Ejemplo n.º 1
def get_amount(amount_min):
    amount = 0
    while amount < amount_min or amount > amount_max:
        rv = random.uniform(0, 1)
        if rv < 0.4:
            amount = amount_max - int(chi2.rvs(2, loc=50, scale=400)) * 1000
        elif rv < 0.85:
            amount = amount_max - int(chi2.rvs(3, loc=220, scale=435)) * 1000
            amount = amount_max - int(norm.rvs(loc=595, scale=55)) * 1000
    return amount
Ejemplo n.º 2
def chi2_distribution():
    fig, ax = plt.subplots(1, 1)
    #display the probability density function
    df = 10
    x=np.linspace(chi2.ppf(0.01, df), chi2.ppf(0.99, df), 100)
    ax.plot(x, chi2.pdf(x,df))
    #simulate the chi2 distribution
    y = []
    for i in range(1000):
        r = norm.rvs(size=n)
        for j in range(n):

    ax.hist(y, normed=True, alpha=0.2) 
    fig, ax = plt.subplots(1, 1)
    #display the probability density function
    df = 10
    x=np.linspace(-4, 4, 100)
    ax.plot(x, t.pdf(x,df))
    #simulate the t-distribution
    y = []
    for i in range(1000):
        rx = norm.rvs()
        ry = chi2.rvs(df)
        rt = rx/np.sqrt(ry/df)

    ax.hist(y, normed=True, alpha=0.2)
    fig, ax = plt.subplots(1, 1)
    #display the probability density function
    dfn, dfm = 10, 5
    x = np.linspace(f.ppf(0.01, dfn, dfm), f.ppf(0.99, dfn, dfm), 100)
    ax.plot(x, f.pdf(x, dfn, dfm))
    #simulate the F-distribution
    y = []
    for i in range(1000):
        rx = chi2.rvs(dfn)
        ry = chi2.rvs(dfm)
        rf = np.sqrt(rx/dfn)/np.sqrt(ry/dfm)

    ax.hist(y, normed=True, alpha=0.2)
Ejemplo n.º 3
		def fill(x, y):
			if x == y:
				return chi2.rvs(degree_of_freedom - x - 1)[0]
			elif x < y:
				return a_lower.pop()
				return 0
Ejemplo n.º 4
def F_distribution():
    fig, ax = plt.subplots(1, 1)
    # display the probability density function
    dfn, dfm = 10, 5
    x = np.linspace(f.ppf(0.01, dfn, dfm), f.ppf(0.99, dfn, dfm), 100)
    ax.plot(x, f.pdf(x, dfn, dfm))

    # simulate the F-distribution
    y = []
    for i in range(1000):
        rx = chi2.rvs(dfn)
        ry = chi2.rvs(dfm)
        rf = np.sqrt(rx / dfn) / np.sqrt(ry / dfm)

    ax.hist(y, normed=True, alpha=0.2)
Ejemplo n.º 5
 def sample_from_prior(self, hps, rng):
     # uniform distribution on mu
     comp_k = hps['comp_k']
     mu = np.random.rand(comp_k) 
     var = chi2.rvs(self.CHI_VAL, size=comp_k)*hps['var_scale'] + self.EPSILON
     pi = np.random.dirichlet(np.ones(comp_k)*hps['dir_alpha'])
     return mu, var, pi
Ejemplo n.º 6
def wishartrand(nu, phi):
    """Returns wishart distributed variables (modified from
    dim = phi.shape[0]
    chol = cholesky(phi)
    foo = np.tril(norm.rvs(loc=0,scale=1,size=(dim,dim)))
    temp = [np.sqrt(chi2.rvs(nu-(i+1)+1)) for i in np.arange(dim)]
    foo[np.diag_indices(dim)] = temp
    return np.dot(chol, np.dot(foo, np.dot(foo.T, chol.T)))
Ejemplo n.º 7
    def SimulateUniforms(self):
        """docstring for Simulate"""
        mean = [0.0] * self.size
        cov = self.copula_covariance

        s = chi2.rvs(self.dof)
        Z = multivariate_normal(mean, cov)
        X = [math.sqrt(self.dof)/math.sqrt(s) * z for z in Z]
        Y = [t.cdf(x, self.dof) for x in X]

        return Y
Ejemplo n.º 8
def get_nbh_sizes(n, p):
    eta = chi2.ppf(0.95, p)
    c1 = (4*np.pi)**(-p*1./2)*chi2.cdf(2*eta, p)
    c21 = 1./(np.pi*(p+2))**2*(p*1./2*gammafun(p*1./2))**(4./p)
    N = 1000000
    chi2_rnd = chi2.rvs(p, size=N)
    c22 = (2*np.pi)**(-1./2+2./p)*np.mean((chi2_rnd <= eta)*(chi2_rnd-p)**2*np.exp(-(1./2-2./p)*chi2_rnd))
    c2 = c21*c22
    k1 = int(np.ceil(n**(4./(p+4))*(p*c1/c2)**(p*1./(p+4))))
    k2 = int(np.ceil(p*1./5*k1*np.sqrt(np.log(np.log(k1)))))
    return k1, k2
Ejemplo n.º 9
def get_amount(amount_min):
    amount = 0
    while amount < amount_min or amount > amount_max:
        rv = random.uniform(0, 1)
        if rv < 0.3:
            amount = amount_max - int(norm.rvs(loc=120, scale=30)) * 1000
        elif rv < 0.55:
            amount = amount_max - int(chi2.rvs(5, loc=380, scale=145)) * 1000
            amount = amount_max - int(norm.rvs(loc=660, scale=145)) * 1000
    return amount
Ejemplo n.º 10
    def wishartrand(self):
        dim = self.inv_psi.shape[0]
        foo = np.zeros((dim,dim))

