Ejemplo n.º 1
    def __init__(self, products):
        container = ProductsContainer(products)

        self.products = container
        self.metadata = MetadataCollection(container)
        self.clients = ClientContainer(container)

        self._repr = Repr()
Ejemplo n.º 2
    def test_tuple(self):
        eq = self.assertEqual
        eq(r((1,)), "(1,)")

        t3 = (1, 2, 3)
        eq(r(t3), "(1, 2, 3)")

        r2 = Repr()
        r2.maxtuple = 2
        expected = repr(t3)[:-2] + "...)"
        eq(r2.repr(t3), expected)

        # modified fillvalue:
        r3 = Repr()
        r3.fillvalue = '+++'
        r3.maxtuple = 2
        expected = repr(t3)[:-2] + "+++)"
        eq(r3.repr(t3), expected)
Ejemplo n.º 3
    def __init__(self, source, path_to_here=None, defaults=None):

        # if initialized from another EnvDict, copy the attributes to
        # initialize
        # this happens in the  CLI parser, which instanttiates the env
        # because it needs to create one and then replace cli args, then
        # passes this modified object to DAGSpec
        if isinstance(source, EnvDict):
            for attr in (
                original = getattr(source, attr)
                setattr(self, attr, deepcopy(original))
                # load data
                # this will be None if source is a dict
                self._path_to_env) = load_from_source(source)

            if defaults:
                raw_data = {**defaults, **raw_data}

            # add default placeholders but override them if they are defined
            # in the raw data
            default = self._default_dict(include_here=path_to_here is not None)
            self._default_keys = set(default) - set(raw_data)
            raw_data = {**default, **raw_data}

            # check raw data is ok

            # expand _module special key, return its expanded value
            self._preprocessed = raw_preprocess(raw_data, self._path_to_env)

            # initialize expander, which converts placeholders to their values
            # we need to pass path_to_env since the {{here}} placeholder
            # resolves to its parent
            if path_to_here is None:
                # if no pat_to_here, use path_to_end
                path_to_here = (None if self._path_to_env is None else Path(
                path_to_here = Path(path_to_here).resolve()

            self._expander = EnvironmentExpander(self._preprocessed,
            # now expand all values
            self._data = self._expander.expand_raw_dictionary(raw_data)

            self._repr = Repr()
Ejemplo n.º 4
    def test_tuple(self):
        eq = self.assertEqual
        eq(r((1,)), "(1,)")

        t3 = (1, 2, 3)
        eq(r(t3), "(1, 2, 3)")

        r2 = Repr()
        r2.maxtuple = 2
        expected = repr(t3)[:-2] + "...)"
        eq(r2.repr(t3), expected)
Ejemplo n.º 5
 def test_init_kwargs(self):
     example_kwargs = {
         "maxlevel": 101,
         "maxtuple": 102,
         "maxlist": 103,
         "maxarray": 104,
         "maxdict": 105,
         "maxset": 106,
         "maxfrozenset": 107,
         "maxdeque": 108,
         "maxstring": 109,
         "maxlong": 110,
         "maxother": 111,
         "fillvalue": "x" * 112,
     r1 = Repr()
     for attr, val in example_kwargs.items():
         setattr(r1, attr, val)
     r2 = Repr(**example_kwargs)
     for attr in example_kwargs:
         self.assertEqual(getattr(r1, attr), getattr(r2, attr), msg=attr)
Ejemplo n.º 6
    def __init__(self, core_obj, opts=None):
        Mprocessor.Processor.__init__(self, core_obj)

        self.response = {"errs": [], "msg": []}
        self.continue_running = False  # True if we should leave command loop

        self.cmd_instances = self._populate_commands()

        # command name before alias or macro resolution
        self.cmd_name = ""

        # Current command getting run
        self.current_command = ""

        self.debug_nest = 1
        self.display_mgr = Mdisplay.DisplayMgr()
        self.intf = core_obj.debugger.intf
        self.last_command = None  # Initially a no-op
        self.precmd_hooks = []

        # If not:
        # self.location         = lambda : print_location(self)

        self.preloop_hooks = []
        self.postcmd_hooks = []


