Ejemplo n.º 1
    def _backward_gpu(self, context, dy):
        ldy, rdy = np.hsplit(get_gpu(dy).new_array(), [self.attrs._index])
        if isinstance(self.attrs._lhs, Node):
            self.attrs._lhs._update_diff(context, GPUValue(ldy))

        if isinstance(self.attrs._rhs, Node):
            self.attrs._rhs._update_diff(context, GPUValue(rdy))
Ejemplo n.º 2
    def _oper_gpu(cls, x, pz, ps, w, wr, b):
        if ps is None:
            tmp = GPUValue(shape=(x.shape[0], w.shape[1] // 4))
            s_p = tmp.zeros_like_me()
            z_p = tmp.zeros_like_me()
            s_p = ps
            z_p = get_gpu(pz)

        u = dot(x, w) + dot(z_p, wr) + b

        z = get_gpu(z_p).empty_like_me()
        state = get_gpu(s_p).empty_like_me()

        cu.culstm_forward(get_gpu(u), get_gpu(state), get_gpu(s_p), get_gpu(z))

        ret = cls._create_node(z)
        ret.attrs._x = x
        ret.attrs._w = w
        ret.attrs._wr = wr
        ret.attrs._b = b
        ret.attrs._pz = pz
        ret.attrs._u = u
        ret.attrs._pstate = s_p
        ret.attrs._state = state
        ret._state = state

        if isinstance(pz, Node):
            pz.attrs._pfgate = u

        return ret
Ejemplo n.º 3
    def _oper_gpu(cls, x, pz, ps, w, wr, wc, b):
        if ps is None:
            s_p = GPUValue(shape=(x.shape[0], w.shape[1] // 4)).zeros_like_me()
            z_p = s_p.zeros_like_me()
            s_p, z_p = map(get_gpu, (ps, pz))

        s = s_p.empty_like_me()
        u = get_gpu(op.dot(x, w) + op.dot(z_p, wr) + b)
        z = z_p.zeros_like_me()
        cu.cupeepholelstm_forward(u, get_gpu(wc), s_p, s, z)

        ret = cls._create_node(z)
        ret.attrs._x = x
        ret.attrs._w = w
        ret.attrs._wr = wr
        ret.attrs._wc = wc
        ret.attrs._b = b
        ret.attrs._u = u
        ret.attrs._pz = pz
        ret.attrs._pstate = ps
        ret.attrs._state = s

        if isinstance(pz, Node):
            pz.attrs._pfgate = u
        return ret
Ejemplo n.º 4
    def _oper_gpu(cls, x, pz, ps, parameter):
        p = parameter

        if ps is None:
            tmp = GPUValue(shape=(x.shape[0], p["w"].shape[1] // 4))
            s_p = tmp.zeros_like_me()
            z_p = tmp.zeros_like_me()
            s_p = ps
            z_p = get_gpu(pz)

        u = dot(x, p["w"]) + dot(z_p, p["wr"]) + p["b"]

        z = get_gpu(z_p).empty_like_me()
        state = get_gpu(s_p).empty_like_me()

        cu.culstm_forward(get_gpu(u), get_gpu(state), get_gpu(s_p), get_gpu(z))

        ret = cls._create_node(z)
        ret.attrs._x = x
        ret.attrs._p = parameter
        ret.attrs._u = u
        ret.attrs._pstate = s_p
        ret.attrs._state = state
        ret.attrs._dt_d = [p[k] for k in ["wr", "w"]]
        ret._state = state

        if isinstance(pz, Node):
            pz.attrs._pfgate = u

        return ret
Ejemplo n.º 5
def test_negate_float():
    arr = np.array(np.random.rand(4, ))
    v = GPUValue(arr)
    dest = v.empty_like_me()

    thrust_float.negate(v, dest)

    assert np.allclose(arr * -1, dest.to_array())
Ejemplo n.º 6
 def _oper_gpu(cls, arg, axis=None):
     if axis is None:
         return GPUValue(precision(cusum(get_gpu(arg))))
     elif axis == 0:
         new_shape = tuple(
             [arg.shape[i] for i in range(len(arg.shape)) if not i == axis])
         ret = GPUValue(np.zeros(shape=new_shape, dtype=arg.dtype))
         cusum(get_gpu(arg), get_gpu(ret), axis=axis)
         return ret
         a_cpu = get_gpu(arg).new_array()
         ret = GPUValue(np.sum(a_cpu, axis=axis))
         return ret
Ejemplo n.º 7
    def _backward_gpu(self, context, dy, **kwargs):
        lhs = self.attrs._lhs
        rhs = self.attrs._rhs
        if isinstance(self.attrs._lhs, Node):
            new_shape = lhs.shape
            ldx = GPUValue(shape=new_shape)
            cublas_gemm(get_gpu(dy), 0, get_gpu(rhs), 1, get_gpu(ldx))
            self.attrs._lhs._update_diff(context, ldx, **kwargs)

        if isinstance(self.attrs._rhs, Node):
            new_shape = rhs.shape
            rdx = GPUValue(shape=new_shape)
            cublas_gemm(get_gpu(lhs), 1, get_gpu(dy), 0, get_gpu(rdx))
            self.attrs._rhs._update_diff(context, rdx, **kwargs)
Ejemplo n.º 8
 def _oper_gpu(cls, x, w):
     z = GPUValue(shape=(len(x), len(w[0])))
     cu.cuembedding_forward(get_gpu(x), get_gpu(w), z)
     ret = cls._create_node(z)
     ret.attrs._x = x
     ret.attrs._w = w
     return ret
Ejemplo n.º 9
    def _oper_gpu(cls, args, axis):
        newshape = args[0].shape[:axis] + \
            (np.sum([a.shape[axis] for a in args]), ) + args[0].shape[axis + 1:]

        ret = GPUValue(shape=newshape)
        cuconcat([get_gpu(a) for a in args], ret, axis)
        return ret
Ejemplo n.º 10
    def _oper_gpu(cls, lhs, rhs):
        axis = 1
        newshape = lhs.shape[:axis] + (
            lhs.shape[axis] + rhs.shape[axis], ) + lhs.shape[axis + 1:]

        ret = GPUValue(shape=newshape)
        cuconcat(get_gpu(lhs), get_gpu(rhs), ret, axis)
        return ret
Ejemplo n.º 11
Archivo: pool2d.py Proyecto: yygr/ReNom
 def _oper_gpu(cls, x, in_shape, out_shape, karnel, stride, padding):
     N = x.shape[0]
     pool_desc = cu.createPoolingDescriptor(karnel, padding, stride, pool_mode=1)
     y = GPUValue(shape=tuple([N, ] + list(out_shape)))
     with cu.cudnn_handler() as handle:
         cu.cuPoolingForward(handle, pool_desc, x, y)
     ret = cls._create_node(y)
     ret.attrs._pool_desc = pool_desc
     ret.attrs._x = x
     return ret
Ejemplo n.º 12
 def _oper_gpu(cls, x, drop_out_ratio):
     shape = (x.shape[0], x.shape[1], 1, 1)
     mask = GPUValue(shape=shape)
     curand_generator().rand_bernoulli(mask, 1 - drop_out_ratio)
     mask = mask / drop_out_ratio
     mask = mask * get_gpu(x).ones_like_me()
     value = get_gpu(x) * get_gpu(mask)
     ret = cls._create_node(value)
     ret.attrs._x = x
     ret.attrs._mask = mask
     return ret
Ejemplo n.º 13
    def _backward_gpu(self, context, dy, **kwargs):
        n, m = dy.shape

        w = self.attrs._w
        wr = self.attrs._wr
        wc = self.attrs._wc
        b = self.attrs._b

        u = self.attrs._u
        s = self.attrs._state
        ps = get_gpu(s).zeros_like_me(
        ) if self.attrs._pstate is None else self.attrs._pstate

        dot = context.restore(w, get_gpu(dy).zeros_like_me())
        drt = context.restore(wr, get_gpu(u).zeros_like_me())
        pfg = getattr(self.attrs, "_pfgate", get_gpu(u).zeros_like_me())

        dr = get_gpu(drt).empty_like_me()
        dwc = GPUValue(shape=(n, m * 3))
        dou = get_gpu(dot).empty_like_me()

            *map(get_gpu, (u, ps, s, pfg, wc, dy, drt, dot, dr, dou, dwc)))

        context.store(wr, dr)
        context.store(w, dou)

        if isinstance(self.attrs._x, Node):
            dx = op.dot(dr, w.T)
            self.attrs._x._update_diff(context, dx)

        if isinstance(w, Node):
            w._update_diff(context, op.dot(self.attrs._x.T, dr))

        if isinstance(wr, Node):
            wr._update_diff(context, op.dot(self.T, drt))

        if isinstance(wc, Node):
            wc._update_diff(context, op.sum(dwc, axis=0))

        if isinstance(b, Node):
            b._update_diff(context, op.sum(dr, axis=0))

        if isinstance(self.attrs._pz, Node):
            self.attrs._pz._update_diff(context, op.dot(dr, wr.T))
Ejemplo n.º 14
    def _oper_gpu(cls, x, w, b, in_shape, out_shape, kernel, stride, padding):
        conv_desc = cu.ConvolutionDescriptor(padding, stride, precision)
        filter_desc = cu.FilterDescriptor(w.shape, precision)
        N = x.shape[0]
        # TODO: dirty code
        z = GPUValue(shape=tuple([N, ] + list(out_shape)))
        with cu.cudnn_handler() as handle:
            cu.cuConvolutionBackwardData(handle, conv_desc, filter_desc, w, x, z)
        if b is not None:
            cu.cu_add_bias(get_gpu(b), z)

        ret = cls._create_node(z)
        ret.attrs._conv_desc = conv_desc
        ret.attrs._filter_desc = filter_desc
        ret.attrs._x = x
        ret.attrs._w = w
        ret.attrs._b = b
        return ret
Ejemplo n.º 15
    def _oper_gpu(cls, x, w, b, in_shape, out_shape, kernel, stride, padding):
        N = x.shape[0]
        conv_desc = cu.createConvplutionDescriptor(padding, stride, precision)
        filter_desc = cu.createFilterDescriptor(w.shape, precision)
        # TODO: dirty code
        y = GPUValue(shape=tuple([N, ] + list(out_shape)))
        with cu.cudnn_handler() as handle:
            cu.cuConvolutionForward(handle, conv_desc, filter_desc, x, w, y)
            if b is not None:
                cu.cuadd(get_gpu(y), get_gpu(b), get_gpu(y))

        ret = cls._create_node(y)
        ret.attrs._conv_desc = conv_desc
        ret.attrs._filter_desc = filter_desc
        ret.attrs._x = x
        ret.attrs._w = w
        ret.attrs._b = b
        return ret
Ejemplo n.º 16
    def _oper_gpu(cls, x, w, b, in_shape, out_shape, kernel, stride, padding):
        N = x.shape[0]
        conv_desc = cu.ConvolutionDescriptor(padding, stride, precision)
        filter_desc = cu.FilterDescriptor(w.shape, precision)

        y = GPUValue(shape=tuple([
        ] + list(out_shape)))
        with cu.cudnn_handler() as handle:
            cu.cuConvolutionForward(handle, conv_desc, filter_desc, x, w, y)
            if b is not None:
                cu.cu_add_bias(get_gpu(b), y)

        # assert type(x) is not np.ndarray

        ret = cls._create_node(y)
        ret.attrs._conv_desc = conv_desc
        ret.attrs._filter_desc = filter_desc
        ret.attrs._x = x
        ret.attrs._w = w
        ret.attrs._b = b
        return ret
Ejemplo n.º 17
 def _oper_gpu(cls, arg):
     ret = GPUValue(shape=arg.shape)
     cupow(get_gpu(arg), 2, ret)
     return ret
Ejemplo n.º 18
 def _oper_gpu(cls, condition, a, b):
     a_cpu = getattr(get_gpu(a), "new_array()", a)
     b_cpu = getattr(get_gpu(b), "new_array()", b)
     ret = GPUValue(np.where(condition, a_cpu, b_cpu))
     return ret
Ejemplo n.º 19
 def _oper_gpu(cls, lhs, rhs):
     new_shape = (lhs.shape[0], rhs.shape[1])
     ret = GPUValue(shape=new_shape)
     cublas_gemm(get_gpu(lhs), 0, get_gpu(rhs), 0, get_gpu(ret))
     return ret
Ejemplo n.º 20
 def _oper_gpu(cls, lhs, rhs):
     a_cpu = get_gpu(lhs).new_array()
     b_cpu = get_gpu(rhs).new_array()
     ret = GPUValue(np.hstack((a_cpu, b_cpu)))
     return ret
Ejemplo n.º 21
 def _oper_gpu(cls, arg):
     ret = GPUValue(arg)
     cusqrt(get_gpu(arg), ret)
     return ret