Ejemplo n.º 1
    def curve(self, P=None, verbose=False):
        # Given a point on X_E(7), return the symplectically isomorphic curve.
        if P==None:
            return self.Eab
        tP = tuple(P)
            return self.P2C[tP]
        except KeyError:

        if verbose:
            print("mapping P={} to its curve".format(P))
        if self._symplectic and P==[0,1,0]:
            E2 = self.Eab
            if self._base==QQ:
                E2 = E2.minimal_model()
            self.P2C[tP] = [E2]
            if verbose:
                print("P={} is the base point, returning {}".format(P,E2.ainvs()))
            return [E2]

        ds = (d for d in (self.d11(P), self.d22(P), self.d33(P), self.d44(P)))

        d = 0
        while d==0:
            d = ds.next()
            if verbose: print("d={}".format(d))

        if not self._symplectic:
            d *= self.DeltaE()
        c4 = self.C(P) * d**2
        c6 = -self.K(P) * d**3

        E2 = EllipticCurve([0,0,0,-c4/48,-c6/864])
        assert E2.j_invariant()==self.j(P)
        if self._base==QQ:
            E2 = E2.minimal_model()
        self.P2C[tP] = [E2]
        if verbose:
            print("P={} is a general point, returning {}".format(P,E2.ainvs()))
        return [E2]
Ejemplo n.º 2
def elliptic_curve_search(**args):
    info = to_dict(args)
    query = {}
    bread = [('Elliptic Curves', url_for(".rational_elliptic_curves")),
             ('Search Results', '.')]
    if 'jump' in args:
        label = info.get('label', '').replace(" ", "")
        m = lmfdb_label_regex.match(label)
        if m:
                return by_ec_label(label)
            except ValueError:
                return elliptic_curve_jump_error(label,
        elif label.startswith("Cremona:"):
            label = label[8:]
            m = cremona_label_regex.match(label)
            if m:
                    return by_ec_label(label)
                except ValueError:
                    return elliptic_curve_jump_error(label,
        elif cremona_label_regex.match(label):
            return elliptic_curve_jump_error(label, info, cremona_label=True)
        elif label:
            # Try to parse a string like [1,0,3,2,4]
            lab = re.sub(r'\s', '', label)
            lab = re.sub(r'^\[', '', lab)
            lab = re.sub(r']$', '', lab)
                labvec = lab.split(',')
                labvec = [QQ(str(z)) for z in labvec]  # Rationals allowed
                E = EllipticCurve(labvec)
                ainvs = [str(c) for c in E.minimal_model().ainvs()]
                C = lmfdb.base.getDBConnection()
                data = C.elliptic_curves.curves.find_one({'ainvs': ainvs})
                if data is None:
                    return elliptic_curve_jump_error(label, info)
                return by_ec_label(data['lmfdb_label'])
            except (ValueError, ArithmeticError):
                return elliptic_curve_jump_error(label, info)
            query['label'] = ''

    if info.get('jinv'):
        j = clean_input(info['jinv'])
        j = j.replace('+', '')
        if not QQ_RE.match(j):
                'err'] = 'Error parsing input for the j-invariant.  It needs to be a rational number.'
            return search_input_error(info, bread)
        query['jinv'] = j

    for field in ['conductor', 'torsion', 'rank', 'sha_an']:
        if info.get(field):
            info[field] = clean_input(info[field])
            ran = info[field]
            ran = ran.replace('..', '-').replace(' ', '')
            if not LIST_RE.match(ran):
                names = {
                    'conductor': 'conductor',
                    'torsion': 'torsion order',
                    'rank': 'rank',
                    'sha_an': 'analytic order of Ш'
                    'err'] = 'Error parsing input for the %s.  It needs to be an integer (such as 5), a range of integers (such as 2-10 or 2..10), or a comma-separated list of these (such as 2,3,8 or 3-5, 7, 8-11).' % names[
                return search_input_error(info, bread)
            # Past input check
            tmp = parse_range2(ran, field)
            # work around syntax for $or
            # we have to foil out multiple or conditions
            if tmp[0] == '$or' and '$or' in query:
                newors = []
                for y in tmp[1]:
                    oldors = [dict.copy(x) for x in query['$or']]
                    for x in oldors:
                tmp[1] = newors
            if field == 'sha_an':  # database sha_an values are not all exact!
                query[tmp[0]] = {'$gt': tmp[1] - 0.1, '$lt': tmp[1] + 0.1}
                query[tmp[0]] = tmp[1]

    if 'optimal' in info and info['optimal'] == 'on':
        # fails on 990h3
        query['number'] = 1

    if 'torsion_structure' in info and info['torsion_structure']:
        info['torsion_structure'] = clean_input(info['torsion_structure'])
        if not TORS_RE.match(info['torsion_structure']):
                'err'] = 'Error parsing input for the torsion structure.  It needs to be one or more integers in square brackets, such as [6], [2,2], or [2,4].  Moreover, each integer should be bigger than 1, and each divides the next.'
            return search_input_error(info, bread)
        query['torsion_structure'] = [
            str(a) for a in parse_list(info['torsion_structure'])

    if info.get('surj_primes'):
        info['surj_primes'] = clean_input(info['surj_primes'])
        format_ok = LIST_POSINT_RE.match(info['surj_primes'])
        if format_ok:
            surj_primes = [int(p) for p in info['surj_primes'].split(',')]
            format_ok = all([ZZ(p).is_prime(proof=False) for p in surj_primes])
        if format_ok:
            query['non-surjective_primes'] = {"$nin": surj_primes}
                'err'] = 'Error parsing input for surjective primes.  It needs to be a prime (such as 5), or a comma-separated list of primes (such as 2,3,11).'
            return search_input_error(info, bread)

