitle,
                                     full_dm_arr_downsamp, params, dms,
                                     times=times, freq_low=freq_low,
                                     suptitle=suptitle, fnout=fn_fig_out,

    return full_dm_arr_downsamp, full_freq_arr_downsamp, time_res, params
Ejemplo n.º 7
def fil_trigger(fn_fil, dm0, t0, sig_cut,
                 ndm=50, mk_plot=False, downsamp=1,
                 beamno='', fn_mask=None, nfreq_plot=32,
                 cmap='RdBu', cand_no=1, multiproc=False,
                 rficlean=False, snr_comparison=-1,
                 outdir='./', sig_thresh_local=5.0,
                 threshold_time=3.25, threshold_frequency=2.75, bin_size=32,
                 n_iter_time=3, n_iter_frequency=3, clean_type='time'):
        rfimask = np.loadtxt('/home/arts/ARTS-obs/amber_conf/zapped_channels_1400.conf')
        rfimask = rfimask.astype(int)
        rfimask = []
        logging.info("Could not load dumb RFIMask")

    SNRtools = tools.SNR_Tools()
    downsamp = min(4096, downsamp)
    rawdatafile = filterbank.filterbank(fn_fil)
    dfreq_MHz = rawdatafile.header['foff']
    mask = []

    dt = rawdatafile.header['tsamp']
    freq_up = rawdatafile.header['fch1']
    nfreq = rawdatafile.header['nchans']
    freq_low = freq_up + nfreq*rawdatafile.header['foff']
    ntime_fil = (os.path.getsize(fn_fil) - 467.)/nfreq
    tdm = np.abs(8.3*1e-6*dm0*dfreq_MHz*(freq_low/1000.)**-3)

    dm_min = max(0, dm0-40)
    dm_max = dm0 + 40
    dms = np.linspace(dm_min, dm_max, ndm, endpoint=True)

    # make sure dm0 is in the array
    dm_max_jj = np.argmin(abs(dms-dm0))
    dms += (dm0-dms[dm_max_jj])
    dms[0] = max(0, dms[0])

    global t_min, t_max
    # if smearing timescale is < 4*pulse width,
    # downsample before dedispersion for speed
    downsamp_smear = max(1, int(downsamp*dt/tdm/2.))
    # ensure that it's not larger than pulse width
    downsamp_smear = int(min(downsamp, downsamp_smear))
    downsamp_res = int(downsamp//downsamp_smear)
    downsamp = int(downsamp_res*downsamp_smear)
    time_res = dt * downsamp
    tplot = ntime_plot * downsamp
#    print("Width_full:%d  Width_smear:%d  Width_res: %d" %
#        (downsamp, downsamp_smear, downsamp_res))

    start_bin = int(t0/dt - ntime_plot*downsamp//2)
    width = abs(4.148e3 * dm0 * (freq_up**-2 - freq_low**-2))
    chunksize = int(width/dt + ntime_plot*downsamp)

    t_min, t_max = 0, ntime_plot*downsamp

    if start_bin < 0:
        extra = start_bin
        start_bin = 0
        t_min += extra
        t_max += extra

    t_min, t_max = int(t_min), int(t_max)

    snr_max = 0

    # Account for the pre-downsampling to speed up dedispersion
    t_min /= downsamp_smear
    t_max /= downsamp_smear
    ntime = t_max-t_min

    data = rawdatafile.get_spectra(start_bin, chunksize)

    if rficlean is True:
        data = cleandata(data, threshold_time, threshold_frequency, \
                         bin_size, n_iter_time, n_iter_frequency, clean_type)

    return data, downsamp, downsamp_smear
Ejemplo n.º 8
def main():
    fn = args[0]
    if fn.endswith(".fil"):
        # Filterbank file
        filetype = "filterbank"
        rawdatafile = filterbank.filterbank(fn)
    elif fn.endswith(".fits"):
        # PSRFITS file
        filetype = "psrfits"
        rawdatafile = psrfits.PsrfitsFile(fn)
        raise ValueError("Cannot recognize data file type from "
                         "extension. (Only '.fits' and '.fil' "
                         "are supported.)")

    # Read data
    start_bin = np.round(options.start/rawdatafile.tsamp).astype('int')
	#dmfac = 4.15e3 * np.abs(1./rawdatafile.fch1**2 - 1./(rawdatafile.frequencies[-1])**2)
    dmfac = 4.15e3 * np.abs(1./rawdatafile.frequencies[0]**2 - 1./rawdatafile.frequencies[-1]**2)
    if options.nbins is None:
        nbins = np.round(options.duration/rawdatafile.tsamp).astype('int')
        nbins = options.nbins
    binratio = 50    
    if options.dm:
	nbinsextra = np.round((options.duration + dmfac * options.dm)/rawdatafile.tsamp).astype('int')
        nbinsextra = nbins    
    data = rawdatafile.get_spectra(start_bin, nbinsextra)
    data = maskfile(data, start_bin, nbinsextra)
    data, bins = waterfall(start_bin, dmfac, options.duration, nbins, options.zerodm, options.nsub, options.subdm, options.dm, options.integrate_dm, options.downsamp, options.scaleindep, options.width_bins, rawdatafile, binratio, data)
    # Ploting it up
    fig = plt.figure()
    fig.canvas.set_window_title("Frequency vs. Time")
    ax = plt.axes((0.15, 0.15, 0.8, 0.60))
    ragfac = float(nbins)/bins
    dmrange, trange = data.data.shape
    nbinlim = np.int(trange * ragfac)
    print data.dt, rawdatafile.tsamp 
   #np.save('data',data.data[..., :nbinlim])
    plt.imshow(data.data[..., :nbinlim], aspect='auto', \
                cmap=matplotlib.cm.cmap_d[options.cmap], \
                interpolation='nearest', origin='upper', \
                extent=(data.starttime, data.starttime+ nbinlim*data.dt, \
                        data.freqs.min(), data.freqs.max()))
    if options.show_cb:
        cb = plt.colorbar()
        cb.set_label("Scaled signal intensity (arbitrary units)")

    # Sweeping it up
    for ii, sweep_dm in enumerate(options.sweep_dms):
        ddm = sweep_dm-data.dm
        delays = psr_utils.delay_from_DM(ddm, data.freqs)
        delays -= delays.min()
        if options.sweep_posns is None:
            sweep_posn = 0.0
        elif len(options.sweep_posns) == 1:
            sweep_posn = options.sweep_posns[0]
            sweep_posn = options.sweep_posns[ii]
        sweepstart = data.dt*data.numspectra*sweep_posn+data.starttime
        sty = SWEEP_STYLES[ii%len(SWEEP_STYLES)]
        plt.plot(delays+sweepstart, data.freqs, sty, lw=4, alpha=0.5)

    # Dressing it up
    plt.ylabel("Observing frequency (MHz)")
    plt.suptitle("Frequency vs. Time")
    # Plot Time series
    if options.integrate_dm is not None:
        Data = np.array(data.data[..., :nbinlim])
        Dedisp_ts = Data.sum(axis=0)
        times = (np.arange(data.numspectra)*data.dt + options.start)[..., :nbinlim]
        ax = plt.axes((0.15, 0.75, 0.8, 0.2))
        plt.plot(times, Dedisp_ts)
	plt.setp(ax.get_xticklabels(), visible = False)
	plt.setp(ax.get_yticklabels(), visible = False)
    fig.canvas.mpl_connect('key_press_event', \
            lambda ev: (ev.key in ('q','Q') and plt.close(fig)))