Ejemplo n.º 1
def test_qubit_state_bra():
    """Test  sum_i alpha_i <i| for TLS"""
    i = IdxSym('i')
    alpha = IndexedBase('alpha')
    alpha_i = alpha[i]
    hs_tls = LocalSpace('tls', basis=('g', 'e'))

    term = alpha_i * BasisKet(FockIndex(i), hs=hs_tls).dag()

    expr = KetIndexedSum.create(term, ranges=IndexOverFockSpace(i, hs=hs_tls))

    assert IndexOverFockSpace(i, hs=hs_tls) in expr.ket.kwargs['ranges']

    assert ascii(expr) == "Sum_{i in H_tls} alpha_i * <i|^(tls)"

    assert expr.ket.term.free_symbols == set([i, symbols('alpha'), alpha_i])
    assert expr.free_symbols == set([symbols('alpha'), alpha_i])
    assert expr.ket.variables == [i]
    assert expr.space == hs_tls
    assert len(expr.ket.args) == 1
    assert len(expr.ket.operands) == 1
    assert len(expr.ket.kwargs) == 1
    assert expr.ket.args[0] == term.ket
    assert expr.ket.term == term.ket
    assert len(expr.kwargs) == 0
    expr_expand = Bra.create(expr.ket.doit().substitute({
        alpha[0]: alpha['g'],
        alpha[1]: alpha['e']
    assert expr_expand == (alpha['g'] * BasisKet('g', hs=hs_tls).dag() +
                           alpha['e'] * BasisKet('e', hs=hs_tls).dag())
    assert ascii(expr_expand) == 'alpha_e * <e|^(tls) + alpha_g * <g|^(tls)'
Ejemplo n.º 2
def test_ascii_equation():
    """Test printing of the Eq class"""
    eq_1 = Eq(lhs=OperatorSymbol('H', hs=0), rhs=Create(hs=0) * Destroy(hs=0))
    # fmt: off
    eq = (eq_1.apply_to_lhs(lambda expr: expr + 1).apply_to_rhs(
        lambda expr: expr + 1).apply_to_rhs(lambda expr: expr**2).tag(
            3).transform(lambda eq: eq + 1).tag(4).apply_to_rhs('expand').
          apply_to_lhs(lambda expr: expr**2).tag(5).apply(
              'expand').apply_to_lhs(lambda expr: expr**2).tag(6).apply_to_lhs(
                  'expand').apply_to_rhs(lambda expr: expr + 1))
    # fmt: on
    assert ascii(eq_1) == 'H^(0) = a^(0)H * a^(0)'
    assert ascii(eq_1.tag(1).reset()) == 'H^(0) = a^(0)H * a^(0)    (1)'
    assert ascii(eq, show_hs_label=False).strip() == (r'''
                                                       H = a^H * a
                                                   1 + H = a^H * a
                                                         = 1 + a^H * a
                                                         = (1 + a^H * a) * (1 + a^H * a)          (3)
                                                   2 + H = 1 + (1 + a^H * a) * (1 + a^H * a)      (4)
                                                         = 2 + a^H * a^H * a * a + 3 * a^H * a
                                       (2 + H) * (2 + H) = 2 + a^H * a^H * a * a + 3 * a^H * a    (5)
                                       4 + 4 * H + H * H = 2 + a^H * a^H * a * a + 3 * a^H * a
               (4 + 4 * H + H * H) * (4 + 4 * H + H * H) = 2 + a^H * a^H * a * a + 3 * a^H * a    (6)
16 + 32 * H + H * H * H * H + 8 * H * H * H + 24 * H * H = 2 + a^H * a^H * a * a + 3 * a^H * a
                                                         = 3 + a^H * a^H * a * a + 3 * a^H * a
Ejemplo n.º 3
def test_two_hs_symbol_sum():
    """Test sum_{ij} a_{ij} Psi_{ij}"""
    i = IdxSym('i')
    j = IdxSym('j')
    a = IndexedBase('a')
    hs1 = LocalSpace('1', dimension=3)
    hs2 = LocalSpace('2', dimension=3)
    hs = hs1 * hs2
    Psi = IndexedBase('Psi')
    a_ij = a[i, j]
    Psi_ij = Psi[i, j]
    KetPsi_ij = KetSymbol(StrLabel(Psi_ij), hs=hs)
    term = a_ij * KetPsi_ij

    expr1 = KetIndexedSum(
        ranges=(IndexOverFockSpace(i, hs=hs1), IndexOverFockSpace(j, hs=hs2)),

    expr2 = KetIndexedSum(term,
                          ranges=(IndexOverRange(i, 0,
                                                 2), IndexOverRange(j, 0, 2)))

    assert expr1.term.free_symbols == set(
        [i, j, symbols('a'), symbols('Psi'), a_ij, Psi_ij])
    assert expr1.free_symbols == set(
        [symbols('a'), symbols('Psi'), a_ij, Psi_ij])
    assert expr1.variables == [i, j]

