Ejemplo n.º 1
    def test_ready(self):
        if not os.path.exists(self.executablePath):
            raise DependencyError(
                "Couldn't find MOPAC executable at {0}. Try setting your MOPAC_DIR "
                "environment variable.".format(self.executablePath))

        # Check if MOPAC executable works properly
        process = Popen(self.executablePath,
        stdout, stderr = process.communicate()

        self.expired = False
        stderr = stderr.decode('utf-8')
        if 'has expired' in stderr:
            # The MOPAC executable is expired
            self.expired = True
        elif 'To install the MOPAC license' in stderr:
            # The MOPAC executable exists, but the license has not been installed
            raise DependencyError('\n'.join(stderr.split('\n')[0:9]))
        elif 'MOPAC_LICENSE' in stderr:
            # The MOPAC executable is in the wrong location on Windows; MOPAC_LICENSE must be set
            raise DependencyError('\n'.join(stderr.split('\n')[0:11]))
Ejemplo n.º 2
def toOBMol(mol, returnMapping=False):
    Convert a molecular structure to an OpenBabel OBMol object. Uses
    `OpenBabel <http://openbabel.org/>`_ to perform the conversion.
    if not OB_INSTALLED:
        raise DependencyError(
            'OpenBabel is not installed. Please install or use RDKit.')

    # Sort the atoms to ensure consistent output
    atoms = mol.vertices

    obAtomIds = {}  # dictionary of OB atom IDs
    obmol = openbabel.OBMol()
    for atom in atoms:
        a = obmol.NewAtom()
        obAtomIds[atom] = a.GetId()
    orders = {1: 1, 2: 2, 3: 3, 1.5: 5}
    for atom1 in mol.vertices:
        for atom2, bond in atom1.edges.iteritems():
            index1 = atoms.index(atom1)
            index2 = atoms.index(atom2)
            if index1 < index2:
                order = orders[bond.order]
                obmol.AddBond(index1 + 1, index2 + 1, order)


    if returnMapping:
        return obmol, obAtomIds

    return obmol
Ejemplo n.º 3
def _rdkit_translator(input_object, identifier_type, mol=None):
    Converts between formats using RDKit. If input is a :class:`Molecule`,
    the identifier_type is used to determine the output type. If the input is
    a `str`, then the identifier_type is used to identify the input, and the
    desired output is assumed to be a :class:`Molecule` object.

        input_object: either molecule or string identifier
        identifier_type: format of string identifier
            'inchi'    -> InChI
            'inchikey' -> InChI Key
            'sma'      -> SMARTS
            'smi'      -> SMILES
        mol: molecule object for output (optional)
    if identifier_type == 'inchi' and not Chem.inchi.INCHI_AVAILABLE:
        raise DependencyError("RDKit installed without InChI. Please reinstall to read and write InChI strings.")

    if isinstance(input_object, str):
        # We are converting from a string identifier to a molecule
        if identifier_type == 'inchi':
            rdkitmol = Chem.inchi.MolFromInchi(input_object, removeHs=False)
        elif identifier_type == 'sma':
            rdkitmol = Chem.MolFromSmarts(input_object)
        elif identifier_type == 'smi':
            rdkitmol = Chem.MolFromSmiles(input_object)
            raise ValueError('Identifier type {0} is not supported for reading using RDKit.'.format(identifier_type))
        if rdkitmol is None:
            raise ValueError("Could not interpret the identifier {0!r}".format(input_object))
        if mol is None:
            mol = mm.Molecule()
        output = fromRDKitMol(mol, rdkitmol)
    elif isinstance(input_object, mm.Molecule):
        # We are converting from a molecule to a string identifier
        if identifier_type == 'smi':
            rdkitmol = toRDKitMol(input_object, sanitize=False)
            rdkitmol = toRDKitMol(input_object, sanitize=True)
        if identifier_type == 'inchi':
            output = Chem.inchi.MolToInchi(rdkitmol, options='-SNon')
        elif identifier_type == 'inchikey':
            inchi = toInChI(input_object)
            output = Chem.inchi.InchiToInchiKey(inchi)
        elif identifier_type == 'sma':
            output = Chem.MolToSmarts(rdkitmol)
        elif identifier_type == 'smi':
            if input_object.isAromatic():
                output = Chem.MolToSmiles(rdkitmol)
                output = Chem.MolToSmiles(rdkitmol, kekuleSmiles=True)
            raise ValueError('Identifier type {0} is not supported for writing using RDKit.'.format(identifier_type))
        raise ValueError('Unexpected input format. Should be a Molecule or a string.')

