Ejemplo n.º 1
 def GET_wiki_discussions(self, page, num, after, reverse, count):
     page_url = add_sr("%s/%s" % (c.wiki_base_url, page.name))
     links = url_links(page_url)
     builder = IDBuilder([ link._fullname for link in links ],
                         num = num, after = after, reverse = reverse,
                         count = count, skip = False)
     listing = LinkListing(builder).listing()
     return WikiDiscussions(listing, page=page.name,
Ejemplo n.º 2
 def __init__(self, content, edit_by, edit_date, diff=None):
     self.page_content = wikimarkdown(content) if content else ''
     self.page_content_md = content
     self.diff = diff
     self.edit_by = edit_by
     self.edit_date = edit_date
     self.base_url = c.wiki_base_url
     self.may_revise = this_may_revise(c.page_obj)
Ejemplo n.º 3
 def __init__(self, content, edit_by, edit_date, diff=None):
     self.page_content = wikimarkdown(content) if content else ''
     self.page_content_md = content
     self.diff = diff
     self.edit_by = edit_by
     self.edit_date = edit_date
     self.base_url = c.wiki_base_url
     self.may_revise = this_may_revise(c.page_obj)
Ejemplo n.º 4
 def __init__(self, content, diff=None, **context):
     if not content and not context.get('alert'):
         if this_may_revise(c.page_obj):
             context['alert'] = _(
                 "this page is empty, edit it to add some content.")
     content = WikiView(content,
     WikiBase.__init__(self, content, **context)
Ejemplo n.º 5
 def GET_wiki_page(self, pv, page_name):
     message = None
     if c.errors.get(('PAGE_NAME_NORMALIZED', 'page')):
         url = join_urls(c.wiki_base_url, page_name)
         return self.redirect(url)
     page, version, version2 = pv
     if not page:
         if c.render_style in extensions.API_TYPES:
             self.handle_error(404, 'PAGE_NOT_CREATED')
         return WikiNotFound(page=page_name).render()
     if version:
         edit_by = version.get_author()
         edit_date = version.date
         edit_by = page.get_author()
         edit_date = page._get('last_edit_date')
     diffcontent = None
     if not version:
         content = page.content
         if c.is_wiki_mod and page.name in page_descriptions:
             message = page_descriptions[page.name]
         message = _("viewing revision from %s") % timesince(version.date)
         if version2:
             t1 = timesince(version.date)
             t2 = timesince(version2.date)
             timestamp1 = _("%s ago") % t1
             timestamp2 = _("%s ago") % t2
             message = _("comparing revisions from %(date_1)s and %(date_2)s") \
                       % {'date_1': t1, 'date_2': t2}
             diffcontent = make_htmldiff(version.content, version2.content, timestamp1, timestamp2)
             content = version2.content
             message = _("viewing revision from %s ago") % timesince(version.date)
             content = version.content
     return WikiPageView(content, alert=message, v=version, diff=diffcontent,
                         may_revise=this_may_revise(page), edit_by=edit_by,
                         edit_date=edit_date, page=page.name).render()
Ejemplo n.º 6
    def __init__(self, content, actionless=False, alert=None, **context):
        pageactions = []
        if not actionless and c.page:
            pageactions += [(c.page, _("view"), False)]
            if this_may_revise(c.page_obj):
                pageactions += [('edit', _("edit"), True)]
            pageactions += [('revisions/%s' % c.page, _("history"), False)]
            pageactions += [('discussions', _("talk"), True)]
            if c.is_wiki_mod:
                pageactions += [('settings', _("settings"), True)]

        action = context.get('wikiaction', (c.page, 'wiki'))
        context['title'] = c.site.name
        if alert:
            context['infotext'] = alert
        elif c.wikidisabled:
            context['infotext'] = _("this wiki is currently disabled, only mods may interact with this wiki")
        context['content'] = WikiBasePage(content, action, pageactions, **context)
        Reddit.__init__(self, **context)
Ejemplo n.º 7
    def __init__(self, content, actionless=False, alert=None, **context):
        pageactions = []

        if not actionless and c.page:
            pageactions += [(c.page, _("view"), False)]
            if this_may_revise(c.page_obj):
                pageactions += [('edit', _("edit"), True)]
            pageactions += [('revisions/%s' % c.page, _("history"), False)]
            pageactions += [('discussions', _("talk"), True)]
            if c.is_wiki_mod:
                pageactions += [('settings', _("settings"), True)]

        action = context.get('wikiaction', (c.page, 'wiki'))

        context['title'] = c.site.name
        if alert:
            context['infotext'] = alert
        elif c.wikidisabled:
            context['infotext'] = _(
                "this wiki is currently disabled, only mods may interact with this wiki"
        context['content'] = WikiBasePage(content, action, pageactions,
        Reddit.__init__(self, **context)
Ejemplo n.º 8
 def __init__(self, content, diff=None, **context):
     if not content and not context.get('alert'):
         if this_may_revise(c.page_obj):
             context['alert'] = _("this page is empty, edit it to add some content.")
     content = WikiView(content, context.get('edit_by'), context.get('edit_date'), diff=diff)
     WikiBase.__init__(self, content, **context)
Ejemplo n.º 9
 def GET_wiki_revisions(self, num, after, reverse, count, page):
     revisions = page.get_revisions()
     builder = WikiRevisionBuilder(revisions, num=num, reverse=reverse, count=count, after=after, skip=not c.is_wiki_mod, wrap=default_thing_wrapper())
     listing = WikiRevisionListing(builder).listing()
     return WikiRevisions(listing, page=page.name, may_revise=this_may_revise(page)).render()