    assert (
        ascii(expr1) == 'Sum_{i in H_1} Sum_{j in H_2} a_ij * |Psi_ij>^(1*2)')
    assert unicode(expr1) == '∑_{i ∈ ℌ₁} ∑_{j ∈ ℌ₂} a_ij |Ψ_ij⟩^(1⊗2)'
    assert (latex(expr1) ==
            r'\sum_{i \in \mathcal{H}_{1}} \sum_{j \in \mathcal{H}_{2}} '
            r'a_{i j} \left\lvert \Psi_{i j} \right\rangle^{(1 \otimes 2)}')

    assert ascii(expr2) == 'Sum_{i,j=0}^{2} a_ij * |Psi_ij>^(1*2)'
    assert unicode(expr2) == '∑_{i,j=0}^{2} a_ij |Ψ_ij⟩^(1⊗2)'
    assert (latex(expr2) == r'\sum_{i,j=0}^{2} a_{i j} '
            r'\left\lvert \Psi_{i j} \right\rangle^{(1 \otimes 2)}')

    assert expr1.doit() == expr2.doit()
    assert expr1.doit() == KetPlus(
        a[0, 0] * KetSymbol('Psi_00', hs=hs),
        a[0, 1] * KetSymbol('Psi_01', hs=hs),
        a[0, 2] * KetSymbol('Psi_02', hs=hs),
        a[1, 0] * KetSymbol('Psi_10', hs=hs),
        a[1, 1] * KetSymbol('Psi_11', hs=hs),
        a[1, 2] * KetSymbol('Psi_12', hs=hs),
        a[2, 0] * KetSymbol('Psi_20', hs=hs),
        a[2, 1] * KetSymbol('Psi_21', hs=hs),
        a[2, 2] * KetSymbol('Psi_22', hs=hs),
Ejemplo n.º 4
def test_primed_IdxSym():
    """Test that primed IdxSym are rendered correctly not just in QAlgebra's
    printing system, but also in SymPy's printing system"""
    ipp = IdxSym('i').prime.prime
    assert qalgebra.ascii(ipp) == "i''"
    assert qalgebra.latex(ipp) == r'{i^{\prime\prime}}'
    assert qalgebra.srepr(ipp) == "IdxSym('i', integer=True, primed=2)"
    assert qalgebra.unicode(ipp) == "i''"
    assert sympy.printing.sstr(ipp) == qalgebra.ascii(ipp)
    assert sympy.printing.latex(ipp) == qalgebra.latex(ipp)
    assert sympy.printing.srepr(ipp) == qalgebra.srepr(ipp)
    assert sympy.printing.pretty(ipp) == qalgebra.unicode(ipp)
Ejemplo n.º 5
def test_ascii_symbolic_labels():
    """Test ascii representation of symbols with symbolic labels"""
    i = IdxSym('i')
    j = IdxSym('j')
    hs0 = LocalSpace(0)
    hs1 = LocalSpace(1)
    Psi = IndexedBase('Psi')
    assert ascii(BasisKet(FockIndex(2 * i), hs=hs0)) == '|2*i>^(0)'
    assert ascii(KetSymbol(StrLabel(2 * i), hs=hs0)) == '|2*i>^(0)'
    assert (ascii(KetSymbol(StrLabel(Psi[i, j]),
                            hs=hs0 * hs1)) == '|Psi_ij>^(0*1)')
    expr = BasisKet(FockIndex(i), hs=hs0) * BasisKet(FockIndex(j), hs=hs1)
    assert ascii(expr) == '|i,j>^(0*1)'
    assert ascii(Bra(BasisKet(FockIndex(2 * i), hs=hs0))) == '<2*i|^(0)'
    assert (ascii(LocalSigma(FockIndex(i), FockIndex(j),
                             hs=hs0)) == '|i><j|^(0)')
    expr = CoherentStateKet(symbols('alpha'), hs=1).to_fock_representation()
    assert (ascii(expr) == 'exp(-alpha*conjugate(alpha)/2) * '
            '(Sum_{n in H_1} alpha**n/sqrt(n!) * |n>^(1))')

    tls = SpinSpace(label='s', spin='1/2', basis=('down', 'up'))
    Sig = IndexedBase('sigma')
    n = IdxSym('n')
    Sig_n = OperatorSymbol(StrLabel(Sig[n]), hs=tls)
    assert ascii(Sig_n, show_hs_label=False) == 'sigma_n'
Ejemplo n.º 6
def test_ascii_derivative(MyScalarFunc):
    s, s0, t, t0 = symbols('s, s_0, t, t_0', real=True)

    f = partial(MyScalarFunc, "f")
    g = partial(MyScalarFunc, "g")

    expr = f(s, t).diff(s, n=2).diff(t)
    assert ascii(expr) == 'D_s^2 D_t f(s, t)'

    expr = f(s, t).diff(s, n=2).diff(t).evaluate_at({s: s0})
    assert ascii(expr) == 'D_s^2 D_t f(s, t) |_(s=s_0)'

    expr = f(s, t).diff(s, n=2).diff(t).evaluate_at({s: s0, t: t0})
    assert ascii(expr) == 'D_s^2 D_t f(s, t) |_(s=s_0, t=t_0)'

