def find_qualitative_path_ptlike(self, action, zones, initial_zone):
        scenario = Scenario_Generator(self.width, self.height, self.immobile_objs, self.mobile_objs, self.manipulatable_obj, self.target_obj, showRender=False)
        traj = scenario.find_man_traj()
        b2contacts = scenario.find_contacts_with_mobile_objs()
        #print contacts
        pre_zone = initial_zone        
        path = [initial_zone]

        for traj_pt in traj:
            occupied_zone = -1
            man_position = Point(traj_pt)
            for i in xrange(len(zones)):
                if zones[i].contains(man_position):
                    occupied_zone = i
            # if out of scope, still wait to see if it will come back, quite slow
            if occupied_zone == -1 or occupied_zone == pre_zone:


            if occupied_zone == -1:
                # reach end zone

            elif occupied_zone == pre_zone:
            pre_zone = occupied_zone

        return path, b2contacts
    def explore_qualitative_path(self, qualitative_path, direction_range):
        print "explore path: ", qualitative_path

        impulse_range = (IMPULSE_RANGE_X, direction_range)
        num_sampled_points = 100
        actions = self.__sample_n_points_from_range(num_sampled_points, impulse_range)
        for action in actions:
            #path, contacts_info =  self.find_qualitative_path_ptlike(action, self.zones, self.initial_zone)
            path = self.find_qualitative_path_rich(action, self.zones, self.initial_zone)
            print "sampled path: ", path
            #path = str(self.make_path_complete(path, self.graph)).strip('[]')
            if qualitative_path not in path:
                #print "perturb_action: ", action
                max_mu = self.perturb_action(action, qualitative_path)
                mu_list = np.random.normal(max_mu, 20, 100)                

                for mu in mu_list:
                    _action = (mu, action[1])
                    scenario = Scenario_Generator(self.width, self.height, self.immobile_objs, self.mobile_objs, self.manipulatable_obj, self.target_obj, showRender=False)
                    self.simulation_counter = self.simulation_counter + 1
                    print "sample action: ", _action               
                    if scenario.solved:
                        print "solution detected ", _action, " ", self.simulation_counter
                        return _action
        return -1
    def evaluate(self, action, zones, graph):

        scenario = Scenario_Generator(
        game_objects = scenario.getGameObjects()
        end_position, shape = scenario.evaluate(action)
        radius = shape.radius
        end_position = Point(end_position)
        circular_region_ball = end_position.buffer(radius)
        occupied_zones = []
        for i in xrange(len(zones)):
            if zones[i].intersects(circular_region_ball):
        if len(occupied_zones) == 0:
            return len(zones)  # set to the maximum length
        min_d = 9999
        for occupied_zone in occupied_zones:
            length = nx.shortest_path_length(graph, source=occupied_zone, target=self.target_zone)

            if length < min_d:
                min_d = length

        return min_d
 def __apply__action__(self, impulse):
     scenario = Scenario_Generator(
 def explore_path(self, sampled_actions, root_path):
     print "explore path: ", root_path
     num_sampled_points = 100
     solution = -1
     for action in sampled_actions:
         max_mu = self.perturb_action(action, root_path)
         mu_list = np.random.normal(max_mu, 20, 100)
         for mu in mu_list:
             _action = (mu, action[1])
             scenario = Scenario_Generator(self.width, self.height, self.immobile_objs, self.mobile_objs, self.manipulatable_obj, self.target_obj, showRender=False)
             self.simulation_counter = self.simulation_counter + 1
             if scenario.solved:
                 print "solved !!!!!!!!!!!!!!: ", self.simulation_counter
                 return _action
     return solution
    def test_old_evaluate(self, action):
        scenario = Scenario_Generator(self.width, self.height, self.immobile_objs, self.mobile_objs, self.manipulatable_obj, self.target_obj, showRender=False)
        game_objects = scenario.getGameObjects()
        graph, zones = triangulate(game_objects, self.width, self.height)  
        end_position, shape =  scenario.evaluate(action)
        end_position =  Point(end_position)
        last_zone = -1
        for i in xrange(len(zones)):
            if zones[i].contains(end_position):
                last_zone = i
        if last_zone == -1:
            return len(zones) # set to the maximum length

