Ejemplo n.º 1
def get_moments_for_scaled_model(map, np_on_grid, grid, nmax, rmax,
    ### default params for moments calculation ###
    splat_range = 1
    uniform = True
    fix_dx = False
    default_dx = 0.7
    fraction = 0.9
    ### end of default params for moments calculation ###

    #threshold = flex.max( map )/3.0
    threshold = map.standard_deviation_of_the_sample()
    select = flex.bool(map.as_1d() >= threshold)
    xyz = grid.select(select)
    xyz_norms = xyz.norms()
    select = flex.bool(xyz_norms <= rmax)
    xyz = xyz.select(select)
    density = flex.double(xyz.size(), 1.0)
    vox_obj = math.sphere_voxel(np_on_grid, splat_range, uniform, fix_dx,
                                external_rmax, default_dx, fraction, xyz,
    grid_obj = math.sphere_grid(np_on_grid, nmax)
    grid_obj.clean_space(vox_obj, False)
    moment_obj = math.zernike_moments(grid_obj, nmax)
    nlm_array = moment_obj.moments()
    return nlm_array.coefs()
Ejemplo n.º 2
 def build_with_map(self, mapfile):
   this_xplor = xplor_map.reader(mapfile)
   self.np_on_grid = (this_xplor.gridding.n[0]-1 ) /2  ## this is the np_on_grid stored in xplor map
   self.np_on_grid = int(self.np_on_grid)
   self.raw_map = this_xplor.data
   self.map = flex.double( this_xplor.data.size(), 0)
   self.id = mapfile.split('.')[0]
   this_rmax = this_xplor.unit_cell.parameters()[0]/2.0
   if(self.rmax is not None and ( self.rmax != this_rmax ) ): # do the scaling
     grid=build_3d_grid(self.np_on_grid, this_rmax)
     self.nlm_coefs = get_moments_for_scaled_model( self.raw_map, self.np_on_grid, grid, self.nmax, this_rmax, self.rmax)
     self.nlm_array = math.nlm_array(self.nmax)
     self.nlm_array.load_coefs(self.nlm_array.nlm(), self.nlm_coefs )
     self.rmax = this_rmax
     print self.rmax,"test"
     threshold = flex.max( self.raw_map )/3.0
     select = flex.bool( this_xplor.data.as_1d() >= threshold )
     self.map.set_selected( select, 1)
     self.ngp = self.map.size()  # number of grid point in 3D box
     self.all_indx = flex.int(range( self.ngp ))
     self.molecule = self.all_indx.select( select )
     self.grid_obj=math.sphere_grid(self.np_on_grid, self.nmax)
     ss = self.grid_obj.construct_space_sum_via_list( self.molecule.as_1d(), self.map.as_1d() )
     self.moment_obj = math.zernike_moments( self.grid_obj, self.nmax )
     self.moment_obj.calc_moments( ss.as_1d() )
     self.nlm_array = self.moment_obj.moments()
     self.nlm_coefs = self.nlm_array.coefs()
    def build_starting_model(self):
        grids = flex.grid([self.np_on_grid * 2 + 1] * 3)
        self.start_model = flex.double(grids, 0.0)
        ####   BUILD STARTING MODEL  #####
        self.ngp = self.start_model.size()
        for ii in self.indx_list:
            self.start_model[ii] = 1.0

        self.molecule = self.indx_list
        self.raw_map = self.start_model.deep_copy()  # a sphere

        print self.rmax, "RMAX"

        self.working_model = self.start_model.deep_copy(
        )  # Make a working model
        self.best_model = self.start_model.deep_copy()  # Make a starting model

        #### Reusable Objects for moments calculation ####
        self.grid_obj = math.sphere_grid(self.np_on_grid, self.nmax)
        self.moment_obj = math.zernike_moments(self.grid_obj, self.nmax)
        moments = self.moment_obj.moments()
        self.zm = zm.zernike_model(moments, self.data.q, self.rmax, self.nmax)
        nn = self.moment_obj.fnn()
        self.calc_i = self.zm.calc_intensity(nn)
        self.calc_i = self.calc_i / self.calc_i[0]
        self.start_i = self.calc_i.deep_copy()
        self.start_nlm_coefs = moments.coefs().deep_copy()
        self.best_nlm_coefs = self.start_nlm_coefs.deep_copy()
        self.start_score = ((self.calc_i - self.data.i) / self.data.s).norm()
        out = open(self.prefix + 'start.iq', 'w')
        for qq, ic, io in zip(self.data.q, self.calc_i * self.scale_2_expt,
                              self.data.i * self.scale_2_expt):
            print >> out, qq, ic, io

        self.nlm_array.load_coefs(self.nlm, self.start_nlm_coefs)
        self.start_m, self.start_s = get_mean_sigma(self.nlm_array)

        if (self.pdb_nlm is not None):
            self.pdb_m, self.pdb_s = get_mean_sigma(self.pdb_nlm)
            align_obj = fft_align.align(self.pdb_nlm,
            cc = align_obj.best_score
            cc = (cc - self.start_m * self.pdb_m) / (self.start_s * self.pdb_s)
            print "C.C. (PDB, Start) = %8.5f, Score = %8.5f" % (
                cc, self.start_score)

                       file_name=self.prefix + 'start.xplor')
        print "Fraction: ", flex.sum(self.start_model) / (self.np_on_grid**
                                                          3.0) / 8.0
  def build_starting_model(self):
    grids = flex.grid([self.np_on_grid*2+1]*3)
    self.start_model = flex.double(grids,0.0)
    ####   BUILD STARTING MODEL  #####
    max_map = flex.max( self.raw_map )
    self.molecule = flex.int()
    self.mod_list_1d = flex.int()
    self.mod_list = flex.vec3_double()
    cutoff = self.nmodel/2.0

    distance_indx = flex.vec3_double()
    for ii in range(self.ngp ):
      if(self.raw_map[ii] >= cutoff):
        self.molecule.append( ii )  ## Need to be moved to mark region
        distance_indx.append( self.convert_indx_1_3( ii ) )

    center_indx = (self.np_on_grid, self.np_on_grid, self.np_on_grid)
    distance = (distance_indx - center_indx).norms()
    max_dist = flex.max( distance ) / self.np_on_grid
    self.rmax = self.rmax*self.fraction/max_dist

    self.working_model= self.start_model.deep_copy()  # Make a working model
    self.best_model = self.start_model.deep_copy()    # Make a starting model

    #### Reusable Objects for moments calculation ####
    self.grid_obj=math.sphere_grid(self.np_on_grid, self.nmax)
    self.grid_obj.construct_space_sum_via_list( self.molecule, self.start_model.as_1d() )
    self.moment_obj = math.zernike_moments( self.grid_obj, self.nmax )
    moments = self.moment_obj.moments()
    self.zm = zm.zernike_model( moments, self.data.q, self.rmax, self.nmax)
    nn = self.moment_obj.fnn()
    self.calc_i = self.zm.calc_intensity(nn)
    self.calc_i = self.calc_i / self.calc_i[0]
    self.start_i = self.calc_i.deep_copy()
    self.start_nlm_coefs = moments.coefs().deep_copy()
    self.best_nlm_coefs = self.start_nlm_coefs.deep_copy()
    self.start_score= ( (self.calc_i-self.data.i)/self.data.s ).norm()
    out = open(self.prefix+'start.iq', 'w')
    for qq,ic,io in zip( self.data.q, self.calc_i*self.scale_2_expt, self.data.i*self.scale_2_expt):
      print>>out, qq, ic, io

    self.nlm_array.load_coefs( self.nlm, self.start_nlm_coefs )
    self.start_m, self.start_s = get_mean_sigma( self.nlm_array )

    if (self.pdb_nlm is not None):
      self.pdb_m, self.pdb_s = get_mean_sigma( self.pdb_nlm )
      align_obj = fft_align.align(self.pdb_nlm, self.nlm_array, nmax=self.nmax, refine=True)
      cc = align_obj.best_score
      cc = ( cc - self.start_m*self.pdb_m ) / ( self.start_s*self.pdb_s )
      print "C.C. (PDB, Start) = %8.5f, Score = %8.5f"%(cc, self.start_score)

    xplor_map_type( self.raw_map, self.np_on_grid, self.rmax, file_name=self.prefix+'start.xplor')
    print "Fraction: ", flex.sum(self.start_model)/(self.np_on_grid**3.0)/8.0
def tst_moments(nmax,np):
  grid_obj = tst_grid(nmax,np)
  mom_obj = math.zernike_moments(grid_obj, nmax)

  moments = mom_obj.moments()
  Fnl= mom_obj.fnl()
  Fnn= mom_obj.fnn()
  Fnnl= mom_obj.fnnl()
  eps = 1e-8

  #print list(Fnl.coefs())
  check_nl = [2.3370760050376607e-05, 2.1910087547227873e-07, 1.1145167882067956e-05, 1.1552795255443502e-05, 1.8332528001413832e-07, 2.7291537694166531e-07, 7.2474025554586763e-06, 2.3917327527551719e-05, 4.2203807328102694e-05]
  for i_pre, i_cal in zip( check_nl, Fnl.coefs()):
    assert abs(i_pre-i_cal) < eps

  check_nn = [1.1685380025188304e-05, 1.0955043773613935e-07, 1.6139115350383189e-05, 1.134898156875573e-05, 1.7412731546555787e-08, 2.2812032847790184e-07, 1.3014503682895901e-05, -4.7928189112959946e-06, 3.668426870555654e-05]
  for i_pre, i_cal in zip( check_nn, Fnn.coefs()):
    assert abs(i_pre-i_cal) < eps

  check_nnl=[(1.1685380025188304e-05+0j), 0j, 0j, (1.0955043773613935e-07+0j), (-1.6139115350383189e-05+0j), 0j, 0j, (5.5725839410339778e-06+0j), 0j, (5.7763976277217503e-06+0j), 0j, 0j, (-1.7412731546555787e-08+0j), 0j, 0j, 0j, 0j, (9.1662640007069148e-08+0j), 0j, (1.3645768847083266e-07+0j), (1.3014503682895901e-05+0j), 0j, 0j, (-8.9874088696083742e-06+0j), 0j, (1.3780227780904368e-05+0j), 0j, 0j, 0j, 0j, (3.6237012777293381e-06+0j), 0j, (1.1958663763775861e-05+0j), 0j, (2.1101903664051344e-05+0j)]
  for i_pre, i_cal in zip( check_nnl, Fnnl.coefs()):
    assert abs(i_pre-i_cal) < eps

  mom_0_0_0 = (0.00483433139642-0j)
  mom_1_1_0 = (0.000270247340704-0j)
  mom_1_1_1 = (-0.000191093727209+0.000191093727209j)
  mom_2_0_0 = (-0.00333843794042-0j)
  mom_2_2_1 = (-1.26396619825e-05+1.26396619825e-05j)
  mom_4_2_0 = (-0.00371195771764-0j)
  mom_4_4_0 = (0.00317650549416-0j)

  assert abs( moments.get_coef(0,0,0) - mom_0_0_0 ) < eps
  assert abs( moments.get_coef(1,1,0) - mom_1_1_0 ) < eps
  assert abs( moments.get_coef(1,1,1) - mom_1_1_1 ) < eps
  assert abs( moments.get_coef(2,0,0) - mom_2_0_0 ) < eps
  assert abs( moments.get_coef(2,2,1) - mom_2_2_1 ) < eps
  assert abs( moments.get_coef(4,2,0) - mom_4_2_0 ) < eps
  assert abs( moments.get_coef(4,4,0) - mom_4_4_0 ) < eps

  # do some alignment please
  from scitbx.math import zernike_align_fft as zafft
  fixed = mom_obj.moments()
  moving = mom_obj.moments()
  al_obj = zafft.align( fixed, moving)
  assert abs(al_obj.get_cc()-1) < 1e-3

  return True
Ejemplo n.º 6
  def build_starting_model(self):
    grids = flex.grid([self.np_on_grid*2+1]*3)
    self.start_model = flex.double(grids,0.0)
    ####   BUILD STARTING MODEL  #####

    self.ngp = self.start_model.size()
    for ii in self.indx_list:

    self.molecule = self.indx_list
    self.raw_map = self.start_model.deep_copy() # a sphere

    print self.rmax

    #### Reusable Objects for moments calculation ####
    self.grid_obj=math.sphere_grid(self.np_on_grid, self.nmax)
    self.grid_obj.construct_space_sum_via_list( self.molecule ) #, self.start_model.as_1d() )
    self.moment_obj = math.zernike_moments( self.grid_obj, self.nmax )
    self.moments = self.moment_obj.moments()

    self.blq_calculator = fxs_tools.znk_blq(self.moments,self.data.q,self.rmax,self.nmax,self.lmax)
    self.calc_blq = self.blq_calculator.get_all_blq2()
    print self.calc_blq[0], "self.calc_blq[0]"
    self.calc_blq = self.calc_blq / self.calc_blq[0]  # normalized to b00 (largest, probably)
    self.start_blq = self.calc_blq.deep_copy()
    self.start_nlm_coefs = self.moments.coefs().deep_copy()
    self.best_nlm_coefs = self.start_nlm_coefs.deep_copy()
    self.sigma = flex.sqrt( flex.abs(self.data.blq) + 1e-10)
    self.start_score= ( (self.calc_blq-self.data.blq)/self.sigma).norm()

    print "---- Starting Score ---- %f"%self.start_score

    self.nlm_array.load_coefs( self.nlm, self.start_nlm_coefs )
    self.start_m, self.start_s = get_mean_sigma( self.nlm_array )

    if (self.pdb_nlm is not None):
      self.pdb_m, self.pdb_s = get_mean_sigma( self.pdb_nlm )
      align_obj = fft_align.align(self.pdb_nlm, self.nlm_array, nmax=self.nmax, refine=True)
      cc = align_obj.best_score
      cc = ( cc - self.start_m*self.pdb_m ) / ( self.start_s*self.pdb_s )
      print "C.C. (PDB, Start) = %8.5f, Score = %8.5f"%(cc, self.start_score)

    xplor_map_type( self.raw_map, self.np_on_grid, self.rmax, file_name=self.prefix+'start.xplor')
    print "Fraction: ", flex.sum(self.start_model)/(self.np_on_grid**3.0)/8.0
Ejemplo n.º 7
def zernike_moments(pdbfile,
    base = pdbfile.split('.')[0]
    splat_range = 0
    fraction = 0.9
    default_dx = 0.7
    uniform = True

    pdbi = pdb.hierarchy.input(file_name=pdbfile)
    # pdbi = iotbx.pdb.hierarchy.input(pdb_string='''ATOM      1  N   ASP A  37      10.710  14.456   9.568  1.00 15.78           N''')
    if (len(pdbi.hierarchy.models()) == 0):
        return None, None, None

    atoms = pdbi.hierarchy.models()[0].atoms()
    # predefine some arrays we will need
    atom_types = flex.std_string()
    radius = flex.double()
    b_values = flex.double()
    occs = flex.double()
    # xyz = flex.vec3_double()
    xyz = get_xyz_using_split(pdbfile)
    # keep track of the atom types we have encountered
    # for atom in atoms:
    #   print"---==================atom=================---",atom.xyz
    # if(not atom.hetero):
    #   xyz.append( atom.xyz )
    #    b_values.append( atom.b )
    #    occs.append( atom.occ )
    #print time.time()

    if (xyz.size() == 0):
        return None, None, None
    density = flex.double(xyz.size(), 1.0)
    voxel_obj = math.sphere_voxel(np, splat_range, uniform, fix_dx,
                                  external_rmax, default_dx, fraction, xyz,
    np = voxel_obj.np()
    # print "*********************voxel_obj.rmax():   ",voxel_obj.rmax()
    rmax = voxel_obj.rmax() / fraction
    # print "*********************fraction:   ",fraction
    # print "*********************rmax=voxel_obj.rmax()/fraction:   ",rmax

    #print base, "RMAX: ", voxel_obj.rmax()

    #print time.time()
    grid_obj = math.sphere_grid(np, nmax)
    pdb_out = False
    grid_obj.clean_space(voxel_obj, pdb_out)
    #print time.time(), "END GRID CONST"

    #print time.time(), "SS CALC"
    mom_obj = math.zernike_moments(grid_obj, nmax)
    #print time.time(), "END MOM CALC"

    moments = mom_obj.moments()
    if (coef_out):
        nn = mom_obj.fnn()
        easy_pickle.dump(base + '.nlm.pickle', moments.coefs())
        easy_pickle.dump(base + '.nn.pickle', nn.coefs())

####### The following will be optional ###
    if (shift):
        shift = [rmax, rmax, rmax]
        centered_xyz = voxel_obj.xyz() + shift
        out_pdb_name = base + '_centered.pdb'
        for a, xyz in zip(atoms, centered_xyz):

        original_map = voxel_obj.map()
        xplor_map_type(original_map, np, rmax, file_name=base + '_pdb.xplor')

######## Calculate Intnesity Profile ############
    if (calc_intensity):
        q_array = flex.double(range(51)) / 100.0
        z_model = zm.zernike_model(moments, q_array, rmax, nmax)
        nn = mom_obj.fnn()
        intensity = z_model.calc_intensity(nn)
        #iq_file = open(base+"_"+str(nmax)+"_"+str(int(rmax*fraction))+".zi", 'w')
        iq_file = open(base + "_" + str(nmax) + ".zi", 'w')
        for qq, ii in zip(q_array, intensity):
            print >> iq_file, qq, ii


####### END of Intensity Calculation ###########

    if (buildmap):
        print("grid setting up...")
        zga = math.zernike_grid(np_on_grid, nmax, False)
        print("grid setting up...Done")
        zga.load_coefs(moments.nlm(), moments.coefs())
        print("start reconstruction")
        map = flex.abs(zga.f())
        print("finished reconstruction")
        xplor_map_type(map, np_on_grid, rmax, file_name=base + '.xplor')
        ccp4_map_type(map, np_on_grid, rmax, file_name=base + '.ccp4')

    return mom_obj, voxel_obj, pdbi
Ejemplo n.º 8
def zernike_moments(mol2_file, nmax=20, np=50, uniform=True, fix_dx=False, np_on_grid=20, shift=False, buildmap=False, coef_out=True, calc_intensity=True, external_rmax=-1):
  base = mol2_file.split('.')[0]
  splat_range = 0
  fraction = 0.9
  default_dx = 0.5

  models = mol2.read_Mol2_file( mol2_file )
  if(len( models )== 0):
    return None,None,None
  ## for testing purpose, here only the first model in the mol2 file is converted ##
  this_molecule = models[0]
  ## models should be a list of molecules, same ligand at different conformations ##

  all_atoms = this_molecule.atom_list
  if(len( all_atoms )== 0):
    return None,None,None

  # predefine some arrays we will need
  xyz = flex.vec3_double()
  charges = flex.double()
  # keep track of the atom types we have encountered
  for atom in all_atoms:
    xyz.append( ( atom.X, atom.Y, atom.Z ) )
    charges.append( atom.Q )

  if(xyz.size() == 0):
    return None,None,None
  if (uniform):
  else: # use charges

  voxel_obj = math.sphere_voxel(np,splat_range,uniform,fix_dx,external_rmax, default_dx, fraction,xyz,density)
  np = voxel_obj.np()

  #print base, "RMAX: ", voxel_obj.rmax()

  #print time.time()
  grid_obj = math.sphere_grid(np, nmax)
  pdb_out = False
  grid_obj.clean_space(voxel_obj, pdb_out)
  #print time.time(), "END GRID CONST"

  #print time.time(), "SS CALC"
  mom_obj = math.zernike_moments(grid_obj, nmax)
  #print time.time(), "END MOM CALC"

  moments = mom_obj.moments()
    nn = mom_obj.fnn()
    easy_pickle.dump(base+'.nlm.pickle', moments.coefs() )
    easy_pickle.dump(base+'.nn.pickle', nn.coefs() )

####### The following will be optional ###
    shift = [rmax, rmax, rmax]
    centered_xyz = voxel_obj.xyz() + shift
    out_mol2_filename =base+'_centered.mol2'
    for a,xyz in zip( all_atoms, centered_xyz):
      a.X = xyz[0]
      a.Y = xyz[1]
      a.Z = xyz[2]

    mol2.write_mol2( this_molecule, out_mol2_filename )

    original_map = voxel_obj.map()
    xplor_map_type( original_map, np, rmax, file_name=base+'_pdb.xplor')

######## Calculate Intnesity Profile ############
    q_array = flex.double( range(51) )/100.0
    z_model = zm.zernike_model( moments, q_array, rmax, nmax)
    nn = mom_obj.fnn()
    intensity = z_model.calc_intensity(nn)
    #iq_file = open(base+"_"+str(nmax)+"_"+str(int(rmax*fraction))+".zi", 'w')
    iq_file = open(base+"_"+str(nmax)+".zi", 'w')
    for qq, ii in zip(q_array, intensity):
      print>>iq_file, qq,ii

####### END of Intensity Calculation ###########

    print "grid setting up..."
    zga = math.zernike_grid(np_on_grid, nmax, False)
    print "grid setting up...Done"
    zga.load_coefs(moments.nlm(), moments.coefs() )
    print "start reconstruction"
    map=flex.abs(zga.f() )
    print "finished reconstruction"
    xplor_map_type( map, np_on_grid, rmax, file_name=base+'.xplor')
    ccp4_map_type( map, np_on_grid, rmax, file_name=base+'.ccp4' )

  return mom_obj, voxel_obj, models
Ejemplo n.º 9
    def calc_mom(self,
        if (self.xyz.size() == 0):
            print "no atom found, double check the model"
        self.voxel_obj = math.sphere_voxel(np, splat_range + self.layer_thick,
                                           uniform, fix_dx, self.external_rmax,
                                           default_dx, fraction, self.xyz,
        self.volume_unit = self.default_dx**3.0
        self.total_volume = self.voxel_obj.occupied_sites() * self.volume_unit
        np = self.voxel_obj.np()
        self.rmax = self.voxel_obj.rmax() / fraction
        dx_used = self.rmax / np
        new_layer_thick = int(self.rmax * (1 - fraction) / dx_used) - 1
        if (new_layer_thick < self.layer_thick):
            print "solvent layer extended too much, and thickness is reset to ", new_layer_thick
            self.layer_thick = new_layer_thick
        self.grid_obj = math.sphere_grid(np, self.nmax)

        ## displaced solvent ##
        border_list = self.voxel_obj.border(self.layer_thick -
                                            1)  ## only inner section left now
        inner_sites = self.voxel_obj.occupied_sites()
        self.grid_obj.clean_space(self.voxel_obj, pdb_out)
        self.mom_obj_s = math.zernike_moments(self.grid_obj, self.nmax)
        self.zernike_mom_s = self.mom_obj_s.moments()

        ## protein ##
        self.voxel_obj = math.sphere_voxel(np, splat_range, uniform, fix_dx,
                                           self.external_rmax, default_dx,
                                           fraction, self.xyz, self.density)
        real_inner_sites = self.voxel_obj.occupied_sites()
        self.grid_obj.clean_space(self.voxel_obj, pdb_out)  ## output protein
        self.mom_obj_p = math.zernike_moments(self.grid_obj, self.nmax)
        self.zernike_mom_p = self.mom_obj_p.moments()

        ## border layer ##
        self.inner_volume = inner_sites * self.volume_unit
        self.mom_obj_b = math.zernike_moments(self.grid_obj, self.nmax)
        self.zernike_mom_b = self.mom_obj_b.moments()
        ## scale the densities ##
        self.density_scale = self.voxel_obj.weight_sum()
        print self.density_scale
        self.sol_layer = self.sol_layer / self.density_scale
        #self.solvent = self.solvent*self.density_scale
        ##self.protein=self.protein*(1.0+0.1*smath.exp(-inner_sites/134000.0) )
        ### adding moment vectors ##
        self.zernike_mom_coef = self.zernike_mom_p.coefs(
        ) * self.protein  #-self.solvent)
        self.zernike_mom_coef -= self.zernike_mom_s.coefs() * self.solvent
        self.zernike_mom_coef += self.zernike_mom_b.coefs() * self.sol_layer
        self.nlm = self.zernike_mom.nlm()
        self.zernike_mom.load_coefs(self.nlm, self.zernike_mom_coef)
Ejemplo n.º 10
 def initialize_reusable_objects(self):
     #### Reusable Objects for moments calculation ####
     self.grid_obj = math.sphere_grid(self.np_on_grid, self.nmax)
     self.moment_obj = math.zernike_moments(self.grid_obj, self.nmax)
     moments = self.moment_obj.moments()
     self.zm = zm.zernike_model(moments, self.data.q, self.rmax, self.nmax)