    D = expr.__class__

    expr = D(f(s, t) + g(s, t), derivs={s: 2, t: 1}, vals={s: s0, t: t0})
    assert ascii(expr) == 'D_s^2 D_t (f(s, t) + g(s, t)) |_(s=s_0, t=t_0)'

    expr = D(2 * f(s, t), derivs={s: 2, t: 1}, vals={s: s0, t: t0})
    assert ascii(expr) == 'D_s^2 D_t (2 * f(s, t)) |_(s=s_0, t=t_0)'

    expr = f(s, t).diff(t) + g(s, t)
    assert ascii(expr) == 'D_t f(s, t) + g(s, t)'

    expr = f(s, t).diff(t) * g(s, t)
    assert ascii(expr) == '(D_t f(s, t)) * g(s, t)'

    expr = (  # nested derivative
        MyScalarFunc("f", s, t).diff(s, n=2).diff(t).evaluate_at({
            t: t0
    assert ascii(expr) == 'D_t_0 (D_s^2 D_t f(s, t) |_(t=t_0))'
Ejemplo n.º 7
def test_ascii_bra_operations():
    """Test the ascii representation of bra operations"""
    hs1 = LocalSpace('q_1', dimension=2)
    hs2 = LocalSpace('q_2', dimension=2)
    psi1 = KetSymbol("Psi_1", hs=hs1)
    psi2 = KetSymbol("Psi_2", hs=hs1)
    psi2 = KetSymbol("Psi_2", hs=hs1)
    psi3 = KetSymbol("Psi_3", hs=hs1)
    phi = KetSymbol("Phi", hs=hs2)
    bra_psi1 = KetSymbol("Psi_1", hs=hs1).dag()
    bra_psi2 = KetSymbol("Psi_2", hs=hs1).dag()
    bra_psi2 = KetSymbol("Psi_2", hs=hs1).dag()
    bra_psi3 = KetSymbol("Psi_3", hs=hs1).dag()
    bra_phi = KetSymbol("Phi", hs=hs2).dag()
    A = OperatorSymbol("A_0", hs=hs1)
    gamma = symbols('gamma', positive=True)
    phase = exp(-I * gamma)
    assert ascii((psi1 + psi2).dag()) == '<Psi_1|^(q_1) + <Psi_2|^(q_1)'
    assert ascii(bra_psi1 + bra_psi2) == '<Psi_1|^(q_1) + <Psi_2|^(q_1)'
    assert (ascii(
        (psi1 - psi2 +
         psi3).dag()) == '<Psi_1|^(q_1) - <Psi_2|^(q_1) + <Psi_3|^(q_1)')
    assert (ascii(bra_psi1 - bra_psi2 +
                  bra_psi3) == '<Psi_1|^(q_1) - <Psi_2|^(q_1) + <Psi_3|^(q_1)')
    assert ascii((psi1 * phi).dag()) == '<Psi_1|^(q_1) * <Phi|^(q_2)'
    assert ascii(bra_psi1 * bra_phi) == '<Psi_1|^(q_1) * <Phi|^(q_2)'
    assert ascii(Bra(phase * psi1)) == 'exp(I*gamma) * <Psi_1|^(q_1)'
    assert ascii((A * psi1).dag()) == '<Psi_1|^(q_1) A_0^(q_1)H'
Ejemplo n.º 8
def test_ascii_hilbert_elements():
    """Test the ascii representation of "atomic" Hilbert space algebra
    assert ascii(LocalSpace(1)) == 'H_1'
    assert ascii(LocalSpace(1, dimension=2)) == 'H_1'
    assert ascii(LocalSpace(1, basis=('g', 'e'))) == 'H_1'
    assert ascii(LocalSpace('local')) == 'H_local'
    assert ascii(LocalSpace('kappa')) == 'H_kappa'
    with pytest.raises(ValueError):
    assert ascii(TrivialSpace) == 'H_null'
    assert ascii(FullSpace) == 'H_total'
    assert ascii(LocalSpace(StrLabel(IdxSym('i')))) == 'H_i'
Ejemplo n.º 9
def test_ascii_sop_elements():
    """Test the ascii representation of "atomic" Superoperators"""
    hs1 = LocalSpace('q1', dimension=2)
    hs2 = LocalSpace('q2', dimension=2)
    alpha, beta = symbols('alpha, beta')
    assert ascii(SuperOperatorSymbol("A", hs=hs1)) == 'A^(q1)'
    assert ascii(SuperOperatorSymbol("A_1", hs=hs1 * hs2)) == 'A_1^(q1*q2)'
    assert (ascii(SuperOperatorSymbol("Xi_2",
                                      hs=('q1', 'q2'))) == 'Xi_2^(q1*q2)')
    assert (ascii(SuperOperatorSymbol("Xi", alpha, beta,
                                      hs=hs1)) == 'Xi^(q1)(alpha, beta)')
    assert ascii(SuperOperatorSymbol("Xi_full", hs=1)) == 'Xi_full^(1)'
    with pytest.raises(ValueError):
        SuperOperatorSymbol(r'\Xi^2', hs='a')
    assert ascii(IdentitySuperOperator) == "1"
    assert ascii(ZeroSuperOperator) == "0"
Ejemplo n.º 10
def test_ascii_matrix():
    """Test ascii representation of the Matrix class"""
    A = OperatorSymbol("A", hs=1)
    B = OperatorSymbol("B", hs=1)
    C = OperatorSymbol("C", hs=1)
    D = OperatorSymbol("D", hs=1)
    assert (ascii(Matrix([[A, B], [C,
                                   D]])) == '[[A^(1), B^(1)], [C^(1), D^(1)]]')
    assert (ascii(Matrix([A, B, C,
                          D])) == '[[A^(1)], [B^(1)], [C^(1)], [D^(1)]]')
    assert ascii(Matrix([[A, B, C, D]])) == '[[A^(1), B^(1), C^(1), D^(1)]]'
    assert ascii(Matrix([[0, 1], [-1, 0]])) == '[[0, 1], [-1, 0]]'
    assert ascii(Matrix([[], []])) == '[[], []]'
    assert ascii(Matrix([])) == '[[], []]'
Ejemplo n.º 11
def test_ascii_scalar():
    """Test rendering of scalar values"""
    assert ascii(2) == ascii(ScalarValue(2)) == '2'
    ascii.printer.cache = {}
    # we always want 2.0 to be printed as '2'. Without this normalization, the
    # state of the cache might introduce non-reproducible behavior, as 2==2.0
    assert ascii(2.0) == ascii(ScalarValue(2.0)) == '2'
    assert ascii(1j) == ascii(ScalarValue(1j)) == '1j'
    assert ascii('foo') == 'foo'

