Ejemplo n.º 1
def test_recompute_Q_from_QvibQrot_Dunham_Evib123_Erot(verbose=True,
    """Calculate vibrational and rotational partition functions:

    - with Dunham expansions. Evib, Erot = (Evib1+Evib2+Evib3, Erot)
    - under nonequilibrium

    Calculate total rovibrational partition function, and compare

    Test if partition function can be recomputed correctly from vibrational
    populations and rotational partition function (note that we are in a coupled
    case so partition function is not simply the product of Qvib, Qrot)

    iso = 1
    Tvib = 1500
    Trot = 300

    S = Molecules["CO2"][iso]["X"]

    Qf = PartFunc_Dunham(
            "CO2": (["Evib1", "Evib2", "Evib3"], ["Erot"])

    Q = Qf.at_noneq(Tvib, Trot)
    _, Qvib, dfQrot = Qf.at_noneq(Tvib, Trot, returnQvibQrot=True)
    if verbose:
        printm("Q", Q)
    if verbose:
        printm("Qvib", Qvib)

    # 1) Test Q vs Q recomputed from Qrot, Qvib

    # Recompute Qtot
    df = dfQrot
    Q2 = ((df.gvib * exp(-df.Evib * hc_k / Tvib)) * df.Qrot).sum()
    # Todo: non Boltzmann case

    assert np.isclose(Q, Q2)

    if verbose:
        printm("Tested Q vs recomputed from (Qvib, Qrot) are the same: OK")

    return True
Ejemplo n.º 2
def test_Q_1Tvib_vs_Q_3Tvib(T=1500,
    """Test if partition function calculated in 1-Tvib mode returns the same
    result as partition function calculated in 3-Tvib mode

    b = True

    # input
    M = "CO2"
    I = 1  # isotope
    S = Molecules[M][I]["X"]

    Qf = PartFunc_Dunham(S, use_cached=True)
    df = Qf.df

    # First make sure energies match
    if not (df.Evib == df.Evib1 + df.Evib2 + df.Evib3).all():
        b *= False
        if warnings:
                "WARNING in test_Q_1Tvib_vs_Q_3Tvib: Evib != Evib1 + Evib2 + Evib3"

    # Then calculate Q vs Q3T
    Q = Qf.at_noneq(T, T)
    if verbose:
        printm("Q", Q)

    Q3T = Qf.at_noneq_3Tvib((T, T, T), T)
    if verbose:
        printm("Q3T", Q3T)

    assert np.isclose(Q, Q3T)
    if verbose:
            "Tested Q in 1-Tvib vs Q in 3-Tvib modes (T={0:.0f}K): OK".format(

    return True