Ejemplo n.º 1
 def load_workflow_status(self, workflow_id: str):
     """Load the committed workflow status."""
     raw_data = self._storage.get(self._key_workflow_metadata(workflow_id))
     if raw_data is not None:
         metadata = json.loads(raw_data)
         return WorkflowStatus(metadata["status"])
     return WorkflowStatus.NONE
Ejemplo n.º 2
 async def _list_workflow(self) -> List[Tuple[str, WorkflowStatus]]:
     prefix = self._storage.make_key("")
     workflow_ids = await self._storage.scan_prefix(prefix)
     metadata = await asyncio.gather(*[
         self._get([workflow_id, WORKFLOW_META], True)
         for workflow_id in workflow_ids
     return [(wid, WorkflowStatus(meta["status"]) if meta else None)
             for (wid, meta) in zip(workflow_ids, metadata)]
Ejemplo n.º 3
def list_all(
    status_filter: Optional[Union[Union[WorkflowStatus, str],
                                  Set[Union[WorkflowStatus, str]]]] = None
) -> List[Tuple[str, WorkflowStatus]]:
    """List all workflows matching a given status filter.

        status: If given, only returns workflow with that status. This can
            be a single status or set of statuses. The string form of the
            status is also acceptable, i.e.,

        >>> workflow_step = long_running_job.step()
        >>> wf = workflow_step.run_async(workflow_id="long_running_job")
        >>> jobs = workflow.list_all()
        >>> assert jobs == [ ("long_running_job", workflow.RUNNING) ]
        >>> ray.get(wf)
        >>> jobs = workflow.list_all({workflow.RUNNING})
        >>> assert jobs == []
        >>> jobs = workflow.list_all(workflow.SUCCESSFUL)
        >>> assert jobs == [ ("long_running_job", workflow.SUCCESSFUL) ]

        A list of tuple with workflow id and workflow status
    if isinstance(status_filter, str):
        status_filter = set({WorkflowStatus(status_filter)})
    elif isinstance(status_filter, WorkflowStatus):
        status_filter = set({status_filter})
    elif isinstance(status_filter, set):
        if all(isinstance(s, str) for s in status_filter):
            status_filter = {WorkflowStatus(s) for s in status_filter}
        elif not all(isinstance(s, WorkflowStatus) for s in status_filter):
            raise TypeError("status_filter contains element which is not"
                            " a type of `WorkflowStatus or str`."
                            f" {status_filter}")
    elif status_filter is None:
        status_filter = set(WorkflowStatus.__members__.keys())
        raise TypeError(
            "status_filter must be WorkflowStatus or a set of WorkflowStatus.")
    return execution.list_all(status_filter)
Ejemplo n.º 4
 def _list_workflow(self) -> List[Tuple[str, WorkflowStatus]]:
     results = []
     for workflow_id in self._scan("", ignore_errors=True):
             metadata = self._get(os.path.join(workflow_id, WORKFLOW_META),
                 (workflow_id, WorkflowStatus(metadata["status"])))
         except KeyNotFoundError:
     return results
Ejemplo n.º 5
    def load_workflow_meta(self) -> Optional[WorkflowMetaData]:
        """Load the metadata of the current workflow.

            The metadata of the current workflow. If it doesn't exist,
            return None.

            metadata = asyncio_run(self._get(self._key_workflow_metadata(), True))
            return WorkflowMetaData(status=WorkflowStatus(metadata["status"]))
        except KeyNotFoundError:
            return None
Ejemplo n.º 6
 def get_workflow_status(self, workflow_id: str) -> WorkflowStatus:
     """Get the status of the workflow."""
     if workflow_id in self._workflow_executors:
         if workflow_id in self._queued_workflows:
             return WorkflowStatus.PENDING
         return WorkflowStatus.RUNNING
     store = workflow_storage.get_workflow_storage(workflow_id)
     status = store.load_workflow_status()
     if status == WorkflowStatus.NONE:
         raise WorkflowNotFoundError(workflow_id)
     elif status in WorkflowStatus.non_terminating_status():
         return WorkflowStatus.RESUMABLE
     return status
Ejemplo n.º 7
def list_all(
    status_filter: Optional[Union[Union[WorkflowStatus, str],
                                  Set[Union[WorkflowStatus, str]]]] = None
) -> List[Tuple[str, WorkflowStatus]]:
    """List all workflows matching a given status filter. When returning "RESUMEABLE"
    workflows, the workflows that was running ranks before the workflow that was pending
    in the result list.

