Ejemplo n.º 1
def example2():
    # generate random spherical harmonics coefficients with a given
    # power spectrum and plot its bandspectrum
    degrees = np.arange(201)
    scale = 10
    power = 1. / (1. + (degrees / scale)**2)**2

    coeffs = SHCoeffs.from_random(power)
    coeffs.plot_powerperband(show=False, fname='power.png')

    # expand coefficients into two different spatial grids and plot it
    grid1 = coeffs.expand(kind='GLQ')
    grid1.plot_rawdata(show=False, fname='GLQGrid.png')

    grid2 = coeffs.expand(kind='DH1')
    grid2.plot_rawdata(show=False, fname='DHGrid.png')
Ejemplo n.º 2
def example2():
    # generate random spherical harmonics coefficients with a given
    # power spectrum and plot its bandspectrum
    degrees = np.arange(201)
    scale = 10
    power = 1. / (1. + (degrees / scale)**2)**2

    coeffs = SHCoeffs.from_random(power)
    coeffs.plot_powerperband(show=False, fname='power.png')

    # expand coefficients into two different spatial grids and plot it
    grid1 = coeffs.expand(kind='GLQ')
    grid1.plot_rawdata(show=False, fname='GLQGrid.png')

    grid2 = coeffs.expand(kind='DH1')
Ejemplo n.º 3
def example1():
    # generate random spherical harmonics coefficients with a given
    # power spectrum and plot its bandspectrum
    degrees = np.arange(201)
    scale = 10
    power = 1. / (1. + (degrees / scale)**2)**2

    coeffs = SHCoeffs.from_random(power)
    coeffs.plot_powerperband(show=False, fname='power.png')

    # expand coefficients into a spatial grid and plot it
    grid1 = coeffs.expand(kind='DH1')
    grid1.plot_rawdata(show=False, fname='DHGrid_unrotated.png')

    # rotate coefficients, expand to grid and plot again
    coeffs.rotate(40., 0., 0., degrees=True)
    grid2 = coeffs.expand(kind='DH1')
    grid2.plot_rawdata(show=False, fname='DHGrid_rotated.png')
Ejemplo n.º 4
def example1():
    # generate random spherical harmonics coefficients with a given
    # power spectrum and plot its bandspectrum
    degrees = np.arange(201)
    scale = 10
    power = 1. / (1. + (degrees / scale)**2)**2

    coeffs = SHCoeffs.from_random(power)
    coeffs.plot_powerperband(show=False, fname='power.png')

    # expand coefficients into a spatial grid and plot it
    grid1 = coeffs.expand(kind='DH1')
    grid1.plot_rawdata(show=False, fname='DHGrid_unrotated.png')

    # rotate coefficients, expand to grid and plot again
    coeffs.rotate(40., 0., 0., degrees=True)
    grid2 = coeffs.expand(kind='DH1')
    grid2.plot_rawdata(show=False, fname='DHGrid_rotated.png')