        # Stop only if line/file is different from last time
        self.different_line = None

        # These values updated on entry. Set initial values.
        self.curframe = None
        self.event = None
        self.event_arg = None
        self.frame = None
        self.list_lineno = 0

        # Create a custom safe Repr instance and increase its maxstring.
        # The default of 30 truncates error messages too easily.
        self._repr = Repr()
        self._repr.maxstring = 100
        self._repr.maxother = 60
        self._repr.maxset = 10
        self._repr.maxfrozen = 10
        self._repr.array = 10
        self._saferepr = self._repr.repr
        self.stack = []
        self.thread_name = None
        self.frame_thread_name = None
Ejemplo n.º 7
def get_prices_from_api(request_uri: str) -> dict:
    """using the provided URI, request data from the Octopus API and return a JSON object.
    Try to handle errors gracefully with retries when appropriate."""

    # Try to handle issues with the API - rare but do happen, using an
    # exponential sleep time up to 2**14 (16384) seconds, approx 4.5 hours.
    # We will keep trying for over 9 hours and then give up.

    print('Requesting Agile prices from Octopus API...')
    retry_count = 0
    my_repr = Repr()
    my_repr.maxstring = 80  # let's avoid truncating our error messages too much

    while retry_count <= MAX_RETRIES:

        if retry_count == MAX_RETRIES:
            raise SystemExit('API retry limit exceeded.')

            success = False
            response = requests.get(request_uri, timeout=5)
            if response.status_code // 100 == 2:
                success = True
                return response.json()

        except requests.exceptions.HTTPError as error:
            print(('API HTTP error ' + str(response.status_code) +
                   ',retrying in ' + str(2**retry_count) + 's'))
            retry_count += 1

        except requests.exceptions.ConnectionError as error:
            print(('API connection error: ' + my_repr.repr(str(error)) +
                   ', retrying in ' + str(2**retry_count) + 's'))
            retry_count += 1

        except requests.exceptions.Timeout:
            print('API request timeout, retrying in ' + str(2**retry_count) +
            retry_count += 1

        except requests.exceptions.RequestException as error:
            raise SystemExit('API Request error: ' + str(error)) from error

        if success:
            print('API request successful, status ' +
                  str(response.status_code) + '.')
Ejemplo n.º 8
    def print_kwargs(self, kwargs, show_size=False):
        repr_instance = Repr()

        for arg_name, arg_val in kwargs.items():
            print(f"\x1b[1m\x1b[34m{arg_name}\x1b[0m", end="")

            if isinstance(arg_val, (list, tuple, set, dict)):
                print(f"({len(arg_val)})", end="")

            if show_size:
                size = round(get_size(arg_val) / 1048576, 4)
                print(f" {size} MB", end="")

            print(f": {repr_instance.repr(arg_val)}")
Ejemplo n.º 9
def safe_max(*args):
    iterable = args[0] if len(args) == 1 else args
    return max((value for value in iterable if value is not None),

def is_ipython():
        return True
    except NameError:
        return False

compact_repr = Repr()
compact_repr.maxstring = 80
compact_repr.maxother = 80
compact_repr = compact_repr.repr

class OmittedType:
    __slots__ = ()

    def __repr__(self):
        return "<...>"

Omitted = OmittedType()

Ejemplo n.º 10
# - popup menu
# - support partial or total redisplay
# - more doc strings
# - tooltips

# object browser

# - for classes/modules, add "open source" to object browser
from reprlib import Repr

from idlelib.tree import TreeItem, TreeNode, ScrolledCanvas

myrepr = Repr()
myrepr.maxstring = 100
myrepr.maxother = 100

class ObjectTreeItem(TreeItem):
    def __init__(self, labeltext, object, setfunction=None):
        self.labeltext = labeltext
        self.object = object
        self.setfunction = setfunction

    def GetLabelText(self):
        return self.labeltext

    def GetText(self):
        return myrepr.repr(self.object)
Ejemplo n.º 11
    def __init__(self, core_obj, opts=None):
        super().__init__(core_obj, opts)
        self.core = core_obj
        self.debugger = core_obj.debugger

        self.continue_running = False  # True if we should leave command loop
        self.event2short = dict(EVENT2SHORT)
        self.event2short["signal"] = "?!"
        self.event2short["brkpt"] = "xx"

        self.optional_modules = ()