        score = nx.shortest_path_length(graph, source=i, target=self.target_zone)
        return score
    def find_qualitative_path_extended(self, velocity, zones, man_obj_id):

        scenario = Scenario_Generator(self.width, self.height, self.immobile_objs, self.mobile_objs, self.manipulatable_obj, self.target_obj, showRender=False)
        scenario.current_man_id = man_obj_id
        traj = scenario.find_man_traj()
        b2contacts = scenario.find_contacts_with_mobile_objs()

        initial_zone = -1
        pre_zone = initial_zone
        path = [initial_zone]
        for traj_pt in traj:
            occupied_zone = -1

            man_position = Point(traj_pt)
            for i in xrange(len(zones)):
                if zones[i].contains(man_position):
                    occupied_zone = i

            # if out of scope, still wait to see if it will come back, quite slow
            if occupied_zone == -1 or occupied_zone == pre_zone:

            pre_zone = occupied_zone
        return path, b2contacts
Ejemplo n.º 8
    def explore_qualitative_path(self, qualitative_path, direction_range, essential_contact):
        print "explore path: ", qualitative_path, " essential_contact with: ", essential_contact, " direction range: ", direction_range

        impulse_range = (IMPULSE_RANGE_X, direction_range)
        num_sampled_points = 100
        actions = self.__sample_n_points_from_range(num_sampled_points, impulse_range)
        for action in actions:
            path, contacts_info =  self.find_qualitative_path_ptlike(action, self.zones, self.initial_zone)
            #print contacts_info
            #print action, path, " essential_contact: ", essential_contact, " : ", contacts_info
            essential_contact_detected = False
            for contact in contacts_info:
                if contact[0] == essential_contact:
                    essential_contact_detected = True
                if contact[0] == self.target_obj_id:
                        print "solution detected ", action, " ", self.simulation_counter, str(self.make_path_complete(path, self.graph)).strip('[]')

            if not essential_contact_detected:
            #print " path before:  ", path
            path = str(self.make_path_complete(path, self.graph)).strip('[]')
            #print "path after: " ,path
            print "perturb_action: ", action
            max_mu = self.perturb_action(action, path, essential_contact)
            mu_list = np.random.normal(max_mu, 20, 100)                

            for mu in mu_list:
                _action = (mu, action[1])
                scenario = Scenario_Generator(self.width, self.height, self.immobile_objs, self.mobile_objs, self.manipulatable_obj, self.target_obj, showRender=False)
                self.simulation_counter = self.simulation_counter + 1
                #print "sample action: ", _action               
                if scenario.solved:
                    print "solution detected ", _action, " ", self.simulation_counter
                    return _action
        return -1
    def find_qualitative_path_rich(self, action, zones, initial_zone):
        scenario = Scenario_Generator(self.width, self.height, self.immobile_objs, self.mobile_objs, self.manipulatable_obj, self.target_obj, showRender=False)
        traj = scenario.find_man_traj()
        num_zones = len(zones)
        initial_time, x,y, touching = traj[0]
        # ball must touch the surface
        last_touching_time = initial_time # beginning of the last touching
        last_state_time = initial_time
        last_touching_state = True # False: not touched, True, touched
        pre_zone = initial_zone
        last_motion_type = 0
        quali_path = ''
        for traj_pt in traj:
            time, x, y, touching = traj_pt
            man_position = Point(x,y)

            for i in xrange(num_zones):
                if zones[i].contains(man_position):
                    occupied_zone = i

