Ejemplo n.º 1
def read_basin_indices(path, minimum_accumulated_cells = -1):
    result = []
    nc = Dataset(path)

    for k, v in nc.variables.iteritems():
        result.append(BasinIndices(k, v.data))

    #select only cells with the number of previous cells bigger than minimum_accumulated_cells
    if minimum_accumulated_cells > 0:
        basins = infocell.get_basins_with_cells_connected_using_hydrosheds_data()

        for basin in basins:
            for basin_index in result:
                if basin.name == basin_index.name:
                    the_basin_index = basin_index

            for the_cell in basin.cells:
                # @type the_cell Cell
                acc_cells = the_cell.calculate_number_of_upstream_cells()
                if acc_cells < minimum_accumulated_cells:
                    the_basin_index.mask[the_cell.x, the_cell.y] = 0

    return result
def plot_mean_hydrograph_with_gw_ouflow(data_path = 'data/streamflows/hydrosheds_euler10_spinup100yrs'):
#TODO: Implement
    basins = infocell.get_basins_with_cells_connected_using_hydrosheds_data()

    basinName = 'RDO'
    theBasin = None
    for basin in basins:
        # @type basin Basin
        if basin.name == basinName:
            theBasin = basin

    data = data_select.get_data_from_file(path = data_path, field_name = 'gw_outflow')
    gw_outflow = data[0]
    times = data[1]
    x_index = data[2]
    y_index = data[3]

    data = data_select.get_data_from_file(path = data_path, field_name = 'surface_runoff')
    surface_runoff = data[0]

    for t in times: