Ejemplo n.º 1
def func(interp, w_arg, w_rcvr):
    w_arg_class = w_arg.getclass()
    w_rcvr_class = w_rcvr.getclass()

    # We should fail if:

    # 1. Rcvr or arg are SmallIntegers
    # XXX this is wrong too
    if (w_arg_class == classtable.w_SmallInteger
            or w_rcvr_class == classtable.w_SmallInteger):
        raise PrimitiveFailedError()

    # 2. Rcvr is an instance of a compact class and argument isn't
    # or vice versa XXX we don't have to fail here, but for squeak it's a problem

    # 3. Format of rcvr is different from format of argument
    raise PrimitiveNotYetWrittenError()  # XXX needs to work in the shadows
    if w_arg_class.format != w_rcvr_class.format:
        raise PrimitiveFailedError()

    # Fail when argument class is fixed and rcvr's size differs from the
    # size of an instance of the arg
    if w_arg_class.instsize() != w_rcvr_class.instsize():
        raise PrimitiveFailedError()

    w_rcvr.w_class = w_arg.w_class
Ejemplo n.º 2
def func(interp, argument_count):
    # argument_count does NOT include the receiver.
    # This means that for argument_count == 3 the stack looks like:
    #  3      2       1      Top
    #  Rcvr | Arg 0 | Arg1 | Arg 2

    frame = interp.w_active_context

    # Validate that we have a block on the stack and that it received
    # the proper number of arguments:
    w_block_ctx = frame.peek(argument_count)
    if not isinstance(w_block_ctx, model.W_BlockContext):
        raise PrimitiveFailedError()
    exp_arg_cnt = w_block_ctx.expected_argument_count()
    if argument_count != exp_arg_cnt:  # exp_arg_cnt doesn't count self
        raise PrimitiveFailedError()

    # Initialize the block stack with the arguments that were
    # pushed.  Also pop the receiver.
    block_args = frame.pop_and_return_n(exp_arg_cnt)

    finalize_block_ctx(interp, w_block_ctx, frame)
Ejemplo n.º 3
def func(interp, w_rcvr):
    # XXX we might want to disable this check
    if not w_rcvr.getclass(interp.space).is_same_object(
        raise PrimitiveFailedError()
    wrapper.ProcessWrapper(interp.space, w_rcvr).suspend(interp)
    return w_rcvr
Ejemplo n.º 4
def func(interp, w_rcvr):
    # XXX we might want to disable this check
    if not w_rcvr.getclass(interp.space).is_same_object(
        raise PrimitiveFailedError()
    wrapper.SemaphoreWrapper(interp.space, w_rcvr).wait(interp)
    return w_rcvr
Ejemplo n.º 5
 def wrapped(interp, argument_count_m1):
     argument_count = argument_count_m1 + 1  # to account for the rcvr
     frame = interp.w_active_context
     assert argument_count == len_unwrap_spec
     if len(frame.stack) < len_unwrap_spec:
         raise PrimitiveFailedError()
     args = ()
     for i, spec in unrolling_unwrap_spec:
         index = -len_unwrap_spec + i
         w_arg = frame.stack[index]
         if spec is int:
             args += (utility.unwrap_int(w_arg), )
         elif spec is index1_0:
             args += (utility.unwrap_int(w_arg) - 1, )
         elif spec is float:
             args += (utility.unwrap_float(w_arg), )
         elif spec is object:
             args += (w_arg, )
         elif spec is str:
             args += (w_arg.as_string(), )
         elif spec is char:
             args += (unwrap_char(w_arg), )
             raise NotImplementedError("unknown unwrap_spec %s" %
                                       (spec, ))
     w_result = func(interp, *args)
     frame.pop_n(len_unwrap_spec)  # only if no exception occurs!
     if not no_result:
         assert w_result is not None
Ejemplo n.º 6
def func(interp, w_obj, n0, w_val):
    val = interp.space.unwrap_char(w_val)
    n0 = assert_valid_index(interp.space, n0, w_obj)
    if not (isinstance(w_obj, model.W_CompiledMethod)
            or isinstance(w_obj, model.W_BytesObject)):
        raise PrimitiveFailedError()
    w_obj.setchar(n0, val)
    return w_val
Ejemplo n.º 7
def func(interp, w_block_ctx, w_args):
    if not isinstance(w_block_ctx, model.W_BlockContext):
        raise PrimitiveFailedError()
    exp_arg_cnt = w_block_ctx.expected_argument_count()