        for i in range(dim):
            for j in range(i+1):
                if i == j:
                    foo[i,j] = np.sqrt(chi2.rvs(self.nu-(i+1)+1))
                    foo[i,j]  = np.random.normal(0,1)
        return np.dot(self.cholesky, np.dot(foo, np.dot(foo.T, self.cholesky.T)))
Ejemplo n.º 11
    def sample_invwishart(S, nu):
        n = S.shape[0]
        chol = np.linalg.cholesky(S)

        if (nu <= 81 + n) and (nu == np.round(nu)):
            x = npr.randn(nu, n)
            x = np.diag(np.sqrt(np.atleast_1d(chi2.rvs(nu - np.arange(n)))))
            x[np.triu_indices_from(x, 1)] = npr.randn(n*(n-1)//2)
        R = np.linalg.qr(x, 'r')
        T = solve_triangular(R.T, chol.T, lower=True).T
        return np.dot(T, T.T)
Ejemplo n.º 12
def noisy_power_spectrum(S):
    Create a noisy power spectrum, given some input power spectrum S, following
    the recipe of Vaughan (2010), MNRAS, 402, 307, appendix B

    S : numpy array
        Theoretical fourier power spectrum, from the first non-zero frequency
        up to the Nyquist frequency.

    # Number of positive frequencies to calculate.
    K = len(S)

    # chi-squared(2) random numbers for all frequencies except the nyquist
    # frequency
    X = np.concatenate((chi2.rvs(2, size=K - 1),
                        chi2.rvs(1, size=1)))
    # power spectrum
    return S * X / 2.0
Ejemplo n.º 13
def wishartrand(nu, phi):
    dim = phi.shape[0]
    chol = cholesky(phi)
    foo = np.zeros((dim, dim))

    for i in range(dim):
        for j in range(i + 1):
            if i == j:
                foo[i, j] = np.sqrt(chi2.rvs(nu - (i + 1) + 1))
                foo[i, j] = np.random.normal(0, 1)
    return np.dot(chol, np.dot(foo, np.dot(foo.T, chol.T)))
Ejemplo n.º 14
def sample_post(hp, ss):
    Draw samples from the marginal posteriors of mu and sigmasq

    Murphy, Eqs. 156 & 167
    z = _intermediates(hp, ss)
    # Sample from the inverse-chi^2 using the transform from the chi^2
    sigmasq_star = z.nu * z.sigmasq / chi2.rvs(z.nu)
    mu_star = norm.rvs(z.mu, sqrt(sigmasq_star / z.kappa))

    return (mu_star, sigmasq_star)
Ejemplo n.º 15
def wishartrand_prec(nu, inv_phi):
	dim = inv_phi.shape[0]
	chol = cholesky(inv_phi)
	#nu = nu+dim - 1
	#nu = nu + 1 - np.arange(1,dim+1)
	#foo = npr.randn(dim,dim )
	foo = np.zeros((dim, dim))
	for i in range(dim):
		for j in range(i):
			foo[i,j] = npr.normal(0,1)
		foo[i,i] = np.sqrt(chi2.rvs(nu-(i+1)+1))
	return np.dot(chol, np.dot(foo, np.dot(foo.T, chol.T)))
Ejemplo n.º 16
def multivariate_t(nu, mu, sigma):
    Density of the multivariate t distribution with nu degress of freedom.

    Keyword parameters:
    nu -- degress of fredom
    mu -- location
    sigma -- scale
    d = len(mu)
    Y = multivariate_normal.rvs(mean=np.zeros(d), cov=sigma)
    U = chi2.rvs(nu)
    return mu + Y*np.sqrt(nu/U)
Ejemplo n.º 17
    def sample_param(self, hps):
        draw a sample 

        sigmasq = hps['nu'] * hps['sigmasq'] / chi2.rvs(hps['nu'])
        std = np.sqrt(sigmasq / hps['kappa'])
        mu = np.random.normal(hps['mu'], std)

        return {'sigmasq' : sigmasq, 
                'mu' : mu}
Ejemplo n.º 18
def sample_wishart_v2(nu, Lambda):
    From Sawyer, et. al. 'Wishart Distributions and Inverse-Wishart Sampling'
    Runs in constant time
    d = Lambda.shape[0]
    ch = cholesky(Lambda)
    T = numpy.zeros((d, d))
    for i in xrange(d):
        if i != 0:
            T[i, :i] = numpy.random.normal(size=(i,))
        T[i, i] = sqrt(chi2.rvs(nu - i + 1))
    return dot(dot(dot(ch, T), T.T), ch.T)
Ejemplo n.º 19
def wishartrand(nu, phi):
    dim = phi.shape[0]
    chol = cholesky(phi)
    #nu = nu+dim - 1
    #nu = nu + 1 - np.arange(1,dim+1)
    foo = np.zeros((dim,dim))
    for i in range(dim):
        for j in range(i+1):
            if i == j:
                foo[i,j] = np.sqrt(chi2.rvs(nu-(i+1)+1))
                foo[i,j]  = npr.normal(0,1)
    return dot(chol, dot(foo, dot(foo.T, chol.T)))
Ejemplo n.º 20
def wishart_rnd( nu, S, chol = None ):

  dim = S.shape[0]
  if chol is None:
    chol = np.linalg.cholesky(S)
  #nu = nu+dim - 1
  #nu = nu + 1 - np.arange(1,dim+1)
  a = np.zeros((dim,dim))
  for i in range(dim):
      for j in range(i+1):
          if i == j:
              a[i,j] = np.sqrt(chi2.rvs(nu-(i+1)+1))
              a[i,j]  = np.random.normal(0,1)
  return np.dot(chol, np.dot(a, np.dot(a.T, chol.T)))
Ejemplo n.º 21
Archivo: 33.py Proyecto: XNYu/Statistic
def t_distribution():
    fig, ax = plt.subplots(1, 1)
    #display the probability density function
    df = 10
    x=np.linspace(-4, 4, 100)
    ax.plot(x, t.pdf(x,df))
    #simulate the t-distribution
    y = []
    for i in range(1000):
        rx = norm.rvs()
        ry = chi2.rvs(df)
        rt = rx/np.sqrt(ry/df)

    ax.hist(y, normed=True, alpha=0.2)
Ejemplo n.º 22
    def fit(self, X, y):

        X_X = X.T.dot(X)
        # Least squares approximate of beta
        beta_hat = np.linalg.pinv(X_X).dot(X.T).dot(y)

        # The posterior parameters can be determined analytically since we assume conjugate priors for the likelihoods
        # Normal prior / likelihood => Normal posterior
        mu_n = np.linalg.pinv(X_X + self.omega0).dot(X_X.dot(beta_hat) + self.omega0.dot(self.mu0))
        omega_n = X_X + self.omega0
        # Scaled inverse chi-squared prior / likelihood => Scaled inverse chi-squared posterior
        nu_n = self.nu0 + np.shape(X)[0]
        sigma_sq_n = (1.0 / nu_n) * (self.nu0 * self.sigma_sq0 + (y.T.dot(y) + self.mu0.T.dot(self.omega0).dot(self.mu0) - mu_n.T.dot(omega_n.dot(mu_n))))

        # Simulate parameter values for n_iter
        beta_draws = np.empty((self.n_iterations, np.shape(X)[1]))
        for i in range(self.n_iterations):
            # Allows for simulation from the scaled inverse chi squared distribution.
            X = chi2.rvs(size=1, df=nu_n)
            sigma_sq = nu_n * sigma_sq_n / X
            beta = multivariate_normal.rvs(size=1, mean=mu_n[:, 0], cov=sigma_sq * np.linalg.pinv(omega_n))
            beta_draws[i, :] = beta

        self.w = np.mean(beta_draws, axis=0)
Ejemplo n.º 23
    def sample(self, eta, size=1):
        A sample of sufficient statistics given the natural parameters, eta.

        This uses the method detailed by `Smith & Hocking
        from scipy.stats import norm, chi2
        X = empty((size, self.dimension), float64)
        n, V = self.theta(eta)
        L = cholesky(V)
        std_norm = norm(0, 1)
        for sample_idx in xrange(size):
            # avoid singular matrices by resampling until the determinant is !=
            # 0.0
            while True:
                A = zeros((self.p, self.p), dtype=float64)
                for i in xrange(self.p):
                    A[i, :i] = std_norm.rvs(size=i)
                    A[i, i] = sqrt(chi2.rvs(n - i))
                if det(A) != 0.0:
            X[sample_idx] = self.T(dot(L, dot(A, dot(A.T, L.T))))
        return X
Ejemplo n.º 24
def rchisquare_inv_scaled2(df,scale,size=None):
    x = chi2.rvs(df,size=size)
    if (size is None):
        return (1/x)*df*scale
        return [(1/e)*df*scale for e in x]
Ejemplo n.º 25
from scipy.stats import chi2
import numpy as np
import matplotlib.pyplot as plt

a = chi2.rvs(0.5, size=100)
plt.hist(a, bins=10, density=True, color='green')
pl.rc('font', size=14)
fig = pl.figure(figsize=(6,5), dpi=100)

nud = 24. # number of degrees of freedom of data
sigmad = np.sqrt(2.*nud) # standard deviation of data

N = 15 # number of samples
nu = N-1 # number of degrees of freedom
sigma = 2. # standard devaition on measurements

# create a short frequency series power spectrum using chi-squared distribution
if os.path.isfile('chisquared_data.txt'):
  # use previously created data if it exists
  data = np.loadtxt('chisquared_data.txt')
  data = chi2.rvs(nud, size=N)
  np.savetxt('chisquared_data.txt', data, '%.5f')

# add a small spike into one frequency bin
data[7] = 55.

# plot spectrum
pl.errorbar(range(1,N+1), data, yerr=sigmad, fmt='o')
ax = pl.gca()
ax.set_xlabel('Frequency bin', fontsize=14)
ax.set_ylabel('Power spectral density', fontsize=14)
ax.text(8.9, 60., '$\hat{\mu} = \\frac{1}{15}\sum x_i = %.1f$' % np.mean(data), fontsize=18,
        bbox={'facecolor': 'none', 'pad':14, 'ec': 'r'})   
Ejemplo n.º 27
def sample_var(var_bar, ν, err, N):
    return (ν * var_bar + err) / chi2.rvs(ν + N)
Ejemplo n.º 28
def chi2_bids(n):
    return chi2.rvs(4, size=n)
Ejemplo n.º 29
# Copyright:   (c) Jean 2019
# Licence:     <your licence>

import numpy as np
from scipy.stats import chi2
import matplotlib.pyplot as plt

fig, ax = plt.subplots(1, 1)

df = 55
mean, var, skew, kurt = chi2.stats(df, moments='mvsk')
#Display the probability density function (pdf)
x = np.linspace(chi2.ppf(0.01, df), chi2.ppf(0.99, df), 100)
ax.plot(x, chi2.pdf(x, df), 'r-', lw=5, alpha=0.6, label='chi2 pdf')

#Freeze the distribution and display the frozen pdf
rv = chi2(df)
ax.plot(x, rv.pdf(x), 'k-', lw=2, label='frozen pdf')

#Check accuracy of cdf and ppf
vals = chi2.ppf([0.001, 0.5, 0.999], df)
np.allclose([0.001, 0.5, 0.999], chi2.cdf(vals, df))

#Generate random numbers:
r = chi2.rvs(df, size=1000)

#And compare the histogram
ax.hist(r, density=True, histtype='stepfilled', alpha=0.2)
ax.legend(loc='best', frameon=False)
Ejemplo n.º 30
 def _draw_scaled_inv_chi_sq(self, n, df, scale):
     X = chi2.rvs(size=n, df=df)
     sigma_sq = df * scale / X
     return sigma_sq
Ejemplo n.º 31
import numpy as np
from scipy.stats import chi2
import matplotlib.pyplot as plt
fig, ax = plt.subplots(1, 1)
# Calculate a few first moments:

df = 2
mean, var, skew, kurt = chi2.stats(df, moments='mvsk')
# Display the probability density function (pdf):

x = np.linspace(chi2.ppf(0.01, df), chi2.ppf(0.99, df), 100)
ax.plot(x, chi2.pdf(x, df), 'r-', lw=5, alpha=0.6, label='chi2 pdf')

# Alternatively, the distribution object can be called (as a function) to fix the shape, location and scale parameters. This returns a “frozen” RV object holding the given parameters fixed.
# Freeze the distribution and display the frozen pdf:

rv = chi2(df)
ax.plot(x, rv.pdf(x), 'k-', lw=2, label='frozen pdf')

vals = chi2.ppf([0.001, 0.5, 0.999], df)
print np.allclose([0.001, 0.5, 0.999], chi2.cdf(vals, df))

# Generate random numbers:

r = chi2.rvs(df, size=10000)

ax.hist(r, normed=True, histtype='stepfilled', alpha=0.2)
ax.legend(loc='best', frameon=False)

Ejemplo n.º 32
def sumstat_model(theta,
    ''' calculate summary statistics for forward model m(theta) 
    :param theta: 
        array of input parameters
    :param sed: 
        dictionary with SEDs of **central** galaxies  
    :param dem: 
        string specifying the dust empirical model
    :param f_downsample: 
        if f_downsample > 1., then the SED dictionary is downsampled. 
    :param sfr0_prescription: 
        prescription for dealing with SFR=0 galaxies  

    * 09/22/2020: simple noise model implemented
    * 4/22/2020: extra_data kwarg added. This is to pass pre-sampled
    observables for SFR = 0 galaxies 
    # don't touch these values! they are set to agree with the binning of
    # obersvable
    nbins = [8, 400, 200]
    ranges = [(20, 24), (-5., 20.), (-5, 45.)]
    dRmag = 0.5
    dGR = 0.0625
    dfuvnuv = 0.25

    # SFR=0 galaxies
    sfr0 = (sed['logsfr.inst'] == -999)
    if sfr0_prescription == 'adhoc':
        raise ValueError
        #R_mag_sfr0, G_R_sfr0, FUV_NUV_sfr0 = _observable_zeroSFR(
        #        sed['wave'],
        #        sed['sed_noneb'][sfr0,:])
    elif sfr0_prescription == 'sfrmin':
        logsfr_min = sed['logsfr.inst'][~sfr0].min()  # minimum SFR
        sed['logsfr.inst'][sfr0] = logsfr_min
        raise NotImplementedError

    sed_dusty = dustFM.Attenuate(theta,

    # observational measurements
    F_mag = measureObs.AbsMag_sed(sed['wave'], sed_dusty, band='galex_fuv')
    N_mag = measureObs.AbsMag_sed(sed['wave'], sed_dusty, band='galex_nuv')
    G_mag = measureObs.AbsMag_sed(sed['wave'], sed_dusty, band='g_sdss')
    R_mag = measureObs.AbsMag_sed(sed['wave'], sed_dusty, band='r_sdss')

    # apply FUV and NUV cut
    uv_cut = (F_mag < -13.5) & (N_mag < -14)
    F_mag = F_mag[uv_cut]
    N_mag = N_mag[uv_cut]
    G_mag = G_mag[uv_cut]
    R_mag = R_mag[uv_cut]

    # calculate color
    FUV_NUV = F_mag - N_mag
    G_R = G_mag - R_mag

    if sfr0_prescription == 'adhoc':
        # append sampled SFR=0 observables to data vector
        R_mag = np.concatenate([R_mag, R_mag_sfr0])
        G_R = np.concatenate([G_R, G_R_sfr0])
        FUV_NUV = np.concatenate([FUV_NUV, FUV_NUV_sfr0])

    n_gal = len(R_mag)

    if noise:
        if seed is not None:
        # noise model (simplest model)
        sig_R = chi2.rvs(3, loc=0.02, scale=0.00003, size=n_gal)
        sig_FN = chi2.rvs(2, loc=0.05, scale=0.05, size=n_gal)
        sig_GR = chi2.rvs(3, size=n_gal) * (0.00001 * (R_mag + 20.1) + 0.00005)\
                + (0.000025 * (R_mag + 20.1) + 0.02835)

        R_mag += np.random.normal(size=n_gal) * sig_R
        FUV_NUV += np.random.normal(size=n_gal) * sig_FN
        G_R += np.random.normal(size=n_gal) * sig_GR

    data_vector = np.array([-1. * R_mag, G_R, FUV_NUV]).T

    if return_datavector:
        return data_vector.T, uv_cut

    Nbins, _ = np.histogramdd(data_vector, bins=nbins, range=ranges)

    # volume of simulation
    vol = {'simba': 100.**3, 'tng': 75.**3, 'eagle': 67.77**3}[sed['sim']]

    x_model = Nbins.astype(float) / vol / dRmag / dGR / dfuvnuv / f_downsample
    nbar = dRmag * dGR * dfuvnuv * np.sum(x_model)

    if statistic == '3d':
        return [nbar, x_model]
    elif statistic == '2d':
        x_r_gr = dfuvnuv * np.sum(x_model, axis=2)
        x_r_fn = dGR * np.sum(x_model, axis=1)
        return [nbar, x_r_gr, x_r_fn]
    elif statistic == '1d':
        x_gr = dRmag * np.sum(dfuvnuv * np.sum(x_model, axis=2), axis=0)
        x_fn = dRmag * np.sum(dGR * np.sum(x_model, axis=1), axis=0)
        return [nbar, x_gr, x_fn]
Ejemplo n.º 33
n = 10000


u = np.zeros(n)


u_sd = 0.5

for i in range(n):  # (1)
    prob = 0.05  # (2)
    dist_1 = norm.rvs(loc=0, scale=u_sd, size=1)  #(3)
    dist_2 = (chi2.rvs(1, size=1) - 1) / np.sqrt(2)  # (4)
    error = prob*(dist_1)+(1-prob)*(dist_2)  # (5)
    u[i] = error  # (6)


1. `n`回`for`ループを宣言。
2. `dist_1`の割合
3. 正規分布に従う1つのランダム変数を生成。
4. カイ二乗分布に従う1つのランダム変数を生成。
5. `error`が誤差項
6. この誤差項を`u[]`の`i`番目に代入。

Ejemplo n.º 34
def sample_chi2(nu):
    return chi2.rvs(nu)
Ejemplo n.º 35
def sample_mean(n):
    smeans = []
    for x in range(1000):
        x = chi2.rvs(k, size=n)
    return smeans
Ejemplo n.º 36
import numpy as np
import matplotlib.pyplot as plt
from scipy.stats import chi2

## Set seed for reproducibility

## Generate data
X = chi2.rvs(4, size=50)

## hist1; default bin count (seems to be 10)




## hist2; more bins (20)

plt.hist(X, bins=20)


n = 5
p = .4
mu = .6
df = 55

# binomial
binoarr = binom.rvs(n, p, loc=0, size=nevt, random_state=None)

# poisson
poisarr = poisson.rvs(mu, loc=0, size=nevt, random_state=None)

# gaussian
gausarr = norm.rvs(loc=0, size=nevt, random_state=None)

# chi2
chi2arr = chi2.rvs(df, loc=0, size=nevt, random_state=None)

ichoose = 0
if ichoose == 0:

    fig, ax = plt.subplots(2, 2)
    #print (zarr1)
    ax[0, 0].hist(binoarr, bins=20, range=(0, 10), histtype='step', color='b')
    ax[0, 0].set(title='binomial', xlabel='x', ylabel='number')

    ax[0, 1].hist(poisarr, bins=20, range=(0, 10), histtype='step', color='b')
    ax[0, 1].set(title='poisson', xlabel='x', ylabel='number')

    ax[1, 0].hist(gausarr, bins=20, range=(0, 10), histtype='step', color='b')
    ax[1, 0].set(title='gaussian', xlabel='x', ylabel='number')
Ejemplo n.º 38
    y = np.random.normal(0, 1, s_size)
    samples.append([y, i, "normal"])
for i in range(n_of_samples, 2 * n_of_samples):
    y = bernoulli.rvs(p, size=s_size)
    samples.append([y, i, "bernoulli"])
for i in range(2 * n_of_samples, 3 * n_of_samples):
    y = binom.rvs(n, p, size=s_size)
    samples.append([y, i, "binomial"])
for i in range(3 * n_of_samples, 4 * n_of_samples):
    y = geom.rvs(p, size=s_size)
    samples.append([y, i, "geometric"])
for i in range(4 * n_of_samples, 5 * n_of_samples):
    y = poisson.rvs(n, size=s_size)
    samples.append([y, i, "poisson"])
outlier_1 = beta.rvs(1, 10, size=1000)
outlier_2 = chi2.rvs(n, size=1000)
samples.append([outlier_1, 5 * n_of_samples, "beta"])
samples.append([outlier_2, 5 * n_of_samples + 1, "chi_square"])

for i in range(len(samples)):
    for j in range(i, len(samples)):
        ks_test_pvalue = ks_2samp(samples[i][0], samples[j][0])[1]
        epps_singleton_pvalue = epps_singleton_2samp(samples[i][0],

        if ks_test_pvalue > 0.05:
            G.add_edge(i, j, weight=0.01 /
                       (ks_test_pvalue))  #0.01 scaling factor here
        if epps_singleton_pvalue > 0.05:
            H.add_edge(i, j, weight=0.01 /
                       (epps_singleton_pvalue))  #0.01 scaling factor here
Ejemplo n.º 39
def mdp_glucose_mHealth_rollout(tuning_function_parameter, mdp_epsilon_policy,
                                time_horizon, x_initials, sx_initials,
                                tuning_function, env, gamma,
                                number_of_value_iterations, mc_replicates):
    X, Sp1 = env.get_state_transitions_as_x_y_pair()
    n, X_dim = X.shape
    #  S_dim = Sp1.shape[1]
    regr = condition_dist_of_next_state2(X, Sp1)
    beta_hat = regr['beta_hat']
    sigma_hat = regr['sigma_hat']
    mu_food = regr['mu_food']
    sigma_food = regr['sigma_food']
    prob_food = regr['prob_food']
    mu_activity = regr['mu_activity']
    sigma_activity = regr['sigma_activity']
    prob_activity = regr['prob_activity']
    sampling_cov = regr['sampling_cov']
    sampling_sigma_food = regr['sampling_sigma_food']
    sampling_sigma_activity = regr['sampling_sigma_activity']
    sampling_prob_food = regr['sampling_prob_food']
    sampling_prob_activity = regr['sampling_prob_activity']
    n_effect_activity = regr['n_effect_activity']
    n_effect_food = regr['n_effect_food']

    mean_cumulative_reward = 0
    for rep in range(mc_replicates):
    # check again the following sample sigma's
        ### Sample beta_hat and Sigma_hat from their corresponding sampling distributions.
        sample_beta_hat = np.random.multivariate_normal(beta_hat, sampling_cov)
        sample_sigma_hat = np.sqrt(
            chi2.rvs(df=n - X_dim, size=1) / (n - X_dim)) * (sigma_hat)
        sample_prob_food = np.random.normal(prob_food, sampling_prob_food)
        sample_mu_food = np.random.normal(mu_food, sampling_sigma_food)
        sample_sigma_food = np.sqrt(
            chi2.rvs(df=n_effect_food - 1, size=1) /
            (n_effect_food - 1)) * sigma_food
        sample_prob_activity = np.random.normal(prob_activity,
        sample_mu_activity = np.random.normal(mu_activity,
        sample_sigma_activity = np.sqrt(
            chi2.rvs(df=n_effect_activity - 1, size=1) /
            (n_effect_activity - 1)) * sigma_activity
    # check again the x_initials and sx_initials
        sim_env = Glucose(env.nPatients,
        r = 0
        for t in range(time_horizon):
            #      if t==30:
            #      print(t, sim_env.current_state, sample_beta_hat)
            optimal_actions = fitted_q_step1_mHealth_vanilla(sim_env)
            #      optimal_actions = fitted_q_step1_mHealth(sim_env, gamma, RandomForestRegressor, number_of_value_iterations)
            actions = mdp_epsilon_policy(optimal_actions, tuning_function,
                                         time_horizon, t)
            #      print(t, action, sim_env.current_state[0])
            _, reward = sim_env.step(actions)
            r += reward

        mean_cumulative_reward += (r - mean_cumulative_reward) / (rep + 1)
    return mean_cumulative_reward
def _chdir(data,
    """ repurposed from https://github.com/MaayanLab/geode/blob/master/geode/geode.py#L10-L115

  Calculate the characteristic direction for a gene expression dataset
    data: numpy.array, is the data matrix of gene expression where rows correspond to genes and columns correspond to samples
    sampleclass: list or numpy.array, labels of the samples, it has to be consist of 0, 1 and 2, with 0 being columns to be excluded, 1 being control and 2 being perturbation
        example: sampleclass = [1,1,1,2,2,2]
    genes: list or numpy.array, row labels for genes 
    gamma: float, regulaized term. A parameter that smooths the covariance matrix and reduces potential noise in the dataset
    sort: bool, whether to sort the output by the absolute value of chdir
    calculate_sig: bool, whether to calculate the significance of characteristic directions
    nnull: int, number of null characteristic directions to calculate for significance
    sig_only: bool, whether to return only significant genes; active only when calculate_sig is True
    norm_vector: bool, whether to return a characteristic direction vector normalized to unit vector
    A list of tuples sorted by the absolute value in descending order characteristic directions of genes.
      If calculate_sig is set to True, each tuple contains a third element which is the ratio of characteristic directions to null ChDir

    ## check input
    sampleclass = np.array(list(map(int, sampleclass)))
    # masks
    m_non0 = sampleclass != 0
    m1 = sampleclass[m_non0] == 1
    m2 = sampleclass[m_non0] == 2

    if type(gamma) not in [float, int]:
        raise ValueError("gamma has to be a numeric number")
    if set(sampleclass) != set([1, 2]) and set(sampleclass) != set([0, 1, 2]):
        raise ValueError(
            "sampleclass has to be a list whose elements are in only 0, 1 or 2"
    # if m1.sum()<2 or m2.sum()<2:
    #   raise ValueError("Too few samples to calculate characteristic directions")
    if len(genes) != data.shape[0]:
        raise ValueError(
            "Number of genes does not match the demension of the expression matrix"

    ## normalize data
    data = data[:, m_non0]
    data = zscore(data)  # standardize for each genes across samples

    ## start to compute
    n1 = m1.sum()  # number of controls
    n2 = m2.sum()  # number of experiments

    ## the difference between experiment mean vector and control mean vector.
    meanvec = data[:, m2].mean(axis=1) - data[:, m1].mean(axis=1)

    ## initialize the pca object
    pca = PCA(n_components=None)

    ## compute the number of PCs to keep
    cumsum = pca.explained_variance_ratio_  # explained variance of each PC
    keepPC = len(cumsum[cumsum > 0.001])  # number of PCs to keep

    v = pca.components_[0:keepPC].T  # rotated data
    r = pca.transform(data.T)[:, 0:keepPC]  # transformed data

    dd = (np.dot(r[m1].T, r[m1]) + np.dot(r[m2].T, r[m2])) / float(
        n1 + n2 - 2)  # covariance
    sigma = np.mean(np.diag(dd))  # the scalar covariance

    shrunkMats = np.linalg.inv(gamma * dd + sigma *
                               (1 - gamma) * np.eye(keepPC))

    b = np.dot(v, np.dot(np.dot(v.T, meanvec), shrunkMats))

    if norm_vector:
        b /= np.linalg.norm(b)  # normalize b to unit vector

    grouped = zip([abs(item) for item in b], b, genes)
    if sort:
        grouped = sorted(grouped, key=lambda x: x[0], reverse=True)

    if not calculate_sig:  # return sorted b and genes.
        res = [(item[1], item[2]) for item in grouped]
        return res
    else:  # generate a null distribution of chdirs
        nu = n1 + n2 - 2
        y1 = np.random.multivariate_normal(np.zeros(keepPC), dd,
                                           nnull).T * np.sqrt(
                                               nu / chi2.rvs(nu, size=nnull))
        y2 = np.random.multivariate_normal(np.zeros(keepPC), dd,
                                           nnull).T * np.sqrt(
                                               nu / chi2.rvs(nu, size=nnull))
        y = y2 - y1  ## y is the null of v

        nullchdirs = []
        for col in y.T:
            bn = np.dot(np.dot(np.dot(v, shrunkMats), v.T), np.dot(col, v.T))
            bn /= np.linalg.norm(bn)
            bn = bn**2
            bn = bn[::-1]  ## sort in decending order

        nullchdirs = np.array(nullchdirs).T
        nullchdirs = nullchdirs.mean(axis=1)
        b_s = b**2
        b_s = b_s[::-1]  # sorted b in decending order
        relerr = b_s / nullchdirs  ## relative error
        # ratio_to_null
        ratios = np.cumsum(relerr) / np.sum(relerr) - np.linspace(
            1. / len(meanvec), 1, len(meanvec))
        res = [(item[1], item[2], ratio)
               for item, ratio in zip(grouped, ratios)]
        # print('Number of significant genes: %s'%(np.argmax(ratios)+1))
        if sig_only:
            return res[0:np.argmax(ratios) + 1]
            return res
Ejemplo n.º 41
Mca = 40*amu;
Nion = 25;
lmd = 396.908e-9;
tin = 4;
i = 0;
a = math.sqrt(k*tin/Mca);
VCAI = np.zeros((Nion,4)); #4th dimension = state marker
I = np.zeros(Nion);
Pabs = 0.5;
Pemm = 1.0/7.0; #ensure at least one of the numbers is a float
timeint = 10;
totaltime = 20000;

for d in range(0,3):
    for p in range(0,Nion):
        x = math.sqrt(((k * tin) / Mca) * (chi2.rvs(3)));
        x = Mca * x;
        VCAI[[p],[d]] = x;

VCAIinit = VCAI;
VCAID = []

for b in range(0,int(Nion)):
    VCAID.insert(b,[float(VCAI[[b],[0]]), float(VCAI[[b],[1]]), float(VCAI[[b],[2]]), float(VCAI[[b],[3]])])

counterp = 1;
counteri = 1;
countdown = 0

for time in range(0,(totaltime+timeint),timeint):
    countdown1 = (totaltime-time+1)/(10*timeint);
Ejemplo n.º 42
            # change according to previous guess
            guess = ((ai_pred[l] - price_last) * (price - price_last) >= 0)
            if not guess:
                ai_pred[l] = ai_pred[l] * (
                    1 +
                    (price / price_last - 1) * np.random.normal(1, 1, 1)[0])
                #ai_pred[l] = ai_pred[l] + (price - price_last) * np.random.normal(1, 1, 1)[0]

        # ai control
        if (ai_rich[l] is True) and (ai_stock[l] == 0):
            # ai renew if rich ai sell all stock
            ai_pred[l] = np.random.lognormal(0, 0.1,
                                             size=num_ai)[0] / norm * price
            ai_money[l] = chi2.rvs(price_df, size=1)[0] / price_df * 20
            exchange = exchange + 1
            ai_rich[l] = False

        elif (ai_money[l] < price and ai_stock[l] == 0):
            # ai renew if poor ai do not have enough wealth
            ai_pred[l] = np.random.lognormal(0, 0.1,
                                             size=num_ai)[0] / norm * price
            ai_money[l] = chi2.rvs(price_df, size=1)[0] / price_df * 20
            exchange = exchange + 1

        elif (ai_wealth[l] > 0.1 * sum(ai_wealth)):
            # ai marked rich if owns 10% of total wealth
            ai_pred[l] = 0
            ai_rich[l] = True
Ejemplo n.º 43
	def getMarginalLikelihood(self):
		priorMeans, priorVariances = norm.rvs(self.mu0,self.sigma0,size=100), 1./chi2.rvs(self.v0,size=100)
		bentObservations = np.tile(self.observations,100).reshape(len(self.observations),100)
		likelihoodUnderPriorSamples = norm.logpdf(bentObservations,loc=priorMeans,scale=priorVariances)[0]
		return np.exp(lse(likelihoodUnderPriorSamples)-np.log(100))
 def _draw_scaled_inv_chi_sq(self, n, df, scale):
     X = chi2.rvs(size=n, df=df)
     sigma_sq = df * scale / X
     return sigma_sq
Ejemplo n.º 45
# # -*- coding: utf-8 -*-

import numpy as np
import matplotlib.pyplot as plt
from scipy.stats import chi2

df = 5
rv = chi2(df)

#Сгенерируйте из него выборку объёма 1000
sampleRange = chi2.rvs(df, size=1000)
#Постройте гистограмму выборки и нарисуйте поверх неё теоретическую плотность распределения вашей случайной величины.
# plt.hist(sampleRange, normed=True, bins=20, alpha=0.5, label='hist samples')
# plt.ylabel('number of samples')
# plt.xlabel('$x$')
#теоретическая плотность распределения случайной величины
left = chi2.ppf(0.01, df)
right =  chi2.ppf(0.99, df)
x = np.linspace(left,  20, 100)
# plt.plot(x, rv.pdf(x), 'r-', lw=5, alpha=0.7, label='chi2 pdf')

# plt.show()

# values = np.array([pareto.rvs(k, size=10) for x in range(10)])
# print values
# plt.hist(values.mean(axis=1), normed=True)
Ejemplo n.º 46
                if ai_buy_num[i] == 0:
                    ai_buy_price[i] = small
                price = min_sell_price
                volume = volume + trade_num * 2
                trade_times = trade_times + 1

        if (trade_times == 10):

    ai_wealth = ai_stock * price + ai_money

    # total capital control
    mean_pred = np.mean(ai_pred)
    if (mean_pred > price):
        ai_money = np.array(list(map(add, ai_money, chi2.rvs(1, size=num_ai))))
        ai_money = np.array(list(map(add, ai_money, -chi2.rvs(1, size=num_ai))))
        ai_money[ai_money < 0] = 0

    for l in range(num_ai):
        # ai pred renew
        r = np.random.uniform(0, 1, size=1)[0]
        if (r < forget_ratio):
            # forget about previous guess
            ai_pred[l] = np.random.lognormal(0, 0.1, size=1)[0] / norm * price
            #ai_pred[l] = chi2.rvs(price_df, size=1)[0] / price_df * price
            # change according to previous guess
            guess = ((ai_pred[l] - price_last) * (price - price_last) >= 0)
            if not guess:
Ejemplo n.º 47
import matplotlib.patches as mpatches

# k degrees of freedom
k = 5
th_mean, th_var, _, _ = chi2.stats(k, moments='mvsk')
print("THEORY MEAN=", th_mean, "THEORY VARIANCE=", th_var)
# prob dens function
# what X is in 0.01 and 0.99 quantiles
start = chi2.ppf(0.01, k)
stop = chi2.ppf(0.99, k)
# theoretical dist
x = np.linspace(start, stop, 100)
plt.plot(x, chi2.pdf(x, k), 'r-', lw=5, alpha=0.6, label='chi2 pdf')
# histogram
# random nums from dist
r = chi2.rvs(k, size=1000)
plt.hist(r, normed=True, histtype='stepfilled', alpha=0.2)
plt.legend(loc='best', frameon=False)
plt.title('Theoretical Dist')
plt.ylabel('Prob Dens')

# calculate means for 1000 expirements with n samples in each
def sample_mean(n):
    smeans = []
    for x in range(1000):
        x = chi2.rvs(k, size=n)
    return smeans
Ejemplo n.º 48
# # -*- coding: utf-8 -*-

import numpy as np
import matplotlib.pyplot as plt
from scipy.stats import chi2

df = 5
rv = chi2(df)

#Сгенерируйте из него выборку объёма 1000
sampleRange = chi2.rvs(df, size=1000)
#Постройте гистограмму выборки и нарисуйте поверх неё теоретическую плотность распределения вашей случайной величины.
# plt.hist(sampleRange, normed=True, bins=20, alpha=0.5, label='hist samples')
# plt.ylabel('number of samples')
# plt.xlabel('$x$')
#теоретическая плотность распределения случайной величины
left = chi2.ppf(0.01, df)
right = chi2.ppf(0.99, df)
x = np.linspace(left, 20, 100)
# plt.plot(x, rv.pdf(x), 'r-', lw=5, alpha=0.7, label='chi2 pdf')

# plt.show()

# values = np.array([pareto.rvs(k, size=10) for x in range(10)])
# print values
# plt.hist(values.mean(axis=1), normed=True)

m = []
# for _ in xrange(20):
#     m.append(np.mean(chi2.rvs(df, size=1000)))