    if info.get('nonsurj_primes'):
        info['nonsurj_primes'] = clean_input(info['nonsurj_primes'])
        format_ok = LIST_POSINT_RE.match(info['nonsurj_primes'])
        if format_ok:
            nonsurj_primes = [
                int(p) for p in info['nonsurj_primes'].split(',')
            format_ok = all(
                [ZZ(p).is_prime(proof=False) for p in nonsurj_primes])
        if format_ok:
            if info['surj_quantifier'] == 'exactly':
                query['non-surjective_primes'] = nonsurj_primes
                if 'non-surjective_primes' in query:
                    query['non-surjective_primes'] = {
                        "$nin": surj_primes,
                        "$all": nonsurj_primes
                    query['non-surjective_primes'] = {"$all": nonsurj_primes}
                'err'] = 'Error parsing input for nonsurjective primes.  It needs to be a prime (such as 5), or a comma-separated list of primes (such as 2,3,11).'
            return search_input_error(info, bread)

    info['query'] = query

    count_default = 100
    if info.get('count'):
            count = int(info['count'])
            count = count_default
        count = count_default
    info['count'] = count

    start_default = 0
    if info.get('start'):
            start = int(info['start'])
            if (start < 0):
                start += (1 - (start + 1) / count) * count
            start = start_default
        start = start_default

    cursor = lmfdb.base.getDBConnection().elliptic_curves.curves.find(query)
    nres = cursor.count()
    if (start >= nres):
        start -= (1 + (start - nres) / count) * count
    if (start < 0):
        start = 0
    res = cursor.sort([('conductor', ASCENDING), ('lmfdb_iso', ASCENDING),
                       ('lmfdb_number', ASCENDING)]).skip(start).limit(count)
    info['curves'] = res
    info['format_ainvs'] = format_ainvs
    info['number'] = nres
    info['start'] = start
    if nres == 1:
        info['report'] = 'unique match'
        if nres > count or start != 0:
            info['report'] = 'displaying matches %s-%s of %s' % (
                start + 1, min(nres, start + count), nres)
            info['report'] = 'displaying all %s matches' % nres
    credit = 'John Cremona'
    if 'non-surjective_primes' in query:
        credit += 'and Andrew Sutherland'
    t = 'Elliptic Curves'
    return render_template("search_results.html",
Ejemplo n.º 3
def elliptic_curve_search(info):

    if info.get('download') == '1' and info.get('Submit') and info.get('query'):
        return download_search(info)

    if 'SearchAgain' in info:
        return rational_elliptic_curves()

    query = {}
    bread = info.get('bread',[('Elliptic Curves', url_for("ecnf.index")), ('$\Q$', url_for(".rational_elliptic_curves")), ('Search Results', '.')])

    if 'jump' in info:
        label = info.get('label', '').replace(" ", "")
        m = match_lmfdb_label(label)
        if m:
                return by_ec_label(label)
            except ValueError:
                return elliptic_curve_jump_error(label, info, wellformed_label=True)
        elif label.startswith("Cremona:"):
            label = label[8:]
            m = match_cremona_label(label)
            if m:
                    return by_ec_label(label)
                except ValueError:
                    return elliptic_curve_jump_error(label, info, wellformed_label=True)
        elif match_cremona_label(label):
            return elliptic_curve_jump_error(label, info, cremona_label=True)
        elif label:
            # Try to parse a string like [1,0,3,2,4] as valid
            # Weistrass coefficients:
            lab = re.sub(r'\s','',label)
            lab = re.sub(r'^\[','',lab)
            lab = re.sub(r']$','',lab)
                labvec = lab.split(',')
                labvec = [QQ(str(z)) for z in labvec] # Rationals allowed
                E = EllipticCurve(labvec)
                # Now we do have a valid curve over Q, but it might
                # not be in the database.
                ainvs = [str(c) for c in E.minimal_model().ainvs()]
                xainvs = ''.join(['[',','.join(ainvs),']'])
                data = db_ec().find_one({'xainvs': xainvs})
                if data is None:
                    data = db_ec().find_one({'ainvs': ainvs})
                    if data is None:
                        info['conductor'] = E.conductor()
                        return elliptic_curve_jump_error(label, info, missing_curve=True)
                return by_ec_label(data['lmfdb_label'])
            except (TypeError, ValueError, ArithmeticError):
                return elliptic_curve_jump_error(label, info)
            query['label'] = ''

        parse_ints(info,query,'torsion','torsion order')
        parse_ints(info,query,'sha','analytic order of &#1064;')
        # speed up slow torsion_structure searches by also setting torsion
        if 'torsion_structure' in query and not 'torsion' in query:
            query['torsion'] = reduce(mul,[int(n) for n in query['torsion_structure']],1)
        if 'include_cm' in info:
            if info['include_cm'] == 'exclude':
                query['cm'] = 0
            elif info['include_cm'] == 'only':
                query['cm'] = {'$ne' : 0}


        parse_primes(info, query, 'surj_primes', name='surjective primes',
                     qfield='non-maximal_primes', mode='complement')
        if info.get('surj_quantifier') == 'exactly':
            mode = 'exact'
            mode = 'append'
        parse_primes(info, query, 'nonsurj_primes', name='non-surjective primes',
    except ValueError as err:
        info['err'] = str(err)
        return search_input_error(info, bread)

    count = parse_count(info,100)
    start = parse_start(info)

    if 'optimal' in info and info['optimal'] == 'on':
        # fails on 990h3
        query['number'] = 1

