Ejemplo n.º 1
def specializectx(func):
    """A decorator that specializes 'func(ctx,...)' for each concrete subclass
    of AbstractMatchContext.  During annotation, if 'ctx' is known to be a
    specific subclass, calling 'func' is a direct call; if 'ctx' is only known
    to be of class AbstractMatchContext, calling 'func' is an indirect call.
    assert func.func_code.co_varnames[0] == 'ctx'
    specname = '_spec_' + func.func_name
    while specname in _seen_specname:
        specname += '_'
    _seen_specname[specname] = True
    # Install a copy of the function under the name '_spec_funcname' in each
    # concrete subclass
    specialized_methods = []
    for prefix, concreteclass in [('buf', BufMatchContext),
                                  ('str', StrMatchContext),
                                  ('uni', UnicodeMatchContext)]:
        newfunc = func_with_new_name(func, prefix + specname)
        assert not hasattr(concreteclass, specname)
        setattr(concreteclass, specname, newfunc)
    # Return a dispatcher function, specialized on the exact type of 'ctx'
    def dispatch(ctx, *args):
        return getattr(ctx, specname)(*args)

    dispatch._annspecialcase_ = 'specialize:argtype(0)'
    dispatch._specialized_methods_ = specialized_methods
    return func_with_new_name(dispatch, specname)
Ejemplo n.º 2
def specializectx(func):
    """A decorator that specializes 'func(ctx,...)' for each concrete subclass
    of AbstractMatchContext.  During annotation, if 'ctx' is known to be a
    specific subclass, calling 'func' is a direct call; if 'ctx' is only known
    to be of class AbstractMatchContext, calling 'func' is an indirect call.
    assert func.func_code.co_varnames[0] == 'ctx'
    specname = '_spec_' + func.func_name
    while specname in _seen_specname:
        specname += '_'
    _seen_specname[specname] = True
    # Install a copy of the function under the name '_spec_funcname' in each
    # concrete subclass
    specialized_methods = []
    for prefix, concreteclass in [('str', StrMatchContext),
                                  ('uni', UnicodeMatchContext)]:
        newfunc = func_with_new_name(func, prefix + specname)
        assert not hasattr(concreteclass, specname)
        setattr(concreteclass, specname, newfunc)
    # Return a dispatcher function, specialized on the exact type of 'ctx'
    def dispatch(ctx, *args):
        return getattr(ctx, specname)(*args)
    dispatch._annspecialcase_ = 'specialize:argtype(0)'
    dispatch._specialized_methods_ = specialized_methods
    return func_with_new_name(dispatch, specname)
Ejemplo n.º 3
Archivo: rstr.py Proyecto: charred/pypy
def _new_copy_contents_fun(SRC_TP, DST_TP, CHAR_TP, name):
    def _str_ofs(TP, item):
        return (llmemory.offsetof(TP, 'chars') +
                llmemory.itemoffsetof(TP.chars, 0) +
                llmemory.sizeof(CHAR_TP) * item)

    @signature(types.any(), types.any(), types.int(), returns=types.any())
    def _get_raw_buf(TP, src, ofs):
        assert typeOf(src).TO == TP
        assert ofs >= 0
        return llmemory.cast_ptr_to_adr(src) + _str_ofs(TP, ofs)
    _get_raw_buf._always_inline_ = True

    @jit.oopspec('stroruni.copy_contents(src, dst, srcstart, dststart, length)')
    @signature(types.any(), types.any(), types.int(), types.int(), types.int(), returns=types.none())
    def copy_string_contents(src, dst, srcstart, dststart, length):
        """Copies 'length' characters from the 'src' string to the 'dst'
        string, starting at position 'srcstart' and 'dststart'."""
        # xxx Warning: don't try to do this at home.  It relies on a lot
        # of details to be sure that it works correctly in all cases.
        # Notably: no GC operation at all from the first cast_ptr_to_adr()
        # because it might move the strings.  The keepalive_until_here()
        # are obscurely essential to make sure that the strings stay alive
        # longer than the raw_memcopy().
        assert length >= 0
        # from here, no GC operations can happen
        src = _get_raw_buf(SRC_TP, src, srcstart)
        dst = _get_raw_buf(DST_TP, dst, dststart)
        llmemory.raw_memcopy(src, dst, llmemory.sizeof(CHAR_TP) * length)
        # end of "no GC" section
    copy_string_contents._always_inline_ = True
    copy_string_contents = func_with_new_name(copy_string_contents,
                                              'copy_%s_contents' % name)

    @jit.oopspec('stroruni.copy_string_to_raw(src, ptrdst, srcstart, length)')
    def copy_string_to_raw(src, ptrdst, srcstart, length):
        Copies 'length' characters from the 'src' string to the 'ptrdst'
        buffer, starting at position 'srcstart'.
        'ptrdst' must be a non-gc Array of Char.
        # xxx Warning: same note as above apply: don't do this at home
        assert length >= 0
        # from here, no GC operations can happen
        src = _get_raw_buf(SRC_TP, src, srcstart)
        adr = llmemory.cast_ptr_to_adr(ptrdst)
        dstbuf = adr + llmemory.itemoffsetof(typeOf(ptrdst).TO, 0)
        llmemory.raw_memcopy(src, dstbuf, llmemory.sizeof(CHAR_TP) * length)
        # end of "no GC" section
    copy_string_to_raw._always_inline_ = True
    copy_string_to_raw = func_with_new_name(copy_string_to_raw, 'copy_%s_to_raw' % name)

    return copy_string_to_raw, copy_string_contents
Ejemplo n.º 4
    def add_source_attribute(self, name, value, mixin=False):
        if isinstance(value, property):
            # special case for property object
            if value.fget is not None:
                newname = name + '__getter__'
                func = func_with_new_name(value.fget, newname)
                self.add_source_attribute(newname, func, mixin)
            if value.fset is not None:
                newname = name + '__setter__'
                func = func_with_new_name(value.fset, newname)
                self.add_source_attribute(newname, func, mixin)
            self.classdict[name] = Constant(value)

        if isinstance(value, types.FunctionType):
            # for debugging
            if not hasattr(value, 'class_'):
                value.class_ = self.pyobj
            if self.specialize:
                # make a custom funcdesc that specializes on its first
                # argument (i.e. 'self').
                from rpython.annotator.specialize import specialize_argtype

                def argtype0(funcdesc, args_s):
                    return specialize_argtype(funcdesc, args_s, 0)

                funcdesc = FunctionDesc(self.bookkeeper,
                self.classdict[name] = funcdesc
            if mixin:
                # make a new copy of the FunctionDesc for this class,
                # but don't specialize further for all subclasses
                funcdesc = FunctionDesc(self.bookkeeper, value)
                self.classdict[name] = funcdesc
            # NB. if value is, say, AssertionError.__init__, then we
            # should not use getdesc() on it.  Never.  The problem is
            # that the py lib has its own AssertionError.__init__ which
            # is of type FunctionType.  But bookkeeper.immutablevalue()
            # will do the right thing in s_get_value().
        if isinstance(value, staticmethod) and mixin:
            # make a new copy of staticmethod
            func = value.__get__(42)
            value = staticmethod(func_with_new_name(func, func.__name__))

        if type(value) in MemberDescriptorTypes:
            # skip __slots__, showing up in the class as 'member' objects
        if name == '__init__' and self.is_builtin_exception_class():
            # pretend that built-in exceptions have no __init__,
            # unless explicitly specified in builtin.py
            from rpython.annotator.builtin import BUILTIN_ANALYZERS
            value = getattr(value, 'im_func', value)
            if value not in BUILTIN_ANALYZERS:
        self.classdict[name] = Constant(value)
Ejemplo n.º 5
def import_from_mixin(M, special_methods=['__init__', '__del__']):
    """Copy all methods and class attributes from the class M into
    the current scope.  Should be called when defining a class body.
    Function and staticmethod objects are duplicated, which means
    that annotation will not consider them as identical to another
    copy in another unrelated class.

    By default, "special" methods and class attributes, with a name
    like "__xxx__", are not copied unless they are "__init__" or
    "__del__".  The list can be changed with the optional second
    flatten = {}
    caller = sys._getframe(1)
    caller_name = caller.f_globals.get('__name__')
    immutable_fields = []
    for base in inspect.getmro(M):
        if base is object:
        for key, value in base.__dict__.items():
            if key == '_immutable_fields_':
            if key.startswith('__') and key.endswith('__'):
                if key not in special_methods:
            if key in flatten:
            if isinstance(value, types.FunctionType):
                value = func_with_new_name(value, value.__name__)
            elif isinstance(value, staticmethod):
                func = value.__get__(42)
                func = func_with_new_name(func, func.__name__)
                if caller_name:
                    # staticmethods lack a unique im_class so further
                    # distinguish them from themselves
                    func.__module__ = caller_name
                value = staticmethod(func)
            elif isinstance(value, classmethod):
                raise AssertionError("classmethods not supported "
                                     "in 'import_from_mixin'")
            flatten[key] = value
    target = caller.f_locals
    for key, value in flatten.items():
        if key in target:
            raise Exception("import_from_mixin: would overwrite the value "
                            "already defined locally for %r" % (key, ))
        if key == '_mixin_':
            raise Exception("import_from_mixin(M): class M should not "
                            "have '_mixin_ = True'")
        target[key] = value
    if immutable_fields:
        target['_immutable_fields_'] = target.get('_immutable_fields_',
                                                  []) + immutable_fields
Ejemplo n.º 6
    def add_source_attribute(self, name, value, mixin=False):
        if isinstance(value, property):
            # special case for property object
            if value.fget is not None:
                newname = name + '__getter__'
                func = func_with_new_name(value.fget, newname)
                self.add_source_attribute(newname, func, mixin)
            if value.fset is not None:
                newname = name + '__setter__'
                func = func_with_new_name(value.fset, newname)
                self.add_source_attribute(newname, func, mixin)
            self.classdict[name] = Constant(value)

        if isinstance(value, types.FunctionType):
            # for debugging
            if not hasattr(value, 'class_'):
                value.class_ = self.pyobj
            if self.specialize:
                # make a custom funcdesc that specializes on its first
                # argument (i.e. 'self').
                from rpython.annotator.specialize import specialize_argtype
                def argtype0(funcdesc, args_s):
                    return specialize_argtype(funcdesc, args_s, 0)
                funcdesc = FunctionDesc(self.bookkeeper, value,
                self.classdict[name] = funcdesc
            if mixin:
                # make a new copy of the FunctionDesc for this class,
                # but don't specialize further for all subclasses
                funcdesc = FunctionDesc(self.bookkeeper, value)
                self.classdict[name] = funcdesc
            # NB. if value is, say, AssertionError.__init__, then we
            # should not use getdesc() on it.  Never.  The problem is
            # that the py lib has its own AssertionError.__init__ which
            # is of type FunctionType.  But bookkeeper.immutablevalue()
            # will do the right thing in s_get_value().
        if isinstance(value, staticmethod) and mixin:
            # make a new copy of staticmethod
            func = value.__get__(42)
            value = staticmethod(func_with_new_name(func, func.__name__))

        if type(value) in MemberDescriptorTypes:
            # skip __slots__, showing up in the class as 'member' objects
        if name == '__init__' and self.is_builtin_exception_class():
            # pretend that built-in exceptions have no __init__,
            # unless explicitly specified in builtin.py
            from rpython.annotator.builtin import BUILTIN_ANALYZERS
            value = getattr(value, 'im_func', value)
            if value not in BUILTIN_ANALYZERS:
        self.classdict[name] = Constant(value)
Ejemplo n.º 7
def import_from_mixin(M, special_methods=['__init__', '__del__']):
    """Copy all methods and class attributes from the class M into
    the current scope.  Should be called when defining a class body.
    Function and staticmethod objects are duplicated, which means
    that annotation will not consider them as identical to another
    copy in another unrelated class.

    By default, "special" methods and class attributes, with a name
    like "__xxx__", are not copied unless they are "__init__" or
    "__del__".  The list can be changed with the optional second
    flatten = {}
    caller = sys._getframe(1)
    caller_name = caller.f_globals.get('__name__')
    immutable_fields = []
    for base in inspect.getmro(M):
        if base is object:
        for key, value in base.__dict__.items():
            if key == '_immutable_fields_':
            if key.startswith('__') and key.endswith('__'):
                if key not in special_methods:
            if key in flatten:
            if isinstance(value, types.FunctionType):
                value = func_with_new_name(value, value.__name__)
            elif isinstance(value, staticmethod):
                func = value.__get__(42)
                func = func_with_new_name(func, func.__name__)
                if caller_name:
                    # staticmethods lack a unique im_class so further
                    # distinguish them from themselves
                    func.__module__ = caller_name
                value = staticmethod(func)
            elif isinstance(value, classmethod):
                raise AssertionError("classmethods not supported "
                                     "in 'import_from_mixin'")
            flatten[key] = value
    target = caller.f_locals
    for key, value in flatten.items():
        if key in target:
            raise Exception("import_from_mixin: would overwrite the value "
                            "already defined locally for %r" % (key,))
        if key == '_mixin_':
            raise Exception("import_from_mixin(M): class M should not "
                            "have '_mixin_ = True'")
        target[key] = value
    if immutable_fields:
        target['_immutable_fields_'] = target.get('_immutable_fields_', []) + immutable_fields
Ejemplo n.º 8
def test_func_rename_decorator():
    def bar():

    bar2 = func_with_new_name(bar, 'bar2')
    assert bar.__doc__ == bar2.__doc__ == 'doc'

    bar.__doc__ = 'new doc'
    bar3 = func_with_new_name(bar, 'bar3')
    assert bar3.__doc__ == 'new doc'
    assert bar2.__doc__ != bar3.__doc__
Ejemplo n.º 9
def test_func_rename_decorator():
    def bar():

    bar2 = func_with_new_name(bar, 'bar2')
    assert bar.func_doc == bar2.func_doc == 'doc'

    bar.func_doc = 'new doc'
    bar3 = func_with_new_name(bar, 'bar3')
    assert bar3.func_doc == 'new doc'
    assert bar2.func_doc != bar3.func_doc
Ejemplo n.º 10
def make_func_for_size(N):
    def ll_append_0(ll_builder, ll_str):
        _ll_append(ll_builder, ll_str, 0, N)
    ll_append_0 = func_with_new_name(ll_append_0, "ll_append_0_%d" % N)
    def ll_append_start(ll_builder, ll_str, start):
        _ll_append(ll_builder, ll_str, start, N)
    ll_append_start = func_with_new_name(ll_append_start,
                                                  "ll_append_start_%d" % N)
    return ll_append_0, ll_append_start, N
Ejemplo n.º 11
def new_dtype_getter(name):
    def _get_dtype(space):
        from pypy.module.micronumpy.interp_dtype import get_dtype_cache
        return get_dtype_cache(space).dtypes_by_name[name]

    def new(space, w_subtype, w_value=None):
        dtype = _get_dtype(space)
        return dtype.itemtype.coerce_subtype(space, w_subtype, w_value)

    def descr_reduce(self, space):
        return self.reduce(space)

    return func_with_new_name(new, name + "_box_new"), staticmethod(_get_dtype), func_with_new_name(descr_reduce, "descr_reduce")
Ejemplo n.º 12
def make_func_for_size(N):
    def ll_append_0(ll_builder, ll_str):
        _ll_append(ll_builder, ll_str, 0, N)

    ll_append_0 = func_with_new_name(ll_append_0, "ll_append_0_%d" % N)
    def ll_append_start(ll_builder, ll_str, start):
        _ll_append(ll_builder, ll_str, start, N)

    ll_append_start = func_with_new_name(ll_append_start,
                                         "ll_append_start_%d" % N)
    return ll_append_0, ll_append_start, N
Ejemplo n.º 13
def new_dtype_getter(name):
    def _get_dtype(space):
        from pypy.module.micronumpy.interp_dtype import get_dtype_cache
        return get_dtype_cache(space).dtypes_by_name[name]

    def new(space, w_subtype, w_value=None):
        dtype = _get_dtype(space)
        return dtype.itemtype.coerce_subtype(space, w_subtype, w_value)

    def descr_reduce(self, space):
        return self.reduce(space)

    return func_with_new_name(
        new, name + "_box_new"), staticmethod(_get_dtype), func_with_new_name(
            descr_reduce, "descr_reduce")
Ejemplo n.º 14
 def _fix_fillchar(func):
     # XXX: hack
     from rpython.tool.sourcetools import func_with_new_name
     func = func_with_new_name(func, func.__name__)
     func.unwrap_spec = func.unwrap_spec.copy()
     func.unwrap_spec['w_fillchar'] = WrappedDefault(u' ')
     return func
Ejemplo n.º 15
def _make_binop_impl(symbol, specialnames):
    left, right = specialnames
    errormsg = "unsupported operand type(s) for %s: '%%T' and '%%T'" % (
        symbol.replace('%', '%%'), )
    seq_bug_compat = (symbol == '+' or symbol == '*')

    def shortcut_binop(space, w_obj1, w_obj2):
        # makes a few assumptions: if the two rpython types are the same, then
        # the left and the right implementations are the same too
        w_impl = space.lookup(w_obj1, left)
        if w_impl is not None:
            w_res = space.get_and_call_function(w_impl, w_obj1, w_obj2)
            if _check_notimplemented(space, w_res):
                return w_res
        raise oefmt(space.w_TypeError, errormsg, w_obj1, w_obj2)

    def binop_impl(space, w_obj1, w_obj2):
        # shortcut: rpython classes are the same
        if type(w_obj1) is type(w_obj2) and not w_obj1.user_overridden_class:
            w_res = shortcut_binop(space, w_obj1, w_obj2)
            if _check_notimplemented(space, w_res):
                return w_res
        w_res = _call_binop_impl(space, w_obj1, w_obj2, left, right,
        if w_res is not None:
            return w_res
        raise oefmt(space.w_TypeError, errormsg, w_obj1, w_obj2)

    return func_with_new_name(binop_impl, "binop_%s_impl" % left.strip('_'))
Ejemplo n.º 16
 def setup(space):
     for name in ObjSpace.ConstantTable + ObjSpace.ExceptionTable + BUILTIN_TYPES:
         setattr(space, "w_" + name, w_some_obj())
     space.w_type = w_some_type()
     for (name, _, arity, _) in ObjSpace.MethodTable:
         if name == "type":
         args = ["w_%d" % i for i in range(arity)]
         params = args[:]
         d = {"is_root": is_root, "w_some_obj": w_some_obj}
         if name in ("get",):
             params[-1] += "=None"
         exec compile2(
             def meth(%s):
                 return w_some_obj()
             % (", ".join(params), "; ".join(["is_root(%s)" % arg for arg in args]))
         ) in d
         meth = func_with_new_name(d["meth"], name)
         setattr(space, name, meth)
     for name in ObjSpace.IrregularOpTable:
         assert hasattr(space, name)  # missing?
Ejemplo n.º 17
    def _binop_right_impl(ufunc_name):
        def impl(self, space, w_other, w_out=None):
            from pypy.module.micronumpy import interp_ufuncs
            return getattr(interp_ufuncs.get(space),
                           ufunc_name).call(space, [w_other, self, w_out])

        return func_with_new_name(impl, "binop_right_%s_impl" % ufunc_name)
Ejemplo n.º 18
    def _unaryop_impl(ufunc_name):
        def impl(self, space, w_out=None):
            from pypy.module.micronumpy import interp_ufuncs
            return getattr(interp_ufuncs.get(space),
                           ufunc_name).call(space, [self, w_out])

        return func_with_new_name(impl, "unaryop_%s_impl" % ufunc_name)
Ejemplo n.º 19
def _make_inplace_impl(symbol, specialnames):
    specialname, = specialnames
    assert specialname.startswith('__i') and specialname.endswith('__')
    noninplacespacemethod = specialname[3:-2]
    if noninplacespacemethod in ['or', 'and']:
        noninplacespacemethod += '_'     # not too clean
    seq_bug_compat = (symbol == '+=' or symbol == '*=')
    rhs_method = '__r' + specialname[3:]

    def inplace_impl(space, w_lhs, w_rhs):
        w_impl = space.lookup(w_lhs, specialname)
        if w_impl is not None:
            # 'seq_bug_compat' is for cpython bug-to-bug compatibility:
            # see objspace/test/test_descrobject.*rmul_overrides.
            # For cases like "list += object-overriding-__radd__".
            if (seq_bug_compat and space.type(w_lhs).flag_sequence_bug_compat
                           and not space.type(w_rhs).flag_sequence_bug_compat):
                w_res = _invoke_binop(space, space.lookup(w_rhs, rhs_method),
                                      w_rhs, w_lhs)
                if w_res is not None:
                    return w_res
                # xxx if __radd__ is defined but returns NotImplemented,
                # then it might be called again below.  Oh well, too bad.
                # Anyway that's a case where we're likely to end up in
                # a TypeError.
            w_res = space.get_and_call_function(w_impl, w_lhs, w_rhs)
            if _check_notimplemented(space, w_res):
                return w_res
        # XXX fix the error message we get here
        return getattr(space, noninplacespacemethod)(w_lhs, w_rhs)

    return func_with_new_name(inplace_impl, 'inplace_%s_impl'%specialname.strip('_'))
Ejemplo n.º 20
def install_general_args_trampoline(type_, mm, is_local, op_name):
    def function(space, w_transparent_list, __args__):
        args = __args__.prepend(space.wrap(op_name))
        return space.call_args(w_transparent_list.w_controller, args)

    function = func_with_new_name(function, mm.name)
    mm.register(function, type_)
Ejemplo n.º 21
    def _make_comparison(name):
        op = getattr(operator, name)
        requires_ordering = name not in ('eq', 'ne')

        def _cmp(self, w_other):
            from pypy.module._cffi_backend.ctypeprim import W_CTypePrimitive
            space = self.space
            if not isinstance(w_other, W_CData):
                return space.w_NotImplemented

            with self as ptr1, w_other as ptr2:
                if requires_ordering:
                    if (isinstance(self.ctype, W_CTypePrimitive)
                            or isinstance(w_other.ctype, W_CTypePrimitive)):
                        raise OperationError(
                                "cannot do comparison on a primitive cdata"))
                    ptr1 = rffi.cast(lltype.Unsigned, ptr1)
                    ptr2 = rffi.cast(lltype.Unsigned, ptr2)
                result = op(ptr1, ptr2)
            return space.newbool(result)

        return func_with_new_name(_cmp, name)
Ejemplo n.º 22
def format_num_helper_generator(fmt, digits):
    def format_num_helper(space, w_value):
        if (not space.isinstance_w(w_value, space.w_int) and
            not space.isinstance_w(w_value, space.w_long)):
            w_value = maybe_int(space, w_value)
          except OperationError:
                w_value = space.long(w_value)
            except OperationError as operr:
                if operr.match(space, space.w_TypeError):
                    raise oefmt(
                        "%s formato: necesita un numero, no %T", fmt, w_value)
            value = space.int_w(w_value)
            return fmt % (value,)
        except OperationError as operr:
            if not operr.match(space, space.w_OverflowError):
            num = space.bigint_w(w_value)
            return num.format(digits)
    return func_with_new_name(format_num_helper,
                              'base%d_num_helper' % len(digits))
Ejemplo n.º 23
 def make_helper(firstarg, stmt, miniglobals):
     header = "def f(%s):" % (', '.join(argnames[firstarg:],))
     source = py.code.Source(stmt)
     source = source.putaround(header)
     exec source.compile() in miniglobals
     f = miniglobals['f']
     return func_with_new_name(f, 'memo_%s_%d' % (name, firstarg))
Ejemplo n.º 24
    def _relative_unaryop(name):
        def INSN(self, loc):
            code = loc.location_code()
            for possible_code in unrolling_location_codes:
                if code == possible_code:
                    val = getattr(loc, "value_" + possible_code)()
                    if possible_code == 'i':
                        # This is for CALL or JMP only.
                        if self.WORD == 4:
                            _rx86_getattr(self, name + "_l")(val)
                            # xxx can we avoid "MOV r11, $val; JMP/CALL *r11"
                            # in case it would fit a 32-bit displacement?
                            # Hard, because we don't know yet where this insn
                            # will end up...
                            assert self.WORD == 8
                            _rx86_getattr(self, name + "_r")(
                        methname = name + "_" + possible_code
                        _rx86_getattr(self, methname)(val)

        return func_with_new_name(INSN, "INSN_" + name)
Ejemplo n.º 25
def generic_new_descr(W_Type):
    def descr_new(space, w_subtype, __args__):
        self = space.allocate_instance(W_Type, w_subtype)
        W_Type.__init__(self, space)
        return space.wrap(self)
    descr_new = func_with_new_name(descr_new, 'descr_new_%s' % W_Type.__name__)
    return interp2app(descr_new)
Ejemplo n.º 26
 def setup(space):
     for name in (ObjSpace.ConstantTable +
                  ObjSpace.ExceptionTable +
                  ['int', 'str', 'float', 'long', 'tuple', 'list',
                   'dict', 'unicode', 'complex', 'slice', 'bool',
                   'basestring', 'object', 'bytearray', 'buffer']):
         setattr(space, 'w_' + name, w_some_obj())
     space.w_type = w_some_type()
     for (name, _, arity, _) in ObjSpace.MethodTable:
         if name == 'type':
         args = ['w_%d' % i for i in range(arity)]
         params = args[:]
         d = {'is_root': is_root,
              'w_some_obj': w_some_obj}
         if name in ('get',):
             params[-1] += '=None'
         exec compile2("""\
             def meth(%s):
                 return w_some_obj()
         """ % (', '.join(params),
                '; '.join(['is_root(%s)' % arg for arg in args]))) in d
         meth = func_with_new_name(d['meth'], name)
         setattr(space, name, meth)
     for name in ObjSpace.IrregularOpTable:
         assert hasattr(space, name)    # missing?
Ejemplo n.º 27
def install_general_args_trampoline(type_, mm, is_local, op_name):
    def function(space, w_transparent_list, __args__):
        args = __args__.prepend(space.wrap(op_name))
        return space.call_args(w_transparent_list.w_controller, args)

    function = func_with_new_name(function, mm.name)
    mm.register(function, type_)
Ejemplo n.º 28
    def _relative_unaryop(name):
        def INSN(self, loc):
            code = loc.location_code()
            for possible_code in unrolling_location_codes:
                if code == possible_code:
                    val = getattr(loc, "value_" + possible_code)()
                    if possible_code == 'i':
                        # This is for CALL or JMP only.  If target is
                        # immediately starting with another JMP instruction,
                        # follow it now.
                        val = self._follow_jump_instructions(val)
                        if self.WORD == 4:
                            _rx86_getattr(self, name + "_l")(val)
                            # xxx can we avoid "MOV r11, $val; JMP/CALL *r11"
                            # in case it would fit a 32-bit displacement?
                            # Hard, because we don't know yet where this insn
                            # will end up...
                            assert self.WORD == 8
                            _rx86_getattr(self, name + "_r")(X86_64_SCRATCH_REG.value)
                        methname = name + "_" + possible_code
                        _rx86_getattr(self, methname)(val)

        return func_with_new_name(INSN, "INSN_" + name)
Ejemplo n.º 29
 def make_helper(firstarg, stmt, miniglobals):
     header = "def f(%s):" % (', '.join(argnames[firstarg:], ))
     source = py.code.Source(stmt)
     source = source.putaround(header)
     exec source.compile() in miniglobals
     f = miniglobals['f']
     return func_with_new_name(f, 'memo_%s_%d' % (name, firstarg))
Ejemplo n.º 30
 def setup(space):
     for name in (ObjSpace.ConstantTable +
                  ObjSpace.ExceptionTable +
         if name != "str":
             setattr(space, 'w_' + name, w_some_obj())
     space.w_bytes = w_some_obj()
     space.w_text = w_some_obj()
     space.w_type = w_some_type()
     for (name, _, arity, _) in ObjSpace.MethodTable:
         if name == 'type':
         args = ['w_%d' % i for i in range(arity)]
         params = args[:]
         d = {'is_root': is_root,
              'w_some_obj': w_some_obj}
         if name in ('get',):
             params[-1] += '=None'
         exec compile2("""\
             def meth(%s):
                 return w_some_obj()
         """ % (', '.join(params),
                '; '.join(['is_root(%s)' % arg for arg in args]))) in d
         meth = func_with_new_name(d['meth'], name)
         setattr(space, name, meth)
     for name in ObjSpace.IrregularOpTable:
         assert hasattr(space, name)    # missing?
Ejemplo n.º 31
 def interphook(self, name):
     def appcaller(space, *args_w):
         if not isinstance(space, ObjSpace):
             raise TypeError("first argument must be a space instance.")
         # the last argument can be an Arguments
         w_func = self.wget(space, name)
         if not args_w:
             return space.call_function(w_func)
             args = args_w[-1]
             assert args is not None
             if not isinstance(args, Arguments):
                 return space.call_function(w_func, *args_w)
                 if len(args_w) == 2:
                     return space.call_obj_args(w_func, args_w[0], args)
                 elif len(args_w) > 2:
                     # xxx is this used at all?
                     # ...which is merged with the previous arguments, if any
                     args = args.replace_arguments(list(args_w[:-1]) +
         return space.call_args(w_func, args)
     def get_function(space):
         w_func = self.wget(space, name)
         return space.unwrap(w_func)
     appcaller = func_with_new_name(appcaller, name)
     appcaller.get_function = get_function
     return appcaller
Ejemplo n.º 32
 def setup(space):
     for name in (ObjSpace.ConstantTable +
                  ObjSpace.ExceptionTable +
         setattr(space, 'w_' + name, w_some_obj())
     space.w_type = w_some_type()
     for (name, _, arity, _) in ObjSpace.MethodTable:
         if name == 'type':
         args = ['w_%d' % i for i in range(arity)]
         params = args[:]
         d = {'is_root': is_root,
              'w_some_obj': w_some_obj}
         if name in ('get',):
             params[-1] += '=None'
         exec compile2("""\
             def meth(%s):
                 return w_some_obj()
         """ % (', '.join(params),
                '; '.join(['is_root(%s)' % arg for arg in args]))) in d
         meth = func_with_new_name(d['meth'], name)
         setattr(space, name, meth)
     for name in ObjSpace.IrregularOpTable:
         assert hasattr(space, name)    # missing?
Ejemplo n.º 33
def new_unary_math_function(name, can_overflow, c99):
    if sys.platform == 'win32' and c99:
        c_func = math_llexternal(name, [rffi.DOUBLE],
        c_func = llexternal(name, [rffi.DOUBLE],

    def ll_math(x):
        r = c_func(x)
        # Error checking fun.  Copied from CPython 2.6
        errno = rposix.get_saved_errno()
        if not isfinite(r):
            if math.isnan(r):
                if math.isnan(x):
                    errno = 0
                    errno = EDOM
            else:  # isinf(r)
                if not isfinite(x):
                    errno = 0
                elif can_overflow:
                    errno = ERANGE
                    errno = EDOM
        if errno:
            _likely_raise(errno, r)
        return r

    return func_with_new_name(ll_math, 'll_math_' + name)
Ejemplo n.º 34
 def add(Proto):
     for key, value in Proto.__dict__.items():
         if (not key.startswith('__') and not key.startswith('_mixin_')
                 or key == '__del__'):
             if hasattr(value, "func_name"):
                 value = func_with_new_name(value, value.func_name)
             body[key] = value
Ejemplo n.º 35
    def _unaryop(name):
        def INSN(self, loc):
            code = loc.location_code()
            for possible_code in unrolling_location_codes:
                if code == possible_code:
                    val = getattr(loc, "value_" + possible_code)()
                    # Faking out of certain operations for x86_64
                    fits32 = rx86.fits_in_32bits
                    if possible_code == 'i' and not fits32(val):
                        self._load_scratch(val)  # for 'PUSH(imm)'
                                      name + "_r")(X86_64_SCRATCH_REG.value)
                    if possible_code == 'j' and not fits32(val):
                        val = self._addr_as_reg_offset(val)
                        _rx86_getattr(self, name + "_m")(val)
                    if possible_code == 'm' and not fits32(val[1]):
                        val = self._fix_static_offset_64_m(val)
                    if possible_code == 'a' and not fits32(val[3]):
                        val = self._fix_static_offset_64_a(val)
                    methname = name + "_" + possible_code
                    _rx86_getattr(self, methname)(val)

        return func_with_new_name(INSN, "INSN_" + name)
Ejemplo n.º 36
 def add(Proto):
     for key, value in Proto.__dict__.items():
         if (not key.startswith('__') and not key.startswith('_mixin_')
                 or key == '__del__'):
             if hasattr(value, "func_name"):
                 value = func_with_new_name(value, value.func_name)
             body[key] = value
Ejemplo n.º 37
def new_unary_math_function(name, can_overflow, c99):
    if sys.platform == 'win32' and c99:
        c_func = math_llexternal(name, [rffi.DOUBLE], rffi.DOUBLE,
        c_func = llexternal(name, [rffi.DOUBLE], rffi.DOUBLE,

    def ll_math(x):
        r = c_func(x)
        # Error checking fun.  Copied from CPython 2.6
        errno = rposix.get_saved_errno()
        if not isfinite(r):
            if isnan(r):
                if isnan(x):
                    errno = 0
                    errno = EDOM
            else:  # isinf(r)
                if not isfinite(x):
                    errno = 0
                elif can_overflow:
                    errno = ERANGE
                    errno = EDOM
        if errno:
            _likely_raise(errno, r)
        return r

    return func_with_new_name(ll_math, 'll_math_' + name)
Ejemplo n.º 38
    def interphook(self, name):
        def appcaller(space, *args_w):
            if not isinstance(space, ObjSpace):
                raise TypeError("first argument must be a space instance.")
            # the last argument can be an Arguments
            w_func = self.wget(space, name)
            if not args_w:
                return space.call_function(w_func)
                args = args_w[-1]
                assert args is not None
                if not isinstance(args, Arguments):
                    return space.call_function(w_func, *args_w)
                    if len(args_w) == 2:
                        return space.call_obj_args(w_func, args_w[0], args)
                    elif len(args_w) > 2:
                        # xxx is this used at all?
                        # ...which is merged with the previous arguments, if any
                        args = args.replace_arguments(
                            list(args_w[:-1]) + args.arguments_w)
            return space.call_args(w_func, args)

        def get_function(space):
            w_func = self.wget(space, name)
            return space.unwrap(w_func)

        appcaller = func_with_new_name(appcaller, name)
        appcaller.get_function = get_function
        return appcaller
Ejemplo n.º 39
def _make_inplace_impl(symbol, specialnames):
    specialname, = specialnames
    assert specialname.startswith('__i') and specialname.endswith('__')
    noninplacespacemethod = specialname[3:-2]
    if noninplacespacemethod in ['or', 'and']:
        noninplacespacemethod += '_'  # not too clean
    seq_bug_compat = (symbol == '+=' or symbol == '*=')
    rhs_method = '__r' + specialname[3:]

    def inplace_impl(space, w_lhs, w_rhs):
        w_impl = space.lookup(w_lhs, specialname)
        if w_impl is not None:
            # 'seq_bug_compat' is for cpython bug-to-bug compatibility:
            # see objspace/test/test_descrobject.*rmul_overrides.
            # For cases like "list += object-overriding-__radd__".
            if (seq_bug_compat and space.type(w_lhs).flag_sequence_bug_compat
                    and not space.type(w_rhs).flag_sequence_bug_compat):
                w_res = _invoke_binop(space, space.lookup(w_rhs, rhs_method),
                                      w_rhs, w_lhs)
                if w_res is not None:
                    return w_res
                # xxx if __radd__ is defined but returns NotImplemented,
                # then it might be called again below.  Oh well, too bad.
                # Anyway that's a case where we're likely to end up in
                # a TypeError.
            w_res = space.get_and_call_function(w_impl, w_lhs, w_rhs)
            if _check_notimplemented(space, w_res):
                return w_res
        # XXX fix the error message we get here
        return getattr(space, noninplacespacemethod)(w_lhs, w_rhs)

    return func_with_new_name(inplace_impl,
                              'inplace_%s_impl' % specialname.strip('_'))
Ejemplo n.º 40
 def _fix_fillchar(func):
     # XXX: hack
     from rpython.tool.sourcetools import func_with_new_name
     func = func_with_new_name(func, func.__name__)
     func.unwrap_spec = func.unwrap_spec.copy()
     func.unwrap_spec['w_fillchar'] = WrappedDefault(u' ')
     return func
Ejemplo n.º 41
def install_args_w_trampoline(type_, mm, is_local, op_name):
    def function(space, w_transparent_list, *args_w):
        args = Arguments(space, [space.wrap(op_name)] + list(args_w[:-1]) + args_w[-1])
        return space.call_args(w_transparent_list.w_controller, args)

    function = func_with_new_name(function, mm.name)
    mm.register(function, type_, *([W_ANY] * (mm.arity - 1)))
Ejemplo n.º 42
 def specialize_call(self, hop):
     rtyper = hop.rtyper
     signature_args = self.normalize_args(*hop.args_s)
     args_r = [rtyper.getrepr(s_arg) for s_arg in signature_args]
     args_ll = [r_arg.lowleveltype for r_arg in args_r]
     s_result = hop.s_result
     r_result = rtyper.getrepr(s_result)
     ll_result = r_result.lowleveltype
     name = getattr(self, 'name', None) or self.instance.__name__
     impl = getattr(self, 'lltypeimpl', None)
     fakeimpl = getattr(self, 'lltypefakeimpl', self.instance)
     if impl:
         if hasattr(self, 'lltypefakeimpl'):
             # If we have both an llimpl and an llfakeimpl,
             # we need a wrapper that selects the proper one and calls it
             from rpython.tool.sourcetools import func_with_new_name
             # Using '*args' is delicate because this wrapper is also
             # created for init-time functions like llarena.arena_malloc
             # which are called before the GC is fully initialized
             args = ', '.join(['arg%d' % i for i in range(len(args_ll))])
             d = {'original_impl': impl,
                  's_result': s_result,
                  'fakeimpl': fakeimpl,
                  '__name__': __name__,
             exec py.code.compile("""
                 from rpython.rlib.objectmodel import running_on_llinterp
                 from rpython.rlib.debug import llinterpcall
                 from rpython.rlib.jit import dont_look_inside
                 # note: we say 'dont_look_inside' mostly because the
                 # JIT does not support 'running_on_llinterp', but in
                 # theory it is probably right to stop jitting anyway.
                 def ll_wrapper(%s):
                     if running_on_llinterp:
                         return llinterpcall(s_result, fakeimpl, %s)
                         return original_impl(%s)
             """ % (args, args, args)) in d
             impl = func_with_new_name(d['ll_wrapper'], name + '_wrapper')
         if rtyper.annotator.translator.config.translation.sandbox:
             impl._dont_inline_ = True
         # store some attributes to the 'impl' function, where
         # the eventual call to rtyper.getcallable() will find them
         # and transfer them to the final lltype.functionptr().
         impl._llfnobjattrs_ = {
             '_name': self.name,
             '_safe_not_sandboxed': self.safe_not_sandboxed,
         obj = rtyper.getannmixlevel().delayedfunction(
             impl, signature_args, hop.s_result)
         FT = FuncType(args_ll, ll_result)
         obj = functionptr(FT, name, _external_name=self.name,
     vlist = [hop.inputconst(typeOf(obj), obj)] + hop.inputargs(*args_r)
     return hop.genop('direct_call', vlist, r_result)
Ejemplo n.º 43
    def _make_descr_cmp(opname):
        op = getattr(rbigint, opname)

        def descr_impl(self, space, w_other):
            return space.newbool(op(self.num, w_other.asbigint()))

        return func_with_new_name(descr_impl, "descr_" + opname)
Ejemplo n.º 44
def install_args_w_trampoline(type_, mm, is_local, op_name):
    def function(space, w_transparent_list, *args_w):
        args = Arguments(space, [space.wrap(op_name)] + list(args_w[:-1]) +
        return space.call_args(w_transparent_list.w_controller, args)

    function = func_with_new_name(function, mm.name)
    mm.register(function, type_, *([W_ANY] * (mm.arity - 1)))
Ejemplo n.º 45
def generic_new_descr(W_Type):
    def descr_new(space, w_subtype, __args__):
        self = space.allocate_instance(W_Type, w_subtype)
        W_Type.__init__(self, space)
        return space.wrap(self)

    descr_new = func_with_new_name(descr_new, 'descr_new_%s' % W_Type.__name__)
    return interp2app(descr_new)
Ejemplo n.º 46
    def _binop_impl(ufunc_name):
        def impl(self, space, w_other, w_out=None):
            from pypy.module.micronumpy import ufuncs
            return getattr(ufuncs.get(space),
                           ufunc_name).call(space, [self, w_other, w_out],
                                            self.sig, self.cast, self.extobj)

        return func_with_new_name(impl, "binop_%s_impl" % ufunc_name)
Ejemplo n.º 47
def create_builder(name, strtype, builder_cls, newmethod):
    if strtype is str:
        unwrap = 'bytes'
        unwrap = unicode

    class W_Builder(W_Root):
        def __init__(self, space, size):
            if size < 0:
                self.builder = builder_cls()
                self.builder = builder_cls(size)

        def _check_done(self, space):
            if self.builder is None:
                raise oefmt(space.w_ValueError,
                            "Can't operate on a built builder")

        def descr__new__(space, w_subtype, size=-1):
            return W_Builder(space, size)

        def descr_append(self, space, s):

        @unwrap_spec(s=unwrap, start=int, end=int)
        def descr_append_slice(self, space, s, start, end):
            if not 0 <= start <= end <= len(s):
                raise oefmt(space.w_ValueError, "bad start/stop")
            self.builder.append_slice(s, start, end)

        def descr_build(self, space):
            w_s = getattr(space, newmethod)(self.builder.build())
            self.builder = None
            return w_s

        def descr_len(self, space):
            if self.builder is None:
                raise oefmt(space.w_ValueError, "no length of built builder")
            return space.newint(self.builder.getlength())

    W_Builder.__name__ = "W_%s" % name
    W_Builder.typedef = TypeDef(
                               '%s_new' % (name, ))),
    W_Builder.typedef.acceptable_as_base_class = False
    return W_Builder
Ejemplo n.º 48
Archivo: rstr.py Proyecto: juokaz/pypy
def new_malloc(TP, name):
    def mallocstr(length):
        ll_assert(length >= 0, "negative string length")
        r = malloc(TP, length)
        if not we_are_translated() or not malloc_zero_filled:
            r.hash = 0
        return r
    return func_with_new_name(mallocstr, name)
Ejemplo n.º 49
def new_malloc(TP, name):
    def mallocstr(length):
        ll_assert(length >= 0, "negative string length")
        r = malloc(TP, length)
        if not we_are_translated() or not malloc_zero_filled:
            r.hash = 0
        return r
    return func_with_new_name(mallocstr, name)
Ejemplo n.º 50
def new_malloc(TP, name):
    def mallocstr(length):
        ll_assert(length >= 0, "negative string length")
        r = malloc(TP, length)
        if not we_are_translated() or not malloc_zero_filled:
            r.hash = 0
        return r
    mallocstr._annspecialcase_ = 'specialize:semierased'
    return func_with_new_name(mallocstr, name)
Ejemplo n.º 51
def _make_unaryop_impl(symbol, specialnames):
    specialname, = specialnames
    errormsg = "unsupported operand type for unary %s: '%%T'" % symbol
    def unaryop_impl(space, w_obj):
        w_impl = space.lookup(w_obj, specialname)
        if w_impl is None:
            raise operationerrfmt(space.w_TypeError, errormsg, w_obj)
        return space.get_and_call_function(w_impl, w_obj)
    return func_with_new_name(unaryop_impl, 'unaryop_%s_impl'%specialname.strip('_'))
Ejemplo n.º 52
 def _see_interp2app(self, interp2app):
     """Called by GatewayCache.build()"""
     activation = interp2app._code.activation
     def check():
         scope_w = [w_some_obj()] * NonConstant(42)
         w_result = activation._run(self, scope_w)
     check = func_with_new_name(check, 'check__' + interp2app.name)
Ejemplo n.º 53
def _make_unaryop_impl(symbol, specialnames):
    specialname, = specialnames
    errormsg = "tipo de operando no apoyado para unary %s: '%%T'" % symbol
    def unaryop_impl(space, w_obj):
        w_impl = space.lookup(w_obj, specialname)
        if w_impl is None:
            raise oefmt(space.w_TypeError, errormsg, w_obj)
        return space.get_and_call_function(w_impl, w_obj)
    return func_with_new_name(unaryop_impl, 'unaryop_%s_impl'%specialname.strip('_'))
Ejemplo n.º 54
 def _see_interp2app(self, interp2app):
     activation = interp2app._code.activation
     def check():
         scope_w = [w_some_obj()] * NonConstant(42)
         w_result = activation._run(self, scope_w)
     check = func_with_new_name(check, 'check__' + interp2app.name)
Ejemplo n.º 55
def create_builder(name, strtype, builder_cls):
    class W_Builder(W_Root):
        def __init__(self, space, size):
            if size < 0:
                self.builder = builder_cls()
                self.builder = builder_cls(size)

        def _check_done(self, space):
            if self.builder is None:
                raise OperationError(space.w_ValueError, space.wrap(
                        "Can't operate on a built builder"))

        def descr__new__(space, w_subtype, size=-1):
            return W_Builder(space, size)

        def descr_append(self, space, s):

        @unwrap_spec(s=strtype, start=int, end=int)
        def descr_append_slice(self, space, s, start, end):
            if not 0 <= start <= end <= len(s):
                raise OperationError(space.w_ValueError, space.wrap(
                        "bad start/stop"))
            self.builder.append_slice(s, start, end)

        def descr_build(self, space):
            s = self.builder.build()
            self.builder = None
            if strtype is str:
                return space.wrapbytes(s)
                return space.wrap(s)

        def descr_len(self, space):
            if self.builder is None:
                raise OperationError(space.w_ValueError, space.wrap(
                        "no length of built builder"))
            return space.wrap(self.builder.getlength())

    W_Builder.__name__ = "W_%s" % name
    W_Builder.typedef = TypeDef(name,
        __new__ = interp2app(func_with_new_name(
                                    '%s_new' % (name,))),
        append = interp2app(W_Builder.descr_append),
        append_slice = interp2app(W_Builder.descr_append_slice),
        build = interp2app(W_Builder.descr_build),
        __len__ = interp2app(W_Builder.descr_len),
    W_Builder.typedef.acceptable_as_base_class = False
    return W_Builder
Ejemplo n.º 56
def declare_new_int_comparison(opname):
    import operator
    from rpython.tool.sourcetools import func_with_new_name
    op = getattr(operator, opname)
    def f(space, w_int1, w_int2):
        i = w_int1.intval
        j = w_int2.intval
        return space.newbool(op(i, j))
    name = "%s__Int_Int" % (opname,)
    return func_with_new_name(f, name), name
Ejemplo n.º 57
def make_generic(funcname):
    def func(space, w_self):
        v = w_self._value
        if len(v) == 0:
            return space.w_False
        for idx in range(len(v)):
            if not getattr(unicodedb, funcname)(ord(v[idx])):
                return space.w_False
        return space.w_True
    return func_with_new_name(func, "unicode_%s__Unicode" % (funcname, ))
Ejemplo n.º 58
def test_rename():
    def f(x, y=5):
        return x + y
    f.prop = int

    g = func_with_new_name(f, "g")
    assert g(4, 5) == 9
    assert g.func_name == "g"
    assert f.func_defaults == (5,)
    assert g.prop is int
Ejemplo n.º 59
def _make_binop_impl(symbol, specialnames):
    left, right = specialnames
    errormsg = "unsupported operand type(s) for %s: '%%N' and '%%N'" % (
        symbol.replace('%', '%%'), )
    seq_bug_compat = (symbol == '+' or symbol == '*')

    printerrormsg = None
    if symbol == ">>":
        printerrormsg = errormsg + '. Did you mean "print(<message>, file=<output_stream>)"?'
    if symbol == "-":
        printerrormsg = errormsg + '. Did you mean "print(<-number>)"?'

    def binop_impl(space, w_obj1, w_obj2):
        w_typ1 = space.type(w_obj1)
        w_typ2 = space.type(w_obj2)
        w_left_src, w_left_impl = space.lookup_in_type_where(w_typ1, left)
        if space.is_w(w_typ1, w_typ2):
            w_right_impl = None
            w_right_src, w_right_impl = space.lookup_in_type_where(
                w_typ2, right)
            # the logic to decide if the reverse operation should be tried
            # before the direct one is very obscure.  For now, and for
            # sanity reasons, we just compare the two places where the
            # __xxx__ and __rxxx__ methods where found by identity.
            # Note that space.is_w() is potentially not happy if one of them
            # is None...
            if w_right_src and (w_left_src is not w_right_src) and w_left_src:
                # 'seq_bug_compat' is for cpython bug-to-bug compatibility:
                # see objspace/std/test/test_unicodeobject.*concat_overrides
                # and objspace/test/test_descrobject.*rmul_overrides.
                # For cases like "unicode + string subclass".
                if ((seq_bug_compat and w_typ1.flag_sequence_bug_compat
                     and not w_typ2.flag_sequence_bug_compat)
                        # the non-bug-compat part is the following check:
                        or space.issubtype_w(w_typ2, w_typ1)):
                    if (not space.abstract_issubclass_w(
                            w_left_src, w_right_src)
                            and not space.abstract_issubclass_w(
                                w_typ1, w_right_src)):
                        w_obj1, w_obj2 = w_obj2, w_obj1
                        w_left_impl, w_right_impl = w_right_impl, w_left_impl

        w_res = _invoke_binop(space, w_left_impl, w_obj1, w_obj2)
        if w_res is not None:
            return w_res
        w_res = _invoke_binop(space, w_right_impl, w_obj2, w_obj1)
        if w_res is not None:
            return w_res
        if printerrormsg is not None and w_obj1 is space.fromcache(
            raise oefmt(space.w_TypeError, printerrormsg, w_typ1, w_typ2)
        raise oefmt(space.w_TypeError, errormsg, w_typ1, w_typ2)

    return func_with_new_name(binop_impl, "binop_%s_impl" % left.strip('_'))
Ejemplo n.º 60
def build_type_checkers(type_name, cls=None):
    Builds two api functions: Py_XxxCheck() and Py_XxxCheckExact().
    - if `cls` is None, the type is space.w_[type].
    - if `cls` is a string, it is the name of a space attribute, e.g. 'w_str'.
    - else `cls` must be a W_Class with a typedef.
    if cls is None:
        attrname = "w_" + type_name.lower()

        def get_w_type(space):
            return getattr(space, attrname)

    elif isinstance(cls, str):

        def get_w_type(space):
            return getattr(space, cls)


        def get_w_type(space):
            return space.gettypeobject(cls.typedef)

    check_name = "Py" + type_name + "_Check"

    def check(space, w_obj):
        "Implements the Py_Xxx_Check function"
        w_obj_type = space.type(w_obj)
        w_type = get_w_type(space)
        return space.is_w(w_obj_type, w_type) or space.is_true(space.issubtype(w_obj_type, w_type))

    def check_exact(space, w_obj):
        "Implements the Py_Xxx_CheckExact function"
        w_obj_type = space.type(w_obj)
        w_type = get_w_type(space)
        return space.is_w(w_obj_type, w_type)

    check = cpython_api([PyObject], rffi.INT_real, error=CANNOT_FAIL)(func_with_new_name(check, check_name))
    check_exact = cpython_api([PyObject], rffi.INT_real, error=CANNOT_FAIL)(
        func_with_new_name(check_exact, check_name + "Exact")
    return check, check_exact