Ejemplo n.º 1
def get_dataset(varargset, ftree, cut="", wt="", scale=1):
    """Return a dataset.

    Return a dataset from the ntuple `ftree'. Apply a selection cut
    using the `cutVar' variable and the selection `cut'.


    from rplot.fixes import ROOT
    from rplot.tselect import Tsplice

    splice = Tsplice(ftree)
    splice.make_splice("sel", cut)
    from ROOT import RooDataSet, RooFit, RooFormulaVar, RooArgList

    tmpdst = RooDataSet("tmpdataset", "", varargset, RooFit.Import(ftree))
    if wt:
        wtvar = RooFormulaVar("wt", "{}*@0".format(scale), RooArgList(varargset[wt]))
        wtvar = tmpdst.addColumn(wtvar)
        dst = RooDataSet("dataset", "Dataset", varargset, RooFit.Import(tmpdst), RooFit.WeightVar(wtvar))
        dst = dst.reduce(varargset)
    return dst
Ejemplo n.º 2
def get_dataset(varargset, ftree, cut='', wt='', scale=1):
    """Return a dataset.

    Return a dataset from the ntuple `ftree'. Apply a selection cut
    using the `cutVar' variable and the selection `cut'.


    from rplot.fixes import ROOT
    from rplot.tselect import Tsplice
    splice = Tsplice(ftree)
    splice.make_splice('sel', cut)
    from ROOT import RooDataSet, RooFit, RooFormulaVar, RooArgList
    tmpdst = RooDataSet('tmpdataset', '', varargset, RooFit.Import(ftree))
    if wt:
        wtvar = RooFormulaVar('wt', '{}*@0'.format(scale),
        wtvar = tmpdst.addColumn(wtvar)
        dst = RooDataSet('dataset', 'Dataset', varargset,
                         RooFit.Import(tmpdst), RooFit.WeightVar(wtvar))
        dst = dst.reduce(varargset)
    return dst
Ejemplo n.º 3
def fill_dataset(varargset, ftree, wt, wtvar, cut=""):
    """Return a dataset (slow, get_dataset is more efficient).

    Return a dataset from the ntuple `ftree', also apply `cut'.  Use
    `wt' as the weight expression in the tree.  `wtvar' is the
    corresponding RooRealVar weight.  Note, varargset should contain

    The dataset is filled by iterating over the tree.  This is needed
    when you want to ensure different datasets have the same weight
    variable names, so that they can be combined later on.  This is
    needed even if they are combined as different categories.


    from rplot.fixes import ROOT
    from ROOT import RooDataSet, RooFit, TTreeFormula
    from helpers import suppress_warnings

    from rplot.tselect import Tsplice

    splice = Tsplice(ftree)
    splice.make_splice("sel", cut)

    formulae = {}
    wtname = wtvar.GetName()
    for var in varargset:
        name = var.GetName()
        expr = wt if name == wtname else name
        formulae[name] = TTreeFormula(name, expr, ftree)

    dataset = RooDataSet("dataset", "Dataset", varargset, RooFit.WeightVar(wtvar))
    for i in xrange(ftree.GetEntries()):
        for var, expr in formulae.iteritems():
            realvar = varargset.find(var)
        dataset.add(varargset, varargset[wtname].getVal())
    return dataset
Ejemplo n.º 4
def fill_dataset(varargset, ftree, wt, wtvar, cut=''):
    """Return a dataset (slow, get_dataset is more efficient).

    Return a dataset from the ntuple `ftree', also apply `cut'.  Use
    `wt' as the weight expression in the tree.  `wtvar' is the
    corresponding RooRealVar weight.  Note, varargset should contain

    The dataset is filled by iterating over the tree.  This is needed
    when you want to ensure different datasets have the same weight
    variable names, so that they can be combined later on.  This is
    needed even if they are combined as different categories.


    from rplot.fixes import ROOT
    from ROOT import RooDataSet, RooFit, TTreeFormula
    from helpers import suppress_warnings
    from rplot.tselect import Tsplice
    splice = Tsplice(ftree)
    splice.make_splice('sel', cut)

    formulae = {}
    wtname = wtvar.GetName()
    for var in varargset:
        name = var.GetName()
        expr = wt if name == wtname else name
        formulae[name] = TTreeFormula(name, expr, ftree)

    dataset = RooDataSet('dataset', 'Dataset', varargset,
    for i in xrange(ftree.GetEntries()):
        for var, expr in formulae.iteritems():
            realvar = varargset.find(var)
        dataset.add(varargset, varargset[wtname].getVal())
    return dataset
Ejemplo n.º 5
from rplot.fixes import ROOT

# files & trees
if options.ntuple in ['sig', 'sdata']:
    infile = session.sig_file
elif options.ntuple in ['bkg', 'data']:
    infile = session.bkg_file
tree = ROOT.TChain('MyChain')
map(lambda f: tree.Add(f), infile)

if not tree:
    sys.exit('Unable to read input trees.')

from rplot.tselect import Tsplice
splice = Tsplice(tree)
if options.ntuple.find('data') >= 0:
    cut = ROOT.TCut(session.cut_both)
elif 'sig' == options.ntuple:
    cut = ROOT.TCut(session.cut_sig)
elif 'bkg' == options.ntuple:
    cut = ROOT.TCut(session.cut_bkg)
splice.make_splice(options.ntuple, cut)

# disable fluff

variables = options.vars
marks = options.marks if options.marks else []
nvars, nmarks = len(variables), len(marks) if marks else 0
Ejemplo n.º 6
from rplot.fixes import ROOT

# files & trees
if options.ntuple in ['sig', 'sdata']:
    infile = session.sig_file
elif options.ntuple in ['bkg', 'data']:
    infile = session.bkg_file
tree = ROOT.TChain('MyChain')
map(lambda f: tree.Add(f), infile)

if not tree:
    sys.exit('Unable to read input trees.')

from rplot.tselect import Tsplice
splice = Tsplice(tree)
if options.ntuple.find('data') >= 0:
    cut = ROOT.TCut(session.cut_both)
elif 'sig' == options.ntuple:
    cut = ROOT.TCut(session.cut_sig)
elif 'bkg' == options.ntuple:
    cut = ROOT.TCut(session.cut_bkg)
splice.make_splice(options.ntuple, cut)

# disable fluff

variables = options.vars
marks = options.marks if options.marks else []
nvars, nmarks = len(variables), len(marks) if marks else 0