    i = IdxSym('i')
    alpha = IndexedBase('alpha')
    assert ascii(i) == ascii(ScalarValue(i)) == 'i'
    assert ascii(alpha[i]) == ascii(ScalarValue(alpha[i])) == 'alpha_i'
Ejemplo n.º 12
 def _ascii(self, *args, **kwargs):
     return "%s(%s)" % (
         ", ".join([ascii(sym) for sym in self._sym_args]),
Ejemplo n.º 13
def test_ascii_sop_operations():
    """Test the ascii representation of super operator algebra operations"""
    hs1 = LocalSpace('q_1', dimension=2)
    hs2 = LocalSpace('q_2', dimension=2)
    A = SuperOperatorSymbol("A", hs=hs1)
    B = SuperOperatorSymbol("B", hs=hs1)
    C = SuperOperatorSymbol("C", hs=hs2)
    L = SuperOperatorSymbol("L", hs=1)
    M = SuperOperatorSymbol("M", hs=1)
    A_op = OperatorSymbol("A", hs=1)
    gamma = symbols('gamma', positive=True)
    assert ascii(A + B) == 'A^(q_1) + B^(q_1)'
    assert ascii(A * B) == 'A^(q_1) * B^(q_1)'
    assert ascii(A * C) == 'A^(q_1) * C^(q_2)'
    assert ascii(2 * A) == '2 * A^(q_1)'
    assert ascii(2j * A) == '2j * A^(q_1)'
    assert ascii((1 + 2j) * A) == '(1+2j) * A^(q_1)'
    assert ascii(gamma**2 * A) == 'gamma**2 * A^(q_1)'
    assert ascii(-(gamma**2) / 2 * A) == '-gamma**2/2 * A^(q_1)'
    assert ascii(SuperAdjoint(A)) == 'A^(q_1)H'
    assert ascii(SuperAdjoint(A + B)) == '(A^(q_1) + B^(q_1))^H'
    assert ascii(A - B) == 'A^(q_1) - B^(q_1)'
    assert ascii(A - B + C) == 'A^(q_1) - B^(q_1) + C^(q_2)'
    assert (
        ascii(2 * A - sqrt(gamma) *
              (B + C)) == '2 * A^(q_1) - sqrt(gamma) * (B^(q_1) + C^(q_2))')
    assert ascii(SPre(A_op)) == 'SPre(A^(1))'
    assert ascii(SPost(A_op)) == 'SPost(A^(1))'
    assert ascii(SuperOperatorTimesOperator(L, A_op)) == 'L^(1)[A^(1)]'
    assert (ascii(SuperOperatorTimesOperator(
        sqrt(gamma) * A_op)) == 'L^(1)[sqrt(gamma) * A^(1)]')
    assert (ascii(SuperOperatorTimesOperator(
        (L + 2 * M), A_op)) == '(L^(1) + 2 * M^(1))[A^(1)]')
Ejemplo n.º 14
def test_ascii_ket_operations():
    """Test the ascii representation of ket operations"""
    hs1 = LocalSpace('q_1', basis=('g', 'e'))
    hs2 = LocalSpace('q_2', basis=('g', 'e'))
    ket_g1 = BasisKet('g', hs=hs1)
    ket_e1 = BasisKet('e', hs=hs1)
    ket_g2 = BasisKet('g', hs=hs2)
    ket_e2 = BasisKet('e', hs=hs2)
    psi1 = KetSymbol("Psi_1", hs=hs1)
    psi2 = KetSymbol("Psi_2", hs=hs1)
    psi2 = KetSymbol("Psi_2", hs=hs1)
    psi3 = KetSymbol("Psi_3", hs=hs1)
    phi = KetSymbol("Phi", hs=hs2)
    A = OperatorSymbol("A_0", hs=hs1)
    gamma = symbols('gamma', positive=True)
    alpha = symbols('alpha')
    beta = symbols('beta')
    phase = exp(-I * gamma)