    # Check that our arguments have pointers format and the right size:
    if w_args.getclass() != classtable.w_Array:
        raise PrimitiveFailedError()
    if w_args.size() != exp_arg_cnt:
        raise PrimitiveFailedError()

    # Push all the items from the array
    for i in range(exp_arg_cnt):

    # XXX Check original logic. Image does not test this anyway
    # because falls back to value + internal implementation

    finalize_block_ctx(interp, w_block_ctx, interp.w_active_context)
Ejemplo n.º 8
def func(interp, w_block_ctx, w_args):

    assert isinstance(w_block_ctx, model.W_PointersObject)
    s_block_ctx = w_block_ctx.as_blockcontext_get_shadow(interp.space)
    exp_arg_cnt = s_block_ctx.expected_argument_count()

    # Check that our arguments have pointers format and the right size:
    if not w_args.getclass(interp.space).is_same_object(interp.space.w_Array):
        raise PrimitiveFailedError()
    if w_args.size() != exp_arg_cnt:
        raise PrimitiveFailedError()

    assert isinstance(w_args, model.W_PointersObject)
    # Push all the items from the array
    for i in range(exp_arg_cnt):
        s_block_ctx.push(w_args.at0(interp.space, i))

    # XXX Check original logic. Image does not test this anyway
    # because falls back to value + internal implementation
    finalize_block_ctx(interp, s_block_ctx, interp.w_active_context())
Ejemplo n.º 9
def func(interp, receiver, argument):

    # left shift, must fail if we loose bits beyond 32
    if argument > 0:
        shifted = receiver << argument
        if (shifted >> argument) != receiver:
            raise PrimitiveFailedError()
        return utility.wrap_int(shifted)

    # right shift, ok to lose bits
        return utility.wrap_int(receiver >> -argument)
Ejemplo n.º 10
def func(interp, argument_count):
    # argument_count does NOT include the receiver.
    # This means that for argument_count == 3 the stack looks like:
    #  3      2       1      Top
    #  Rcvr | Arg 0 | Arg1 | Arg 2

    frame = interp.s_active_context()

    # Validate that we have a block on the stack and that it received
    # the proper number of arguments:
    w_block_ctx = frame.peek(argument_count)

    # XXX need to check this since VALUE is called on all sorts of objects.
    if not w_block_ctx.getclass(interp.space).is_same_object(
        raise PrimitiveFailedError()

    assert isinstance(w_block_ctx, model.W_PointersObject)

    s_block_ctx = w_block_ctx.as_blockcontext_get_shadow(interp.space)

    exp_arg_cnt = s_block_ctx.expected_argument_count()
    if argument_count != exp_arg_cnt:  # exp_arg_cnt doesn't count self
        raise PrimitiveFailedError()

    # Initialize the block stack with the arguments that were
    # pushed.  Also pop the receiver.
    block_args = frame.pop_and_return_n(exp_arg_cnt)

    # Reset stack of blockcontext to []

    finalize_block_ctx(interp, s_block_ctx, frame.w_self())
Ejemplo n.º 11
def func(interp, w_rcvr, w_new):
    if w_rcvr.size() != w_new.size():
        raise PrimitiveFailedError
    w_lefts = []
    w_rights = []
    for i in range(w_rcvr.size()):
        w_left = w_rcvr.at0(interp.space, i)
        w_right = w_new.at0(interp.space, i)
        if w_left.become(w_right):
            for i in range(len(w_lefts)):
            raise PrimitiveFailedError()
    return w_rcvr
Ejemplo n.º 12
def func(interp, w_context, argcnt):
    frame = interp.w_active_context

    # From B.B.: If receiver is a MethodContext, then it becomes
    # the new BlockContext's home context.  Otherwise, the home
    # context of the receiver is used for the new BlockContext.
    # Note that in our impl, MethodContext.w_home == self
    if not isinstance(w_context, model.W_ContextPart):
        raise PrimitiveFailedError()
    w_method_context = w_context.w_home