        # command argument string. Is like current_command, but the part
        # after cmd_name has been removed.
        self.cmd_argstr = ""

        # command name before alias or macro resolution
        self.cmd_name = ""
        self.cmd_queue = []  # Queued debugger commands
        self.completer = lambda text, state: Mcomplete.completer(
            self, text, state)
        self.current_command = ""  # Current command getting run
        self.debug_nest = 1
        self.display_mgr = Mdisplay.DisplayMgr()
        self.intf = core_obj.debugger.intf
        self.last_command = None  # Initially a no-op
        self.precmd_hooks = []

        # FIXME: can we adjust this to also show the instruction?
        self.location = lambda: self

        self.preloop_hooks = []
        self.postcmd_hooks = []

        # Note: prompt_str's value set below isn't used. It is
        # computed dynamically. The value is suggestive of what it
        # looks like.
        self.prompt_str = "(trepan-xpy) "

        # Stop only if line/file is different from last time
        self.different_line = None

        # These values updated on entry. Set initial values.
        self.curframe = None
        self.event = None
        self.event_arg = None
        self.frame = None
        self.list_lineno = 0  # last list number used in "list"
        self.list_offset = -1  # last list number used in "disassemble"
        self.list_obj = None
        self.list_filename = None  # last filename used in list
        self.list_orig_lineno = 0  # line number of frame or exception on setup
        self.list_filename = None  # filename of frame or exception on setup

        self.macros = {}  # Debugger Macros

        # Create a custom safe Repr instance and increase its maxstring.
        # The default of 30 truncates error messages too easily.
        self._repr = Repr()
        self._repr.maxstring = 100
        self._repr.maxother = 60
        self._repr.maxset = 10
        self._repr.maxfrozen = 10
        self._repr.array = 10
        self.stack = []
        self.thread_name = None
        self.frame_thread_name = None

        get_option = lambda key: option_set(opts, key, DEFAULT_PROC_OPTS)
        initfile_list = get_option("initfile_list")
        for init_cmdfile in initfile_list:

        # FIXME: This doesn't work
        # # Delegate functions here:
        # self.cmdproc = CommandProcessor(self)
        # for method in (
        #         "_saferepr",
        #         "add_preloop_hook",
        #         "defaultFile",
        #         "eval",
        #         "exec_line",
        #         "forget",
        #         "get_an_int",
        #         "get_int_noerr",
        #         "getval",
        #         "ok_for_running",
        #         "process_commands",
        #         "queue_startfile",
        #         "remove_preloop_hook",
        #         "setup",
        #         "undefined_cmd",
        #         "read_history_file",
        #         "write_history_file",
        #         ):
        #     setattr(self, method, getattr(cmdproc, method))

        # Remove trepan3k commands which aren't valid here, and those specific to trepan-xpy
        remove_commands = (
        new_instances = []
        for cmd in self.cmd_instances:
            if cmd.name in remove_commands:
                del self.commands[cmd.name]
        self.cmd_instances = new_instances

        new_commands = self._update_commands()
        for new_command in new_commands:
            self.commands[new_command.name] = new_command
        self.cmd_instances += new_commands

        if self.debugger.settings["autopc"]:
            self.commands["set"].run(["set", "autopc"])
Ejemplo n.º 12
    def __init__(self, core_obj, opts=None):
        get_option = lambda key: \
            Mmisc.option_set(opts, key, DEFAULT_PROC_OPTS)
        Mprocessor.Processor.__init__(self, core_obj)

        self.continue_running = False  # True if we should leave command loop
        self.event2short = dict(EVENT2SHORT)
        self.event2short['signal'] = '?!'
        self.event2short['brkpt'] = 'xx'

        self.optional_modules = ('ipython', 'bpy')
        self.cmd_instances = self._populate_commands()

        # command argument string. Is like current_command, but the part
        # after cmd_name has been removed.
        self.cmd_argstr = ''