        status_filter: If given, only returns workflow with that status. This can
            be a single status or set of statuses. The string form of the
            status is also acceptable, i.e.,
        >>> from ray import workflow
        >>> long_running_job = ... # doctest: +SKIP
        >>> workflow_step = long_running_job.step() # doctest: +SKIP
        >>> wf = workflow_step.run_async( # doctest: +SKIP
        ...     workflow_id="long_running_job")
        >>> jobs = workflow.list_all() # doctest: +SKIP
        >>> assert jobs == [ ("long_running_job", workflow.RUNNING) ] # doctest: +SKIP
        >>> ray.get(wf) # doctest: +SKIP
        >>> jobs = workflow.list_all({workflow.RUNNING}) # doctest: +SKIP
        >>> assert jobs == [] # doctest: +SKIP
        >>> jobs = workflow.list_all(workflow.SUCCESSFUL) # doctest: +SKIP
        >>> assert jobs == [ # doctest: +SKIP
        ...     ("long_running_job", workflow.SUCCESSFUL)]

        A list of tuple with workflow id and workflow status
    if isinstance(status_filter, str):
        status_filter = set({WorkflowStatus(status_filter)})
    elif isinstance(status_filter, WorkflowStatus):
        status_filter = set({status_filter})
    elif isinstance(status_filter, set):
        if all(isinstance(s, str) for s in status_filter):
            status_filter = {WorkflowStatus(s) for s in status_filter}
        elif not all(isinstance(s, WorkflowStatus) for s in status_filter):
            raise TypeError("status_filter contains element which is not"
                            " a type of `WorkflowStatus or str`."
                            f" {status_filter}")
    elif status_filter is None:
        status_filter = set(WorkflowStatus)
        raise TypeError(
            "status_filter must be WorkflowStatus or a set of WorkflowStatus.")

        workflow_manager = workflow_access.get_management_actor()
    except ValueError:
        workflow_manager = None

    if workflow_manager is None:
        non_terminating_workflows = {}
        non_terminating_workflows = ray.get(

    ret = []
    if set(non_terminating_workflows.keys()).issuperset(status_filter):
        for status, workflows in non_terminating_workflows.items():
            if status in status_filter:
                for w in workflows:
                    ret.append((w, status))
        return ret

    ret = []
    # Here we don't have workflow id, so use empty one instead
    store = WorkflowStorage("")
    modified_status_filter = status_filter.copy()
    # Here we have to add non-terminating status to the status filter, because some
    # "RESUMABLE" workflows are converted from non-terminating workflows below.
    # This is the tricky part: the status "RESUMABLE" neither come from
    # the workflow management actor nor the storage. It is the status where
    # the storage says it is non-terminating but the workflow management actor
    # is not running it. This usually happened when there was a sudden crash
    # of the whole Ray runtime or the workflow management actor
    # (due to cluster etc.). So we includes non terminating status in the storage
    # filter to get "RESUMABLE" candidates.
    status_from_storage = store.list_workflow(modified_status_filter)
    non_terminating_workflows = {
        k: set(v)
        for k, v in non_terminating_workflows.items()
    resume_running = []
    resume_pending = []
    for (k, s) in status_from_storage:
        if s in non_terminating_workflows and k not in non_terminating_workflows[
            if s == WorkflowStatus.RUNNING:
            elif s == WorkflowStatus.PENDING:
                assert False, "This line of code should not be reachable."
        if s in status_filter:
            ret.append((k, s))
    if WorkflowStatus.RESUMABLE in status_filter:
        # The running workflows ranks before the pending workflows.
        for w in resume_running:
            ret.append((w, WorkflowStatus.RESUMABLE))
        for w in resume_pending:
            ret.append((w, WorkflowStatus.RESUMABLE))
    return ret