Ejemplo n.º 1
def gabow(graph, k=None):
    def find_exchange(father, included, excluded):
        X = NamedUnionFind(vertices)
        find = X.find
        union = X.union

        (min_weight, e, f) = (inf, None, None)

        for (x, y) in included:
            # Make it so that y = father[x]
            if y != father[x]:
                x, y = y, x
            y = find(y)
            union(x, y, y)

        for edge in excluded:

        for (x, y) in edges:
            if (x, y) in marked or (y, x) in marked:
                unmark((x, y))
                unmark((y, x))

            elif father[x] != y and father[y] != x:
                a = find(x)
                ancestors = set()
                while a not in ancestors:
                    a = find(father[a])

                a = find(y)
                while a not in ancestors:
                    a = find(father[a])

                for u in [x, y]:
                    v = find(u)
                    while v != a:
                        fv = father[v]
                        exchange_weight = weight[x, y] - weight[v, fv]
                        if exchange_weight < min_weight:
                            min_weight = exchange_weight
                            e = (v, fv)
                            f = (x, y)
                        w = find(fv)
                        union(v, w, w)
                        v = w

        return (min_weight, e, f)

    inf = float('inf')
    if k is None:
        k = inf

    weight = {(u, v): graph[u][v] for u in graph for v in graph[u]}

    marked = set()
    mark = marked.add
    unmark = marked.discard

    edges = sorted(graph.edge_set(), key=lambda (u, v): weight[(u, v)])
    vertices = graph.vertices()

    # arbitrary root vertex
    root = vertices[0]
    tree_weight, father = prim(graph, root, edge_list=False)
    father[root] = root

    (exchange_weight, e, f) = find_exchange(father, [], [])
    heap = [(tree_weight + exchange_weight, e, f, father, [], [])]

    tree_edges = sorted([(min(x, y), max(x, y)) for (x, y) in father.items()
                         if x != y])
    yield tree_weight, tree_edges

    j = 1
    while j < k:
        (tree_weight, e, f, father, included, excluded) = heappop(heap)

        if tree_weight == inf:

        new_graph = Graph()

        new_father = breadth_first_search_tree(new_graph, root)
        new_father[root] = root

        tree_edges = sorted([(min(x, y), max(x, y))
                             for (x, y) in new_father.items() if x != y])
        yield tree_weight, tree_edges

        new_tree_weight = tree_weight - weight[f] + weight[e]

        included_i = included + [e]
        excluded_j = excluded + [e]

        (exchange_weight, e, f) = find_exchange(father, included_i, excluded)
        heappush(heap, (new_tree_weight + exchange_weight, e, f, father,
                        included_i, excluded))

        (exchange_weight, e, f) = find_exchange(new_father, included,
        heappush(heap, (tree_weight + exchange_weight, e, f, new_father,
                        included, excluded_j))
        j += 1
Ejemplo n.º 2
 def test_breadth_first_search_tree(self):
     pred = breadth_first_search_tree(self.graph, 's')
     ans = {'a': 's', 'b': 'a', 'c': 's', 'd': 's', 'e': 's', 's': None}
     self.assertEqual(pred, ans)
Ejemplo n.º 3
def gabow(graph, k=None):
    def find_exchange(father, included, excluded):
        X = NamedUnionFind(vertices)
        find = X.find
        union = X.union

        (min_weight, e, f) = (inf, None, None)

        for (x, y) in included:
            # Make it so that y = father[x]
            if y != father[x]:
                x, y = y, x
            y = find(y)
            union(x, y, y)

        for edge in excluded:

        for (x, y) in edges:
            if (x, y) in marked or (y, x) in marked:
                unmark((x, y))
                unmark((y, x))

            elif father[x] != y and father[y] != x:
                a = find(x)
                ancestors = set()
                while a not in ancestors:
                    a = find(father[a])

                a = find(y)
                while a not in ancestors:
                    a = find(father[a])

                for u in [x, y]:
                    v = find(u)
                    while v != a:
                        fv = father[v]
                        exchange_weight = weight[x, y] - weight[v, fv]
                        if exchange_weight < min_weight:
                            min_weight = exchange_weight
                            e = (v, fv)
                            f = (x, y)
                        w = find(fv)
                        union(v, w, w)
                        v = w

        return (min_weight, e, f)

    inf = float('inf')
    if k is None:
        k = inf

    weight = {(u, v): graph[u][v] for u in graph for v in graph[u]}

    marked = set()
    mark = marked.add
    unmark = marked.discard

    edges = sorted(graph.edge_set(), key=lambda (u, v): weight[(u, v)])
    vertices = graph.vertices()

    # arbitrary root vertex
    root = vertices[0]
    tree_weight, father = prim(graph, root, edge_list=False)
    father[root] = root

    (exchange_weight, e, f) = find_exchange(father, [], [])
    heap = [(tree_weight + exchange_weight, e, f, father, [], [])]

    tree_edges = sorted([(min(x, y), max(x, y)) for (x, y) in father.items() if x != y])
    yield tree_weight, tree_edges

    j = 1
    while j < k:
        (tree_weight, e, f, father, included, excluded) = heappop(heap)

        if tree_weight == inf:

        new_graph = Graph()

        new_father = breadth_first_search_tree(new_graph, root)
        new_father[root] = root

        tree_edges = sorted([(min(x, y), max(x, y)) for (x, y) in new_father.items() if x != y])
        yield tree_weight, tree_edges

        new_tree_weight = tree_weight - weight[f] + weight[e]

        included_i = included + [e]
        excluded_j = excluded + [e]

        (exchange_weight, e, f) = find_exchange(father, included_i, excluded)
        heappush(heap, (new_tree_weight + exchange_weight, e, f, father, included_i, excluded))

        (exchange_weight, e, f) = find_exchange(new_father, included, excluded_j)
        heappush(heap, (tree_weight + exchange_weight, e, f, new_father, included, excluded_j))
        j += 1
Ejemplo n.º 4
 def test_breadth_first_search_tree(self):
     pred = breadth_first_search_tree(self.graph, 's')
     ans = {'a': 's', 'b': 'a', 'c': 's', 'd': 's', 'e': 's', 's': None}
     self.assertEqual(pred, ans)