Ejemplo n.º 1
 def emacs_for_name(parent):
     new_k = parent.item_key_of_eventual_item
     x, w = x_and_width_for_name()
     change1 = parent.build_change_for_insert_WIP_row(new_k)
     change2 = parent.build_change_for_show_EMACS_field(
             new_k, x, w, 'nn', new_k)
     return _response(changes=(change1, change2))
Ejemplo n.º 2
    def _move_up_down(self, adv, diff):
        ref_k = self._FC_curr_key
        focus_item_offset = _item_offset_via_item_key(ref_k)
        target_item_offset = focus_item_offset + diff
        num = self._current_number_of_items

        if num == target_item_offset:  # #here6
            reason = "can't move bottom item down"
            return self._response_via_info('wrong_way', reason)

        if -1 == target_item_offset:  # #here6
            reason = "can't move top item up"
            return self._response_via_info('wrong_way', reason)

        # OK please enjoy this one: the component that moved had focus before,
        # and (as an entirely obvious design choice) it should continue to
        # have focus after. Corollarily, the item it swapped places with didn't
        # have focus before and should continue not to have it after. Easy.
        # So as far as the components themselves are concerned, there's no
        # focusing to update. HOWEVER, the focus controller keeps track of
        # who has the focus by item key, and this key changed.

        # Also note we don't need to re-draw buttons until #here6

        target_k = _item_key_via_item_offset(target_item_offset)
        cx = self._components
        ref_item = cx[ref_k]
        target_item = cx[target_k]
        cx[target_k] = ref_item
        cx[ref_k] = target_item


        # emi = _emi_via_info_line('moved_item', f"moved item {adv}")  nah
        return _response(changed_visually=(ref_k, target_k))
Ejemplo n.º 3
 def emacs(parent):
     new_k = parent.item_key_of_eventual_item
     x = _hand_w + _lb_w
     change1 = parent.build_change_for_insert_WIP_row(new_k)
     change2 = parent.build_change_for_show_EMACS_field(
             new_k, x, slot_w, new_k)
     return _response(changes=(change1, change2))
Ejemplo n.º 4
    def receive_new_value_from_modal_(self, mixed):
        if mixed is None:
            pass  # it means they cancelled out. keep old value
            self._value_string = mixed  # no validation for now lol

        # (probably not nec to tell the host we changed b.c it redraws anyway)
        return _response(changed_visually=(self._key, ))
Ejemplo n.º 5
    def _apply_change_focus(self, k, butt_k, k_, cbpk):

        # Bounce the focus controller's own patch back to it so it notifies
        # one component of the loss and one of the gain ("cast" the direction
        # controller to a focus controller)
        no = self._DC.apply_change_focus(k, k_)
        assert no is None

        # Change the button area (probably) and notify BBC
        yield self._apply_change_buttons(butt_k, cbpk)

        cv = *(() if k is None else (k, )), k_

        yield _response(changed_visually=cv)
Ejemplo n.º 6
    def _DONE(self):
        # You're going to pop out. leave your label row as focused because
        # that's what had focus when you popped in.
        if 'label_row' == self._FC_curr_key:
            resp = _response(changes=())  # 😢
            resp = self._focus_controller.change_focus_to('label_row')

        # You've got to leave your focus controller alive because you use
        # it to change focus at the apply stroke later (to change buttons)
        # self._focus_controller = None  # #here8

        change = 'input_controller', 'pop_receiver', self._key
        resp.changes = *resp.changes, change  # meh
        return resp
Ejemplo n.º 7
    def _apply_push_receiver(self, soa_k):
        """implement the ability for a child component to change the input

        mode so it receives focus and handles directional events itself.
        See section on SACs in [#608.L].

        The details of this (like the interface of the directive, the
        interface of the below methods called) are all HIGHLY EXPERIMENTAL.
        it's just a rough prototyping sketch

        # Get what is probably the component with focus
        # (amazing we get this far (as the I.C) without needing these)
        # (this is the payback for the convenience of string-only directives)
        stack = self._controller_stack
        cx = stack[-1].DC.FOCUSABLE_COMPONENTS__
        c = cx[soa_k]

        # Build and push the new frame
        kw = {k: v for k, v in c.CONTROLLER_FRAME__()}

        # Remove this one thing from it
        cbpk = kw.pop('component_button_page_key_once_has_focus')

        # Add this one thing to it
        kw['SOA_component_key'] = soa_k

        new_frame = _controller_frame(**kw)

        # Assume SAC already focuses its top child when it itself gets focus.
        # But now that we're pushing in to it we gotta change buttons

        # Gotta change the buttons. Assume SAC already had item with focus

        changes = (('input_controller', 'change_buttons', soa_k, cbpk), )
        resp = _response(changes=changes)

        # We're like 99% sure we want to stale the buttons always because
        # that's practically the whole point of pushing in to a new mode is
        # getting new available actions. Otherwise, if not here, where?

        # Redraw the whole SAC (meh) and the buttons,
        assert resp.changed_visually is None  # hack it. meh
        resp.changed_visually = (soa_k, 'buttons')
        return resp
Ejemplo n.º 8
    def _bounceback_translate_area(self, stack):
        # Typically rendering happens by: responses flag those components that
        # need a redraw, then just before the host blocks for input, it asks
        # the root compound area for those components and asks those components
        # for their current rows, then we (somehow) determine screen offsets
        # for the rows and render them to screen.

        # But when it comes to an "emacs field", the component has almost no
        # interest in managing the rendering (or input) itself. It only wants
        # to be able to specify an X and a width and let the host do the rest.
        # Here we translate SAC-space coordinates to screen coords for that..

        these = tuple(stack.pop() for _ in range(0, 7))
        recip, typ, comp_path, h, w, y, x = these

        if 2 < len(self._controller_stack):
            xx("wow how ambitious. do you really want to do this?")

        hh = self._controller_stack[-2].harnesses_experimental
        ah = hh[comp_path[0]]  # 😢
        use_y, use_x = ah.translate_point__(y, x)

        change = recip, typ, comp_path, h, w, use_y, use_x, *reversed(stack)
        return _response(changes=(change, ))
Ejemplo n.º 9
def listener(*args):
    # A big hack to make code read more familiarly but BE CAREFUL

    emi = _emission(args)
    emis = (emi, )
    return _response(emissions=emis)
Ejemplo n.º 10
def _response_for_quit():
    line = 'Goodbye from ncurses yikes®'  # #todo put app name here, or not
    emi = _emission(('info', 'expression', 'goodbye', lambda: (line, )))
    changes = (('host_directive', 'quit'), )
    return _response(emissions=(emi, ), changes=changes)
Ejemplo n.º 11
 def _enter_modal(self):
     changes = (('host_directive', 'enter_emacs_modal', self._key), )
     return _response(changes=changes)
Ejemplo n.º 12
 def _toggle(self):
     self._is_checked = not self._is_checked
     return _response(changed_visually=(self._key, ))
Ejemplo n.º 13
 def experiment_transition(_, tname, *item_k):
     change = 'input_controller', 'traverse_transition', tname, *item_k  # noqa: E501
     return _response(changes=(change,))
Ejemplo n.º 14
 def _this_response(self):
     return _response(changed_visually=(self._key,))
Ejemplo n.º 15
 def _response_via_info(self, cat, msg):
     emi = _emi_via_info_line(cat, msg)
     return _response(emissions=(emi,))
Ejemplo n.º 16
 def emacs_for_value(parent, item_k):
     x, w = x_and_width_for_value()
     change = parent.build_change_for_show_EMACS_field(
             item_k, x, w, 'vv', item_k)
     return _response(changes=(change,))
Ejemplo n.º 17
def _response_for_quit():
    line = 'Goodbye from ncurses yikes®'  # #todo put app name here, or not
    emi = _emission(('info', 'expression', 'goodbye', lambda: (line, )))
    changes = (('host_directive', 'quit'), )
    return _response(emissions=(emi, ), changes=changes)

def listener(*args):
    # A big hack to make code read more familiarly but BE CAREFUL

    emi = _emission(args)
    emis = (emi, )
    return _response(emissions=emis)

_no_change = _response()

# == Local constants

_arrow_keys = set('KEY_UP KEY_RIGHT KEY_DOWN KEY_LEFT'.split())
_enter = '\n'
_lowercase_alpha = re.compile(r'[a-z]\Z')

def xx(msg=None):
    raise RuntimeError(''.join(('cover me', *((': ', msg) if msg else ()))))

# #born
Ejemplo n.º 18
 def _ENTER(self):
     # Entering into an SOC, push a new controller (us) on to the stack
     change = 'input_controller', 'push_receiver', self._key
     return _response(changes=(change,))