    # The block bytecodes are stored inline: so we skip past the
    # byteodes to invoke this primitive to find them (hence +2)
    initialip = frame.pc + 2
    w_new_context = model.W_BlockContext(w_method_context, None, argcnt,
    return w_new_context
Ejemplo n.º 13
 def wrapped(interp, argument_count_m1):
     argument_count = argument_count_m1 + 1  # to account for the rcvr
     frame = interp.w_active_context()
     s_frame = frame.as_context_get_shadow(interp.space)
     assert argument_count == len_unwrap_spec
     if len(s_frame.stack()) < len_unwrap_spec:
         raise PrimitiveFailedError()
     args = ()
     for i, spec in unrolling_unwrap_spec:
         index = len_unwrap_spec - 1 - i
         w_arg = s_frame.peek(index)
         if spec is int:
             args += (interp.space.unwrap_int(w_arg), )
         elif spec is index1_0:
             args += (interp.space.unwrap_int(w_arg) - 1, )
         elif spec is float:
             args += (interp.space.unwrap_float(w_arg), )
         elif spec is object:
             args += (w_arg, )
         elif spec is str:
             assert isinstance(w_arg, model.W_BytesObject)
             args += (w_arg.as_string(), )
         elif spec is char:
             args += (unwrap_char(w_arg), )
             raise NotImplementedError("unknown unwrap_spec %s" %
                                       (spec, ))
     w_result = func(interp, *args)
     # After calling primitive, reload context-shadow in case it
     # needs to be updated
     new_s_frame = interp.s_active_context()
         len_unwrap_spec)  # only if no exception occurs!
     if not no_result:
         assert w_result is not None
Ejemplo n.º 14
def assert_valid_index(n0, w_obj):
    if not 0 <= n0 < w_obj.size():
        raise PrimitiveFailedError()
    # return the index, since from here on the annotator knows that
    # n0 cannot be negative
    return n0
Ejemplo n.º 15
def func(interp, w_cls, size):
    assert isinstance(w_cls, model.W_PointersObject)
    s_class = w_cls.as_class_get_shadow(interp.space)
    if not s_class.isvariable():
        raise PrimitiveFailedError()
    return s_class.new(size)
Ejemplo n.º 16
def func(interp, w_rcvr):
    if isinstance(w_rcvr, model.W_SmallInteger):
        raise PrimitiveFailedError()
    return utility.wrap_int(w_rcvr.gethash())
Ejemplo n.º 17
def func(interp, w_cls, size):
    s_class = w_cls.as_class_get_shadow()
    if not s_class.isvariable():
        raise PrimitiveFailedError()
    return s_class.new(size)
Ejemplo n.º 18
def func(interp, w_rcvr, n0, w_value):
    if not isinstance(w_rcvr, model.W_CompiledMethod):
        raise PrimitiveFailedError()
    #assert_bounds(n0, 0, len(w_rcvr.literals))
    w_rcvr.literalatput0(n0, w_value)
    return w_value
Ejemplo n.º 19
def func(interp, w_rcvr, n0):
    if not isinstance(w_rcvr, model.W_CompiledMethod):
        raise PrimitiveFailedError()
    return w_rcvr.literalat0(n0)
Ejemplo n.º 20
def func(interp, w_obj):
    if not w_obj.shadow_of_my_class().isvariable():
        raise PrimitiveFailedError()
    return utility.wrap_int(w_obj.primsize())
Ejemplo n.º 21
def func(interp, argcount):
    raise PrimitiveFailedError()
Ejemplo n.º 22
 def func(interp, receiver, argument):
         res = rarithmetic.ovfcheck(op(receiver, argument))
     except OverflowError:
         raise PrimitiveFailedError()
     return utility.wrap_int(res)
Ejemplo n.º 23
def assert_bounds(n0, minimum, maximum):
    if not minimum <= n0 < maximum:
        raise PrimitiveFailedError()
Ejemplo n.º 24
def func(interp, receiver, argument):
    if argument == 0:
        raise PrimitiveFailedError()
    return utility.wrap_int(receiver // argument)
Ejemplo n.º 25
def func(interp, receiver, argument):
    if argument == 0:
        raise PrimitiveFailedError()
    return interp.space.wrap_int(receiver % argument)