    info['query'] = query
    cursor = db_ec().find(query)
    nres = cursor.count()
    if(start >= nres):
        start -= (1 + (start - nres) / count) * count
    if(start < 0):
        start = 0
    res = cursor.sort([('conductor', ASCENDING), ('iso_nlabel', ASCENDING),
                       ('lmfdb_number', ASCENDING)]).skip(start).limit(count)
    info['curves'] = res
    info['format_ainvs'] = format_ainvs
    info['curve_url'] = lambda dbc: url_for(".by_triple_label", conductor=dbc['conductor'], iso_label=split_lmfdb_label(dbc['lmfdb_iso'])[1], number=dbc['lmfdb_number'])
    info['iso_url'] = lambda dbc: url_for(".by_double_iso_label", conductor=dbc['conductor'], iso_label=split_lmfdb_label(dbc['lmfdb_iso'])[1])
    info['number'] = nres
    info['start'] = start
    info['count'] = count
    info['more'] = int(start + count < nres)

    if nres == 1:
        info['report'] = 'unique match'
    elif nres == 2: 
        info['report'] = 'displaying both matches'
        if nres > count or start != 0:
            info['report'] = 'displaying matches %s-%s of %s' % (start + 1, min(nres, start + count), nres)
            info['report'] = 'displaying all %s matches' % nres
    #credit = 'John Cremona'
    #if 'non-surjective_primes' in query or 'non-maximal_primes' in query:
    #    credit += ' and Andrew Sutherland'

    t = info.get('title','Elliptic Curves search results')
    return render_template("ec-search-results.html", info=info, credit=ec_credit(), bread=bread, title=t)
Ejemplo n.º 4
def elliptic_curve_search(**args):
    info = to_dict(args)
    query = {}
    bread = [('Elliptic Curves', url_for("ecnf.index")),
             ('$\Q$', url_for(".rational_elliptic_curves")),
             ('Search Results', '.')]
    if 'SearchAgain' in args:
        return rational_elliptic_curves()

    if 'jump' in args:
        label = info.get('label', '').replace(" ", "")
        m = match_lmfdb_label(label)
        if m:
                return by_ec_label(label)
            except ValueError:
                return elliptic_curve_jump_error(label, info, wellformed_label=True)
        elif label.startswith("Cremona:"):
            label = label[8:]
            m = match_cremona_label(label)
            if m:
                    return by_ec_label(label)
                except ValueError:
                    return elliptic_curve_jump_error(label, info, wellformed_label=True)
        elif match_cremona_label(label):
            return elliptic_curve_jump_error(label, info, cremona_label=True)
        elif label:
            # Try to parse a string like [1,0,3,2,4] as valid
            # Weistrass coefficients:
            lab = re.sub(r'\s','',label)
            lab = re.sub(r'^\[','',lab)
            lab = re.sub(r']$','',lab)
                labvec = lab.split(',')
                labvec = [QQ(str(z)) for z in labvec] # Rationals allowed
                E = EllipticCurve(labvec)
                # Now we do have a valid curve over Q, but it might
                # not be in the database.
                ainvs = [str(c) for c in E.minimal_model().ainvs()]
                data = db_ec().find_one({'ainvs': ainvs})
                if data is None:
                    info['conductor'] = E.conductor()
                    return elliptic_curve_jump_error(label, info, missing_curve=True)
                return by_ec_label(data['lmfdb_label'])
            except (TypeError, ValueError, ArithmeticError):
                return elliptic_curve_jump_error(label, info)
            query['label'] = ''

    if info.get('jinv'):
        j = clean_input(info['jinv'])
        j = j.replace('+', '')
        if not QQ_RE.match(j):
            info['err'] = 'Error parsing input for the j-invariant.  It needs to be a rational number.'
            return search_input_error(info, bread)
        query['jinv'] = str(QQ(j)) # to simplify e.g. 1728/1

    for field in ['conductor', 'torsion', 'rank', 'sha']:
        if info.get(field):
            info[field] = clean_input(info[field])
            ran = info[field]
            ran = ran.replace('..', '-').replace(' ', '')
            if not LIST_RE.match(ran):
                names = {'conductor': 'conductor', 'torsion': 'torsion order', 'rank':
                         'rank', 'sha': 'analytic order of &#1064;'}
                info['err'] = 'Error parsing input for the %s.  It needs to be an integer (such as 25), a range of integers (such as 2-10 or 2..10), or a comma-separated list of these (such as 4,9,16 or 4-25, 81-121).' % names[field]
                return search_input_error(info, bread)
            # Past input check
            tmp = parse_range2(ran, field)
            # work around syntax for $or
            # we have to foil out multiple or conditions
            if tmp[0] == '$or' and '$or' in query:
                newors = []
                for y in tmp[1]:
                    oldors = [dict.copy(x) for x in query['$or']]
                    for x in oldors:
                tmp[1] = newors
            query[tmp[0]] = tmp[1]

    if 'optimal' in info and info['optimal'] == 'on':
        # fails on 990h3
        query['number'] = 1

    if 'torsion_structure' in info and info['torsion_structure']:
        res = parse_torsion_structure(info['torsion_structure'])
        if 'Error' in res:
            info['err'] = res
            return search_input_error(info, bread)
        #update info for repeat searches
        info['torsion_structure'] = str(res).replace(' ','')
        query['torsion_structure'] = [str(r) for r in res]

    if info.get('surj_primes'):
        info['surj_primes'] = clean_input(info['surj_primes'])
        format_ok = LIST_POSINT_RE.match(info['surj_primes'])
        if format_ok:
            surj_primes = [int(p) for p in info['surj_primes'].split(',')]
            format_ok = all([ZZ(p).is_prime(proof=False) for p in surj_primes])
        if format_ok:
            query['non-surjective_primes'] = {"$nin": surj_primes}
            info['err'] = 'Error parsing input for surjective primes.  It needs to be a prime (such as 5), or a comma-separated list of primes (such as 2,3,11).'
            return search_input_error(info, bread)

