Ejemplo n.º 1
    def rotationDistanceMatrix(self):
        rotationDistanceMatrix: Generate a matrix of rotation distances. The 
        distance is determined by L{pytom.angles.quaternions.Quaternion.distance}.
        @return: L{pytom_volume.vol} of rotation distances
        @author: Thomas Hrabe
        from pytom_volume import vol
        from pytom.tools.maths import rotation_distance
        numberOfRotations = len(self)

        distanceMatrix = vol(numberOfRotations,numberOfRotations,1)

        for i in range(len(self)):
            if i < len(self):
                for j in range(i+1,len(self)):
                    ri = self[i]
                    rj = self[j]

                    d = rotation_distance(ri,rj)



        return distanceMatrix
Ejemplo n.º 2
    def test_FRM(self):
        import swig_frm
        from sh_alignment.frm import frm_align
        from pytom_volume import vol, rotate, shift
        from pytom.basic.structures import Rotation, Shift
        from pytom.tools.maths import rotation_distance

        v = vol(32,32,32)
        vMod = vol(32,32,32)
        vRot = vol(32,32,32)
        rotation = Rotation(10,20,30)
        shiftO = Shift(1,-3,5)
        pos, ang, score = frm_align(vMod, None, v, None, [4, 64], 10)
        rotdist = rotation_distance(ang1=rotation, ang2=ang)
        diffx = shiftO[0] - (pos[0] - 16)
        diffy = shiftO[1] - (pos[1] - 16)
        diffz = shiftO[2] - (pos[2] - 16)

        self.assertTrue( rotdist < 5., msg='Rotations are different')
        self.assertTrue( diffx < .5, msg='x-difference > .5')
        self.assertTrue( diffy < .5, msg='y-difference > .5')
        self.assertTrue( diffz < .5, msg='z-difference > .5')
Ejemplo n.º 3
 def compare_angles(self, ang, prevang):
     from pytom.tools.maths import rotation_distance
     ang2 = ang.nextRotation()
     angdist = ang.distanceFunction(rotation=ang2)
     if prevang:
         neighbor_dist = rotation_distance(ang1=prevang, ang2=ang2)
     return angdist, ang2
Ejemplo n.º 4
def frm_find_topn_angles_interp(corr, n=5, dist=3.0):
    """Find the Euler angles corresponding to the top N peaks in the correlation function using interpolation, given the minimal distance between them.
    corr: Correlation function.

    n: Number of peaks.
       Integer, default 5.

    dist: Euler angle distance threshold in bandwidth unit, e.g. if bandwidth is b, then the angle distance is dist/b*180
          Integer or float, default 3.

    List: [(phi, psi, theta, peak_value), ...]
    from pytom.tools.maths import rotation_distance

    b = corr.shape[0] / 2

    res = []
    sort = corr.argsort(axis=None)

    for i in xrange(len(sort) - 1, -1, -1):
        x, y, z = np_transfer_idx(sort[i], corr.shape)
        # ang = frm_idx2angle(b, x, y, z)
        pos, peak = find_subpixel_peak_position(corr, [x, y, z])
        ang = frm_idx2angle(b, pos[0], pos[1], pos[2])

        # eliminate the nearby solution
        for a in res:
            if rotation_distance(ang, a[0]) < float(dist) / b * 180.0:
            # res.append((ang, corr[x,y,z]))
            res.append((ang, peak))

        if len(res) >= n:

    return res
Ejemplo n.º 5
    def distanceFunction(self, rotation):
        distanceFunction: determines the distance of of given rotation to old rotation
        @param rotation: rotation
        @type rotation: L{pytom.basic.structures.Rotation}
        @return: proposed increment for next iteration
        @author: FF
        from pytom.tools.maths import rotation_distance
        increment = rotation_distance(ang1=self._startRotation, ang2=rotation)