    i = IdxSym('i')
    assert ascii(psi1 + psi2) == '|Psi_1>^(q_1) + |Psi_2>^(q_1)'
    assert (ascii(psi1 - psi2 +
                  psi3) == '|Psi_1>^(q_1) - |Psi_2>^(q_1) + |Psi_3>^(q_1)')
    with pytest.raises(UnequalSpaces):
        psi1 + phi
    with pytest.raises(AttributeError):
        (psi1 * phi).label
    assert ascii(psi1 * phi) == '|Psi_1>^(q_1) * |Phi>^(q_2)'
    with pytest.raises(OverlappingSpaces):
        psi1 * psi2
    assert ascii(phase * psi1) == 'exp(-I*gamma) * |Psi_1>^(q_1)'
    assert (ascii(
        (alpha + 1) * KetSymbol('Psi', hs=0)) == '(alpha + 1) * |Psi>^(0)')
    assert ascii(A * psi1) == 'A_0^(q_1) |Psi_1>^(q_1)'
    with pytest.raises(SpaceTooLargeError):
        A * phi
    assert ascii(BraKet(psi1, psi2)) == '<Psi_1|Psi_2>^(q_1)'
    expr = BraKet(KetSymbol('Psi_1', alpha, hs=hs1),
                  KetSymbol('Psi_2', beta, hs=hs1))
    assert ascii(expr) == '<Psi_1(alpha)|Psi_2(beta)>^(q_1)'
    assert ascii(psi1.dag() * psi2) == '<Psi_1|Psi_2>^(q_1)'
    assert ascii(ket_e1.dag() * ket_e1) == '1'
    assert ascii(ket_g1.dag() * ket_e1) == '0'
    assert ascii(KetBra(psi1, psi2)) == '|Psi_1><Psi_2|^(q_1)'
    expr = KetBra(KetSymbol('Psi_1', alpha, hs=hs1),
                  KetSymbol('Psi_2', beta, hs=hs1))
    assert ascii(expr) == '|Psi_1(alpha)><Psi_2(beta)|^(q_1)'
    bell1 = (ket_e1 * ket_g2 - I * ket_g1 * ket_e2) / sqrt(2)
    bell2 = (ket_e1 * ket_e2 - ket_g1 * ket_g2) / sqrt(2)
    assert ascii(bell1) == '1/sqrt(2) * (|eg>^(q_1*q_2) - I * |ge>^(q_1*q_2))'
    assert ascii(bell2) == '1/sqrt(2) * (|ee>^(q_1*q_2) - |gg>^(q_1*q_2))'
    expr = BraKet.create(bell1, bell2)
    expected = (
        r'1/2 * (<eg|^(q_1*q_2) + I * <ge|^(q_1*q_2)) * (|ee>^(q_1*q_2) '
        r'- |gg>^(q_1*q_2))')
    assert ascii(expr) == expected
    assert (ascii(KetBra.create(bell1, bell2)) ==
            '1/2 * (|eg>^(q_1*q_2) - I * |ge>^(q_1*q_2))(<ee|^(q_1*q_2) '
            '- <gg|^(q_1*q_2))')
    expr = KetBra(KetSymbol('Psi', hs=0), BasisKet(FockIndex(i), hs=0))
    assert ascii(expr) == "|Psi><i|^(0)"
    expr = KetBra(BasisKet(FockIndex(i), hs=0), KetSymbol('Psi', hs=0))
    assert ascii(expr) == "|i><Psi|^(0)"
    expr = BraKet(KetSymbol('Psi', hs=0), BasisKet(FockIndex(i), hs=0))
    assert ascii(expr) == "<Psi|i>^(0)"
    expr = BraKet(BasisKet(FockIndex(i), hs=0), KetSymbol('Psi', hs=0))
    assert ascii(expr) == "<i|Psi>^(0)"
Ejemplo n.º 15
def test_qubit_state():
    """Test  sum_i alpha_i |i> for TLS"""
    i = IdxSym('i')
    alpha = IndexedBase('alpha')
    alpha_i = alpha[i]
    hs_tls = LocalSpace('tls', basis=('g', 'e'))