    return output
Ejemplo n.º 4
def from_ob_mol(mol, obmol, raise_atomtype_exception=True):
    Convert a OpenBabel Mol object `obmol` to a molecular structure. Uses
    `OpenBabel <http://openbabel.org/>`_ to perform the conversion.
    # Below are the declared variables for cythonizing the module
    # cython.declare(i=cython.int)
    # cython.declare(radical_electrons=cython.int, charge=cython.int, lone_pairs=cython.int)
    # cython.declare(atom=mm.Atom, atom1=mm.Atom, atom2=mm.Atom, bond=mm.Bond)
    if openbabel is None:
        raise DependencyError(
            'OpenBabel is not installed. Please install or use RDKit.')

    mol.vertices = []

    # Add hydrogen atoms to complete molecule if needed
    # TODO Chem.rdmolops.Kekulize(obmol, clearAromaticFlags=True)

    # iterate through atoms in obmol
    for obatom in openbabel.OBMolAtomIter(obmol):
        # Use atomic number as key for element
        number = obatom.GetAtomicNum()
        isotope = obatom.GetIsotope()
        element = elements.get_element(number, isotope or -1)
        # Process charge
        charge = obatom.GetFormalCharge()
        obatom_multiplicity = obatom.GetSpinMultiplicity()
        radical_electrons = obatom_multiplicity - 1 if obatom_multiplicity != 0 else 0

        atom = mm.Atom(element, radical_electrons, charge, '', 0)

    # iterate through bonds in obmol
    for obbond in openbabel.OBMolBondIter(obmol):
        # Process bond type
        oborder = obbond.GetBondOrder()
        if oborder not in [1, 2, 3, 4] and obbond.IsAromatic():
            oborder = 1.5

        bond = mm.Bond(mol.vertices[obbond.GetBeginAtomIdx() - 1],
                       mol.vertices[obbond.GetEndAtomIdx() - 1],
                       oborder)  # python array indices start at 0

    # Set atom types and connectivity values

    # Assume this is always true
    # There are cases where 2 radical_electrons is a singlet, but
    # the triplet is often more stable,
    mol.multiplicity = mol.get_radical_count() + 1

    return mol
Ejemplo n.º 5
def to_ob_mol(mol, return_mapping=False):
    Convert a molecular structure to an OpenBabel OBMol object. Uses
    `OpenBabel <http://openbabel.org/>`_ to perform the conversion.
    if openbabel is None:
        raise DependencyError(
            'OpenBabel is not installed. Please install or use RDKit.')

    # Sort the atoms to ensure consistent output
    atoms = mol.vertices

    ob_atom_ids = {}  # dictionary of OB atom IDs
    obmol = openbabel.OBMol()
    for atom in atoms:
        a = obmol.NewAtom()
        if atom.element.symbol == 'X':
            )  # not sure how to do this with linear scaling when this might not be Pt
        if atom.element.isotope != -1:
        ob_atom_ids[atom] = a.GetId()
    orders = {1: 1, 2: 2, 3: 3, 4: 4, 1.5: 5}
    for atom1 in mol.vertices:
        for atom2, bond in atom1.edges.items():
            if bond.is_hydrogen_bond():
            index1 = atoms.index(atom1)
            index2 = atoms.index(atom2)
            if index1 < index2:
                order = orders[bond.order]
                obmol.AddBond(index1 + 1, index2 + 1, order)


    if return_mapping:
        return obmol, ob_atom_ids

    return obmol