    if info.get('nonsurj_primes'):
        info['nonsurj_primes'] = clean_input(info['nonsurj_primes'])
        format_ok = LIST_POSINT_RE.match(info['nonsurj_primes'])
        if format_ok:
            nonsurj_primes = [int(p) for p in info['nonsurj_primes'].split(',')]
            format_ok = all([ZZ(p).is_prime(proof=False) for p in nonsurj_primes])
        if format_ok:
            if info['surj_quantifier'] == 'exactly':
                query['non-surjective_primes'] = nonsurj_primes
                if 'non-surjective_primes' in query:
                    query['non-surjective_primes'] = { "$nin": surj_primes, "$all": nonsurj_primes }
                    query['non-surjective_primes'] = { "$all": nonsurj_primes }
            info['err'] = 'Error parsing input for nonsurjective primes.  It needs to be a prime (such as 5), or a comma-separated list of primes (such as 2,3,11).'
            return search_input_error(info, bread)

    if 'download' in info and info['download'] != '0':
        res = db_ec().find(query).sort([ ('conductor', ASCENDING), ('lmfdb_iso', ASCENDING), ('lmfdb_number', ASCENDING) ])
        return download_search(info, res)
    count_default = 100
    if info.get('count'):
            count = int(info['count'])
            count = count_default
        count = count_default
    info['count'] = count

    start_default = 0
    if info.get('start'):
            start = int(info['start'])
            if(start < 0):
                start += (1 - (start + 1) / count) * count
            start = start_default
        start = start_default

    cursor = db_ec().find(query)
    nres = cursor.count()
    if(start >= nres):
        start -= (1 + (start - nres) / count) * count
    if(start < 0):
        start = 0
    res = cursor.sort([('conductor', ASCENDING), ('lmfdb_iso', ASCENDING), ('lmfdb_number', ASCENDING)
    info['curves'] = res
    info['format_ainvs'] = format_ainvs
    info['curve_url'] = lambda dbc: url_for(".by_triple_label", conductor=dbc['conductor'], iso_label=split_lmfdb_label(dbc['lmfdb_iso'])[1], number=dbc['lmfdb_number'])
    info['iso_url'] = lambda dbc: url_for(".by_double_iso_label", conductor=dbc['conductor'], iso_label=split_lmfdb_label(dbc['lmfdb_iso'])[1])
    info['number'] = nres
    info['start'] = start
    if nres == 1:
        info['report'] = 'unique match'
    elif nres == 2:
        info['report'] = 'displaying both matches'
        if nres > count or start != 0:
            info['report'] = 'displaying matches %s-%s of %s' % (start + 1, min(nres, start + count), nres)
            info['report'] = 'displaying all %s matches' % nres
    credit = 'John Cremona'
    if 'non-surjective_primes' in query:
        credit += 'and Andrew Sutherland'
    t = 'Elliptic Curves search results'
    return render_template("search_results.html", info=info, credit=credit, bread=bread, title=t)
Ejemplo n.º 5
def elliptic_curve_search(**args):
    info = to_dict(args)

    if 'download' in info and info['download'] != '0':
        return download_search(info)

    query = {}
    bread = [('Elliptic Curves', url_for("ecnf.index")),
             ('$\Q$', url_for(".rational_elliptic_curves")),
             ('Search Results', '.')]
    if 'SearchAgain' in args:
        return rational_elliptic_curves()

    if 'jump' in args:
        label = info.get('label', '').replace(" ", "")
        m = match_lmfdb_label(label)
        if m:
                return by_ec_label(label)
            except ValueError:
                return elliptic_curve_jump_error(label, info, wellformed_label=True)
        elif label.startswith("Cremona:"):
            label = label[8:]
            m = match_cremona_label(label)
            if m:
                    return by_ec_label(label)
                except ValueError:
                    return elliptic_curve_jump_error(label, info, wellformed_label=True)
        elif match_cremona_label(label):
            return elliptic_curve_jump_error(label, info, cremona_label=True)
        elif label:
            # Try to parse a string like [1,0,3,2,4] as valid
            # Weistrass coefficients:
            lab = re.sub(r'\s','',label)
            lab = re.sub(r'^\[','',lab)
            lab = re.sub(r']$','',lab)
                labvec = lab.split(',')
                labvec = [QQ(str(z)) for z in labvec] # Rationals allowed
                E = EllipticCurve(labvec)
                # Now we do have a valid curve over Q, but it might
                # not be in the database.
                ainvs = [str(c) for c in E.minimal_model().ainvs()]
                data = db_ec().find_one({'ainvs': ainvs})
                if data is None:
                    info['conductor'] = E.conductor()
                    return elliptic_curve_jump_error(label, info, missing_curve=True)
                return by_ec_label(data['lmfdb_label'])
            except (TypeError, ValueError, ArithmeticError):
                return elliptic_curve_jump_error(label, info)
            query['label'] = ''

        parse_ints(info,query,'torsion','torsion order')
        parse_ints(info,query,'sha','analytic order of &#1064;')
        if 'include_cm' in info:
            if info['include_cm'] == 'exclude':
                query['cm'] = 0
            elif info['include_cm'] == 'only':
                query['cm'] = {'$ne' : 0}

        parse_primes(info, query, 'surj_primes', name='surjective primes',
                     qfield='non-surjective_primes', mode='complement')
        if info.get('surj_quantifier') == 'exactly':
            mode = 'exact'
            mode = 'append'
        parse_primes(info, query, 'nonsurj_primes', name='non-surjective primes',
    except ValueError as err:
        info['err'] = str(err)
        return search_input_error(info, bread)

    count = parse_count(info,100)
    start = parse_start(info)

    if 'optimal' in info and info['optimal'] == 'on':
        # fails on 990h3
        query['number'] = 1

    info['query'] = query
    cursor = db_ec().find(query)
    nres = cursor.count()
    if(start >= nres):
        start -= (1 + (start - nres) / count) * count
    if(start < 0):
        start = 0
    res = cursor.sort([('conductor', ASCENDING), ('iso_nlabel', ASCENDING),
                       ('lmfdb_number', ASCENDING)]).skip(start).limit(count)
    info['curves'] = res
    info['format_ainvs'] = format_ainvs
    info['curve_url'] = lambda dbc: url_for(".by_triple_label", conductor=dbc['conductor'], iso_label=split_lmfdb_label(dbc['lmfdb_iso'])[1], number=dbc['lmfdb_number'])
    info['iso_url'] = lambda dbc: url_for(".by_double_iso_label", conductor=dbc['conductor'], iso_label=split_lmfdb_label(dbc['lmfdb_iso'])[1])
    info['number'] = nres
    info['start'] = start
    info['count'] = count
    info['more'] = int(start + count < nres)

    if nres == 1:
        info['report'] = 'unique match'
    elif nres == 2: 
        info['report'] = 'displaying both matches'
        if nres > count or start != 0:
            info['report'] = 'displaying matches %s-%s of %s' % (start + 1, min(nres, start + count), nres)
            info['report'] = 'displaying all %s matches' % nres
    credit = 'John Cremona'
    if 'non-surjective_primes' in query:
        credit += 'and Andrew Sutherland'
    t = 'Elliptic Curves search results'
    return render_template("search_results.html", info=info, credit=credit, bread=bread, title=t)
Ejemplo n.º 6
def elliptic_curve_search(**args):
    info = to_dict(args)
    query = {}
    bread = [('Elliptic Curves', url_for("ecnf.index")),
             ('$\Q$', url_for(".rational_elliptic_curves")),
             ('Search Results', '.')]
    if 'SearchAgain' in args:
        return rational_elliptic_curves()

    if 'jump' in args:
        label = info.get('label', '').replace(" ", "")
        m = match_lmfdb_label(label)
        if m:
                return by_ec_label(label)
            except ValueError:
                return elliptic_curve_jump_error(label, info, wellformed_label=True)
        elif label.startswith("Cremona:"):
            label = label[8:]
            m = match_cremona_label(label)
            if m:
                    return by_ec_label(label)
                except ValueError:
                    return elliptic_curve_jump_error(label, info, wellformed_label=True)
        elif match_cremona_label(label):
            return elliptic_curve_jump_error(label, info, cremona_label=True)
        elif label:
            # Try to parse a string like [1,0,3,2,4] as valid
            # Weistrass coefficients:
            lab = re.sub(r'\s','',label)
            lab = re.sub(r'^\[','',lab)
            lab = re.sub(r']$','',lab)
                labvec = lab.split(',')
                labvec = [QQ(str(z)) for z in labvec] # Rationals allowed
                E = EllipticCurve(labvec)
                # Now we do have a valid curve over Q, but it might
                # not be in the database.
                ainvs = [str(c) for c in E.minimal_model().ainvs()]
                data = db_ec().find_one({'ainvs': ainvs})
                if data is None:
                    info['conductor'] = E.conductor()
                    return elliptic_curve_jump_error(label, info, missing_curve=True)
                return by_ec_label(data['lmfdb_label'])
            except (TypeError, ValueError, ArithmeticError):
                return elliptic_curve_jump_error(label, info)
            query['label'] = ''

    if info.get('jinv'):
        j = clean_input(info['jinv'])
        j = j.replace('+', '')
        if not QQ_RE.match(j):
            info['err'] = 'Error parsing input for the j-invariant.  It needs to be a rational number.'
            return search_input_error(info, bread)
        query['jinv'] = str(QQ(j)) # to simplify e.g. 1728/1

    for field in ['conductor', 'torsion', 'rank', 'sha']:
        if info.get(field):
            info[field] = clean_input(info[field])
            ran = info[field]
            ran = ran.replace('..', '-').replace(' ', '')
            if not LIST_RE.match(ran):
                names = {'conductor': 'conductor', 'torsion': 'torsion order', 'rank':
                         'rank', 'sha': 'analytic order of &#1064;'}
                info['err'] = 'Error parsing input for the %s.  It needs to be an integer (such as 25), a range of integers (such as 2-10 or 2..10), or a comma-separated list of these (such as 4,9,16 or 4-25, 81-121).' % names[field]
                return search_input_error(info, bread)
            # Past input check
            tmp = parse_range2(ran, field)
            # work around syntax for $or
            # we have to foil out multiple or conditions
            if tmp[0] == '$or' and '$or' in query:
                newors = []
                for y in tmp[1]:
                    oldors = [dict.copy(x) for x in query['$or']]
                    for x in oldors:
                tmp[1] = newors
            query[tmp[0]] = tmp[1]

    if 'optimal' in info and info['optimal'] == 'on':
        # fails on 990h3
        query['number'] = 1

    if 'torsion_structure' in info and info['torsion_structure']:
        res = parse_torsion_structure(info['torsion_structure'],2)
        if 'Error' in res:
            info['err'] = res
            return search_input_error(info, bread)
        #update info for repeat searches
        info['torsion_structure'] = str(res).replace(' ','')
        query['torsion_structure'] = [str(r) for r in res]

    if info.get('surj_primes'):
        info['surj_primes'] = clean_input(info['surj_primes'])
        format_ok = LIST_POSINT_RE.match(info['surj_primes'])
        if format_ok:
            surj_primes = [int(p) for p in info['surj_primes'].split(',')]
            format_ok = all([ZZ(p).is_prime(proof=False) for p in surj_primes])
        if format_ok:
            query['non-surjective_primes'] = {"$nin": surj_primes}
            info['err'] = 'Error parsing input for surjective primes.  It needs to be a prime (such as 5), or a comma-separated list of primes (such as 2,3,11).'
            return search_input_error(info, bread)

    if info.get('nonsurj_primes'):
        info['nonsurj_primes'] = clean_input(info['nonsurj_primes'])
        format_ok = LIST_POSINT_RE.match(info['nonsurj_primes'])
        if format_ok:
            nonsurj_primes = [int(p) for p in info['nonsurj_primes'].split(',')]
            format_ok = all([ZZ(p).is_prime(proof=False) for p in nonsurj_primes])
        if format_ok:
            if info['surj_quantifier'] == 'exactly':
                query['non-surjective_primes'] = nonsurj_primes
                if 'non-surjective_primes' in query:
                    query['non-surjective_primes'] = { "$nin": surj_primes, "$all": nonsurj_primes }
                    query['non-surjective_primes'] = { "$all": nonsurj_primes }
            info['err'] = 'Error parsing input for nonsurjective primes.  It needs to be a prime (such as 5), or a comma-separated list of primes (such as 2,3,11).'
            return search_input_error(info, bread)

    if 'download' in info and info['download'] != '0':
        res = db_ec().find(query).sort([ ('conductor', ASCENDING), ('iso_nlabel', ASCENDING), ('lmfdb_number', ASCENDING) ])
        return download_search(info, res)
    count_default = 100
    if info.get('count'):
            count = int(info['count'])
            count = count_default
        count = count_default
    info['count'] = count

    start_default = 0
    if info.get('start'):
            start = int(info['start'])
            if(start < 0):
                start += (1 - (start + 1) / count) * count
            start = start_default
        start = start_default

    cursor = db_ec().find(query)
    nres = cursor.count()
    if(start >= nres):
        start -= (1 + (start - nres) / count) * count
    if(start < 0):
        start = 0
    res = cursor.sort([('conductor', ASCENDING), ('iso_nlabel', ASCENDING), ('lmfdb_number', ASCENDING)
    info['curves'] = res
    info['format_ainvs'] = format_ainvs
    info['curve_url'] = lambda dbc: url_for(".by_triple_label", conductor=dbc['conductor'], iso_label=split_lmfdb_label(dbc['lmfdb_iso'])[1], number=dbc['lmfdb_number'])
    info['iso_url'] = lambda dbc: url_for(".by_double_iso_label", conductor=dbc['conductor'], iso_label=split_lmfdb_label(dbc['lmfdb_iso'])[1])
    info['number'] = nres
    info['start'] = start
    info['count'] = count
    info['more'] = int(start + count < nres)
    if nres == 1:
        info['report'] = 'unique match'
    elif nres == 2:
        info['report'] = 'displaying both matches'
        if nres > count or start != 0:
            info['report'] = 'displaying matches %s-%s of %s' % (start + 1, min(nres, start + count), nres)
            info['report'] = 'displaying all %s matches' % nres

    credit = 'John Cremona'
    if 'non-surjective_primes' in query:
        credit += 'and Andrew Sutherland'
    t = 'Elliptic Curves search results'
    return render_template("search_results.html", info=info, credit=credit, bread=bread, title=t)
Ejemplo n.º 7
def elliptic_curve_search(**args):
    info = to_dict(args)
    query = {}
    bread = [('Elliptic Curves', url_for("rational_elliptic_curves")),
             ('Search Results', '.')]
    if 'jump' in args:
        label = info.get('label', '').replace(" ", "")
        m = lmfdb_label_regex.match(label)
        if m:
                return by_ec_label(label)
            except ValueError:
                return elliptic_curve_jump_error(label, info, wellformed_label=True)
        elif label.startswith("Cremona:"):
            label = label[8:]
            m = cremona_label_regex.match(label)
            if m:
                    return by_ec_label(label)
                except ValueError:
                    return elliptic_curve_jump_error(label, info, wellformed_label=True)
        elif cremona_label_regex.match(label):
            return elliptic_curve_jump_error(label, info, cremona_label=True)
        elif label:
            # Try to parse a string like [1,0,3,2,4]
            lab = re.sub(r'\s','',label)
            lab = re.sub(r'^\[','',lab)
            lab = re.sub(r']$','',lab)
                labvec = lab.split(',')
                labvec = [QQ(str(z)) for z in labvec] # Rationals allowed
                E = EllipticCurve(labvec)
                ainvs = [str(c) for c in E.minimal_model().ainvs()]
                C = lmfdb.base.getDBConnection()
                data = C.elliptic_curves.curves.find_one({'ainvs': ainvs})
                if data is None:
                    return elliptic_curve_jump_error(label, info)
                return by_ec_label(data['lmfdb_label'])
            except (ValueError, ArithmeticError):
                return elliptic_curve_jump_error(label, info)
            query['label'] = ''

    if info.get('jinv'):
        j = clean_input(info['jinv'])
        j = j.replace('+', '')
        if not QQ_RE.match(j):
            info['err'] = 'Error parsing input for the j-invariant.  It needs to be a rational number.'
            return search_input_error(info, bread)
        query['jinv'] = j

    for field in ['conductor', 'torsion', 'rank', 'sha_an']:
        if info.get(field):
            info[field] = clean_input(info[field])
            ran = info[field]
            ran = ran.replace('..', '-').replace(' ', '')
            if not LIST_RE.match(ran):
                names = {'conductor': 'conductor', 'torsion': 'torsion order', 'rank':
                         'rank', 'sha_an': 'analytic order of &#1064;'}
                info['err'] = 'Error parsing input for the %s.  It needs to be an integer (such as 5), a range of integers (such as 2-10 or 2..10), or a comma-separated list of these (such as 2,3,8 or 3-5, 7, 8-11).' % names[field]
                return search_input_error(info, bread)
            # Past input check
            tmp = parse_range2(ran, field)
            # work around syntax for $or
            # we have to foil out multiple or conditions
            if tmp[0] == '$or' and '$or' in query:
                newors = []
                for y in tmp[1]:
                    oldors = [dict.copy(x) for x in query['$or']]
                    for x in oldors:
                tmp[1] = newors
            query[tmp[0]] = tmp[1]
#            query[field] = parse_range2(info[field])