    term = alpha_i * BasisKet(FockIndex(i), hs=hs_tls)

    expr1 = KetIndexedSum.create(term, ranges=IndexOverFockSpace(i, hs=hs_tls))

    expr2 = KetIndexedSum.create(term, ranges=IndexOverList(i, [0, 1]))

    expr3 = KetIndexedSum.create(term,
                                 ranges=IndexOverRange(i, start_from=0, to=1))

    assert IndexOverFockSpace(i, hs=hs_tls) in expr1.kwargs['ranges']

    assert ascii(expr1) == "Sum_{i in H_tls} alpha_i * |i>^(tls)"
    assert unicode(expr1) == "∑_{i ∈ ℌ_tls} α_i |i⟩⁽ᵗˡˢ⁾"
    assert (
        srepr(expr1) ==
        "KetIndexedSum(ScalarTimesKet(ScalarValue(Indexed(IndexedBase(Symbol('alpha')), IdxSym('i', integer=True))), BasisKet(FockIndex(IdxSym('i', integer=True)), hs=LocalSpace('tls', basis=('g', 'e')))), ranges=(IndexOverFockSpace(IdxSym('i', integer=True), LocalSpace('tls', basis=('g', 'e'))),))"
    with configure_printing(tex_use_braket=True):
        assert (latex(expr1) ==
                r'\sum_{i \in \mathcal{H}_{tls}} \alpha_{i} \Ket{i}^{(tls)}')

    assert ascii(expr2) == 'Sum_{i in {0,1}} alpha_i * |i>^(tls)'
    assert unicode(expr2) == '∑_{i ∈ {0,1}} α_i |i⟩⁽ᵗˡˢ⁾'
    assert (
        srepr(expr2) ==
        "KetIndexedSum(ScalarTimesKet(ScalarValue(Indexed(IndexedBase(Symbol('alpha')), IdxSym('i', integer=True))), BasisKet(FockIndex(IdxSym('i', integer=True)), hs=LocalSpace('tls', basis=('g', 'e')))), ranges=(IndexOverList(IdxSym('i', integer=True), (0, 1)),))"
    with configure_printing(tex_use_braket=True):
        assert (
            latex(expr2) == r'\sum_{i \in \{0,1\}} \alpha_{i} \Ket{i}^{(tls)}')

    assert ascii(expr3) == 'Sum_{i=0}^{1} alpha_i * |i>^(tls)'
    assert unicode(expr3) == '∑_{i=0}^{1} α_i |i⟩⁽ᵗˡˢ⁾'
    assert (
        srepr(expr3) ==
        "KetIndexedSum(ScalarTimesKet(ScalarValue(Indexed(IndexedBase(Symbol('alpha')), IdxSym('i', integer=True))), BasisKet(FockIndex(IdxSym('i', integer=True)), hs=LocalSpace('tls', basis=('g', 'e')))), ranges=(IndexOverRange(IdxSym('i', integer=True), 0, 1),))"
    with configure_printing(tex_use_braket=True):
        assert latex(expr3) == r'\sum_{i=0}^{1} \alpha_{i} \Ket{i}^{(tls)}'

    for expr in (expr1, expr2, expr3):
        assert expr.term.free_symbols == set([i, symbols('alpha'), alpha_i])
        assert expr.term.bound_symbols == set()
        assert expr.free_symbols == set([symbols('alpha'), alpha_i])
        assert expr.variables == [i]
        assert expr.bound_symbols == set([i])
        assert len(expr) == len(expr.ranges[0]) == 2
        assert 0 in expr.ranges[0]
        assert 1 in expr.ranges[0]
        assert expr.space == hs_tls
        assert len(expr.args) == 1
        assert len(expr.kwargs) == 1
        assert len(expr.operands) == 1
        assert expr.args[0] == term
        assert expr.term == term
        expr_expand = expr.doit().substitute({
            alpha[0]: alpha['g'],
            alpha[1]: alpha['e']
        assert expr_expand == (alpha['g'] * BasisKet('g', hs=hs_tls) +
                               alpha['e'] * BasisKet('e', hs=hs_tls))
        assert (
            ascii(expr_expand) == 'alpha_e * |e>^(tls) + alpha_g * |g>^(tls)')

