Ejemplo n.º 1
def runMSRCP(imgPath):
    with open('config.json', 'r') as f:
        config = json.load(f)

    img = cv2.imread(imgPath, 1)

    img_msrcp = retinex.MSRCP(img, config['sigma_list'], config['low_clip'],

    m3F.imshow(img_msrcp, "MSRCP")
    return img_msrcp
def retinex_shadow_removal(image, retinex_type):
    with open('config.json', 'r') as f:
        config = json.load(f)
    if retinex_type == 'automatedMSRCR':
        return retinex.automatedMSRCR(image, config['sigma_list'])
    elif retinex_type == 'MSRCRP':
        return retinex.MSRCP(image, config['sigma_list'], config['low_clip'],
    elif retinex_type == 'MSRCR':
        return retinex.MSRCR(image, config['sigma_list'], config['G'],
                             config['b'], config['alpha'], config['beta'],
                             config['low_clip'], config['high_clip'])
        return image
Ejemplo n.º 3
def runMSRCP(imgPath):
    with open('config.json', 'r') as f:
        config = json.load(f)

    img = cv2.imread(imgPath, 1)
    shape = img.shape
    img_msrcp = retinex.MSRCP(img, config['sigma_list'], config['low_clip'],

    img_msrcp = cv2.cvtColor(img_msrcp, cv2.COLOR_RGB2BGR)
    return img_msrcp
Ejemplo n.º 4
with open('config.json', 'r') as f:
    config = json.load(f)
# 遍历读入的图像
for img_name in img_list:
    if img_name == '.gitkeep':
    # 读入图像
    img = cv2.imread(os.path.join(data_path, img_name))

    img_histogram = coloredHistoEqual(img)
    img_gamma = adjust_gamma(img)
    # 多尺度Retinex带色彩恢复
    img_msrcr = retinex.MSRCR(img, config['sigma_list'], config['G'],
                              config['b'], config['alpha'], config['beta'],
                              config['low_clip'], config['high_clip'])

    img_amsrcr = retinex.automatedMSRCR(img, config['sigma_list'])
    # MSR with chromaticity preservation
    img_msrcp = retinex.MSRCP(img, config['sigma_list'], config['low_clip'],

    # 实验结果
    shape = img.shape
    cv2.imshow('Image', img)
    cv2.imshow('retinex', img_msrcr)
    cv2.imshow('Histogram equalization', img_histogram)
    cv2.imshow('Gamma Correction', img_gamma)
    cv2.imshow('Automated retinex', img_amsrcr)
    cv2.imshow('MSRCP', img_msrcp)
Ejemplo n.º 5
def LOMO(img, config):
    Extract LOMO features from image
        img:        numpy array of shape (height, width, channels): image to extract features from
        config:     dict: dictionary of configuration parameters
        lomo:       numpy array: LOMO feature vector (length depending on image size and configuration parameters)

    # load relevant configuration parameters from config dictionary
    sigma_list = config['retinex']['sigma_list']
    G = config['retinex']['G']
    b = config['retinex']['b']
    alpha = config['retinex']['alpha']
    beta = config['retinex']['beta']
    low_clip = config['retinex']['low_clip']
    high_clip = config['retinex']['high_clip']
    R_list = config['lomo']['R_list']
    tau = config['lomo']['tau']
    hsv_bin_size = config['lomo']['hsv_bin_size']
    block_size = config['lomo']['block_size']
    block_step = config['lomo']['block_step']

    # perform retinex transformation on image
    img_retinex = retinex.MSRCP(img, sigma_list, low_clip, high_clip)

    # initialize SILTP feature vector and HSV color feature vector
    siltp_feat = np.array([])
    hsv_feat = np.array([])

    # process original image and two downsampled versions by pooling
    for pool in range(3):
        # determine the number of subwindows to process row- and column-wise
        row_num = (img.shape[0] - (block_size - block_step)) / block_step
        col_num = (img.shape[1] - (block_size - block_step)) / block_step
        # iterate over all subwindows
        for row in range(int(row_num)):
            for col in range(int(col_num)):
                # extract subwindow from image
                img_block = img[row * block_step:row * block_step + block_size,
                                col * block_step:col * block_step + block_size]
                # initialize array of multiple SILTP histograms
                siltp_hist = np.array([])
                # multiple SILTP histograms are computed for different radii given by configuration
                for R in R_list:
                    # compute SILTP features for every pixel in the subwindow
                    siltp4 = siltp.SILTP4(img_block, R, tau)
                    # get bins and frequency for each bin
                    unique, count = np.unique(siltp4, return_counts=True)
                    # initialize histogram with zeros
                    siltp_hist_r = np.zeros([3**4])
                    # fill histogram
                    for u, c in zip(unique, count):
                        siltp_hist_r[u] = c
                    # concatenate SILTP for all radii
                    siltp_hist = np.concatenate([siltp_hist, siltp_hist_r], 0)

                # extract subwindow from retinex image
                img_block = img_retinex[row * block_step:row * block_step +
                                        col * block_step:col * block_step +
                # transform retinex image to HSV color space for color feature extraction
                img_hsv = cv2.cvtColor(img_block, cv2.COLOR_BGR2HSV)
                # build color histogram based on HSV image
                hsv_hist = channel_histogram.jointHistogram(
                    img_hsv, [0, 255], hsv_bin_size)

                # compute maximal occurrence over all subwindows of the same row
                if col == 0:
                    siltp_feat_col = siltp_hist
                    hsv_feat_col = hsv_hist
                    # maximal occurrence for SILTP histogram
                    siltp_feat_col = np.maximum(siltp_feat_col, siltp_hist)
                    # maximal occurrence for HSV histogram
                    hsv_feat_col = np.maximum(hsv_feat_col, hsv_hist)

            # concatenate the histograms over all rows
            siltp_feat = np.concatenate([siltp_feat, siltp_feat_col], 0)
            hsv_feat = np.concatenate([hsv_feat, hsv_feat_col], 0)

        # apply pooling and perform feature extraction with downsampled image
        img = averagePooling(img)
        img_retinex = averagePooling(img_retinex)

    # log transform
    siltp_feat = np.log(siltp_feat + 1.0)
    # normalize to unit length
    siltp_feat[:siltp_feat.shape[0] // 2] /= np.linalg.norm(
        siltp_feat[:siltp_feat.shape[0] // 2])
    siltp_feat[siltp_feat.shape[0] // 2:] /= np.linalg.norm(
        siltp_feat[siltp_feat.shape[0] // 2:])
    # log transform
    hsv_feat = np.log(hsv_feat + 1.0)
    # normalize to unit length
    hsv_feat /= np.linalg.norm(hsv_feat)

    # concatenate all features to final LOMO descriptor
    lomo = np.concatenate([siltp_feat, hsv_feat], 0)

    return lomo
Ejemplo n.º 6
def LOMO(img, config):

    sigma_list = config['retinex']['sigma_list']
    G = config['retinex']['G']
    b = config['retinex']['b']
    alpha = config['retinex']['alpha']
    beta = config['retinex']['beta']
    low_clip = config['retinex']['low_clip']
    high_clip = config['retinex']['high_clip']
    R_list = config['lomo']['R_list']
    tau = config['lomo']['tau']
    hsv_bin_size = config['lomo']['hsv_bin_size']
    block_size_col = config['lomo']['block_size_col']
    block_step_col = config['lomo']['block_step_col']
    block_size_row = config['lomo']['block_size_row']
    block_step_row = config['lomo']['block_step_row']

    img_retinex = retinex.MSRCP(img, sigma_list, low_clip, high_clip)

    siltp_feat = np.array([])
    hsv_feat = np.array([])
    for pool in range(3):
        row_num = int((img.shape[0] - (block_size_row - block_step_row)) /
        col_num = int((img.shape[1] - (block_size_col - block_step_col)) /
        for row in range(row_num):
            for col in range(col_num):
                img_block = img[row * block_step_row:row * block_step_row +
                                col * block_step_col:col * block_step_col +

                siltp_hist = np.array([])
                for R in R_list:
                    siltp4 = siltp.SILTP4(img_block.astype(np.float32), R, tau)
                    unique, count = np.unique(siltp4, return_counts=True)
                    siltp_hist_r = np.zeros([3**4])
                    for u, c in zip(unique, count):
                        siltp_hist_r[u] = c
                    siltp_hist = np.concatenate([siltp_hist, siltp_hist_r], 0)

                img_block = img_retinex[row *
                                        block_step_row:row * block_step_row +
                                        block_size_row, col *
                                        block_step_col:col * block_step_col +

                img_hsv = cv2.cvtColor(img_block.astype(np.float32),
                hsv_hist = channel_histogram.jointHistogram(
                    img_hsv, [0, 255], hsv_bin_size)

                if col == 0:
                    siltp_feat_col = siltp_hist
                    hsv_feat_col = hsv_hist
                    siltp_feat_col = np.maximum(siltp_feat_col, siltp_hist)
                    hsv_feat_col = np.maximum(hsv_feat_col, hsv_hist)

            siltp_feat = np.concatenate([siltp_feat, siltp_feat_col], 0)
            hsv_feat = np.concatenate([hsv_feat, hsv_feat_col], 0)

        img = averagePooling(img)
        img_retinex = averagePooling(img_retinex)

    siltp_feat = np.log(siltp_feat + 1.0)
    if int(siltp_feat.shape[0]) % 2 == 1:
    siltp_feat[:int(siltp_feat.shape[0] / 2)] /= np.linalg.norm(
        siltp_feat[:int(siltp_feat.shape[0] / 2)])
    siltp_feat[int(siltp_feat.shape[0] / 2):] /= np.linalg.norm(
        siltp_feat[int(siltp_feat.shape[0] / 2):])

    hsv_feat = np.log(hsv_feat + 1.0)
    hsv_feat /= np.linalg.norm(hsv_feat)

    lomo = np.concatenate([siltp_feat, hsv_feat], 0)

    return lomo