def __call__(self): cover = new_path = None try: cover = self.genPdfRecension() pdf = self.context.get_review_pdf() error_code = None new_path = None if pdf: pdf_blob = pdf["blob"] original = fd, new_path = tempfile.mkstemp(prefix = 'final', suffix = '.pdf') os.close(fd) #2463 error_code = os.system( 'ulimit -t 5;pdftk %s %s cat output %s' % ( cover, original, new_path ) ) if error_code or not pdf: IStatusMessage(self.request).add( _(u'Creating the pdf has failed! Please try again ' 'or ask for support'), 'error') return else: pdfdata = file(new_path).read() finally: if cover: os.remove(cover) if new_path: os.remove(new_path) self._prepareHeader(len(pdfdata), "%s.pdf" % IUUID(self.context)) return pdfdata
def getLicense(real_self): self = real_self.magic publication = self.get_parent_object_of_type("Publication") publication_licence = "" if publication != None: publication_licence = getattr(publication, "licence", "") return True and publication_licence or _('license-note-review')
def __call__(self, value, *args, **kwargs): if value != "DELETE_IMAGE": try: return True except IOError, e: return _(str(e))
def __call__(self, value, *args, **kwargs): if value == True: return 1 site = getSite() language = getToolByName(site, 'portal_languages').getPreferredLanguage() return translate( _(u'message_ccby_license', default=(u"All submitted reviews must be published under " "the CC-BY licence.") ), target_language=language)
def getLicense(real_self): self = real_self.magic publication = self.get_parent_object_of_type("Publication") publication_licence = "" current = self if publication != None: while current != publication: publication_licence = getattr(current, "licence", "") if publication_licence: break current = current.aq_parent if not publication_licence: publication_licence = getattr(publication, "licence", "") return True and publication_licence or _('license-note-review')
def __call__(self, value, *args, **kwargs): # "value" is a byte string. We need to decode it before we can # count the number of chars. We make the assumption that it is # utf-8 encoded html = fromstring(value.decode("utf-8")) # extract the text from the html textblocks = html.xpath("//text()") # join the textblocks except for line breaks (empty p tags) text = "".join([i for i in textblocks if i != "\r\n"]) character_count = len(text) # TODO: setting the validator via the finalize_recensio_schema # method didn't work so I'm setting it here manually. is_review = kwargs["instance"]["portal_type"].startswith("Review") if is_review or character_count <= 6000: return 1 else: return translate( _(u"message_characters_exceeded", default =( u"You have exceeded the maximum number of characters you are " "permitted to use.") ) )
def getLicenseURL(real_self): self = real_self.magic return {'msg' : _('license-note-presentation-url-text'), 'url' : _('license-note-presentation-url-url')}
def getLicense(real_self): self = real_self.magic return _('license-note-presentation')
def _genCoverSheet(self): file_handle, tmpfile = tempfile.mkstemp(prefix='cover', suffix='.pdf') os.close(file_handle) #2463 self.canvas = cover = canvas.Canvas(tmpfile, pagesize=A4) pwidth,pheight = A4 language = self.request.get('language', '') # I want the syntax for translation look as similar as the real thing # But not similar enough for freaking out the translation string # extractors _X = lambda x: translate(x, target_language = language) # register the font (unicode-aware) font = os.path.abspath(__file__ +\ '/../../data/DejaVuSerif.ttf') pdfmetrics.registerFont( TTFont('DejaVu-Serif', font) ) self._drawImage('logo2_fuer-Deckblatt.jpg', 0, pheight - 4.21*cm, 28.28*cm, 4.21*cm) pdf_watermark_path = resource_filename( __name__, os.path.join('images', 'logo_icon_watermark.jpg')) publication = self.context.get_parent_object_of_type("Publication") if publication != None: pdf_watermark_obj = getattr(publication, "pdf_watermark", None) if pdf_watermark_obj: pdf_watermark_path = pdf_watermark_obj.getBlob().open().name self.canvas.drawImage( pdf_watermark_path, 6.2 * cm, 9.5 * cm, 6 * cm, 6 * cm, preserveAspectRatio=True, anchor='sw', mask='auto' # To support transparent PNGs ) cover.setFont('DejaVu-Serif', 10) cover.setFillColor(grey) citation = translate(_(u'label_citation_style', default=u'citation style'), target_language=language) cover.drawString(2.50*cm, pheight-5.5*cm, citation) cover.drawString(2.50*cm, pheight-21.5*cm, u'copyright') style = ParagraphStyle('citation style', fontName = 'DejaVu-Serif', fontSize = 10, textColor = grey) try: P = Paragraph(_(self.context.get_citation_string()), style) except UnicodeDecodeError:#ATF P = Paragraph(self.context.get_citation_string(), style) realwidth, realheight = P.wrap(pwidth-6.20*cm-2.5*cm, 10*cm) P.drawOn(cover, 6.20*cm, pheight-6.5*cm-realheight) # A small calculation, how much this paragaph would overlap # into the next paragraph. If the number is positive, we have # an overlap, and apply it to the initial offset overlap = (pheight - 8.5 * cm) - (pheight - 6.5 * cm - realheight) overlap += 15 # padding if hasattr(self.context, 'getFirstPublicationData'): msgs = ['First published: ' + x for x in self.context.getFirstPublicationData()] offset = max(overlap, 0) for msg in msgs: P2 = Paragraph(msg, style) # msg got escaped" realwidth, realheight = P2.wrap(pwidth-6.20*cm-2.5*cm, 10*cm) P2.drawOn(cover, 6.20*cm, pheight-8.5*cm-realheight - offset) offset += realheight P3 = Paragraph(_X(self.context.getLicense()), style) realwidth, realheight = P3.wrap(pwidth-6.20*cm-2.5*cm, 10*cm) P3.drawOn(cover, 6.20*cm, pheight-22.5*cm-realheight) cover.showPage() return tmpfile
from Products.ATContentTypes.content import schemata from recensio.contenttypes import contenttypesMessageFactory as _ from recensio.contenttypes.content.publication import PublicationSchema from recensio.contenttypes.content.publication import Publication from recensio.contenttypes.interfaces import IPublication from zope.interface import implements JournalSchema = ( PublicationSchema.copy() + atapi.Schema(( atapi.StringField( 'issn', storage=atapi.AnnotationStorage(), widget=atapi.StringWidget( label=_(u"ISSN"), description=_( u'description_issn', default=(u"With or without hyphens.") ), ), ), atapi.StringField( 'shortnameJournal', storage=atapi.AnnotationStorage(), widget=atapi.StringWidget( label=_(u"Shortname"), ), ), atapi.StringField( 'yearOfPublication',
PageStartEndOfReviewInJournalSchema, ReviewSchema, finalize_recensio_schema) from recensio.contenttypes.interfaces import IReviewJournal ReviewJournalSchema = JournalReviewSchema.copy() + \ CoverPictureSchema.copy() + \ PageStartEndInPDFSchema.copy() + \ PageStartEndOfReviewInJournalSchema.copy() + \ ReviewSchema.copy() + \ atapi.Schema(( atapi.StringField( 'editor', schemata="reviewed_text", storage=atapi.AnnotationStorage(), widget=atapi.StringWidget( label=_(u"Editor (name or institution)"), ), ), )) ReviewJournalSchema['title'].storage = atapi.AnnotationStorage() ReviewJournalSchema['title'].widget.label = _(u"Title (journal)") ReviewJournalSchema['subtitle'].widget.visible={ "view":"hidden", "edit":"hidden"} finalize_recensio_schema(ReviewJournalSchema) class ReviewJournal(BaseReview): """Review Journal""" implements(IReviewJournal)
from recensio.theme.browser.views import editorTypes PresentationMonographSchema = BookReviewSchema.copy() + \ CoverPictureSchema.copy() + \ EditorialSchema.copy() + \ PagecountSchema.copy() + \ PresentationSchema.copy() + \ ReferenceAuthorsSchema.copy() + \ SerialSchema.copy() + \ atapi.Schema(( atapi.TextField( 'tableOfContents', schemata="presentation text", storage=atapi.AnnotationStorage(), widget=atapi.TextAreaWidget( label=_(u"Table of contents of the monograph you are presenting"), rows=9, ), ), DataGridField( 'existingOnlineReviews', schemata=u"presentation", storage=atapi.AnnotationStorage(), columns=("name", "url"), default=[{'name':'', 'url':''}], widget=DataGridWidget( label = _(u"Existing online reviews"), description=_( u'description_existing_online_reviews', default=(u"Are there reviews on your text which are already available "
