def step_a_file_with_type_added_into_repository(ctx, filepath, mdtype, repository):

    Given repository "base" with packages
        | Package | Tag     | Value |
        | TestA   | Version | 1     |
    And a file "metadata.ini" with type "newmd" added into repository "base"
        TestA = 1
    # verify that modifyrepo_c is present
    modifyrepo = which("modifyrepo_c")
    ctx.assertion.assertIsNotNone(modifyrepo, "modifyrepo_c is required")

    repodir = repo_utils.get_repo_dir(repository)

    if not os.path.isfile(filepath):
        ctx.assertion.assertIsNotNone(ctx.text, "Multiline text is not provided")
        tmpdir = tempfile.mkdtemp()
        filepath = os.path.join(tmpdir, os.path.basename(filepath))
        with open(filepath, 'w') as fw:

    file_utils.set_dir_content_ownership(ctx, repodir, 'root')   # change file ownership to root so we can change it
    cmd = "{} --mdtype={} {} {}".format(modifyrepo, mdtype, filepath, os.path.join(repodir, "repodata"))
    step_i_successfully_run_command(ctx, cmd)
    file_utils.set_dir_content_ownership(ctx, repodir)   # restore file ownership
def then_update_repository_with_packages(ctx, repository):

       Feature: Working with repositories

         Given I update http repository base with packages
            | Package | Tag | Value |
            | foo     |     |       |

         Given I update http repository "updates" with packages
            | Package | Tag     | Value |
            | foo     | Version |  2.1  |
            | foo v3  | Version |  3.1  |

    packages = table_utils.parse_skv_table(ctx, HEADINGS_REPO,
                                           PKG_TAGS, PKG_TAGS_REPEATING)

    rpmbuild = which("rpmbuild")
    ctx.assertion.assertIsNotNone(rpmbuild, "rpmbuild is required")
    createrepo = which("createrepo_c")
    ctx.assertion.assertIsNotNone(createrepo, "createrepo_c is required")

    repodir = repo_utils.get_repo_dir(repository)
    tmpdir = repodir
    srpm_tmpdir = '{}-source'.format(tmpdir.rstrip('/'))
    template = JINJA_ENV.from_string(PKG_TMPL)
    for name, settings in packages.items():
        name = name.split()[0]  # cut-off the pkg name _suffix_ to allow defining multiple package versions
        disttag = ""
        if '/' in name:  # using the module/pkgname notation, module would be placed to a disttag
            (module, name) = name.split('/', 1)
            disttag = ".{}".format(module)
        # before processing the template
        #   lower all characters
        #   replace '%' in Tag name with '_'
        #   replace '(' in Tag name with '_'
        #   delete all ')' in Tag
        settings = {k.lower().replace('%', '_').replace('(', '_').replace(')', ''): v for k, v in settings.items()}
        ctx.text = template.render(name=name, disttag=disttag, **settings)
        fname = "{!s}/{!s}.spec".format(tmpdir, name)
        step_a_file_filepath_with(ctx, fname)
        buildname = '%{NAME}-%{VERSION}-%{RELEASE}.%{ARCH}.rpm'
        if 'arch' not in settings or settings['arch'] == 'noarch':
            cmd = "{!s} --define '_rpmdir {!s}' --define '_srcrpmdir {!s}' \
                   --define '_build_name_fmt {!s}' -ba {!s}" \
                   .format(rpmbuild, tmpdir, srpm_tmpdir, buildname, fname)
            cmd = "setarch {!s} {!s} --define '_rpmdir {!s}' --define '_srcrpmdir {!s}' \
                   --define '_build_name_fmt {!s}' --target {!s} -ba {!s}" \
                   .format(settings['arch'], rpmbuild, tmpdir, srpm_tmpdir, buildname, settings['arch'], fname)
        step_i_successfully_run_command(ctx, cmd)

    file_utils.set_dir_content_ownership(ctx, repodir, 'root')   # change file ownership to root so we can change it
    cmd = "{!s} --update {!s}".format(createrepo, repodir)
    step_i_successfully_run_command(ctx, cmd)
    file_utils.set_dir_content_ownership(ctx, repodir)   # restore file ownership
Ejemplo n.º 3
def given_repository_metadata_signed_by(ctx, repository, gpgkey):
    Signs repodata.xml for a given repository using the given GPG key and
    updates the repo file with gpgkey URL.
    Should be used after the repo is created or updated.

    .. note::

        The default dnf settings is *repo_gpgcheck = False*.


    .. code-block:: gherkin

       Feature: Repodata signatures

         Scenario: Setup repository with signed metadata
           Given GPG key "JamesBond"
             And GPG key "JamesBond" imported in rpm database
             And repository "TestRepo" with packages signed by "JamesBond"
               | Package | Tag | Value |
               | TestA   |     |       |
             And repository "TestRepo" metadata signed by "JamesBond"
             And a repo file of repository "TestRepo" modified with
               | Key           | Value |
               | repo_gpgcheck | True  |
    # sign the repomd.xml file
    repodir = repo_utils.get_repo_dir(repository)
    gpg = which("gpg2")
    cmd = "{!s} --detach-sig --armor --default-key '{!s}' {!s}/repodata/repomd.xml".format(
        gpg, gpgkey, repodir)
    step_i_successfully_run_command(ctx, cmd)
    # update the repo file with path to the gpg key
    pubkey = GPGKEY_FILEPATH_TMPL.format(gpgkey, "pubkey")
    keyurl = "file://{!s}".format(pubkey)
    repofile = REPO_TMPL.format(repository)
    conf = file_utils.read_ini_file(repofile)
    conf.set(repository, "gpgkey", keyurl)
    file_utils.create_file_with_contents(repofile, conf)
def given_repository_metadata_signed_by(ctx, repository, gpgkey):
    Signs repodata.xml for a given repository using the given GPG key and
    updates the repo file with gpgkey URL.
    Should be used after the repo is created or updated.

    .. note::

        The default dnf settings is *repo_gpgcheck = False*.


    .. code-block:: gherkin

       Feature: Repodata signatures

         Scenario: Setup repository with signed metadata
           Given GPG key "JamesBond"
             And GPG key "JamesBond" imported in rpm database
             And repository "TestRepo" with packages signed by "JamesBond"
               | Package | Tag | Value |
               | TestA   |     |       |
             And repository "TestRepo" metadata signed by "JamesBond"
             And a repo file of repository "TestRepo" modified with
               | Key           | Value |
               | repo_gpgcheck | True  |
    # sign the repomd.xml file
    repodir = repo_utils.get_repo_dir(repository)
    gpg = which("gpg2")
    cmd = "{!s} --detach-sig --armor --default-key '{!s}' {!s}/repodata/repomd.xml".format(gpg, gpgkey, repodir)
    step_i_successfully_run_command(ctx, cmd)
    # update the repo file with path to the gpg key
    pubkey = GPGKEY_FILEPATH_TMPL.format(gpgkey, "pubkey")
    keyurl = "file://{!s}".format(pubkey)
    repofile = REPO_TMPL.format(repository)
    conf = file_utils.read_ini_file(repofile)
    conf.set(repository, "gpgkey", keyurl)
    file_utils.create_file_with_contents(repofile, conf)
Ejemplo n.º 5
def step_a_file_with_type_added_into_repository(ctx, filepath, mdtype,

    Given repository "base" with packages
        | Package | Tag     | Value |
        | TestA   | Version | 1     |
    And a file "metadata.ini" with type "newmd" added into repository "base"
        TestA = 1
    # verify that modifyrepo_c is present
    modifyrepo = which("modifyrepo_c")
    ctx.assertion.assertIsNotNone(modifyrepo, "modifyrepo_c is required")

    repodir = repo_utils.get_repo_dir(repository)

    if not os.path.isfile(filepath):
                                      "Multiline text is not provided")
        tmpdir = tempfile.mkdtemp()
        filepath = os.path.join(tmpdir, os.path.basename(filepath))
        with open(filepath, 'w') as fw:

        ctx, repodir,
        'root')  # change file ownership to root so we can change it
    cmd = "{} --mdtype={} {} {}".format(modifyrepo, mdtype, filepath,
                                        os.path.join(repodir, "repodata"))
    step_i_successfully_run_command(ctx, cmd)
                                         repodir)  # restore file ownership
Ejemplo n.º 6
def step_i_successfully_run_command_in_repository(ctx, command, repository):
    repo = repo_utils.get_repo_dir(repository)
    ctx.assertion.assertIsNotNone(repo, "repository does not exist")
    ctx.cmd_result =, command, cwd=repo)
    ctx.assertion.assertEqual(ctx.cmd_result.returncode, 0)
Ejemplo n.º 7
def given_package_groups_defined_in_repository(ctx, repository):
    For a given repository creates comps.xml file with described
    package groups and recreates the repo

    .. note::

       Requires *createrepo_c* and the repo to be already created.

    Requires table with following headers:

    ========= ===== =======
     Group     Tag   Value
    ========= ===== =======

    *Tag* is describing characteristics of the respective
    package group.Supported tags are:

    ============== ===============
         Tag        Default value 
    ============== ===============
    is_default          false     
    is_uservisible      true      
    description         ""        
    mandatory           []        
    default             []        
    optional            []        
    conditional         []        
    ============== ===============


    .. code-block:: gherkin

       Feature: Installing a package group

         Scenario: Repository base with package group minimal
              Given repository "base" with packages
                 | Package | Tag | Value |
                 | foo     |     |       |
                 | bar     |     |       |
                 | baz     |     |       |
                 | qux     |     |       |
              And package groups defined in repository "base"
                 | Group    | Tag         | Value   |
                 | minimal  | mandatory   | foo     |
                 |          | default     | bar     |
                 |          | conditional | baz qux |

         Scenario: Installing package group from background
              When I enable repository "base"
              Then I successfully run "dnf -y group install minimal"

    .. note::

       Conditional packages are described in a form PKG REQUIREDPKG

    HEADINGS_GROUP = ['Group', 'Tag', 'Value']
    GROUP_TAGS_REPEATING = ['mandatory', 'default', 'optional', 'conditional']
    GROUP_TAGS = ['is_default', 'is_uservisible', 'description'
                  ] + GROUP_TAGS_REPEATING
    pkg_groups = table_utils.parse_skv_table(ctx, HEADINGS_GROUP, GROUP_TAGS,

    createrepo = which("createrepo_c")
    ctx.assertion.assertIsNotNone(createrepo, "createrepo_c is required")
    createrepo = "{!s} {!s}".format(createrepo, "--no-database")

    # prepare the comps.xml
    comps_xml = COMPS_PREFIX
    template = JINJA_ENV.from_string(COMPS_TMPL)
    for name, settings in pkg_groups.items():
        settings = {k.lower(): v for k, v in settings.items()}
        comps_xml += template.render(name=name, **settings)
    comps_xml += COMPS_SUFFIX

    # save comps.xml and recreate the repo
    repodir = repo_utils.get_repo_dir(repository)
    with open(os.path.join(repodir, "comps.xml"), "w") as f_comps:
        ctx, repodir,
        'root')  # change file ownership to root so we can change it
    cmd = "{!s} -g comps.xml --update {!s}".format(createrepo, repodir)
    step_i_successfully_run_command(ctx, cmd)
                                         repodir)  # restore file ownership
Ejemplo n.º 8
def step_updateinfo_defined_in_repository(ctx, repository):
    For a given repository creates updateinfo.xml file with described
    updates and recreates the repo

    .. note::

       Requires *modifyrepo_c* and the repo to be already created.