    with pytest.raises(TypeError) as exc_info:
        KetIndexedSum.create(alpha_i * BasisKet(i, hs=hs_tls),
                             IndexOverFockSpace(i, hs=hs_tls))
    assert "label_or_index must be an instance of" in str(exc_info.value)
Ejemplo n.º 16
def test_ascii_ket_elements():
    """Test the ascii representation of "atomic" kets"""
    hs1 = LocalSpace('q1', basis=('g', 'e'))
    hs2 = LocalSpace('q2', basis=('g', 'e'))
    alpha, beta = symbols('alpha, beta')
    assert ascii(KetSymbol('Psi', hs=hs1)) == '|Psi>^(q1)'
    psi = KetSymbol('Psi', hs=1)
    assert ascii(psi) == '|Psi>^(1)'
    assert ascii(KetSymbol('Psi', alpha, beta,
                           hs=1)) == ('|Psi(alpha, beta)>^(1)')
    assert ascii(psi, show_hs_label='subscript') == '|Psi>_(1)'
    assert ascii(psi, show_hs_label=False) == '|Psi>'
    assert ascii(KetSymbol('Psi', hs=(1, 2))) == '|Psi>^(1*2)'
    assert ascii(KetSymbol('Psi', hs=hs1 * hs2)) == '|Psi>^(q1*q2)'
    with pytest.raises(ValueError):
        KetSymbol(r'\Psi', hs=hs1)
    assert ascii(KetSymbol('Psi', hs=1)) == '|Psi>^(1)'
    assert ascii(KetSymbol('Psi', hs=hs1 * hs2)) == '|Psi>^(q1*q2)'
    assert ascii(ZeroKet) == '0'
    assert ascii(TrivialKet) == '1'
    assert ascii(BasisKet('e', hs=hs1)) == '|e>^(q1)'
    assert ascii(BasisKet(1, hs=1)) == '|1>^(1)'
    assert ascii(BasisKet(1, hs=hs1)) == '|e>^(q1)'
    with pytest.raises(ValueError):
        BasisKet('1', hs=hs1)
    assert ascii(CoherentStateKet(2.0, hs=1)) == '|alpha=2>^(1)'
    assert ascii(CoherentStateKet(2.1, hs=1)) == '|alpha=2.1>^(1)'
Ejemplo n.º 17
def test_ascii_operator_operations():
    """Test the ascii representation of operator algebra operations"""
    hs1 = LocalSpace('q_1', dimension=2)
    hs2 = LocalSpace('q_2', dimension=2)
    A = OperatorSymbol("A", hs=hs1)
    B = OperatorSymbol("B", hs=hs1)
    C = OperatorSymbol("C", hs=hs2)
    D = OperatorSymbol("D", hs=hs1)
    psi = KetSymbol('Psi', hs=hs1)
    gamma = symbols('gamma', positive=True)
    assert ascii(A + B) == 'A^(q_1) + B^(q_1)'
    assert ascii(A * B) == 'A^(q_1) * B^(q_1)'
    assert ascii(A * C) == 'A^(q_1) * C^(q_2)'
    assert ascii(A * (B + D)) == 'A^(q_1) * (B^(q_1) + D^(q_1))'
    assert ascii(A * (B - D)) == 'A^(q_1) * (B^(q_1) - D^(q_1))'
    assert (ascii(
        (A + B) *
        (-2 * B - D)) == '(A^(q_1) + B^(q_1)) * (-D^(q_1) - 2 * B^(q_1))')
    assert ascii(OperatorTimes(A, -B)) == 'A^(q_1) * (-B^(q_1))'
    assert ascii(OperatorTimes(A, -B), show_hs_label=False) == 'A * (-B)'
    assert ascii(2 * A) == '2 * A^(q_1)'
    assert ascii(2j * A) == '2j * A^(q_1)'
    assert ascii((1 + 2j) * A) == '(1+2j) * A^(q_1)'
    assert ascii(gamma**2 * A) == 'gamma**2 * A^(q_1)'
    assert ascii(-(gamma**2) / 2 * A) == '-gamma**2/2 * A^(q_1)'
    assert ascii(tr(A * C, over_space=hs2)) == 'tr_(q_2)[C^(q_2)] * A^(q_1)'
    expr = A + OperatorPlusMinusCC(B * D)
    assert ascii(expr, show_hs_label=False) == 'A + (B * D + c.c.)'
    expr = A + OperatorPlusMinusCC(B + D)
    assert ascii(expr, show_hs_label=False) == 'A + (B + D + c.c.)'
    expr = A * OperatorPlusMinusCC(B * D)
    assert ascii(expr, show_hs_label=False) == 'A * (B * D + c.c.)'
    assert ascii(Adjoint(A)) == 'A^(q_1)H'
    assert ascii(Adjoint(Create(hs=1))) == 'a^(1)'
    assert ascii(Adjoint(A + B)) == '(A^(q_1) + B^(q_1))^H'
    assert ascii(PseudoInverse(A)) == '(A^(q_1))^+'
    assert ascii(NullSpaceProjector(A)) == 'P_Ker(A^(q_1))'
    assert ascii(A - B) == 'A^(q_1) - B^(q_1)'
    assert ascii(A - B + C) == 'A^(q_1) - B^(q_1) + C^(q_2)'
    expr = 2 * A - sqrt(gamma) * (B + C)
    assert ascii(expr) == '2 * A^(q_1) - sqrt(gamma) * (B^(q_1) + C^(q_2))'
    assert ascii(Commutator(A, B)) == r'[A^(q_1), B^(q_1)]'
    expr = (Commutator(A, B) * psi).dag()
    assert ascii(expr, show_hs_label=False) == r'<Psi| [A, B]^H'
Ejemplo n.º 18
def test_ascii_operator_elements():
    """Test the ascii representation of "atomic" operator algebra elements"""
    hs1 = LocalSpace('q1', dimension=2)
    hs2 = LocalSpace('q2', dimension=2)
    alpha, beta = symbols('alpha, beta')
    assert ascii(OperatorSymbol("A", hs=hs1)) == 'A^(q1)'
    A_1 = OperatorSymbol("A_1", hs=1)
    assert ascii(A_1, show_hs_label='subscript') == 'A_1,(1)'
    assert ascii(OperatorSymbol("A", hs=hs1), show_hs_label=False) == 'A'
    assert ascii(OperatorSymbol("A_1", hs=hs1 * hs2)) == 'A_1^(q1*q2)'
    assert ascii(OperatorSymbol("Xi_2", hs=('q1', 'q2'))) == 'Xi_2^(q1*q2)'
    assert ascii(OperatorSymbol("Xi_full", hs=1)) == 'Xi_full^(1)'
    assert ascii(OperatorSymbol("Xi", alpha, beta,
                                hs=1)) == ('Xi^(1)(alpha, beta)')
    with pytest.raises(ValueError):
        OperatorSymbol(r'\Xi^2', hs='a')
    assert ascii(IdentityOperator) == "1"
    assert ascii(ZeroOperator) == "0"
    assert ascii(Create(hs=1)) == "a^(1)H"
    assert ascii(Create(hs=1), show_hs_label=False) == "a^H"
    assert ascii(Create(hs=1), show_hs_label='subscript') == "a_(1)^H"
    assert ascii(Destroy(hs=1)) == "a^(1)"
    fock1 = LocalSpace(1,
                           'Create': 'b',
                           'Destroy': 'b',
                           'Phase': 'Ph'
    spin1 = SpinSpace(1,
                          'Jz': 'Z',
                          'Jplus': 'Jp',
                          'Jminus': 'Jm'
    assert ascii(Create(hs=fock1)) == "b^(1)H"
    assert ascii(Destroy(hs=fock1)) == "b^(1)"
    assert ascii(Jz(hs=SpinSpace(1, spin=1))) == "J_z^(1)"
    assert ascii(Jz(hs=spin1)) == "Z^(1)"
    assert ascii(Jplus(hs=spin1)) == "Jp^(1)"
    assert ascii(Jminus(hs=spin1)) == "Jm^(1)"
    assert ascii(Phase(0.5, hs=1)) == 'Phase^(1)(0.5)'
    assert ascii(Phase(0.5, hs=fock1)) == 'Ph^(1)(0.5)'
    assert ascii(Displace(0.5, hs=1)) == 'D^(1)(0.5)'
    assert ascii(Squeeze(0.5, hs=1)) == 'Squeeze^(1)(0.5)'
    hs_tls = LocalSpace('1', basis=('g', 'e'))
    sig_e_g = LocalSigma('e', 'g', hs=hs_tls)
    assert ascii(sig_e_g) == '|e><g|^(1)'
    assert ascii(sig_e_g, sig_as_ketbra=False) == 'sigma_e,g^(1)'
    sig_e_e = LocalProjector('e', hs=hs_tls)
    assert ascii(sig_e_e, sig_as_ketbra=False) == 'Pi_e^(1)'
    assert (ascii(BasisKet(0, hs=1) * BasisKet(0, hs=2) *
                  BasisKet(0, hs=3)) == '|0,0,0>^(1*2*3)')
    assert ascii(BasisKet(0, hs=hs1) * BasisKet(0, hs=hs2)) == '|00>^(q1*q2)'
    assert (ascii(
        BasisKet(0, hs=LocalSpace(0, dimension=20)) *
        BasisKet(0, hs=LocalSpace(1, dimension=20))) == '|0,0>^(0*1)')
Ejemplo n.º 19
def test_ascii_hilbert_operations():
    """Test the ascii representation of Hilbert space algebra operations"""
    H1 = LocalSpace(1)
    H2 = LocalSpace(2)
    assert ascii(H1 * H2) == 'H_1 * H_2'
Ejemplo n.º 20
def test_ascii_bra_elements():
    """Test the ascii representation of "atomic" kets"""
    hs1 = LocalSpace('q1', basis=('g', 'e'))
    hs2 = LocalSpace('q2', basis=('g', 'e'))
    bra = Bra(KetSymbol('Psi', hs=1))
    alpha, beta = symbols('alpha, beta')
    assert ascii(Bra(KetSymbol('Psi', hs=hs1))) == '<Psi|^(q1)'
    assert ascii(bra) == '<Psi|^(1)'
    assert ascii(bra, show_hs_label=False) == '<Psi|'
    assert ascii(bra, show_hs_label='subscript') == '<Psi|_(1)'
    assert ascii(Bra(KetSymbol('Psi', alpha, beta,
                               hs=hs1))) == ('<Psi(alpha, beta)|^(q1)')
    assert ascii(Bra(KetSymbol('Psi', hs=(1, 2)))) == '<Psi|^(1*2)'
    assert ascii(Bra(KetSymbol('Psi', hs=hs1 * hs2))) == '<Psi|^(q1*q2)'
    assert ascii(KetSymbol('Psi', hs=1).dag()) == '<Psi|^(1)'
    assert ascii(Bra(ZeroKet)) == '0'
    assert ascii(Bra(TrivialKet)) == '1'
    assert ascii(BasisKet('e', hs=hs1).adjoint()) == '<e|^(q1)'
    assert ascii(BasisKet(1, hs=1).adjoint()) == '<1|^(1)'
    assert ascii(CoherentStateKet(2.0, hs=1).dag()) == '<alpha=2|^(1)'
    assert ascii(CoherentStateKet(2.1, hs=1).dag()) == '<alpha=2.1|^(1)'
    assert ascii(CoherentStateKet(0.5j, hs=1).dag()) == '<alpha=0.5j|^(1)'