def get_metadata(self): context = self.context fields = self.context.Schema()._fields meta = {} for field in context.metadata_fields: value = False # A field is only displayed if it has a value is_macro = False if field.startswith("get_"): label = self.custom_metadata_field_labels[field] value = context[field]() elif field == "metadata_start_end_pages": label = _("metadata_pages") value = context.page_start_end_in_print elif field == "metadata_review_author": label = _("label_metadata_review_author") value = self.list_rows( context["reviewAuthors"], "lastname", "firstname") elif field == "metadata_presentation_author": label = _("label_metadata_presentation_author") value = self.list_rows( context["reviewAuthors"], "lastname", "firstname") elif field == "authors": label = self.get_label(fields, field, context.meta_type) value = self.list_rows(context[field], "lastname", "firstname") elif field == "editorial": label = self.get_label(fields, field, context.meta_type) value = self.list_rows(context[field], "lastname", "firstname") elif field == "editorsCollectedEdition": label = self.get_label(fields, field, context.meta_type) value = self.list_rows(context[field], "lastname", "firstname") elif field == "metadata_review_type_code": label = _("metadata_review_type_code") value = context.translate(context.portal_type) elif field == "referenceAuthors": label = _("label_metadata_reference_authors") value = self.list_rows(context[field], "lastname", "firstname") elif field == "institution": label = _("label_metadata_institution") value = self.list_rows(context[field], "name") elif field == "metadata_recensioID": label = _("metadata_recensio_id") value = context.UID() elif field == 'canonical_uri': url = context.canonical_uri if url: label = self.get_label(fields, field, context.meta_type) value = ('<a rel="canonical_uri" href="%s">%s</a>' % (url, url)) elif field == 'uri': url = context.uri if url: label = self.get_label(fields, field, context.meta_type) value = ('<a href="%s">%s</a>' % (url, url)) elif field == 'doi': try: doi_active = self.context.isDoiRegistrationActive() except AttributeError: doi_active = False # If DOI registration is not active and the object has only the # auto-generated DOI, i.e. the user has not supplied their own, # then we don't want to show the DOI. See #12126-86 if not doi_active and context.getDoi() == context.generateDoi(): value = False else: doi = context.getDoi() label = self.get_label(fields, field, context.meta_type) value = ('<a rel="doi" href="">%s</a>' % (doi, doi)) else: if field == "ddcSubject": label = _("Subject classification") elif field == "ddcTime": label = _("Time classification") elif field == "ddcPlace": label = _("Regional classification") else: label = self.get_label(fields, field, context.meta_type) # The macro is used in the template, the value is # used to determine whether to display that row or not value = context[field] and True or False is_macro = True meta[field] = {'label': label, 'value': value, 'is_macro': is_macro} return meta
def __call__(self, value, *args, **kwargs): name = value[0] if name.get("firstname", "") == name.get("lastname", "") == "": return _("message_at_least_one_author_validation_error") return True
def get_metadata(self): context = self.context fields = self.context.Schema()._fields meta = {} for field in context.metadata_fields: value = False # A field is only displayed if it has a value is_macro = False if field.startswith("get_"): label = self.custom_metadata_field_labels[field] value = context[field]() elif field == "metadata_start_end_pages": label = _("metadata_pages") value = context.page_start_end_in_print elif field == "metadata_review_author": label = _("label_metadata_review_author") value = self.list_rows( context["reviewAuthors"], "lastname", "firstname") elif field == "metadata_presentation_author": label = _("label_metadata_presentation_author") value = self.list_rows( context["reviewAuthors"], "lastname", "firstname") elif field == "authors": label = self.get_label(fields, field, context.meta_type) value = self.list_rows(context[field], "lastname", "firstname") elif field == "editorial": label = self.get_label(fields, field, context.meta_type) value = self.list_rows(context[field], "lastname", "firstname") elif field == "editorsCollectedEdition": label = self.get_label(fields, field, context.meta_type) value = self.list_rows(context[field], "lastname", "firstname") elif field == "metadata_review_type_code": label = _("metadata_review_type_code") value = context.translate(context.portal_type) elif field == "referenceAuthors": label = _("label_metadata_reference_authors") value = self.list_rows(context[field], "lastname", "firstname") elif field == "institution": label = _("label_metadata_institution") value = self.list_rows(context[field], "name") elif field == "metadata_recensioID": label = _("metadata_recensio_id") value = context.UID() elif field == 'canonical_uri': url = context.canonical_uri if url: label = self.get_label(fields, field, context.meta_type) value = ('<a rel="canonical_uri" href="%s">%s</a>' % (url, url)) elif field == 'uri': url = context.uri if url: label = self.get_label(fields, field, context.meta_type) value = ('<a href="%s">%s</a>' % (url, url)) elif field == 'doi': doi_url = self.get_doi_url_if_active() if doi_url: value = ('<a rel="doi" href="%s">%s</a>' % (doi_url, context.getDoi())) label = self.get_label(fields, field, context.meta_type) else: label = None else: if field == "ddcSubject": label = _("Subject classification") elif field == "ddcTime": label = _("Time classification") elif field == "ddcPlace": label = _("Regional classification") else: label = self.get_label(fields, field, context.meta_type) # The macro is used in the template, the value is # used to determine whether to display that row or not value = context[field] and True or False is_macro = True meta[field] = {'label': label, 'value': value, 'is_macro': is_macro} return meta
from recensio.contenttypes.interfaces import IPresentationArticleReview PresentationArticleReviewSchema = ( AuthorsSchema.copy() + JournalReviewSchema.copy() + PresentationSchema.copy() + ReferenceAuthorsSchema.copy() + PageStartEndOfPresentedTextInPrintSchema.copy() + atapi.Schema( ( atapi.StringField( "heading_information_journal", schemata="reviewed_text", widget=atapi.LabelWidget( label=_(u"heading_information_journal", default=(u"Information on the journal")) ), ), atapi.StringField( "titleJournal", storage=atapi.AnnotationStorage(), required=True, widget=atapi.StringWidget(label=_(u"title_journal", default=u"Title (Journal)")), ), ) ) ) PresentationArticleReviewSchema["title"].storage = atapi.AnnotationStorage() PresentationArticleReviewSchema["authors"].widget.label = _( "label_presentation_article_authors", default=u"Author(s) of presented article"
def get_citation_string(real_self): """ I think the in... part does not make sense for this content type Either return the custom citation or the generated one >>> from mock import Mock >>> at_mock = Mock() >>> at_mock.get = lambda x: None >>> at_mock.formatted_authors_editorial = u"Gerken\u2665, Patrick\u2665 / Pilz, Alexander" >>> at_mock.title = "Plone 4.0♥?" >>> at_mock.subtitle = "Das Benutzerhandbuch♥" >>> at_mock.reviewAuthors = [{'firstname' : 'Cillian♥', 'lastname' : 'de Roiste♥'}] >>> at_mock.yearOfPublication = '2009♥' >>> at_mock.publisher = 'SYSLAB.COM GmbH♥' >>> at_mock.placeOfPublication = 'München♥' >>> at_mock.portal_url = lambda :'' >>> at_mock.UID = lambda :'12345' >>> presentation = PresentationMonographNoMagic(at_mock) >>> presentation.directTranslate = lambda m: m.default >>> presentation.get_citation_string() u'de Roiste\u2665, Cillian\u2665: presentation of: Gerken\u2665, Patrick\u2665 / Pilz, Alexander, Plone 4.0\u2665? Das Benutzerhandbuch\u2665, M\\xfcnchen\u2665: SYSLAB.COM GmbH\u2665, 2009\u2665, <a href=""></a>' [Präsentator Nachname], [Präsentator Vorname]: presentation