Ejemplo n.º 1
def gen_new_comment_admin_notification(request, article, comment):
    Generate new comment notification for the administrator.
    email = normalize_email(get_config('admin_notifications_email'))
    if not email:
        return None

    # placeholders replacements
    params = {
        'site_title': get_config('site_title')
    params.update(_extract_comment_sub(request, comment))
    params.update(_extract_article_sub(request, comment.article))

    n = Notification('admin_new_comment', email, params, request=request)

    return n
Ejemplo n.º 2
def gen_comment_response_notification(request, article, comment, top_comment, email):
    Generate comment answer notification

    email = normalize_email(email)
    if not email:
        return None

    # placeholders replacements
    params = {
        'site_title': get_config('site_title')
    params.update(_extract_comment_sub(request, comment))
    params.update(_extract_article_sub(request, article))

    n = Notification('comment_response', email, params, request=request)

    return n
Ejemplo n.º 3
def gen_email_verification_notification(request, email, verification_code):
    Generate email address verification notification.

    email = normalize_email(email)
    if not email:
        return None

    # placeholders replacements
    base_url = get_config('site_base_url')
    q = urllib.parse.urlencode({'token': verification_code, 'email': email})
    verify_url = base_url + '/verify-email?' + q
    params = {
        'site_title': get_config('site_title'),
        'email': email,
        'verify_url': verify_url

    n = Notification('email_verification', email, params, request=request)

    return n
Ejemplo n.º 4
def verify_email(request):
    c = {}

    fail = False
        email = normalize_email(request.GET['email'])
        verification_code = request.GET['token']
        dbsession = DBSession()
        vf = dbsession.query(VerifiedEmail).filter(VerifiedEmail.email == email).first()
        if vf is None or vf.verification_code != verification_code or vf.is_verified:
            fail = True
            vf.is_verified = True
    except KeyError:
        fail = True

    if fail:
        c['result'] = _('Verification failed: email not found.')
        return JSONResponse(httpcode.BadRequest, c)
        c['result'] = _('Email `{0}` has been confirmed.').format(email)

    return c
Ejemplo n.º 5
def add_article_comment_ajax(request):
    _ = request.translate
    article_id = int(request.matchdict['article_id'])

    dbsession = DBSession()

    q = dbsession.query(Article).filter(Article.id == article_id)
    user = request.user
    if not user.has_role('editor') or not user.has_role('admin'):
        q = q.filter(Article.is_draft==False)
    article = q.first()

    if article is None or not article.is_commentable:
        return HTTPNotFound()

    if 's' not in request.POST:
        return HTTPBadRequest()

    json = {}

    key = request.POST['s']

    # all data elements are constructed from the string "key" as substrings
    body_ind = key[3:14]
    parent_ind = key[4:12]
    display_name_ind = key[0:5]
    email_ind = key[13:25]
    website_ind = key[15:21]
    is_subscribed_ind = key[19:27]

    for ind in (body_ind, parent_ind, display_name_ind, email_ind, website_ind):
        if ind not in request.POST:
            return HTTPBadRequest()

    body = request.POST[body_ind]

    if len(body) == 0:
        return {'error': _('Empty comment body is not allowed.')}

    comment = Comment()

    user = request.user

    if user.kind != 'anonymous':
        comment.user_id = user.id
        # get "email", "display_name" and "website" arguments
        comment.display_name = request.POST[display_name_ind]
        comment.email = request.POST[email_ind]
        comment.website = request.POST[website_ind]

        # remember email, display_name and website in browser cookies
        request.response.set_cookie('comment_display_name', comment.display_name, max_age=31536000)
        request.response.set_cookie('comment_email', comment.email, max_age=31536000)
        request.response.set_cookie('comment_website', comment.website, max_age=31536000)

    # set parent comment
    parent_id = request.POST[parent_ind]
        parent_id = int(parent_id)
    except ValueError:
        parent_id = None

    if parent_id:
        parent = dbsession.query(Comment).filter(Comment.id == parent_id)\
            .filter(Comment.article_id == article_id).first()
        if parent is not None:
            if not parent.is_approved:
                data = { 'error': _('Answering to not approved comment')}
                return json.dumps(data)

    comment.parent_id = parent_id
    comment.article_id = article_id

    if is_subscribed_ind in request.POST:
        comment.is_subscribed = True

    # this list contains notifications
    ns = []

    # if user has subscribed to answer then check is his/her email verified
    # if doesn't send verification message to the email
    if is_subscribed_ind in request.POST:
        vrf_email = ''
        if user.kind != 'anonymous':
            vrf_email = user.email
        elif request.POST[email_ind]:
            vrf_email = request.POST[email_ind]

        vrf_email = normalize_email(vrf_email)
        if vrf_email:
            # email looks ok so proceed

            send_evn = False

            vf = dbsession.query(VerifiedEmail).filter(VerifiedEmail.email == vrf_email).first()
            vf_token = ''
            if vf is not None:
                if not vf.is_verified:
                    diff = time() - vf.last_verify_date
                    #if diff > 86400:
                    if diff > 1:
                        # delay between verifications requests must be more than 24 hours
                        send_evn = True
                    vf.last_verify_date = time()
                    vf_token = vf.verification_code

                send_evn = True
                vf = VerifiedEmail(vrf_email)
                vf_token = vf.verification_code

            if send_evn:
                ns.append(notifications.gen_email_verification_notification(request, vrf_email, vf_token))

    request.response.set_cookie('is_subscribed', 'true' if comment.is_subscribed else 'false', max_age=31536000)

    # automatically approve comment if user has role "admin", "writer" or "editor"
    if user.has_role('admin') or user.has_role('writer') \
            or user.has_role('editor'):
        comment.is_approved = True

    # TODO: also automatically approve comment if it's considered as safe:
    # i.e. without hyperlinks, spam etc

    # check how much hyperlinks in the body string
    if len(re.findall('https?://', body, flags=re.IGNORECASE)) <= 1:
        comment.is_approved = True

    # record commenter ip address
    comment.ip_address = request.environ.get('REMOTE_ADDR', 'unknown')
    comment.xff_ip_address = request.environ.get('X_FORWARDED_FOR', None)

    _update_comments_counters(dbsession, article)
    dbsession.expunge(comment)  # remove object from the session, object state is preserved
    transaction.commit()  # to delete, probably

    # comment added, now send notifications
    loop_limit = 100
    comment = dbsession.query(Comment).get(comment.id)
    parent = comment.parent
    admin_email = get_config('admin_notifications_email')
    vf_q = dbsession.query(VerifiedEmail)
    notifications_emails = []

    while parent is not None and loop_limit > 0:
        loop_limit -= 1
        c = parent
        parent = c.parent
        # walk up the tree
        if not c.is_subscribed:
        # find email
        email = None
        if c.user is None:
            email = c.email
            email = c.user.email

        if email is None or email == admin_email:

        email = normalize_email(email)

        if email in notifications_emails:

        vf = vf_q.filter(VerifiedEmail.email == email).first()
        if vf is not None and vf.is_verified:
            # send notification to "email"
            ns.append(notifications.gen_comment_response_notification(request, article, comment, c, email))

    admin_notifications_email = normalize_email(get_config('admin_notifications_email'))

    for nfn in ns:
        if nfn is None:

        if nfn.to == admin_notifications_email:

    # create special notification for the administrator
    nfn = notifications.gen_new_comment_admin_notification(request, article, comment)
    if nfn is not None:

    # cosntruct comment_id
    # we're not using route_url() for the article because stupid Pyramid urlencodes fragments
    comment_url = h.article_url(request, article) + '?commentid=' + str(comment.id)

    # return rendered comment
    data = {
        'body': comment.rendered_body,
        'approved': comment.is_approved,
        'id': comment.id,
        'url': comment_url

    return data