        # command name before alias or macro resolution
        self.cmd_name = ''
        self.cmd_queue = []  # Queued debugger commands
        self.completer        = lambda text, state: \
          Mcomplete.completer(self, text, state)
        self.current_command = ''  # Current command getting run
        self.debug_nest = 1
        self.display_mgr = Mdisplay.DisplayMgr()
        self.intf = core_obj.debugger.intf
        self.last_command = None  # Initially a no-op
        self.precmd_hooks = []

        self.location = lambda: print_location(self)

        self.preloop_hooks = []
        self.postcmd_hooks = []

        self.prompt_str = '(trepan3k) '

        # Stop only if line/file is different from last time
        self.different_line = None

        # These values updated on entry. Set initial values.
        self.curframe = None
        self.event = None
        self.event_arg = None
        self.frame = None
        self.list_lineno = 0  # last list number used in "list"
        self.list_filename = None  # last filename used in list

        self.macros = {}  # Debugger Macros

        # Create a custom safe Repr instance and increase its maxstring.
        # The default of 30 truncates error messages too easily.
        self._repr = Repr()
        self._repr.maxstring = 100
        self._repr.maxother = 60
        self._repr.maxset = 10
        self._repr.maxfrozen = 10
        self._repr.array = 10
        self.stack = []
        self.thread_name = None
        self.frame_thread_name = None
        initfile_list = get_option('initfile_list')
        for init_cmdfile in initfile_list:
Ejemplo n.º 13
from functools import wraps
from reprlib import Repr
import inspect
from flask import request, g
from flask_logger_decorator.config import config
from flask_logger_decorator.logger import debug

__r = Repr()
__r.maxarray = __r.maxarray * 10
__r.maxdict = __r.maxdict * 10
__r.maxstring = __r.maxstring * 10

def request_tracing(fn):
    A decorator to tracing request.
    def wrapper(*args, **kwargs):
        tracing_request(fn, *args, **kwargs)
        return fn(*args, **kwargs)

    return wrapper

def tracing_request(fn, *args, **kwargs):
    function_args = ' '.join(_get_fn_args(fn, *args, **kwargs))
    trace_info = ' '.join(_get_fn_extra_info(fn))
    func_msg = 'func_name:{} func_args:{} trace_info:{}'.format(
        fn.__name__, function_args, trace_info)
    request_msg = get_request_trace_info()
Ejemplo n.º 14
import linecache
import bdb
import re

    from reprlib import Repr
except ImportError:
    from reprlib import Repr

from pycopia import IO
from pycopia import UI
from pycopia import CLI

# Create a custom safe Repr instance and increase its maxstring.
# The default of 30 truncates error messages too easily.
_repr = Repr()
_repr.maxstring = 200
_repr.maxother = 50
_saferepr = _repr.repr

DebuggerQuit = bdb.BdbQuit

def find_function(funcname, filename):
    cre = re.compile(r'def\s+%s\s*[(]' % funcname)
        fp = open(filename)
    except IOError:
        return None
    # consumer of this info expects the first line to be 1
    lineno = 1
    answer = None
Ejemplo n.º 15
    def __init__(self, core_obj, opts=None):
        get_option = lambda key: Mmisc.option_set(opts, key, DEFAULT_PROC_OPTS)

        self.continue_running = False  # True if we should leave command loop
        self.event2short = dict(EVENT2SHORT)
        self.event2short["signal"] = "?!"
        self.event2short["brkpt"] = "xx"

        self.optional_modules = ("ipython", "bpy")
        self.cmd_instances = self._populate_commands()

        # command argument string. Is like current_command, but the part
        # after cmd_name has been removed.
        self.cmd_argstr = ""

        # command name before alias or macro resolution
        self.cmd_name = ""
        self.cmd_queue = []  # Queued debugger commands
        self.completer = lambda text, state: Mcomplete.completer(
            self, text, state)
        self.current_command = ""  # Current command getting run
        self.debug_nest = 1
        self.display_mgr = Mdisplay.DisplayMgr()
        self.intf = core_obj.debugger.intf
        self.last_command = None  # Initially a no-op
        self.precmd_hooks = []

        self.location = lambda: print_location(self)

        self.preloop_hooks = []
        self.postcmd_hooks = []
        self.remap_file_re = None