    Requires table with following headers:

    ==== ===== =======
     Id   Tag   Value
    ==== ===== =======

    *Tag* is describing attributes of the respective update.
    Supported tags are:

    ============ =========================
         Tag      Default value
    ============ =========================
    Title        Default title of Id
    Type         security
    Description  Default description of Id
    Summary      Default summary of Id
    Severity     Low
    Solution     Default solution of Id
    Rights       nobody
    Issued       2017-01-01 00:00:01
    Updated      2017-01-01 00:00:01
    Reference    none
    Package      none
    ============ =========================


    .. code-block:: gherkin

       Feature: Defining updateinfo in a repository

         Scenario: Repository base with updateinfo defined
              Given repository "base" with packages
                 | Package | Tag     | Value |
                 | foo     | Version | 2     |
                 | bar     | Version | 2     |
              And updateinfo defined in repository "base"
                 | Id            | Tag         | Value                     |
                 | RHSA-2017-001 | Title       | foo bar security update   |
                 |               | Type        | security                  |
                 |               | Description | Fixes buffer overflow     |
                 |               | Summary     | Critical bug is fixed     |
                 |               | Severity    | Critical                  |
                 |               | Solution    | Update to the new version |
                 |               | Rights      | Copyright 2017 Baz Inc    |
                 |               | Reference   | CVE-2017-0001             |
                 |               | Reference   | BZ123456                  |
                 |               | Package     | foo-2                     |
                 |               | Package     | bar-2                     |

    .. note::

       Specifying Version or Release in Package tag is not necessary, however
       when multiple RPMs matches the string the last one from the sorted
       list is used.
    HEADINGS_GROUP = ['Id', 'Tag', 'Value']
    UPDATEINFO_TAGS_REPEATING = ['Package', 'Reference']
    UPDATEINFO_TAGS = ['Title', 'Type', 'Description', 'Solution', 'Summary', 'Severity', 'Rights', 'Issued', 'Updated'] + \
    updateinfo_table = table_utils.parse_skv_table(ctx, HEADINGS_GROUP,

    # verify that modifyrepo_c is present
    modifyrepo = which("modifyrepo_c")
    ctx.assertion.assertIsNotNone(modifyrepo, "modifyrepo_c is required")

    # prepare updateinfo.xml content
    repodir = repo_utils.get_repo_dir(repository)
    updateinfo_xml = repo_utils.get_updateinfo_xml(repository,

    # save it to the updateinfo.xml file and recreate the repodata
    tmpdir = tempfile.mkdtemp()
    with open(os.path.join(tmpdir, "updateinfo.xml"), 'w') as fw:
        ctx, repodir,
        'root')  # change file ownership to root so we can change it
    cmd = "{!s} {!s} {!s}".format(modifyrepo,
                                  os.path.join(tmpdir, 'updateinfo.xml'),
                                  os.path.join(repodir, 'repodata'))
    step_i_successfully_run_command(ctx, cmd)
                                         repodir)  # restore file ownership
Ejemplo n.º 9
def given_package_groups_defined_in_repository(ctx, repository):
    For a given repository creates comps.xml file with described
    package groups and recreates the repo

    .. note::

       Requires *createrepo_c* and the repo to be already created.

    Requires table with following headers:

    ========= ===== =======
     Group     Tag   Value
    ========= ===== =======

    *Tag* is describing characteristics of the respective
    package group.Supported tags are:

    ============== ===============
         Tag        Default value 
    ============== ===============
    is_default          false     
    is_uservisible      true      
    description         ""        
    mandatory           []        
    default             []        
    optional            []        
    conditional         []        
    ============== ===============


    .. code-block:: gherkin

       Feature: Installing a package group

         Scenario: Repository base with package group minimal
              Given repository "base" with packages
                 | Package | Tag | Value |
                 | foo     |     |       |
                 | bar     |     |       |
                 | baz     |     |       |
                 | qux     |     |       |
              And package groups defined in repository "base"
                 | Group    | Tag         | Value   |
                 | minimal  | mandatory   | foo     |
                 |          | default     | bar     |
                 |          | conditional | baz qux |

         Scenario: Installing package group from background
              When I enable repository "base"
              Then I successfully run "dnf -y group install minimal"

    .. note::

       Conditional packages are described in a form PKG REQUIREDPKG

    HEADINGS_GROUP = ['Group', 'Tag', 'Value']
    GROUP_TAGS_REPEATING = ['mandatory', 'default', 'optional', 'conditional']
    GROUP_TAGS = ['is_default', 'is_uservisible', 'description'] + GROUP_TAGS_REPEATING
    pkg_groups = table_utils.parse_skv_table(ctx, HEADINGS_GROUP, GROUP_TAGS, GROUP_TAGS_REPEATING)

    createrepo = which("createrepo_c")
    ctx.assertion.assertIsNotNone(createrepo, "createrepo_c is required")

    # prepare the comps.xml
    comps_xml = COMPS_PREFIX
    template = JINJA_ENV.from_string(COMPS_TMPL)
    for name, settings in pkg_groups.items():
        settings = {k.lower(): v for k, v in settings.items()}
        comps_xml += template.render(name=name, **settings)
    comps_xml += COMPS_SUFFIX

    # save comps.xml and recreate the repo
    repodir = repo_utils.get_repo_dir(repository)
    with open(os.path.join(repodir, "comps.xml"), "w") as f_comps:
    file_utils.set_dir_content_ownership(ctx, repodir, 'root')   # change file ownership to root so we can change it
    cmd = "{!s} -g comps.xml --update {!s}".format(createrepo, repodir)
    step_i_successfully_run_command(ctx, cmd)
    file_utils.set_dir_content_ownership(ctx, repodir)   # restore file ownership
Ejemplo n.º 10
def step_updateinfo_defined_in_repository(ctx, repository):
    For a given repository creates updateinfo.xml file with described
    updates and recreates the repo

    .. note::

       Requires *modifyrepo_c* and the repo to be already created.

    Requires table with following headers:

    ==== ===== =======
     Id   Tag   Value
    ==== ===== =======

    *Tag* is describing attributes of the respective update.
    Supported tags are:

    ============ =========================
         Tag      Default value
    ============ =========================
    Title        Default title of Id
    Type         security
    Description  Default description of Id
    Summary      Default summary of Id
    Severity     Low
    Solution     Default solution of Id
    Rights       nobody
    Issued       2017-01-01 00:00:01
    Updated      2017-01-01 00:00:01
    Reference    none
    Package      none
    ============ =========================


    .. code-block:: gherkin

       Feature: Defining updateinfo in a repository

         Scenario: Repository base with updateinfo defined
              Given repository "base" with packages
                 | Package | Tag     | Value |
                 | foo     | Version | 2     |
                 | bar     | Version | 2     |
              And updateinfo defined in repository "base"
                 | Id            | Tag         | Value                     |
                 | RHSA-2017-001 | Title       | foo bar security update   |
                 |               | Type        | security                  |
                 |               | Description | Fixes buffer overflow     |
                 |               | Summary     | Critical bug is fixed     |
                 |               | Severity    | Critical                  |
                 |               | Solution    | Update to the new version |
                 |               | Rights      | Copyright 2017 Baz Inc    |
                 |               | Reference   | CVE-2017-0001             |
                 |               | Reference   | BZ123456                  |
                 |               | Package     | foo-2                     |
                 |               | Package     | bar-2                     |

    .. note::

       Specifying Version or Release in Package tag is not necessary, however
       when multiple RPMs matches the string the last one from the sorted
       list is used.
    HEADINGS_GROUP = ['Id', 'Tag', 'Value']
    UPDATEINFO_TAGS_REPEATING = ['Package', 'Reference']
    UPDATEINFO_TAGS = ['Title', 'Type', 'Description', 'Solution', 'Summary', 'Severity', 'Rights', 'Issued', 'Updated'] + \
    updateinfo_table = table_utils.parse_skv_table(ctx, HEADINGS_GROUP, UPDATEINFO_TAGS, UPDATEINFO_TAGS_REPEATING)

    # verify that modifyrepo_c is present
    modifyrepo = which("modifyrepo_c")
    ctx.assertion.assertIsNotNone(modifyrepo, "modifyrepo_c is required")

    # prepare updateinfo.xml content
    repodir = repo_utils.get_repo_dir(repository)
    updateinfo_xml = repo_utils.get_updateinfo_xml(repository, updateinfo_table)

    # save it to the updateinfo.xml file and recreate the repodata
    tmpdir = tempfile.mkdtemp()
    with open(os.path.join(tmpdir, "updateinfo.xml"), 'w') as fw:
    file_utils.set_dir_content_ownership(ctx, repodir, 'root')   # change file ownership to root so we can change it
    cmd = "{!s} {!s} {!s}".format(modifyrepo, os.path.join(tmpdir, 'updateinfo.xml'), os.path.join(repodir, 'repodata'))
    step_i_successfully_run_command(ctx, cmd)
    file_utils.set_dir_content_ownership(ctx, repodir)   # restore file ownership
Ejemplo n.º 11
def step_i_successfully_run_command_in_repository(ctx, command, repository):
    repo = repo_utils.get_repo_dir(repository)
    ctx.assertion.assertIsNotNone(repo, "repository does not exist")
    ctx.cmd_result =, command, cwd=repo)
    ctx.assertion.assertEqual(ctx.cmd_result.returncode, 0)
Ejemplo n.º 12
def then_update_repository_with_packages(ctx, repository):

       Feature: Working with repositories

         Given I update http repository base with packages
            | Package | Tag | Value |
            | foo     |     |       |

         Given I update http repository "updates" with packages
            | Package | Tag     | Value |
            | foo     | Version |  2.1  |
            | foo v3  | Version |  3.1  |

    packages = table_utils.parse_skv_table(ctx, HEADINGS_REPO, PKG_TAGS,

    rpmbuild = which("rpmbuild")
    ctx.assertion.assertIsNotNone(rpmbuild, "rpmbuild is required")
    createrepo = which("createrepo_c")
    ctx.assertion.assertIsNotNone(createrepo, "createrepo_c is required")

    repodir = repo_utils.get_repo_dir(repository)
    tmpdir = repodir
    srpm_tmpdir = '{}-source'.format(tmpdir.rstrip('/'))
    template = JINJA_ENV.from_string(PKG_TMPL)
    for name, settings in packages.items():
        name = name.split(
        )[0]  # cut-off the pkg name _suffix_ to allow defining multiple package versions
        disttag = ""
        if '/' in name:  # using the module/pkgname notation, module would be placed to a disttag
            (module, name) = name.split('/', 1)
            disttag = ".{}".format(module)
        # before processing the template
        #   lower all characters
        #   replace '%' in Tag name with '_'
        #   replace '(' in Tag name with '_'
        #   delete all ')' in Tag
        settings = {
            k.lower().replace('%', '_').replace('(', '_').replace(')', ''): v
            for k, v in settings.items()
        ctx.text = template.render(name=name, disttag=disttag, **settings)
        fname = "{!s}/{!s}.spec".format(tmpdir, name)
        step_a_file_filepath_with(ctx, fname)
        buildname = '%{NAME}-%{VERSION}-%{RELEASE}.%{ARCH}.rpm'
        if 'arch' not in settings or settings['arch'] == 'noarch':
            cmd = "{!s} --define '_rpmdir {!s}' --define '_srcrpmdir {!s}' \
                   --define '_build_name_fmt {!s}' -ba {!s}" \
                   .format(rpmbuild, tmpdir, srpm_tmpdir, buildname, fname)
            cmd = "setarch {!s} {!s} --define '_rpmdir {!s}' --define '_srcrpmdir {!s}' \
                   --define '_build_name_fmt {!s}' --target {!s} -ba {!s}" \
                   .format(settings['arch'], rpmbuild, tmpdir, srpm_tmpdir, buildname, settings['arch'], fname)
        step_i_successfully_run_command(ctx, cmd)

        ctx, repodir,
        'root')  # change file ownership to root so we can change it
    cmd = "{!s} --update {!s}".format(createrepo, repodir)
    step_i_successfully_run_command(ctx, cmd)
                                         repodir)  # restore file ownership