    if 'optimal' in info and info['optimal'] == 'on':
        # fails on 990h3
        query['number'] = 1

    if 'torsion_structure' in info and info['torsion_structure']:
        info['torsion_structure'] = clean_input(info['torsion_structure'])
        if not TORS_RE.match(info['torsion_structure']):
            info['err'] = 'Error parsing input for the torsion structure.  It needs to be one or more integers in square brackets, such as [6], [2,2], or [2,4].  Moreover, each integer should be bigger than 1, and each divides the next.'
            return search_input_error(info, bread)
        query['torsion_structure'] = [str(a) for a in parse_list(info['torsion_structure'])]

    info['query'] = query

    count_default = 100
    if info.get('count'):
            count = int(info['count'])
            count = count_default
        count = count_default
    info['count'] = count

    start_default = 0
    if info.get('start'):
            start = int(info['start'])
            if(start < 0):
                start += (1 - (start + 1) / count) * count
            start = start_default
        start = start_default

    print query
    cursor = lmfdb.base.getDBConnection().elliptic_curves.curves.find(query)
    nres = cursor.count()
    if(start >= nres):
        start -= (1 + (start - nres) / count) * count
    if(start < 0):
        start = 0
    res = cursor.sort([('conductor', ASCENDING), ('lmfdb_iso', ASCENDING), ('lmfdb_number', ASCENDING)
    info['curves'] = res
    info['format_ainvs'] = format_ainvs
    info['number'] = nres
    info['start'] = start
    if nres == 1:
        info['report'] = 'unique match'
        if nres > count or start != 0:
            info['report'] = 'displaying matches %s-%s of %s' % (start + 1, min(nres, start + count), nres)
            info['report'] = 'displaying all %s matches' % nres
    credit = 'John Cremona'
    t = 'Elliptic Curves'
    return render_template("elliptic_curve/elliptic_curve_search.html", info=info, credit=credit, bread=bread, title=t)
Ejemplo n.º 8
def elliptic_curve_search(**args):
    info = to_dict(args)

    if "download" in info and info["download"] != "0":
        return download_search(info)

    query = {}
    bread = [
        ("Elliptic Curves", url_for("ecnf.index")),
        ("$\Q$", url_for(".rational_elliptic_curves")),
        ("Search Results", "."),
    if "SearchAgain" in args:
        return rational_elliptic_curves()

    if "jump" in args:
        label = info.get("label", "").replace(" ", "")
        m = match_lmfdb_label(label)
        if m:
                return by_ec_label(label)
            except ValueError:
                return elliptic_curve_jump_error(label, info, wellformed_label=True)
        elif label.startswith("Cremona:"):
            label = label[8:]
            m = match_cremona_label(label)
            if m:
                    return by_ec_label(label)
                except ValueError:
                    return elliptic_curve_jump_error(label, info, wellformed_label=True)
        elif match_cremona_label(label):
            return elliptic_curve_jump_error(label, info, cremona_label=True)
        elif label:
            # Try to parse a string like [1,0,3,2,4] as valid
            # Weistrass coefficients:
            lab = re.sub(r"\s", "", label)
            lab = re.sub(r"^\[", "", lab)
            lab = re.sub(r"]$", "", lab)
                labvec = lab.split(",")
                labvec = [QQ(str(z)) for z in labvec]  # Rationals allowed
                E = EllipticCurve(labvec)
                # Now we do have a valid curve over Q, but it might
                # not be in the database.
                ainvs = [str(c) for c in E.minimal_model().ainvs()]
                data = db_ec().find_one({"ainvs": ainvs})
                if data is None:
                    info["conductor"] = E.conductor()
                    return elliptic_curve_jump_error(label, info, missing_curve=True)
                return by_ec_label(data["lmfdb_label"])
            except (TypeError, ValueError, ArithmeticError):
                return elliptic_curve_jump_error(label, info)
            query["label"] = ""

        parse_rational(info, query, "jinv", "j-invariant")
        parse_ints(info, query, "conductor")
        parse_ints(info, query, "torsion", "torsion order")
        parse_ints(info, query, "rank")
        parse_ints(info, query, "sha", "analytic order of &#1064;")
            info, query, "torsion_structure", maxlength=2, process=str, check_divisibility="increasing"
            info, query, "surj_primes", name="surjective primes", qfield="non-surjective_primes", mode="complement"
        if info.get("surj_quantifier") == "exactly":
            mode = "exact"
            mode = "append"
            info, query, "nonsurj_primes", name="non-surjective primes", qfield="non-surjective_primes", mode=mode
    except ValueError as err:
        info["err"] = str(err)
        return search_input_error(info, bread)

    count = parse_count(info, 100)
    start = parse_start(info)

    if "optimal" in info and info["optimal"] == "on":
        # fails on 990h3
        query["number"] = 1

    info["query"] = query
    cursor = db_ec().find(query)
    nres = cursor.count()
    if start >= nres:
        start -= (1 + (start - nres) / count) * count
    if start < 0:
        start = 0
    res = (
        cursor.sort([("conductor", ASCENDING), ("iso_nlabel", ASCENDING), ("lmfdb_number", ASCENDING)])
    info["curves"] = res
    info["format_ainvs"] = format_ainvs
    info["curve_url"] = lambda dbc: url_for(
    info["iso_url"] = lambda dbc: url_for(
        ".by_double_iso_label", conductor=dbc["conductor"], iso_label=split_lmfdb_label(dbc["lmfdb_iso"])[1]
    info["number"] = nres
    info["start"] = start
    info["count"] = count
    info["more"] = int(start + count < nres)

