Ejemplo n.º 1
def JW_commit(x, m=15, n=20, symsize=8):
    """*Juels Wattenberg* based function to make a fuzzy commitment
    m,n,symsize initializes Reed-Solomon-Code with :math:`RS(q=2^{symsize},m,n)`.
                        * m -- Messages
                        * n -- Codewords
                        * Initializes Set of Codewords C
    :param x: Input key x.
    :type x: list
    :param m: Parameter for Reed-Solomon-Code.
    :param n: Parameter for Reed-Solomon-Code.
    :param symsize: Parameter for Reed-Solomon-Code.
    :return: hash -- Hash of c.
    :return: delta -- Difference between x and c.
    :return: c -- Randomly generated codeword :math:`c \in C`.
    # Reed Solomon Codeword Set C with RS(2**symsize, m, n)
    # m Messages
    # n Codewords
    # size -> 2**symsize -1
    C = IntegerCodec(n, m, symsize)
    # generate random codeword c:
    # randomize c_pre
    c_pre = safe_random(m, symsize=symsize)
    # map c_pre to codeword c to get a real codeword in C
    c = scipy.array(C.encode(c_pre)) # now size n!
    log.debug('random codeword c in C:\n'+str(c))
    log.debug('length of codeword c: '+str(len(c)))
    # calculate delta
    delta = (x-c) % (2**symsize)
    # generate SHA-256 Hash
    Hash = SHA256.new("".join(c.astype(str)))
    hash = Hash.hexdigest().split()
    return hash, delta, c
Ejemplo n.º 2
    def __init__(self, symbolSize, messageBytes, rsExpansionFactor):
        logging.info('RS EXPANSION FACTOR %s' % rsExpansionFactor)
        assert rsExpansionFactor > 1
        self.width = symbolSize
        self.messageSymbols = int(
            math.ceil(float(messageBytes) * 8 / symbolSize))
        self.encodedSize = int(
            math.ceil(float(self.messageSymbols) * rsExpansionFactor))

        self.c = IntegerCodec(self.encodedSize,

        self.extraSymbols = self.encodedSize - self.messageSymbols

        self.n = 3

        self.messageBytes = int(messageBytes)
        self.encodedBits = math.ceil(
            float(self.encodedSize) * self.width * self.n)
        logging.info('ENCODED BITS %s' % self.encodedBits)
Ejemplo n.º 3
def JW_decommit(hash, delta, x2, m=15, n=20, symsize=8):
    """Juels Wattenberg function to decommit a fuzzy commitment
    m,n,symsize initializes Reed-Solomon-Code with :math:`RS(q=2^{symsize},m,n)`.
                        * m -- Messages
                        * n -- Codewords
                        * Initializes Set of Codewords C
    :param hash: Hash of c from Alice.
    :param delta: Difference from Alice.
    :param x2: Own input key x2. Slightly different from Alice x.
    :param m: Parameter for Reed-Solomon-Code.
    :param n: Parameter for Reed-Solomon-Code.
    :param symsize: Parameter for Reed-Solomon-Code.
    :return: c2 -- Decommited c2 
    :return: corrections -- List of corrections made by Reed-Solomon
    :raise: RuntimeError
    # calculate difference x-delta
    diff = (x2-delta) % (2**symsize)
    #log.debug('Difference (codeword-delta):\n'+str(diff))
    # Reed Solomon Codeword Set C with RS(2**symsize, m, n)
    # m Messages
    # n Codewords
    # size -> 2**symsize -1
    C = IntegerCodec(n, m, symsize=symsize)
    # map diff to nearest codeword c_pre
        c_pre, corrections = C.decode(diff)
    except Exception, err:
        log.error('%s' % str(err))
        raise RuntimeError("Error in Decode of Reedsolomon Library")
Ejemplo n.º 4
class LayeredEncoder(object):
    def __init__(self, symbolSize, messageBytes, rsExpansionFactor):
        logging.info('RS EXPANSION FACTOR %s' % rsExpansionFactor)
        assert rsExpansionFactor > 1
        self.width = symbolSize
        self.messageSymbols = int(
            math.ceil(float(messageBytes) * 8 / symbolSize))
        self.encodedSize = int(
            math.ceil(float(self.messageSymbols) * rsExpansionFactor))

        self.c = IntegerCodec(self.encodedSize,

        self.extraSymbols = self.encodedSize - self.messageSymbols

        self.n = 3

        self.messageBytes = int(messageBytes)
        self.encodedBits = math.ceil(
            float(self.encodedSize) * self.width * self.n)
        logging.info('ENCODED BITS %s' % self.encodedBits)

    def encode(self, data):
        bits = list(toBitSequence(data))
        ints = map(toInt, partition(bits, self.width))

        encoded = []
        encodedInts = self.c.encode(ints)
        for encodedInt in encodedInts:
            encoded.extend(toBits(encodedInt, self.width) * self.n)

        #logging.info('Encoded %s' % encodedInts)
        #logging.info('Encoded %s %s' % (len(encoded), encoded))
        return encoded

    def decode(self, signals):
        signals = map(signum, signals)
        #logging.info('SIGNALS %s', signals)

        droppedSymbols = []
        encodedInts = []

        decoded = []
        errors = 0
        chunks = partition(signals, self.width)
        for chunkList in partition(chunks, self.n):
            #def prettyInt(x):
            #  if x == -1: return 'X'
            #  else: return '-'

            #crap = [''.join(map(prettyInt, c)) for c in chunkList]
            #logging.info("%s.." % ('\n'.join(crap)) )
            counts = [sum(b) for b in zip(*chunkList)]
            #print counts
            #errors += sum([ self.n - abs(c) for c in counts ]) / 2
            bits = map(signum, counts)

#    index = 0
#    chunks = partition(signals, self.width)
#    assert self.n == 3
#    for chunkList in partition(chunks, self.n):
#      votes = {}
#      ints = map(toInt, chunkList)
#      winner = None
#      for vote in ints:
#        if votes.has_key(vote):
#          winner = vote
#          break
#        votes[vote] = True
#      if winner == None:
#        if len(droppedSymbols) < self.extraSymbols:
#          droppedSymbols.append(index)
#        else:
#          logging.info('!!!!!!!!Too many botched symbols %s' % droppedSymbols)
#          raise DecodeException()
#        encodedInts.append(0)
#      else:
#        encodedInts.append(winner)
#      index += 1
            #logging.info('----> Decoding %s' % [len(encodedInts), encodedInts, droppedSymbols])
            decodedInts = self.c.decode(encodedInts, droppedSymbols)[0]
        except UncorrectableError, e:
            raise DecodeException()

        decodedBits = []
        for decodedInt in decodedInts:
            decodedBits.extend(toBits(decodedInt, self.width))

        return toByteSequence(decodedBits[:self.messageBytes * 8])