Ejemplo n.º 1
class ENIP_ListIdentity_TargetItem(scapy_all.Packet):
    name = "ENIP_ListIdentity_TargetItem"
    fields_desc = [
        scapy_all.LEShortField("item_type_code", 0),
        scapy_all.LEShortField("length", 0),
        scapy_all.LEShortField("encapsulation_version", 1),
                              ENIP_ListIdentity_SocketItem),  #, count_from=1),
        scapy_all.LEShortField("vendor_ID", 0),
        scapy_all.LEShortEnumField("device_type", 0x21, DEVICE_PROFILES),
        scapy_all.LEShortField("product_code", 0),
        scapy_all.PacketField("ENIP_DeviceRevision", ENIP_DeviceRevision(),
        scapy_all.XShortField("status", 0x0000),
        utils.XLEIntField("serial", 0x00000000),
        scapy_all.ByteField("product_name_length", 0),
                              length_from=lambda p: p.product_name_length),
        scapy_all.XByteField("state", 0),

    def extract_padding(self, p):
        # print self.__class__.__name__ + ": P=" + str(p)
        return "", p
Ejemplo n.º 2
class CIP_ReqConnectionManager(scapy_all.Packet):
    fields_desc = [
        scapy_all.BitField("reserved", 0, 3),
        scapy_all.BitField("priority", 0, 1),
        scapy_all.BitField("ticktime", 5, 4),
        scapy_all.ByteField("timeout_ticks", 157),
        utils.LEShortLenField("message_size", None, length_of="message"),
                                 length_from=lambda pkt: pkt.message_size),
                              length_from=lambda pkt: pkt.message_size % 2),
        scapy_all.ByteField("route_path_size", 1),  # TODO: size in words
        scapy_all.ByteField("reserved2", 0),
        scapy_all.ByteField("route_path_size_port", 1),
        scapy_all.ByteField("route_path_size_addr", 0),

    def post_build(self, p, pay):
        # Autofill the padding
        if len(p) % 2:
            p = p[:-4] + b"\0" + p[-4:]
        return p + pay
Ejemplo n.º 3
class Modbus_ReportSlaveIdResp(scapy_all.Packet):
    """Layer for report slave ID response"""
    fields_desc = [
        scapy_all.FieldLenField("byte_count", 0, length_of="slave_id"),
        scapy_all.StrLenField("slave_id", "", length_from=lambda x: x.length),
        scapy_all.XByteField("run_status", 0x00)
Ejemplo n.º 4
class Modbus_ReadCoilsResp(scapy_all.Packet):
    """Layer for Read coils response packet"""
    fields_desc = [
        scapy_all.FieldLenField("byte_count", 0, length_of="coil_status"),
                              length_from=lambda x: x.length)

    def extract_padding(self, p):
        return p[:self.length], p[self.length:]
Ejemplo n.º 5
class CIP_ResponseStatus(scapy_all.Packet):
    """The response field of CIP headers"""
    name = "CIP_ResponseStatus"
    fields_desc = [
        scapy_all.XByteField("reserved", 0),  # Reserved byte, always null
        scapy_all.ByteEnumField("status", 0, {0: "success"}),
        scapy_all.XByteField("additional_size", 0),
        scapy_all.StrLenField("additional", "",  # additionnal status
                              length_from=lambda p: 2 * p.additional_size),

        0x00: "Success",
        0x01: "Connection failure",
        0x02: "Resource unavailable",
        0x03: "Invalid parameter value",
        0x04: "Path segment error",
        0x05: "Path destination unknown",
        0x06: "Partial transfer",
        0x07: "Connection lost",
        0x08: "Service not supported",
        0x09: "Invalid attribute value",
        0x0a: "Attribute list error",
        0x0b: "Already in requested mode/state",
        0x0c: "Object state conflict",
        0x0d: "Object already exists",
        0x0e: "Attribute not settable",
        0x0f: "Privilege violation",
        0x10: "Device state conflict",
        0x11: "Reply data too large",
        0x12: "Fragmentation of a primitive value",
        0x13: "Not enough data",
        0x14: "Attribute not supported",
        0x15: "Too much data",
        0x16: "Object does not exist",
        0x17: "Service fragmentation sequence not in progress",
        0x18: "No stored attribute data",
        0x19: "Store operation failure",
        0x1a: "Routing failure, request packet too large",
        0x1b: "Routing failure, response packet too large",
        0x1c: "Missing attribute list entry data",
        0x1d: "Invalid attribute value list",
        0x1e: "Embedded service error",
        0x1f: "Vendor specific error",
        0x20: "Invalid parameter",
        0x21: "Write-once value or medium already written",
        0x22: "Invalid reply received",
        0x23: "Buffer overflow",
        0x24: "Invalid message format",
        0x25: "Key failure in path",
        0x26: "Path size invalid",
        0x27: "Unexpected attribute in list",
        0x28: "Invalid Member ID",
        0x29: "Member not settable",
        0x2a: "Group 2 only server general failure",
        0x2b: "Unknown Modbus error",
        0x2c: "Attribute not gettable",

    def extract_padding(self, p):
        return "", p

    def __repr__(self):
        if self.reserved != 0:
            return scapy_all.Packet.__repr__(self)

        # Known status
        if self.status in self.ERROR_CODES and self.additional_size == 0:
            return "<CIP_ResponseStatus  status={}>".format(self.ERROR_CODES[self.status])

        # Simple status
        if self.additional_size == 0:
            return "<CIP_ResponseStatus  status=%#x>" % self.status

        # Forward Open failure
        if self.status == 1 and self.additional == b"\x00\x01":
            return "<CIP_ResponseStatus  status=Connection failure>"
        return scapy_all.Packet.__repr__(self)