        #from math import sqrt,ceil
        #sqrt2 = 1.4142135623730951
        ##must modulo 360 each value for avoiding negative values
        #deltaTheta  = (self._startX % 360) - (rotation[2] % 360)
        #deltaPhi    = (self._startZ1 % 360)   - (rotation[0] % 360)
        #increment   = sqrt(pow(deltaTheta,2)+pow(deltaPhi,2)) / sqrt2

        return increment
Ejemplo n.º 6
    tmp = vol(v)
    peak = 0.0
    angle = angles.nextRotation()
    while angle != [None, None, None]:
        rotateSpline(v, tmp, angle[0], angle[1], angle[2])
        tmp = wedge.apply(tmp)
        res = nxcc(v2, tmp, mask)
        if res >= peak:
            peak = res
            ang = angle
        angle = angles.nextRotation()
    t1 = t.end()

    dist_old = rotation_distance([phi, psi, the], ang)
    # if dist_old > 30:
    # 	print [phi, psi, the], ang
    total_time1 += t1

    # new method
    res = frm_fourier_constrained_vol(v2, w, v, m)
    ang2 = frm_find_best_angle(res, b)
    t2 = t.end()

    dist_new = rotation_distance([phi, psi, the], ang2)
    total_time2 += t2
Ejemplo n.º 7
Test the angle list used in template matching to see if the angluar distance is actually consistent with the file name.

from pytom.tools.maths import rotation_distance
from pytom.angles.fromFile import AngleListFromEM
ang = AngleListFromEM('angles_07_45123.em')
# ang = AngleListFromEM('angles_12.85_7112.em')

from eulerDist import distEuler

for i in xrange(len(ang) - 1):
    a1 = ang[i]
    a2 = ang[i + 1]

    if rotation_distance(a1, a2) - distEuler(a1, a2) > 0.1:
        print a1, a2, rotation_distance(a1, a2) - distEuler(a1, a2)
Ejemplo n.º 8
    res = dummy1 / ((dummy2 * dummy3)**0.5 * dummy4)

    return res

dist = []
dist2 = []
for i in xrange(100):
    phi = np.random.randint(360)
    psi = np.random.randint(360)
    the = np.random.randint(180)
    rotateSpline(v, v2, phi, psi, the)

    sf = vol2sf(v, r, b)
    sf = sf * wedge
    sf2 = vol2sf(v2, r, b)
    sf2 = sf2 * wedge

    res = bart_way(sf2, wedge, sf, wedge)
    ang = frm_find_best_angle(res, b)
    dist.append(rotation_distance([phi, psi, the], ang))

    res = frm_constrained_corr(sf2, wedge, sf, wedge)
    ang = frm_find_best_angle(res, b)
    dist2.append(rotation_distance([phi, psi, the], ang))

    print dist[-1], dist2[-1]

print 'Diff: ', np.max(dist), np.mean(dist), np.min(dist), np.std(dist)
print 'Diff2: ', np.max(dist2), np.mean(dist2), np.min(dist2), np.std(dist2)
Ejemplo n.º 9
from frm import frm_align_vol

from pytom.tools.maths import rotation_distance, euclidianDistance

from pytom.tools.timing import Timing

t = Timing()

dis_offset = []
ang_offset = []

for pp in pl:
    v = read(pp.getFilename())
    pos, ang, score = frm_align_vol(v, [-60.0, 60.0], r, [8, 32], 10)
    g_pos = pp.getShift().toVector()
    g_pos = [g_pos[0] + 50, g_pos[1] + 50, g_pos[2] + 50]
    g_ang = [

    dis_offset.append(euclidianDistance(g_pos, pos))
    ang_offset.append(rotation_distance(g_ang, ang))
    print euclidianDistance(g_pos, pos), rotation_distance(g_ang, ang)

tt = t.end()

import numpy as np
print tt / 100, np.mean(dis_offset), np.mean(ang_offset)
Ejemplo n.º 10
    from pytom.basic.structures import Rotation, ParticleList
    pl = ParticleList()

    angles = []
    for angle in axis_angles.split('/'):
        z1, x, z2 = [float(i) for i in angle.split(',')]
        angles.append(Rotation(z1, z2, x))

    from pytom.tools.maths import rotation_distance
    dist = []
    for p in pl:
        rot = p.getRotation()
        d = 180
        for axis in angles:
            dd = rotation_distance(rot, axis)
            if dd < d:
                d = dd