        # Note: prompt_str's value set below isn't used. It is
        # computed dynamically. The value is suggestive of what it
        # looks like.
        self.prompt_str = "(trepan3k) "

        # Stop only if line/file is different from last time
        self.different_line = None

        # These values updated on entry. Set initial values.
        self.curframe = None
        self.event = None
        self.event_arg = None
        self.frame = None
        self.list_lineno = 0  # last list number used in "list"
        self.list_offset = -1  # last list number used in "disassemble"
        self.list_obj = None
        self.list_filename = None  # last filename used in list
        self.list_orig_lineno = 0  # line number of frame or exception on setup
        self.list_filename = None  # filename of frame or exception on setup

        self.macros = {}  # Debugger Macros

        # Create a custom safe Repr instance and increase its maxstring.
        # The default of 30 truncates error messages too easily.
        self._repr = Repr()
        self._repr.maxstring = 100
        self._repr.maxother = 60
        self._repr.maxset = 10
        self._repr.maxfrozen = 10
        self._repr.array = 10
        self.stack = []
        self.thread_name = None
        self.frame_thread_name = None

        initfile_list = get_option("initfile_list")
        for init_cmdfile in initfile_list:
Ejemplo n.º 16
 def __init__(self, identifier, client=None):
     self._client = client
     self._repr = Repr()
     self._repr.maxstring = 40
     self._remote_ = _RemoteFile(self)
Ejemplo n.º 17
    def __init__(self, primitive, hot_reload=False, required=None):
        self._logger = logging.getLogger('{}.{}'.format(
        self._hot_reload = hot_reload

        self._variables = None
        self.__template = None

        # we have to take care of 4 possible cases and make sure we have
        # all we need to initialize the template, this includes having
        # access to the raw template (str) and a way to re-initialize
        # the jinja.environment.loader object (to make sure copies and
        # pickles work)

        if isinstance(primitive, Path):
            self._path = primitive
            self.__raw = primitive.read_text()
            self._loader_init = None
        elif isinstance(primitive, str):
            self._path = None
            self.__raw = primitive
            self._loader_init = None

        elif isinstance(primitive, Template):
            # NOTE: primitive.filename will be '<template>' if Template was
            # loaded from a string
            path = Path(primitive.filename)

            if primitive.environment.undefined != StrictUndefined:
                raise ValueError('Placeholder can only be initialized '
                                 'from jinja2.Templates whose undefined '
                                 'parameter is set to '
                                 'jinja2.StrictUndefined, set it explicitely '
                                 'either in the Template or Environment '

            # we cannot get the raw template on this case, raise error
            # check '<template>' first, because Path('<template>').exists()
            # breaks on windows
            if primitive.filename == '<template>' or not path.exists():
                raise ValueError(
                    'Could not load raw source from '
                    'jinja2.Template. This usually happens '
                    'when the placeholder is initialised with a '
                    'jinja.Template which was initialized with '
                    'a string. Only jinja2.Templates loaded from '
                    'the filesystem are supported. Use '
                    'ploomber.SourceLoader or jinja\'s '
                    'FileSystemLoader/PackageLoader to fix '
                    'this issue, if you want to create a template from '
                    'a string pass it directly '
                    'Placeholder("some {{placeholder}}")')

            self._path = path
            self.__raw = path.read_text()
            self._loader_init = _make_loader_init(primitive.environment.loader)
        # SourceLoader returns Placeholder objects, which could inadvertedly
        # be passed to another Placeholder constructor when instantiating
        # a source object, since they sometimes use placeholders
        #  make sure this case is covered
        elif isinstance(primitive, Placeholder):
            self._path = primitive.path
            self.__raw = primitive._raw
            self._loader_init = _make_loader_init(
            raise TypeError('{} must be initialized with a Template, '
                            'Placeholder, pathlib.Path or str, '
                            'got {} instead'.format(

        if self._path is None and hot_reload:
            raise ValueError('hot_reload only works when Placeholder is '
                             'initialized from a file')

        # TODO: remove
        self.needs_render = self._needs_render()

        self._str = None if self.needs_render else self._raw
        self._repr = Repr()
        self._repr.maxstring = 40

        if required: