Ejemplo n.º 1
def run(mode, argument):

    logging.info('Checking ' + argument)

    if mode == 'directory':
        data = projectdata.get_data(os.path.abspath(argument))
        logging.info('Found ' + data.get('name', 'nothing'))
    elif mode == 'file':
        data = distributiondata.get_data(os.path.abspath(argument))
        logging.info('Found ' + data.get('name', 'nothing'))
        # It's probably a package name
        data = pypidata.get_data(argument)
        logging.info('Found ' + data.get('name', 'nothing'))

    rating = ratings.rate(data)

    for problem in rating[1]:
        # XXX It would be nice with a * pointlist instead, but that requires
        # that we know how wide the terminal is and nice word-breaks, so that's
        # for later.
    if rating[1]:
    logging.info('Final rating: ' + str(rating[0]) + '/10')

    return rating[0]
Ejemplo n.º 2
def run(mode, argument):

    logging.info('Checking ' + argument)

    if mode == 'directory':
        data = projectdata.get_data(os.path.abspath(argument))
        logging.info('Found ' + data.get('name', 'nothing'))
    elif mode == 'file':
        data = distributiondata.get_data(os.path.abspath(argument))
        logging.info('Found ' + data.get('name', 'nothing'))
        # It's probably a package name
        data = pypidata.get_data(argument)
        logging.info('Found ' + data.get('name', 'nothing'))

    rating = ratings.rate(data)

    for problem in rating[1]:
        # XXX It would be nice with a * pointlist instead, but that requires
        # that we know how wide the terminal is and nice word-breaks, so that's
        # for later.
    if rating[1]:
    logging.info('Final rating: ' + str(rating[0]) + '/10')

    return rating[0]
Ejemplo n.º 3
def get_data(project):
    client = _get_client()
    # Pick the latest release.
    releases = client.package_releases(project)
    if not releases:
        # Try to find project by case-insensitive name
        project_name = project.lower()
        projects = client.search({'name': project_name})
        projects = [p for p in projects if p['name'].lower() == project_name]
        if not projects:
            raise ValueError(
                "Did not find '%s' on PyPI. Did you misspell it?" % project)
        project = projects[0]['name']
        releases = [p['version'] for p in reversed(projects)]
    release = releases[0]
    # Get the metadata:
    logging.debug("Found %s version %s" % (project, release))
    data = client.release_data(project, release)

    # Map things around:
    data['long_description'] = data['description']
    data['description'] = data['summary']

    roles = client.package_roles(project)
    data['_owners'] = [user for (role, user) in roles if role == 'Owner']

    # Get download_urls:
    urls = client.release_urls(project, release)
    data['_pypi_downloads'] = bool(urls)

    # If there is a source download, download it, and get that data.
    # This is done mostly to do the imports check.
    data['_source_download'] = False
    data['_setuptools'] = None  # Mark as unknown, in case no sdist is found.
    data['_has_sdist'] = False

    for download in urls:
        if download['packagetype'] == 'sdist':
            # Found a source distribution. Download and analyze it.
            data['_has_sdist'] = True
            tempdir = tempfile.gettempdir()
            filename = download['url'].split('/')[-1]
            tmp = os.path.join(tempdir, filename)
            logging.debug("Downloading %s to verify distribution" % filename)
                with open(tmp, 'wb') as outfile:
                ddata = distributiondata.get_data(tmp)
            except Exception:
                # Clean up the file

            # Combine them, with the PyPI data winning:
            data = ddata
            data['_source_download'] = True

    return data
Ejemplo n.º 4
    def test_complete(self):
        directory = resource_filename(__name__, os.path.join("testdata", "distributions"))

        for filename in os.listdir(directory):
            if filename.startswith("complete"):
                data = distributiondata.get_data(os.path.join(directory, filename))
                self.assertEqual(data, COMPLETE)
Ejemplo n.º 5
def run(mode, argument):

    logging.info("-" * 30)
    logging.info("Checking " + argument)

    if mode == "directory":
        data = projectdata.get_data(os.path.abspath(argument))
        logging.info("Found " + data.get("name", "nothing"))
    elif mode == "file":
        data = distributiondata.get_data(os.path.abspath(argument))
        logging.info("Found " + data.get("name", "nothing"))
        # It's probably a package name
        data = pypidata.get_data(argument)
        logging.info("Found " + data.get("name", "nothing"))

    rating = ratings.rate(data)

    logging.info("-" * 30)
    for problem in rating[1]:
        # XXX It would be nice with a * pointlist instead, but that requires
        # that we know how wide the terminal is and nice word-breaks, so that's
        # for later.
    if rating[1]:
        logging.info("-" * 30)
    logging.info("Final rating: " + str(rating[0]) + "/10")
    logging.info("-" * 30)

    return rating[0]
Ejemplo n.º 6
def get_data(project):
    client = _get_client()
    # Pick the latest release.
    releases = client.package_releases(project)
    if not releases:
        # Try to find project by case-insensitive name
        project_name = project.lower()
        projects = client.search({"name": project_name})
        projects = [p for p in projects if p["name"].lower() == project_name]
        if not projects:
            raise ValueError(
                f"Did not find '{project}' on PyPI. Did you misspell it?")
        project = projects[0]["name"]
        releases = [p["version"] for p in reversed(projects)]
    release = releases[0]
    # Get the metadata:
    logging.debug(f"Found {project} version {release}")
    data = client.release_data(project, release)

    # Map things around:
    data["long_description"] = data["description"]
    data["description"] = data["summary"]

    roles = client.package_roles(project)
    data["_owners"] = [user for (role, user) in roles if role == "Owner"]

    # Get download_urls:
    urls = client.release_urls(project, release)
    data["_pypi_downloads"] = bool(urls)

    # If there is a source download, download it, and get that data.
    # This is done mostly to do the imports check.
    data["_source_download"] = False
    data["_setuptools"] = None  # Mark as unknown, in case no sdist is found.
    data["_has_sdist"] = False

    for download in urls:
        if download["packagetype"] == "sdist":
            # Found a source distribution. Download and analyze it.
            data["_has_sdist"] = True
            tempdir = tempfile.gettempdir()
            filename = download["url"].split("/")[-1]
            tmp = os.path.join(tempdir, filename)
            logging.debug(f"Downloading {filename} to verify distribution")
                with open(tmp, "wb") as outfile:
                ddata = distributiondata.get_data(tmp)
            except Exception:
                # Clean up the file

            # Combine them, with the PyPI data winning:
            data = ddata
            data["_source_download"] = True

    return data
Ejemplo n.º 7
def get_data(project):
    # Pick the latest release.
    project_data = _get_project_data(project)
    releases = project_data["releases"]
    data = project_data["info"]
    release = data["version"]
    logging.debug(f"Found {project} version {release}")

    # Map things around:
    data["long_description"] = data["description"]
    data["description"] = data["summary"]

    with xmlrpc.client.ServerProxy("https://pypi.org/pypi") as xmlrpc_client:
        roles = xmlrpc_client.package_roles(project)

    data["_owners"] = [user for (role, user) in roles if role == "Owner"]

    # Get download_urls:
    urls = releases[release]
    data["_pypi_downloads"] = bool(urls)

    # If there is a source download, download it, and get that data.
    # This is done mostly to do the imports check.
    data["_source_download"] = False
    data["_setuptools"] = None  # Mark as unknown, in case no sdist is found.
    data["_has_sdist"] = False

    for download in urls:
        if download["packagetype"] == "sdist":
            # Found a source distribution. Download and analyze it.
            data["_has_sdist"] = True
            tempdir = tempfile.gettempdir()
            filename = download["url"].split("/")[-1]
            tmp = os.path.join(tempdir, filename)
            logging.debug(f"Downloading {filename} to verify distribution")
                with open(tmp, "wb") as outfile:
                ddata = distributiondata.get_data(tmp)
            except Exception:
                # Clean up the file

            # Combine them, with the PyPI data winning:
            data = ddata
            data["_source_download"] = True

    return data
Ejemplo n.º 8
def get_data(project):
    client = _get_client()
    # Pick the latest release.
    releases = client.package_releases(project)
    if not releases:
        # Try to find project by case-insensitive name
        project_name = project.lower()
        projects = client.search({'name': project_name})
        projects = [p for p in projects if p['name'].lower() == project_name]
        if not projects:
            raise ValueError(
                "Did not find '%s' on PyPI. Did you misspell it?" % project)
        project = projects[0]['name']
        releases = [p['version'] for p in reversed(projects)]
    release = releases[0]
    # Get the metadata:
    logging.debug("Found %s version %s" % (project, release))
    data = client.release_data(project, release)

    # Map things around:
    data['long_description'] = data['description']
    data['description'] = data['summary']

    # Get download_urls:
    urls = client.release_urls(project, release)
    data['_pypi_downloads'] = bool(urls)

    # Scrape the PyPI project page for owner info:
    url = '/'.join(('http://pypi.python.org/pypi', project, release))
    page = urllib.urlopen(url)
    content_type = page.headers.get('content-type', '')
    if '=' not in content_type:
        encoding = 'utf-8'
        encoding = content_type.split('=')[1]
    html = page.read().decode(encoding)
    owners = OWNER_RE.search(html).groups()[0]
    data['_owners'] = [x.strip() for x in owners.split(',')]

    logging.debug("Looking for documentation")
    # See if there is any docs on readthedocs
    data['_readthe_docs'] = False
    #import pdb;pdb.set_trace()
    rtdocs = READTHEDOCS_RE.search(html)
    if rtdocs:
        page = urllib.urlopen(rtdocs.groups()[0])
        if page.code == 200:
            data['_readthe_docs'] = True

    # If there is a source download, download it, and get that data.
    # This is done mostly to do the imports check.
    data['_source_download'] = False
    data['_setuptools'] = None  # Mark as unknown, in case no sdist is found.
    data['_has_sdist'] = False

    for download in urls:
        if download['packagetype'] == 'sdist':
            # Found a source distribution. Download and analyze it.
            data['_has_sdist'] = True
            tempdir = tempfile.gettempdir()
            filename = download['url'].split('/')[-1]
            tmp = os.path.join(tempdir, filename)
            logging.debug("Downloading %s to verify distribution" % filename)
                with open(tmp, 'wb') as outfile:
                ddata = distributiondata.get_data(tmp)
            except Exception:
                # Clean up the file

            # Combine them, with the PyPI data winning:
            data = ddata
            data['_source_download'] = True

    return data
Ejemplo n.º 9
def get_data(project):
    client = _get_client()
    # Pick the latest release.
    releases = client.package_releases(project)
    if not releases:
        # Try to find project by case-insensitive name
        project_name = project.lower()
        projects = client.search({'name': project_name})
        projects = [p for p in projects if p['name'].lower() == project_name]
        if not projects:
            raise ValueError(
                "Did not find '%s' on PyPI. Did you misspell it?" % project)
        project = projects[0]['name']
        releases = [p['version'] for p in reversed(projects)]
    release = releases[0]
    # Get the metadata:
    logging.debug("Found %s version %s" % (project, release))
    data = client.release_data(project, release)

    # Map things around:
    data['long_description'] = data['description']
    data['description'] = data['summary']

    # Get download_urls:
    urls = client.release_urls(project, release)
    data['_pypi_downloads'] = bool(urls)

    # Scrape the PyPI project page for owner info:
    url = '/'.join(('http://pypi.python.org/pypi', project, release))
    page = urllib.urlopen(url)
    content_type = page.headers.get('content-type', '')
    if '=' not in content_type:
        encoding = 'utf-8'
        encoding = content_type.split('=')[1]
    html = page.read().decode(encoding)
    owners = OWNER_RE.search(html).groups()[0]
    data['_owners'] = [x.strip() for x in owners.split(',')]

    logging.debug("Looking for documentation")
    # See if there is any docs on http://pythonhosted.org
    data['_packages_docs'] = False
        page = urllib.urlopen('http://pythonhosted.org/' + project)
        if page.code == 200:
            data['_packages_docs'] = True
    except urllib.HTTPError:

    # Maybe on readthedocs?
    data['_readthe_docs'] = False
    rtdocs = READTHEDOCS_RE.search(html)
    if rtdocs:
        page = urllib.urlopen(rtdocs.groups()[0])
        if page.code == 200:
            data['_readthe_docs'] = True

    # If there is a source download, download it, and get that data.
    # This is done mostly to do the imports check.
    data['_source_download'] = False
    data['_setuptools'] = None  # Mark as unknown, in case no sdist is found.
    data['_has_sdist'] = False

    for download in urls:
        if download['packagetype'] == 'sdist':
            # Found a source distribution. Download and analyze it.
            data['_has_sdist'] = True
            tempdir = tempfile.gettempdir()
            filename = download['url'].split('/')[-1]
            tmp = os.path.join(tempdir, filename)
            logging.debug("Downloading %s to verify distribution" % filename)
                with open(tmp, 'wb') as outfile:
                ddata = distributiondata.get_data(tmp)
            except Exception:
                # Clean up the file

            # Combine them, with the PyPI data winning:
            data = ddata
            data['_source_download'] = True

    return data