    # cut out only the things in the range
    if cut_out_range is not None:
        for i in range(len(dist)):
            if dist[i] >= cut_out_range[0] and dist[i] <= cut_out_range[1]:
                dist[i] = 1
                dist[i] = 0

    # write to the disk
    f = open(output, 'w')
    for d in dist:
Ejemplo n.º 11
	fr = np.array(vol2sf(fr, r, b))
	fi = np.array(vol2sf(fi, r, b))
	fr2 = np.array(vol2sf(fr2, r, b))
	fi2 = np.array(vol2sf(fi2, r, b))

	fr2 = fr2 * w
	fi2 = fi2 * w

	res = frm_fourier_corr(fr2, fi2, fr, fi, return_real=True)

	# 3. add two volumes and get the final result
	# res = frm_constrained_corr(fr2, w, fr, m) + frm_constrained_corr(fi2, w, fi, m)
	ang = frm_find_best_angle(res, b)
	dist.append(rotation_distance(ang, [phi, psi, the]))

	# 4. compare with the constrained version
	res = frm_fourier_constrained_corr(fr2, fi2, w, fr, fi, m, return_real=True)

	ang2 = frm_find_best_angle(res, b)
	dist2.append(rotation_distance(ang2, [phi, psi, the]))

	# 5. do it in the soft way
	# res = soft_fourier_corr(fr2, fi2, fr, fi, return_real=True)
	res = soft_fourier_constrained_corr(fr2, fi2, w, fr, fi, m, return_real=True)

	ang3 = soft_find_best_angle(res, b)
	dist3.append(rotation_distance(ang3, [phi, psi, the]))

	print dist[-1], dist2[-1], dist3[-1]
Ejemplo n.º 12
import numpy as np
from sh.soft import *
from sh.frm import *
from pytom.tools.maths import rotation_distance
from pytom_volume import *
from sh.vol2sf import vol2sf

b = 16

v = read('/fs/home/ychen/matlab/template/binning/temp80SRibosome_bin2.em')
v2 = vol(v)
r = 8
for i in xrange(100):
	phi = np.random.randint(360)
	psi = np.random.randint(360)
	the = np.random.randint(180)

	f = vol2sf(v, r, b)
	rotateSpline(v, v2, phi, psi, the)
	g = vol2sf(v2, r, b)

	# 1. the soft way
	res = soft_corr(g, f)
	ang = soft_find_best_angle(res, b)

	# 2. the frm way
	# res = frm_corr(g, f)
	# ang2 = frm_find_best_angle(res, b)

	print rotation_distance(ang, [phi, psi, the]) #, rotation_distance(ang2, [phi, psi, the]), rotation_distance(ang, ang2)
Ejemplo n.º 13
b = 32
start = -60
end = 60
wedge = create_wedge_sf(start, end, b)
# m1 = wedge+0.001
whole = np.ones(4 * b**2)

sf = np.array(vol2sf(v, r, b))
sf = sf - np.min(sf) + 1.  # set all values above 1
# sf = sf / m1

# sf = create_wedge_sf(start, end, b, 1, 10)

sf2 = sf * wedge

res = frm_corr(sf2, sf)
ang = frm_find_best_angle(res, b)
print ang, rotation_distance([0, 0, 0], ang)
# print res.max(), res[0][b][b]

res = frm_constrained_corr(sf2, wedge, sf, whole)
ang = frm_find_best_angle(res, b)
print ang, rotation_distance([0, 0, 0], ang)

# do it in soft way!
# res2 = soft_corr(sf, sf2)
res2 = soft_constrained_corr(sf2, wedge, sf, whole)
ang2 = soft_find_best_angle(res2, b)

print ang2, rotation_distance([0, 0, 0], ang2)