of: [Werkautor Nachname], [Werkautor Vorname], [Werktitel]. [Werk-Untertitel], [Erscheinungsort]: [Verlag], [Jahr], URL recensio. Big chunk removed, since it is not a review from a mag in: [Zs-Titel], [Nummer], [Heftnummer (gezähltes Jahr/Erscheinungsjahr)], Meier, Hans: presentation of: Meier, Hans, Geschichte des Abendlandes. Ein Abriss, München: Oldenbourg, 2010, in: Zeitschrift für Geschichte, 39, 3 (2008/2009), """ self = real_self.magic args = { 'presentation_of' : real_self.directTranslate(Message( u"text_presentation_of", "recensio", default="presentation of:")), 'in' : real_self.directTranslate(Message( u"text_in", "recensio", default="in:")), 'page' : real_self.directTranslate(Message( u"text_pages", "recensio", default="p.")), ':' : real_self.directTranslate(Message( u"text_colon", "recensio", default=":")), } rezensent = getFormatter(u', ') if self.title[-1] in '!?:;.,': title_subtitle = getFormatter(u' ') else: title_subtitle = getFormatter(u'. ') item = getFormatter(u', ', u', ', u'%(:)s ' % args, u', ') mag_number_and_year = getFormatter(u', ', u', ', u' ') if False: _("presentation of") full_citation_inner = getFormatter( u'%(:)s %(presentation_of)s ' % args, u', ') rezensent_string = rezensent( self.reviewAuthors[0]["lastname"], self.reviewAuthors[0]["firstname"]) authors_string = self.formatted_authors_editorial title_subtitle_string = title_subtitle(self.title, self.subtitle) item_string = item( authors_string, title_subtitle_string, self.placeOfPublication, self.publisher, self.yearOfPublication) return full_citation_inner( escape(rezensent_string), escape(item_string), real_self.getUUIDUrl())
"reviewAuthorLastname", "reviewAuthorFirstname"] for field in hidden_fields: schema[field].widget.condition = 'python:False' schemata.marshall_register(schema) AuthorsSchema = atapi.Schema(( DataGridField( 'authors', schemata="reviewed_text", storage=atapi.AnnotationStorage(), columns=("lastname", "firstname"), default=[{'lastname':'', 'firstname':''}], widget=DataGridWidget( label = _(u"Authors"), columns = {"lastname" : Column(_(u"Last name")), "firstname" : Column(_(u"First name")), } ), searchable=True, ), )) class isTrue: """ Custom validator to ensure that the isLicenceApproved box is checked """ implements(IValidator) name = "is_true_validator"
# default=u"Provider of presented resource (name/institution)" # ), # description=_(u"Institution"), # columns = {"lastname" : Column(_(u"Last name")), # "firstname" : Column(_(u"First name")), # }, # ), # ), DataGridField( 'institution', storage=atapi.AnnotationStorage(), columns=("name",), default=[{'name':'',}], widget=DataGridWidget( label=_( u'description_institution', default=u"Provider of presented resource (name/institution)" ), description=_(u"Institution"), columns = {"name" : Column(""), }, ), ), atapi.StringField( 'labelwidget_categories', widget=atapi.LabelWidget( label=_( u"label_online_resource_categories", default=(u"Please use the following menu to describe the contents and " "services of the resource. In each menu you can choose several " "categories.") )
def get_label(self, fields, field, meta_type): """ Return the metadata label for a field of a particular portal_type """ if field == "officialYearOfPublication": return _(u"label_metadata_official_year_of_publication", default=u"Official year of publication") if meta_type.startswith("Review"): if field == "languageReview": return _(u"label_metadata_language_review", default=u"Language (review)") elif meta_type.startswith("Presentation"): if field == "languageReview": return _(u"label_metadata_language_presentation", default=u"Language (presentation)") if meta_type in ["ReviewMonograph", "PresentationMonograph"]: if field == "languageReviewedText": return _(u"label_metadata_language_monograph", default=u"Language (monograph)") if field == "authors": return _(u"Author (monograph)", default=u"Author (monograph)") if field == "editorial": return _(u"Editor (monograph)", default=u"Editor (monograph)") elif meta_type in ["PresentationArticleReview", "PresentationCollection"]: if field == "languageReviewedText": return _(u"label_metadata_language_article", default=u"Language (article)") if field == "authors": return _(u"label_metadata_author_article", default=u"Author (article)") if field == "editorial": return _(u"label_metadata_editor_article", default=u"Editor (article)") if field == "title": return _(u"label_metadata_title_article", default=u"Title (article)") if field == "titleCollectedEdition": return _(u"label_metadata_title_edited_volume", default=u"Title (edited volume)") elif meta_type == "PresentationOnlineResource": if field == "title": return _(u"label_metadata_name_resource", default=u"Name (Internet resource)") if field == "languageReviewedText": return _(u"label_metadata_language_internet_resource", default=u"Language (Internet resource)") elif meta_type == "ReviewJournal": if field == "languageReviewedText": return _(u"label_metadata_language_review_journal", default=u"Language (Journal)") if field == "editor": return _(u"label_metadata_editor", default=u"Editor") return _(fields[field].widget.label)
from Products.DataGridField.Column import Column from recensio.contenttypes import contenttypesMessageFactory as _ from recensio.contenttypes.content.publication import PublicationSchema from recensio.contenttypes.content.publication import Publication from recensio.contenttypes.interfaces import IPublication from zope.interface import implements EditedVolumeSchema = ( PublicationSchema.copy() + atapi.Schema(( atapi.StringField( 'isbn', storage=atapi.AnnotationStorage(), widget=atapi.StringWidget( label=_(u"ISBN"), description=_( u'description_isbn', default=( u"With or without hyphens. In case of several numbers please " "choose the hard cover edition.") ), ), ), DataGridField( 'editorial', storage=atapi.AnnotationStorage(), columns=("lastname", "firstname"), default=[{'lastname':'', 'firstname':''}], widget=DataGridWidget( label=_(u"label_editorial"),
from recensio.contenttypes import contenttypesMessageFactory as _ from recensio.contenttypes.interfaces import IVolume from recensio.contenttypes.config import PROJECTNAME from recensio.contenttypes.content.schemata import LicenceSchema DoiSettingsSchema = atapi.Schema(( atapi.BooleanField( 'doiRegistrationActive', accessor='isDoiRegistrationActive', storage=atapi.AnnotationStorage(), default=True, widget=atapi.BooleanWidget( label=_(u"Activate DOI registration"), description=_( u'description_activate_doi_registration', default=(u"Activates the registration of DOIs at da|ra"), ), ), ), )) FulltextSettingsSchema = atapi.Schema(( atapi.BooleanField( 'useExternalFulltext', accessor='isUseExternalFulltext', storage=atapi.AnnotationStorage(),
# -*- Message Factory Imported Here -*- from recensio.contenttypes import contenttypesMessageFactory as _ from recensio.contenttypes.interfaces import IPublication from recensio.contenttypes.config import PROJECTNAME PublicationSchema = folder.ATFolderSchema.copy() + \ atapi.Schema(( atapi.BooleanField( 'useCanonicalUriForBVID', accessor='isUseCanonicalUriForBVID', storage=atapi.AnnotationStorage(), default=False, widget=atapi.BooleanWidget( label=_(u"Original-URL für BVID-Export"), description=_( u'description_use_canonical_for_bvid', default=(u"Benutze die Original-URL von Rezensionen dieser " "Zeitschrift im BVID-Export. Ist diese Option " "deaktiviert wird die verwendet."), ), ), ), )) + LicenceSchema.copy() # Set storage on fields copied from ATFolderSchema, making sure # they work well with the python bridge properties. PublicationSchema['title'].storage = atapi.AnnotationStorage()
def finalize_recensio_schema(schema, review_type="review"): """Custom replacement for schemata.finalizeATCTSchema Move fields to the correct schemata and hide fields we don't need """ if review_type in ["presentation", "presentation_online", "presentation_article_review", "presentation_collection"]: # Presentations only have one author schema["reviewAuthors"].allow_reorder = False schema["reviewAuthors"].allow_insert = False schema["reviewAuthors"].allow_delete = False schema["reviewAuthors"].widget.label = _(u"label_presentation_authors") # Rename the schemata for presentations presented = "presented_text" if review_type == "presentation_online": presented = "presented_resource" schema_field_names = [i.getName() for i in schema.fields()] for field_name in schema_field_names: if schema[field_name].schemata == "review": schema.changeSchemataForField(field_name, "presentation") elif schema[field_name].schemata == "presentation": pass else: schema.changeSchemataForField(field_name, presented) if field_name in ["pageStart", "pageEnd"]: # TODO: remove after running scripts/ schema[field_name].widget.visible={ "view":"hidden", "edit":"hidden"} # Third schemata for presentations with assocatied publications if review_type in ["presentation_article_review", "presentation_collection"]: if review_type == "presentation_article_review": associated_publication = "associated_journal" else: associated_publication = "associated_edited_volume" for field_name in schema_field_names: if field_name in ["issn", "isbn", "titleCollectedEdition", "heading_information_journal", "titleJournal", "shortnameJournal", "editorsCollectedEdition", "yearOfPublication", "officialYearOfPublication", "volumeNumber", "issueNumber", "series", "seriesVol", "pages", "placeOfPublication", "publisher", "idBvb"]: schema.changeSchemataForField(field_name, associated_publication) schema["uri"].widget.visible["edit"] = "visible" schema.changeSchemataForField("uri", presented) multiselect_description = _("description_ctrl_for_multiple", default=u"Mit gedrückter Strg-Taste können mehrere Zeilen gleichzeitig ausgewählt werden.") schema["ddcSubject"].widget.label = _(u"Subject classification") schema["ddcSubject"].widget.description= multiselect_description schema['ddcTime'].widget.label = _(u"Time classification") schema["ddcTime"].widget.description= multiselect_description schema['ddcPlace'].widget.label = _(u"Regional classification") schema["ddcPlace"].widget.description= multiselect_description # fill in the review author first name and last name by default # schema['reviewAuthorLastname'].default_method = "get_user_lastname" # schema['reviewAuthorFirstname'].default_method = "get_user_firstname" schema['languageReview'].widget.label = _( u"Language(s) of presentation") if review_type == "presentation_online": schema['languageReviewedText'].widget.label = _( u"Language(s) of presented resource") else: schema['languageReviewedText'].widget.label = _( u"Language(s) of presented work") # Note: The characterLimit validator checks the portal_type to # see if it should be applied or not. Setting it here didn't # seem to work elif review_type in ["review_monograph", "review_journal"]: schema.changeSchemataForField('licence', 'review') hidden_fields = ["allowDiscussion", "contributors", "creators", "description", "description", "effectiveDate", "excludeFromNav", "expirationDate", "generatedPdf", "id", "language", "location", "recensioID", "rights", "relatedItems", "reviewAuthorLastname", "reviewAuthorFirstname"] for field in hidden_fields: schema[field].widget.condition = 'python:False' schemata.marshall_register(schema)
from recensio.contenttypes.content import container from recensio.contenttypes import contenttypesMessageFactory as _ from recensio.contenttypes.interfaces import IVolume from recensio.contenttypes.config import PROJECTNAME DoiSettingsSchema = atapi.Schema(( atapi.BooleanField( 'doiRegistrationActive', accessor='isDoiRegistrationActive', storage=atapi.AnnotationStorage(), default=True, widget=atapi.BooleanWidget( label=_(u"Activate DOI registration"), description=_( u'description_activate_doi_registration', default=(u"Activates the registration of DOIs at da|ra"), ), ), ), )) VolumeSchema = folder.ATFolderSchema.copy() + DoiSettingsSchema.copy() + atapi.Schema(( atapi.StringField( 'yearOfPublication', storage=atapi.AnnotationStorage(), widget=atapi.StringWidget(