    if nres == 1:
        info["report"] = "unique match"
    elif nres == 2:
        info["report"] = "displaying both matches"
        if nres > count or start != 0:
            info["report"] = "displaying matches %s-%s of %s" % (start + 1, min(nres, start + count), nres)
            info["report"] = "displaying all %s matches" % nres
    credit = "John Cremona"
    if "non-surjective_primes" in query:
        credit += "and Andrew Sutherland"
    t = "Elliptic Curves search results"
    return render_template("search_results.html", info=info, credit=credit, bread=bread, title=t)
Ejemplo n.º 9
def elliptic_curve_search(**args):
    info = to_dict(args)
    query = {}
    bread = [("Elliptic Curves", url_for("rational_elliptic_curves")), ("Search Results", ".")]
    if "jump" in args:
        label = info.get("label", "").replace(" ", "")
        m = lmfdb_label_regex.match(label)
        if m:
                return by_ec_label(label)
            except ValueError:
                return elliptic_curve_jump_error(label, info, wellformed_label=True)
        elif label.startswith("Cremona:"):
            label = label[8:]
            m = cremona_label_regex.match(label)
            if m:
                    return by_ec_label(label)
                except ValueError:
                    return elliptic_curve_jump_error(label, info, wellformed_label=True)
        elif cremona_label_regex.match(label):
            return elliptic_curve_jump_error(label, info, cremona_label=True)
        elif label:
            # Try to parse a string like [1,0,3,2,4]
            lab = re.sub(r"\s", "", label)
            lab = re.sub(r"^\[", "", lab)
            lab = re.sub(r"]$", "", lab)
                labvec = lab.split(",")
                labvec = [QQ(str(z)) for z in labvec]  # Rationals allowed
                E = EllipticCurve(labvec)
                ainvs = [str(c) for c in E.minimal_model().ainvs()]
                C = lmfdb.base.getDBConnection()
                data = C.elliptic_curves.curves.find_one({"ainvs": ainvs})
                if data is None:
                    return elliptic_curve_jump_error(label, info)
                return by_ec_label(data["lmfdb_label"])
            except (ValueError, ArithmeticError):
                return elliptic_curve_jump_error(label, info)
            query["label"] = ""

    if info.get("jinv"):
        j = clean_input(info["jinv"])
        j = j.replace("+", "")
        if not QQ_RE.match(j):
            info["err"] = "Error parsing input for the j-invariant.  It needs to be a rational number."
            return search_input_error(info, bread)
        query["jinv"] = j

    for field in ["conductor", "torsion", "rank", "sha_an"]:
        if info.get(field):
            info[field] = clean_input(info[field])
            ran = info[field]
            ran = ran.replace("..", "-").replace(" ", "")
            if not LIST_RE.match(ran):
                names = {
                    "conductor": "conductor",
                    "torsion": "torsion order",
                    "rank": "rank",
                    "sha_an": "analytic order of &#1064;",
                info["err"] = (
                    "Error parsing input for the %s.  It needs to be an integer (such as 5), a range of integers (such as 2-10 or 2..10), or a comma-separated list of these (such as 2,3,8 or 3-5, 7, 8-11)."
                    % names[field]
                return search_input_error(info, bread)
            # Past input check
            tmp = parse_range2(ran, field)
            # work around syntax for $or
            # we have to foil out multiple or conditions
            if tmp[0] == "$or" and "$or" in query:
                newors = []
                for y in tmp[1]:
                    oldors = [dict.copy(x) for x in query["$or"]]
                    for x in oldors:
                tmp[1] = newors
            if field == "sha_an":  # database sha_an values are not all exact!
                query[tmp[0]] = {"$gt": tmp[1] - 0.1, "$lt": tmp[1] + 0.1}
                print query
                query[tmp[0]] = tmp[1]

    if "optimal" in info and info["optimal"] == "on":
        # fails on 990h3
        query["number"] = 1

    if "torsion_structure" in info and info["torsion_structure"]:
        info["torsion_structure"] = clean_input(info["torsion_structure"])
        if not TORS_RE.match(info["torsion_structure"]):
            ] = "Error parsing input for the torsion structure.  It needs to be one or more integers in square brackets, such as [6], [2,2], or [2,4].  Moreover, each integer should be bigger than 1, and each divides the next."
            return search_input_error(info, bread)
        query["torsion_structure"] = [str(a) for a in parse_list(info["torsion_structure"])]

    info["query"] = query

    count_default = 100
    if info.get("count"):
            count = int(info["count"])
            count = count_default
        count = count_default
    info["count"] = count

    start_default = 0
    if info.get("start"):
            start = int(info["start"])
            if start < 0:
                start += (1 - (start + 1) / count) * count
            start = start_default
        start = start_default

    print query
    cursor = lmfdb.base.getDBConnection().elliptic_curves.curves.find(query)
    nres = cursor.count()
    if start >= nres:
        start -= (1 + (start - nres) / count) * count
    if start < 0:
        start = 0
    res = (
        cursor.sort([("conductor", ASCENDING), ("lmfdb_iso", ASCENDING), ("lmfdb_number", ASCENDING)])
    info["curves"] = res
    info["format_ainvs"] = format_ainvs
    info["number"] = nres
    info["start"] = start
    if nres == 1:
        info["report"] = "unique match"
        if nres > count or start != 0:
            info["report"] = "displaying matches %s-%s of %s" % (start + 1, min(nres, start + count), nres)
            info["report"] = "displaying all %s matches" % nres
    credit = "John Cremona"
    t = "Elliptic Curves"
    return render_template("elliptic_curve/elliptic_curve_search.html", info=info, credit=credit, bread=bread, title=t)