            if occupied_zone == pre_zone:
                if last_touching_state == touching:
                    # previously touch, currently not
                    if last_touching_state: 
                        time_duration = time - last_touching_time
                        if time_duration > 30: #SLIDING
                            motion_type = 4
                            motion_type = 8 # BOUCING                           
                        motion_type = 2 # FLYING                    
                        last_touching_time = time

                    last_motion_type = last_motion_type | motion_type                    
                    last_motion_type = motion_type
                    last_touching_state = touching

                if time - last_state_time < 10:
                if last_motion_type == 0:
                    if last_touching_state:
                        time_duration = time - last_touching_time
                        if time_duration > 30:
                            last_motion_type = 4
                            last_motion_type = 8
                        last_motion_type = 2

                quali_path = quali_path + str(pre_zone) + "*" +str(last_motion_type) + ","
                last_touching_state = touching
                pre_zone = occupied_zone
                last_state_time = time
                last_motion_type = 0
                if touching:
                    last_touching_time = time   

        return quali_path
 def evaluate_with_velocity(self, velocity, object_id, zones, graph):
     scenario =  Scenario_Generator(self.width, self.height, self.immobile_objs, self.mobile_objs, self.manipulatable_obj, self.target_obj, showRender=False)
     end_position, shape = scenario.evaluate_with_velocity(velocity, object_id)
 def test_action(self, action):
     scenario =  Scenario_Generator(self.width, self.height, self.immobile_objs, self.mobile_objs, self.manipulatable_obj, self.target_obj, showRender=True)
     scenario.apply_impulse_obj(self.manipulatable_obj['id'], action)
    def solve_with_rules_classify(self):
        all_paths = []
        classification = {}
        essential_contacts = set([])
        quali_paths = []
        sectors_score = []
        for qualitative_paths_group in self.estimated_qualitative_paths_groups:
            path_by_dir = {}
            processed_paths = []
            direction, estimated_qualitative_paths = qualitative_paths_group

            for path_dir, path, essential_contact in estimated_qualitative_paths:
                comp_path = self.make_path_complete(path, self.graph)
                if comp_path not in quali_paths:
                if (path_dir[0], comp_path) not in processed_paths:
                    if path_dir[0] not in path_by_dir:                        
                        path_by_dir[path_dir[0]] = [comp_path]

            for path_dir in path_by_dir:
                # subdivide path_dir into 10 sectors
                #quali_paths = path_by_dir[path_dir]
                divided_sectors = self.divide_dir(path_dir)
                for sector in divided_sectors:
                    total_distance = 0
                    min_distance = 999
                    num_samples = 20
                    impulse_range = (IMPULSE_RANGE_X, sector)
                    actions = self.__sample_n_points_from_range(num_samples, impulse_range)
                    for action in actions:
                        path, contacts_info = self.find_qualitative_path_ptlike(action, self.zones, self.initial_zone)
                        essential_contact_detected = False
                        path = self.make_path_complete(path, self.graph)
                        for contact in contacts_info:

                            if contact[0] in essential_contacts:                               
                                if contact[0] == self.target_obj_id:
                                    print "solution detected ", action, " ", self.simulation_counter, str(self.make_path_complete(path, self.graph)).strip('[]')
                                    path_str = str(self.make_path_complete(path, self.graph)).strip('[]')
                                    #print "path after: " ,path
                                    print "perturb_action: ", action
                                    max_mu = self.perturb_action(action, path_str, essential_contact)
                                    mu_list = np.random.normal(max_mu, 20, 100)                

                                    for mu in mu_list:
                                        _action = (mu, action[1])
                                        scenario = Scenario_Generator(self.width, self.height, self.immobile_objs, self.mobile_objs, self.manipulatable_obj, self.target_obj, showRender=False)
                                        self.simulation_counter = self.simulation_counter + 1
                                        #print "sample action: ", _action               
                                        if scenario.solved:
                                            print "solution detected ", _action, " ", self.simulation_counter

                        distance = self.least_distance(path, quali_paths)
                        if distance < min_distance:
                            min_distance = distance
                        total_distance = total_distance + distance

                    heappush(sectors_score, (total_distance, sector))
    def solve_with_rules_classify(self):
        all_paths = []
        classification = {}
        essential_contacts = set([])
        quali_paths = []
        sectors_score = []

        path_by_dir = {}
        path_bounces = {}
        path_first_bounces = {}
        for path_dir, path, essential_contact, bounce_pos_list in self.estimated_qualitative_paths:  
           # print bounces_pos
            #heappush(all_paths, (len(bounces_pos), (path, bounces_pos)))
            #print path_dir

            comp_path = self.make_path_complete(path, self.graph)
            if comp_path not in quali_paths:
            if path_dir not in path_by_dir:                        
                path_by_dir[path_dir] = [comp_path]
                if len(bounce_pos_list) > 0:
                    path_bounces[path_dir] = [bounce_pos_list]
                    path_first_bounces[path_dir] = set([bounce_pos_list[0]])
                    path_first_bounces[path_dir] = set([])
                    path_bounces[path_dir] = []
                if len(bounce_pos_list) > 0:

        sort_dirs = []
        for path_dir in path_bounces:
            # calculate average bounce distance
            bounce_pos_list = path_bounces[path_dir]
            average_distance = 0
            for bounce_pos in bounce_pos_list:
                total_distance = 0
                r = 0.6
                for i in xrange(len(bounce_pos) - 1):
                    #print " ",  " bounce1:", bounce_pos[i], "  bounce2: ", bounce_pos[i+1],  self.zone_distance[(bounce_pos[i], bounce_pos[i+1])], 
                    #total_distance = total_distance + self.zone_distance[(bounce_pos[i], bounce_pos[i+1])]
                    #total_distance = total_distance + self.zone_distance[(bounce_pos[i], bounce_pos[i+1])] * pow(r,len(bounce_pos) - i)
                    total_distance = total_distance + self.zone_distance[(bounce_pos[i], bounce_pos[i+1])] * pow(1+r, i)
                #average_distance = average_distance + total_distance/len(bounce_pos)
                average_distance = average_distance + total_distance
            if len(bounce_pos_list) == 0:
                average_distance = 0
                average_distance = average_distance/len(bounce_pos_list)
            print "path_dir: ", path_dir, "  ", average_distance

            heappush(sort_dirs, (average_distance, path_dir))
        while all_paths:
            path, bounces_pos = heappop(all_paths)
            print path, " bounces: ", bounces_pos
        while sort_dirs:
        #for path_dir in path_by_dir:
            distance, path_dir = heappop(sort_dirs)
            print "Test dir range: ", path_dir, " distance ", distance 
            #bounces_count = 0

            #for bounces_pos in path_bounces[path_dir]:
            #    print bounces_pos
            # subdivide path_dir into 10 sectors
            #quali_paths = path_by_dir[path_dir]
            divided_sectors = self.divide_dir(path_dir)
            use_less_path = False
            num_iter = 10 #4
            while num_iter > 0 and not use_less_path:
                num_iter = num_iter - 1
                bounces_count = 0
                for sector in divided_sectors:
                    num_samples = 10
                    impulse_range = (IMPULSE_RANGE_X, sector)
                    actions = self.__sample_n_points_from_range(num_samples, impulse_range)
                    #print "test sector: ", sector
                    #print actions
                    for action in actions:

                        path, contacts_info, solved = self.find_qualitative_path_ptlike(action, self.zones, self.initial_zone)
                        if solved:
                            print "solution detected: ", action, "  ", self.simulation_counter

                        essential_contact_detected = False
                        path = self.make_path_complete(path, self.graph)
                        for first_bounces in path_first_bounces[path_dir]:
                            if first_bounces in path:
                                bounces_count = bounces_count + 1

                        for contact in contacts_info:
                           if contact[0] in essential_contacts:                               
                                path_str = str(self.make_path_complete(path, self.graph)).strip('[]')
                                #print "path after: " ,path
                                print "perturb_action: ", action
                                max_mu = self.perturb_action(action, path_str, essential_contact)
                                mu_list = np.random.normal(max_mu, 20, 100)                

                                for mu in mu_list:
                                    _action = (mu, action[1])
                                    scenario = Scenario_Generator(self.width, self.height, self.immobile_objs, self.mobile_objs, self.manipulatable_obj, self.target_obj, showRender=False)
                                    self.simulation_counter = self.simulation_counter + 1
                                    #print "sample action: ", _action               
                                    if scenario.solved:
                                        print "solution detected ", _action, " ", self.simulation_counter
                if bounces_count == 0:
                    print "exit at: ", 10 - num_iter
                    use_less_path = True
    def __init__(self, scenario_file):

    	# create scenario
    	self.width, self.height, self.immobile_objs, self.mobile_objs, self.manipulatable_obj, self.target_obj = loadScenario(scenario_file)
    	scenario = Scenario_Generator(self.width, self.height, self.immobile_objs, self.mobile_objs, self.manipulatable_obj, self.target_obj, showRender=False)
    	game_objects = scenario.getGameObjects()
    	self.graph, self.edges_index, self.edges_dir, self.edges_by_tri, self.vertices_of_edges, self.is_edge_surface, self.tri_by_surface, self.surface_rel_dic, self.tri_neighbor_by_edge, self.edges_by_object_id, self.objects_id_by_edge, self.zones = triangulate_advanced(game_objects, self.width, self.height)

        self.initial_zone = -1
        initial_obj = scenario.b2_objects[self.manipulatable_obj['id']]

        initial_position = Point(initial_obj.position)
        for i in xrange(len(self.zones)):
            if self.zones[i].contains(initial_position):
                self.initial_zone = i

        self.target_zones = []
        target_edges = self.edges_by_object_id[self.target_obj['id']]
        for edge in target_edges:
            #print "edge: ", edge
            if edge in self.edges_index:

        initial_edge = None
        for edge in self.edges_by_tri[self.initial_zone]:
            if self.is_on_surface(initial_obj, edge):
                initial_edge = edge


        #self.target_zone = 8

        self.initial_obj_id = self.manipulatable_obj['id']
        self.target_obj_id = self.target_obj['id']

        initial_motion = "FLYING"
        self.initial_directions = []
        self.initial_states = []
        #path =

        for target_zone in self.target_zones:
            simple_paths = nx.all_simple_paths(self.graph, source=self.initial_zone, target=target_zone)
            for path in simple_paths:        
                initial_target_edge = self.graph.get_edge_data(path[0], path[1])['rel']
                initial_direction = self.edges_dir[(self.edges_index[initial_edge], self.edges_index[initial_target_edge])]
                if initial_direction not in self.initial_directions:
                    initial_state = (path[0], initial_edge, initial_direction, initial_motion, None, self.initial_obj_id) 

        #print target_edge

        self.root_paths = {}

    	self.all_paths = []
    def __init__(self, scenario_file):

        # create scenario
        self.width, self.height, self.immobile_objs, self.mobile_objs, self.manipulatable_obj, self.target_obj = loadScenario(scenario_file)
        scenario = Scenario_Generator(self.width, self.height, self.immobile_objs, self.mobile_objs, self.manipulatable_obj, self.target_obj, showRender=False)
        game_objects = scenario.getGameObjects()

        self.b2_objects = scenario.b2_objects
        ## draw triangulation
        # tri = [] may cause segmentation fault
        tri = None
        self.graph, self.edges_index, self.edges_dir, self.edges_by_tri, self.vertices_of_edges, self.is_edge_surface, self.tri_by_surface, self.surface_rel_dic, self.tri_neighbor_by_edge, self.edges_by_object_id, self.objects_id_by_edge, self.edges_length, self.zones = triangulate_advanced(game_objects, self.width, self.height, tri)
        #triangulate_advanced(game_objects, self.width, self.height, tri)
        #triangulate_advanced(game_objects, self.width, self.height, tri)

        #dt(self.graph, tri, self.zones)

        self.initial_zone = -1
        initial_obj = scenario.b2_objects[self.manipulatable_obj['id']]

        self.object_size = 16

        initial_position = Point(initial_obj.position)
        for i in xrange(len(self.zones)):
            if self.zones[i].contains(initial_position):
                self.initial_zone = i

        self.target_zones = []

        target_edges = self.edges_by_object_id[self.target_obj['id']]
        for edge in target_edges:
            #print "edge: ", edge
            if edge in self.edges_index:

        self.initial_edge = None
        min_d = 99999

        for edge in self.edges_by_tri[self.initial_zone]:
            flag, distance = self.is_on_surface(initial_obj, edge)
            if flag:
                self.initial_edge = edge
                if min_d > distance:
                    min_d = distance
                    self.initial_edge = edge


        #self.target_zone = 8

        self.initial_obj_id = self.manipulatable_obj['id']
        self.target_obj_id = self.target_obj['id']

        initial_motion = "FLYING"
        self.initial_directions = []
        self.initial_states = []
        #path =
        self.initial_position = self.b2_objects[self.manipulatable_obj['id']].position
        for target_zone in self.target_zones:

            simple_paths = nx.all_simple_paths(self.graph, source=self.initial_zone, target=target_zone)
            for path in simple_paths:        
                initial_target_edge = self.graph.get_edge_data(path[0], path[1])['rel']
                #initial_direction = self.edges_dir[(self.edges_index[initial_edge], self.edges_index[initial_target_edge])]
                ########################## DEBUG  added #######################
                initial_direction = self.compute_initial_direction_exact_position(self.initial_position, self.vertices_of_edges[initial_target_edge])
                if initial_direction[0] < 0:
                    initial_direction = (0, initial_direction[1])
                ############################ ###################################################
                if initial_direction not in self.initial_directions:
                    ### state = (current zone id, current edge index set, direction:[(),()], motion_type, collision happened, direction before updated, current obj id)

                    initial_state = (path[0], self.initial_edge, initial_direction, initial_motion, False , None, self.initial_obj_id) 

                    ### check if can slide:
                    if self.is_edge_surface[self.initial_edge] == 1:
                        connected_surfaces = self.surface_rel_dic[self.initial_edge]
                        for surface_info in connected_surfaces:
                            connected_surface, on_surface_direction, exiting_direction, intersection_angle = surface_info

                            if on_surface_direction[0] <= initial_direction[1] and on_surface_direction[0] >=initial_direction[0]:
                                initial_state = (path[0], self.initial_edge, on_surface_direction, SLIDING, False, None, self.initial_obj_id)
                                #print "add initial state ", initial_state
                    if self.is_edge_surface[self.initial_edge] == 1:
                        connected_surfaces = self.surface_rel_dic[self.initial_edge]
                        for surface_info in connected_surfaces:
                            connected_surface, on_surface_direction, exiting_direction, intersection_angle = surface_info
                            if self.tri_by_surface[connected_surface] == path[1]:
                                initial_state = (path[0], self.initial_edge, on_surface_direction, SLIDING, False, None, self.initial_obj_id )

                                # add event
                    ##### Can remove later

        #print self.edges_by_object_id[self.target_obj_id]

        self.root_paths = {}

        self.all_paths = []
from game_object import GameObject as GOBJ
#from path_finding import createGraph
from triangulation import triangulate, triangulate_advanced
import numpy as np
import networkx as nx
from triangle_utils import triangle_center
from triangle_relation import printRels
from scenario_reader import loadScenario

#scenario_file = './scenarios/s3.json'
file_name = 's2'
scenario_width, scenario_height, immobile_objs, mobile_objs, manipulatable_obj, target_obj = loadScenario('./scenarios/' + file_name + '.json')
scenario = SG(scenario_width, scenario_height, immobile_objs, mobile_objs, manipulatable_obj, target_obj, showRender=True)
## get objects 
game_objects = scenario.getGameObjects()
tri = []
graph, edges_index, edges_dirs, edges_by_tri, vertices_of_edges, edges_surface_dic, tri_by_surface, surface_rel_dic, tri_neighbor_by_edge, edges_by_object_id, objects_id_by_edge, zones = triangulate_advanced(game_objects, scenario_width, scenario_height, tri)


################### Arrange graph according to the position of triangles #########

#triangles_by_vertices = tri["vertices"][tri["triangles"]]
pos = {}
for index, triangle in enumerate(zones):

	pos[index] = (triangle.centroid.x, triangle.centroid.y)
Ejemplo n.º 17
    def solve_with_rules_classify(self):
        all_paths = []
        classification = {}
        essential_contacts = set([])
        quali_paths = []
        sectors_score = []
        path_by_dir = {}
        path_bounces = {}
        for path_dir, path, essential_contact, bounces_pos in self.estimated_qualitative_paths:  
           # print bounces_pos
            heappush(all_paths, (len(bounces_pos), (path, bounces_pos)))
            #print path_dir

            comp_path = self.make_path_complete(path, self.graph)
            if comp_path not in quali_paths:
            if path_dir not in path_by_dir:                        
                path_by_dir[path_dir] = [comp_path]
                path_bounces[path_dir] = [bounces_pos]
        while all_paths:
            path, bounces_pos = heappop(all_paths)
            print path, " bounces: ", bounces_pos
        for path_dir in path_by_dir:

            print "Test dir range: ", path_dir
            for bounces_pos in path_bounces[path_dir]:
                print bounces_pos
            # subdivide path_dir into 10 sectors
            #quali_paths = path_by_dir[path_dir]
            divided_sectors = self.divide_dir(path_dir)
            for sector in divided_sectors:
                total_distance = 0
                min_distance = 999
                num_samples = 40
                impulse_range = (IMPULSE_RANGE_X, sector)
                actions = self.__sample_n_points_from_range(num_samples, impulse_range)
                #print "test sector: ", sector
                #print actions
                for action in actions:
                    path, contacts_info, solved = self.find_qualitative_path_ptlike(action, self.zones, self.initial_zone)
                    if solved:
                        print "solution detected: ", action, "  ", self.simulation_counter

                    essential_contact_detected = False
                    path = self.make_path_complete(path, self.graph)
                    for contact in contacts_info:

                        ############### ERROR, Target object will not be in contacts ############################
                        if contact[0] == self.target_obj_id:
                                print "solution detected ", action, " ", self.simulation_counter, str(self.make_path_complete(path, self.graph)).strip('[]')
                        if contact[0] in essential_contacts:                               
                            path_str = str(self.make_path_complete(path, self.graph)).strip('[]')
                            #print "path after: " ,path
                            print "perturb_action: ", action
                            max_mu = self.perturb_action(action, path_str, essential_contact)
                            mu_list = np.random.normal(max_mu, 20, 100)                

                            for mu in mu_list:
                                _action = (mu, action[1])
                                scenario = Scenario_Generator(self.width, self.height, self.immobile_objs, self.mobile_objs, self.manipulatable_obj, self.target_obj, showRender=False)
                                self.simulation_counter = self.simulation_counter + 1
                                #print "sample action: ", _action               
                                if scenario.solved:
                                    print "solution detected ", _action, " ", self.simulation_counter

                    distance = self.least_distance(path, quali_paths)
                    if distance < min_distance:
                        min_distance = distance
                    total_distance = total_distance + distance

                heappush(sectors_score, (total_distance, sector))