Ejemplo n.º 1
class StateAdjustmentFiles(StateBase):
    pixel_adjustment_file = StringParameter()
    wavelength_adjustment_file = StringParameter()

    def __init__(self):
        super(StateAdjustmentFiles, self).__init__()

    def validate(self):
        is_invalid = {}
        # TODO: It would be nice to have a typed parameter for files which checks if a file input exists or not.
        #       This is very low priority, but would be nice to have.

        if is_invalid:
            raise ValueError(
                "StateAdjustmentFiles: The provided inputs are illegal. "
                "Please see: {0}".format(json.dumps(is_invalid)))
Ejemplo n.º 2
class VerySimpleState(StateBase):
    string_parameter = StringParameter()

    def __init__(self):
        super(VerySimpleState, self).__init__()
        self.string_parameter = "test_in_very_simple"

    def validate(self):
Ejemplo n.º 3
class StateWavelengthAndPixelAdjustment(StateBase):
    wavelength_low = PositiveFloatParameter()
    wavelength_high = PositiveFloatParameter()
    wavelength_step = PositiveFloatParameter()
    wavelength_step_type = ClassTypeParameter(RangeStepType)

    adjustment_files = DictParameter()

    idf_path = StringParameter()

    def __init__(self):
        super(StateWavelengthAndPixelAdjustment, self).__init__()
        self.adjustment_files = {
            DetectorType.to_string(DetectorType.LAB): StateAdjustmentFiles(),
            DetectorType.to_string(DetectorType.HAB): StateAdjustmentFiles()

    def validate(self):
        is_invalid = {}

        if one_is_none([
                self.wavelength_low, self.wavelength_high,
                self.wavelength_step, self.wavelength_step_type
            entry = validation_message(
                "A wavelength entry has not been set.",
                "Make sure that all entries are set.", {
                    "wavelength_low": self.wavelength_low,
                    "wavelength_high": self.wavelength_high,
                    "wavelength_step": self.wavelength_step,
                    "wavelength_step_type": self.wavelength_step_type

        if is_not_none_and_first_larger_than_second(
            [self.wavelength_low, self.wavelength_high]):
            entry = validation_message(
                "Incorrect wavelength bounds.",
                "Make sure that lower wavelength bound is smaller then upper bound.",
                    "wavelength_low": self.wavelength_low,
                    "wavelength_high": self.wavelength_high

        except ValueError as e:
            is_invalid.update({"adjustment_files": str(e)})

        if is_invalid:
            raise ValueError(
                "StateWavelengthAndPixelAdjustment: The provided inputs are illegal. "
                "Please see: {0}".format(json.dumps(is_invalid)))
Ejemplo n.º 4
class StateCompatibility(StateBase):
    use_compatibility_mode = BoolParameter()
    time_rebin_string = StringParameter()

    def __init__(self):
        super(StateCompatibility, self).__init__()
        self.use_compatibility_mode = False
        self.time_rebin_string = ""

    def validate(self):
Ejemplo n.º 5
class StateSave(StateBase):
    zero_free_correction = BoolParameter()
    file_format = ClassTypeListParameter(SaveType)

    # Settings for the output name
    user_specified_output_name = StringWithNoneParameter()
    user_specified_output_name_suffix = StringParameter()
    use_reduction_mode_as_suffix = BoolParameter()

    def __init__(self):
        super(StateSave, self).__init__()
        self.zero_free_correction = True

    def validate(self):
Ejemplo n.º 6
class StateBaseTestClass(StateBase):
    string_parameter = StringParameter()
    bool_parameter = BoolParameter()
    float_parameter = FloatParameter()
    positive_float_parameter = PositiveFloatParameter()
    positive_integer_parameter = PositiveIntegerParameter()
    dict_parameter = DictParameter()
    float_with_none_parameter = FloatWithNoneParameter()
    positive_float_with_none_parameter = PositiveFloatWithNoneParameter()
    float_list_parameter = FloatListParameter()
    string_list_parameter = StringListParameter()
    positive_integer_list_parameter = PositiveIntegerListParameter()
    class_type_parameter = ClassTypeParameter(TestType)
    class_type_list_parameter = ClassTypeListParameter(TestType)

    def __init__(self):
        super(StateBaseTestClass, self).__init__()

    def validate(self):
Ejemplo n.º 7
class SimpleState(StateBase):
    string_parameter = StringParameter()
    bool_parameter = BoolParameter()
    float_parameter = FloatParameter()
    positive_float_parameter = PositiveFloatParameter()
    positive_integer_parameter = PositiveIntegerParameter()
    dict_parameter = DictParameter()
    float_with_none_parameter = FloatWithNoneParameter()
    positive_float_with_none_parameter = PositiveFloatWithNoneParameter()
    float_list_parameter = FloatListParameter()
    string_list_parameter = StringListParameter()
    positive_integer_list_parameter = PositiveIntegerListParameter()
    class_type_parameter = ClassTypeParameter(TestType)
    class_type_list_parameter = ClassTypeListParameter(TestType)

    sub_state_very_simple = TypedParameter(VerySimpleState,

    def __init__(self):
        super(SimpleState, self).__init__()
        self.string_parameter = "String_in_SimpleState"
        self.bool_parameter = False
        # We explicitly leave out the float_parameter
        self.positive_float_parameter = 1.
        self.positive_integer_parameter = 6
        self.dict_parameter = {"1": 123, "2": "test"}
        self.float_with_none_parameter = 325.
        # We expliclty leave out the positive_float_with_none_parameter
        self.float_list_parameter = [123., 234.]
        self.string_list_parameter = ["test1", "test2"]
        self.positive_integer_list_parameter = [1, 2, 3]
        self.class_type_parameter = TestType.TypeA
        self.class_type_list_parameter = [TestType.TypeA, TestType.TypeB]
        self.sub_state_very_simple = VerySimpleState()

    def validate(self):
Ejemplo n.º 8
 class SANSParameterTestClass2(object):
     my_string_parameter = StringParameter()
     my_bool_parameter = BoolParameter()
Ejemplo n.º 9
class StateMaskDetector(StateBase):
    # Vertical strip masks
    single_vertical_strip_mask = PositiveIntegerListParameter()
    range_vertical_strip_start = PositiveIntegerListParameter()
    range_vertical_strip_stop = PositiveIntegerListParameter()

    # Horizontal strip masks
    single_horizontal_strip_mask = PositiveIntegerListParameter()
    range_horizontal_strip_start = PositiveIntegerListParameter()
    range_horizontal_strip_stop = PositiveIntegerListParameter()

    # Spectrum Block
    block_horizontal_start = PositiveIntegerListParameter()
    block_horizontal_stop = PositiveIntegerListParameter()
    block_vertical_start = PositiveIntegerListParameter()
    block_vertical_stop = PositiveIntegerListParameter()

    # Spectrum block cross
    block_cross_horizontal = PositiveIntegerListParameter()
    block_cross_vertical = PositiveIntegerListParameter()

    # Time/Bin mask
    bin_mask_start = FloatListParameter()
    bin_mask_stop = FloatListParameter()

    # Name of the detector
    detector_name = StringParameter()
    detector_name_short = StringParameter()

    # Single Spectra
    single_spectra = PositiveIntegerListParameter()

    # Spectrum Range
    spectrum_range_start = PositiveIntegerListParameter()
    spectrum_range_stop = PositiveIntegerListParameter()

    def __init__(self):
        super(StateMaskDetector, self).__init__()

    def validate(self):
        is_invalid = {}
        # --------------------
        # Vertical strip mask
        # --------------------
                    self.range_vertical_strip_stop, is_invalid,
                    "range_vertical_strip_start", "range_vertical_strip_stop",

        # --------------------
        # Horizontal strip mask
        # --------------------
                    self.range_horizontal_strip_stop, is_invalid,
                    "range_horizontal_strip_stop", "range_horizontal_strip")

        # --------------------
        # Block mask
        # --------------------
        range_check(self.block_horizontal_start, self.block_horizontal_stop,
                    is_invalid, "block_horizontal_start",
                    "block_horizontal_stop", "block_horizontal")
        range_check(self.block_vertical_start, self.block_vertical_stop,
                    is_invalid, "block_vertical_start", "block_vertical_stop",

        # --------------------
        # Time/Bin mask
        # --------------------
        range_check(self.bin_mask_start, self.bin_mask_stop, is_invalid,
                    "bin_mask_start", "bin_mask_stop", "bin_mask")

        if not self.detector_name:
            entry = validation_message(
                "Missing detector name.",
                "Make sure that the detector names are set.",
                {"detector_name": self.detector_name})
        if not self.detector_name_short:
            entry = validation_message(
                "Missing short detector name.",
                "Make sure that the short detector names are set.",
                {"detector_name_short": self.detector_name_short})

        # --------------------
        # Spectrum Range
        # --------------------
        range_check(self.spectrum_range_start, self.spectrum_range_stop,
                    is_invalid, "spectrum_range_start", "spectrum_range_stop",

        if is_invalid:
            raise ValueError(
                "StateMoveDetectorISIS: The provided inputs are illegal. "
                "Please see: {0}".format(json.dumps(is_invalid)))
Ejemplo n.º 10
class StateMask(StateBase):
    # Radius Mask
    radius_min = FloatParameter()
    radius_max = FloatParameter()

    # Bin mask
    bin_mask_general_start = FloatListParameter()
    bin_mask_general_stop = FloatListParameter()

    # Mask files
    mask_files = StringListParameter()

    # Angle masking
    phi_min = FloatParameter()
    phi_max = FloatParameter()
    use_mask_phi_mirror = BoolParameter()

    # Beam stop
    beam_stop_arm_width = PositiveFloatParameter()
    beam_stop_arm_angle = FloatParameter()
    beam_stop_arm_pos1 = FloatParameter()
    beam_stop_arm_pos2 = FloatParameter()

    # Clear commands
    clear = BoolParameter()
    clear_time = BoolParameter()

    # The detector dependent masks
    detectors = DictParameter()

    # The idf path of the instrument
    idf_path = StringParameter()

    def __init__(self):
        super(StateMask, self).__init__()
        # Setup the detectors
        self.detectors = {
            DetectorType.to_string(DetectorType.LAB): StateMaskDetector(),
            DetectorType.to_string(DetectorType.HAB): StateMaskDetector()

        # IDF Path
        self.idf_path = ""

    def validate(self):
        is_invalid = dict()

        # --------------------
        # Radius Mask
        # --------------------
        # Radius mask rule: the min radius must be less or equal to the max radius
        if self.radius_max is not None and self.radius_min is not None and\
           self.radius_max != -1 and self.radius_min != -1:  # noqa
            if self.radius_min > 0 and self.radius_max > 0 and (
                    self.radius_min > self.radius_max):
                entry = validation_message(
                    "Incorrect radius bounds.",
                    "Makes sure that the lower radius bound is smaller than the"
                    " upper radius bound.", {
                        "radius_min": self.radius_min,
                        "radius_max": self.radius_max

        # --------------------
        # General bin mask
        # --------------------
        range_check(self.bin_mask_general_start, self.bin_mask_general_stop,
                    is_invalid, "bin_mask_general_start",
                    "bin_mask_general_stop", "bin_mask_general")

        # --------------------
        # Mask files
        # --------------------
        if self.mask_files:
            for mask_file in self.mask_files:
                if not find_full_file_path(mask_file):
                    entry = validation_message(
                        "Mask file not found.",
                        "Makes sure that the mask file is in your path",
                        {"mask_file": self.mask_files})

        # --------------------
        # Detectors
        # --------------------
        for _, value in list(self.detectors.items()):

        if is_invalid:
            raise ValueError("StateMask: The provided inputs are illegal. "
                             "Please see: {0}".format(json.dumps(is_invalid)))
Ejemplo n.º 11
class StateData(StateBase):
    ALL_PERIODS = sans.common.constants.ALL_PERIODS
    sample_scatter = StringParameter()
    sample_scatter_period = PositiveIntegerParameter()
    sample_transmission = StringParameter()
    sample_transmission_period = PositiveIntegerParameter()
    sample_direct = StringParameter()
    sample_direct_period = PositiveIntegerParameter()

    can_scatter = StringParameter()
    can_scatter_period = PositiveIntegerParameter()
    can_transmission = StringParameter()
    can_transmission_period = PositiveIntegerParameter()
    can_direct = StringParameter()
    can_direct_period = PositiveIntegerParameter()

    calibration = StringParameter()

    sample_scatter_run_number = PositiveIntegerParameter()
    sample_scatter_is_multi_period = BoolParameter()
    instrument = ClassTypeParameter(SANSInstrument)
    idf_file_path = StringParameter()
    ipf_file_path = StringParameter()

    def __init__(self):
        super(StateData, self).__init__()

        # Setup default values for periods
        self.sample_scatter_period = StateData.ALL_PERIODS
        self.sample_transmission_period = StateData.ALL_PERIODS
        self.sample_direct_period = StateData.ALL_PERIODS

        self.can_scatter_period = StateData.ALL_PERIODS
        self.can_transmission_period = StateData.ALL_PERIODS
        self.can_direct_period = StateData.ALL_PERIODS

        # This should be reset by the builder. Setting this to NoInstrument ensure that we will trip early on,
        # in case this is not set, for example by not using the builders.
        self.instrument = SANSInstrument.NoInstrument

    def validate(self):
        is_invalid = dict()

        # A sample scatter must be specified
        if self.sample_scatter is None:
            entry = validation_message(
                "Sample scatter was not specified.",
                "Make sure that the sample scatter file is specified.",
                {"sample_scatter": self.sample_scatter})

        # If the sample transmission/direct was specified, then a sample direct/transmission is required
        if not is_pure_none_or_not_none(
            [self.sample_transmission, self.sample_direct]):
            entry = validation_message(
                "If the sample transmission is specified then, the direct run needs to be "
                "specified too.",
                "Make sure that the transmission and direct runs are both specified (or none).",
                    "sample_transmission": self.sample_transmission,
                    "sample_direct": self.sample_direct

        # If the can transmission/direct was specified, then this requires the can scatter
        if (self.can_direct
                or self.can_transmission) and (not self.can_scatter):
            entry = validation_message(
                "If the can transmission is specified then the can scatter run needs to be "
                "specified too.",
                "Make sure that the can scatter file is set.", {
                    "can_scatter": self.can_scatter,
                    "can_transmission": self.can_transmission,
                    "can_direct": self.can_direct

        # If a can transmission/direct was specified, then the other can entries need to be specified as well.
        if self.can_scatter and not is_pure_none_or_not_none(
            [self.can_transmission, self.can_direct]):
            entry = validation_message(
                "Inconsistent can transmission setting.",
                "Make sure that the can transmission and can direct runs are set (or none of"
                " them).", {
                    "can_transmission": self.can_transmission,
                    "can_direct": self.can_direct

        if is_invalid:
            raise ValueError("StateData: The provided inputs are illegal. "
                             "Please see: {0}".format(json.dumps(is_invalid)))
Ejemplo n.º 12
class StateConvertToQ(StateBase):
    reduction_dimensionality = ClassTypeParameter(ReductionDimensionality)
    use_gravity = BoolParameter()
    gravity_extra_length = PositiveFloatParameter()
    radius_cutoff = PositiveFloatParameter()
    wavelength_cutoff = PositiveFloatParameter()

    # 1D settings
    q_min = PositiveFloatParameter()
    q_max = PositiveFloatParameter()
    q_1d_rebin_string = StringParameter()

    # 2D settings
    q_xy_max = PositiveFloatParameter()
    q_xy_step = PositiveFloatParameter()
    q_xy_step_type = ClassTypeParameter(RangeStepType)

    # -----------------------
    # Q Resolution specific
    # ---------------------
    use_q_resolution = BoolParameter()
    q_resolution_collimation_length = PositiveFloatParameter()
    q_resolution_delta_r = PositiveFloatParameter()
    moderator_file = StringParameter()

    # Circular aperture settings
    q_resolution_a1 = PositiveFloatParameter()
    q_resolution_a2 = PositiveFloatParameter()

    # Rectangular aperture settings
    q_resolution_h1 = PositiveFloatParameter()
    q_resolution_h2 = PositiveFloatParameter()
    q_resolution_w1 = PositiveFloatParameter()
    q_resolution_w2 = PositiveFloatParameter()

    def __init__(self):
        super(StateConvertToQ, self).__init__()
        self.reduction_dimensionality = ReductionDimensionality.OneDim
        self.use_gravity = False
        self.gravity_extra_length = 0.0
        self.use_q_resolution = False
        self.radius_cutoff = 0.0
        self.wavelength_cutoff = 0.0

    def validate(self):
        is_invalid = {}

        # 1D Q settings
        if not is_pure_none_or_not_none([self.q_min, self.q_max]):
            entry = validation_message(
                "The q boundaries for the 1D reduction are inconsistent.",
                "Make sure that both q boundaries are set (or none).", {
                    "q_min": self.q_min,
                    "q_max": self.q_max
        if is_not_none_and_first_larger_than_second([self.q_min, self.q_max]):
            entry = validation_message(
                "Incorrect q bounds for 1D reduction.",
                "Make sure that the lower q bound is smaller than the upper q bound.",
                    "q_min": self.q_min,
                    "q_max": self.q_max

        if self.reduction_dimensionality is ReductionDimensionality.OneDim:
            if self.q_min is None or self.q_max is None:
                entry = validation_message(
                    "Q bounds not set for 1D reduction.",
                    "Make sure to set the q boundaries when using a 1D reduction.",
                        "q_min": self.q_min,
                        "q_max": self.q_max

        if self.q_1d_rebin_string is not None:
            if self.q_1d_rebin_string == "":
                entry = validation_message(
                    "Q rebin string does not seem to be valid.",
                    "Make sure to provide a valid rebin string",
                    {"q_1d_rebin_string": self.q_1d_rebin_string})
            elif not is_valid_rebin_string(self.q_1d_rebin_string):
                entry = validation_message(
                    "Q rebin string does not seem to be valid.",
                    "Make sure to provide a valid rebin string",
                    {"q_1d_rebin_string": self.q_1d_rebin_string})

        # QXY settings
        if self.reduction_dimensionality is ReductionDimensionality.TwoDim:
            if self.q_xy_max is None or self.q_xy_step is None:
                entry = validation_message(
                    "Q bounds not set for 2D reduction.",
                    "Make sure that the q_max value bound and the step for the 2D reduction.",
                        "q_xy_max": self.q_xy_max,
                        "q_xy_step": self.q_xy_step

        # Q Resolution settings
        if self.use_q_resolution:
            if not is_pure_none_or_not_none(
                [self.q_resolution_a1, self.q_resolution_a2]):
                entry = validation_message(
                    "Inconsistent circular geometry.",
                    "Make sure that both diameters for the circular apertures are set.",
                        "q_resolution_a1": self.q_resolution_a1,
                        "q_resolution_a2": self.q_resolution_a2
            if not is_pure_none_or_not_none([
                    self.q_resolution_h1, self.q_resolution_h2,
                    self.q_resolution_w1, self.q_resolution_w2
                entry = validation_message(
                    "Inconsistent rectangular geometry.",
                    "Make sure that both diameters for the circular apertures are set.",
                        "q_resolution_h1": self.q_resolution_h1,
                        "q_resolution_h2": self.q_resolution_h2,
                        "q_resolution_w1": self.q_resolution_w1,
                        "q_resolution_w2": self.q_resolution_w2

            if all(element is None for element in [
                    self.q_resolution_a1, self.q_resolution_a2,
                    self.q_resolution_w1, self.q_resolution_w2,
                    self.q_resolution_h1, self.q_resolution_h2
                entry = validation_message(
                    "Aperture is undefined.",
                    "Make sure that you set the geometry for a circular or a "
                    "rectangular aperture.", {
                        "q_resolution_a1": self.q_resolution_a1,
                        "q_resolution_a2": self.q_resolution_a2,
                        "q_resolution_h1": self.q_resolution_h1,
                        "q_resolution_h2": self.q_resolution_h2,
                        "q_resolution_w1": self.q_resolution_w1,
                        "q_resolution_w2": self.q_resolution_w2
            if self.moderator_file is None:
                entry = validation_message(
                    "Missing moderator file.",
                    "Make sure to specify a moderator file when using q resolution.",
                    {"moderator_file": self.moderator_file})
                    "A moderator file is required for the q resolution calculation."

        if is_invalid:
            raise ValueError(
                "StateMoveDetectorISIS: The provided inputs are illegal. "
                "Please see: {0}".format(json.dumps(is_invalid)))