Ejemplo n.º 1
    def display(self, format="png"):
        Return an object that can be used to display this sequence.
        This is used for IPython Notebook.

        :param format: "png" or "svg"
        from sebastian.core.transforms import lilypond
        seq = HSeq(self) | lilypond()

        if format == "png":
            suffix = ".preview.png"
            args = ["lilypond", "--png", "-dno-print-pages", "-dpreview"]
        elif format == "svg":
            suffix = ".preview.svg"
            args = ["lilypond", "-dbackend=svg", "-dno-print-pages", "-dpreview"]

        f = tempfile.NamedTemporaryFile(suffix=suffix)
        basename = f.name[:-len(suffix)]
        args.extend(["-o"+basename, "-"])

        p = sp.Popen(args, stdin=sp.PIPE)
        if p.returncode != 0:
            # there was an error
            return None

        if not ipython:
            return f.read()
        if format == "png":
            return Image(data=f.read(), filename=f.name, format="png")
            return SVG(data=f.read(), filename=f.name)
Ejemplo n.º 2
    def test_lilypond_transform(self):
        Ensure that it plays in G major.
        from sebastian.core.transforms import midi_pitch, add, lilypond
        from sebastian.core import DURATION_64
        from sebastian.core import HSeq, Point
        h1 = HSeq([Point(pitch=pitch) for pitch in [0, 1, 2, 3, 4, 11, -4, -11]])
        positioned = h1 | add({'octave': 4, DURATION_64: 8})
        pitched = positioned | midi_pitch()
        pitched[3]['octave'] = 5
        pitched[4]['octave'] = 3
        lilyed = pitched | lilypond()

        import pprint

        self.assertEqual(lilyed._elements, [
            {'duration_64': 8,
                'lilypond': 'd8',
                'midi_pitch': 50,
                'octave': 4,
                'pitch': 0},
            {'duration_64': 8,
                'lilypond': 'a8',
                'midi_pitch': 57,
                'octave': 4,
                'pitch': 1},
            {'duration_64': 8,
                'lilypond': 'e8',
                'midi_pitch': 52,
                'octave': 4,
                'pitch': 2},
            {'duration_64': 8,
                'lilypond': "b'8",
                'midi_pitch': 59,
                'octave': 5,
                'pitch': 3},
            {'duration_64': 8,
                'lilypond': 'fis,8',
                'midi_pitch': 54,
                'octave': 3,
                'pitch': 4},
            {'duration_64': 8,
                'lilypond': 'fisis8',
                'midi_pitch': 55,
                'octave': 4,
                'pitch': 11},
            {'duration_64': 8,
                'lilypond': 'bes8',
                'midi_pitch': 58,
                'octave': 4,
                'pitch': -4},
            {'duration_64': 8,
                'lilypond': 'beses8',
                'midi_pitch': 57,
                'octave': 4,
                'pitch': -11}
Ejemplo n.º 3
 def test_write(self):
     import tempfile
     pitches = HSeq({"pitch": n} for n in [-2, 0, 2, -3])
     seq = pitches | add({"octave": 5, DURATION_64: 16}) | lilypond()
     f = tempfile.NamedTemporaryFile(suffix=".ly", delete=False)
     write(f.name, seq)
     with open(f.name) as g:
         self.assertEqual(g.read(), "{ c'4 d'4 e'4 f'4 }")
Ejemplo n.º 4
 def test_write(self):
     import tempfile
     pitches = HSeq({"pitch": n} for n in [-2, 0, 2, -3])
     seq = pitches | add({"octave": 5, DURATION_64: 16}) | lilypond()
     f = tempfile.NamedTemporaryFile(suffix=".ly", delete=False)
     write(f.name, seq)
     with open(f.name) as g:
         self.assertEqual(g.read(), "{ c'4 d'4 e'4 f'4 }")
Ejemplo n.º 5
 def test_display_skipped_on_empty(self):
     If all lilypond output is empty,
     ensure we don't call lilypond
     empty = HSeq({"fake":n} for n in xrange(2))
     seq = empty | lilypond()
     displayed = seq.display()
     self.assertIsInstance(displayed, HSeq)
Ejemplo n.º 6
 def test_display_skipped_on_empty(self):
     If all lilypond output is empty,
     ensure we don't call lilypond
     empty = HSeq({"fake": n} for n in range(2))
     seq = empty | lilypond()
     displayed = seq.display()
     self.assertTrue(isinstance(displayed, HSeq))
Ejemplo n.º 7
 def test_lilypond_transform_rhythms(self):
     Ensure points without pitches can render to lilypond
     from sebastian.core.transforms import lilypond
     from sebastian.core import DURATION_64
     from sebastian.core import HSeq, Point
     h1 = HSeq([Point({DURATION_64: 64}), Point({DURATION_64: 0}), Point()])
     h2 = h1 | lilypond()
     self.assertEqual(h2._elements[0]['lilypond'], r"\xNote c'1")
     self.assertEqual(h2._elements[1]['lilypond'], '')
     self.assertEqual(h2._elements[2]['lilypond'], '')
Ejemplo n.º 8
 def test_lilypond_transform_rhythms(self):
     Ensure points without pitches can render to lilypond
     from sebastian.core.transforms import lilypond
     from sebastian.core import DURATION_64
     from sebastian.core import HSeq, Point
     h1 = HSeq([
         Point({DURATION_64: 64}),
         Point({DURATION_64: 0}),
     h2 = h1 | lilypond()
     self.assertEqual(h2._elements[0]['lilypond'], r"\xNote c'1")
     self.assertEqual(h2._elements[1]['lilypond'], '')
     self.assertEqual(h2._elements[2]['lilypond'], '')
Ejemplo n.º 9
    def display(self, format="png"):
        Return an object that can be used to display this sequence.
        This is used for IPython Notebook.

        :param format: "png" or "svg"
        from sebastian.core.transforms import lilypond
        seq = HSeq(self) | lilypond()

        lily_output = write_lilypond.lily_format(seq)
        if not lily_output.strip():
            #In the case of empty lily outputs, return self to get a textual display
            return self

        if format == "png":
            suffix = ".preview.png"
            args = ["lilypond", "--png", "-dno-print-pages", "-dpreview"]
        elif format == "svg":
            suffix = ".preview.svg"
            args = [
                "lilypond", "-dbackend=svg", "-dno-print-pages", "-dpreview"

        f = tempfile.NamedTemporaryFile(suffix=suffix)
        basename = f.name[:-len(suffix)]
        args.extend(["-o" + basename, "-"])

        #Pass shell=True so that if your $PATH contains ~ it will
        #get expanded. This also changes the way the arguments get
        #passed in. To work correctly, pass them as a string
        p = sp.Popen(" ".join(args), stdin=sp.PIPE, shell=True)
        stdout, stderr = p.communicate("{ %s }" % lily_output)
        if p.returncode != 0:
            # there was an error
            #raise IOError("Lilypond execution failed: %s%s" % (stdout, stderr))
            return None

        if not ipython:
            return f.read()
        if format == "png":
            return Image(data=f.read(), filename=f.name, format="png")
            return SVG(data=f.read(), filename=f.name)
Ejemplo n.º 10
    def display(self, format="png"):
        Return an object that can be used to display this sequence.
        This is used for IPython Notebook.

        :param format: "png" or "svg"
        from sebastian.core.transforms import lilypond
        seq = HSeq(self) | lilypond()

        lily_output = write_lilypond.lily_format(seq)
        if not lily_output.strip():
            #In the case of empty lily outputs, return self to get a textual display
            return self

        if format == "png":
            suffix = ".preview.png"
            args = ["lilypond", "--png", "-dno-print-pages", "-dpreview"]
        elif format == "svg":
            suffix = ".preview.svg"
            args = ["lilypond", "-dbackend=svg", "-dno-print-pages", "-dpreview"]

        f = tempfile.NamedTemporaryFile(suffix=suffix)
        basename = f.name[:-len(suffix)]
        args.extend(["-o" + basename, "-"])

        #Pass shell=True so that if your $PATH contains ~ it will
        #get expanded. This also changes the way the arguments get
        #passed in. To work correctly, pass them as a string
        p = sp.Popen(" ".join(args), stdin=sp.PIPE, shell=True)
        stdout, stderr = p.communicate("{ %s }" % lily_output)
        if p.returncode != 0:
            # there was an error
            #raise IOError("Lilypond execution failed: %s%s" % (stdout, stderr))
            return None

        if not ipython:
            return f.read()
        if format == "png":
            return Image(data=f.read(), filename=f.name, format="png")
            return SVG(data=f.read(), filename=f.name)
Ejemplo n.º 11

def write(filename, seq):
    with open(filename, "w") as f:
        f.write("{ ")
        for point in seq:
            f.write(" ")

if __name__ == "__main__":
    from sebastian.core import DURATION_64
    from sebastian.core import HSeq, Point
    from sebastian.core.notes import Key, major_scale
    from sebastian.core.transforms import degree_in_key, add, lilypond

    seq = HSeq(Point(degree=n) for n in [1, 2, 3, 4])
    seq = seq | add({DURATION_64: 16, "octave": 5})

    C_major = Key("C", major_scale)

    seq = seq | degree_in_key(C_major) | lilypond()

    write("test.ly", seq)
Ejemplo n.º 12
    def test_lilypond_transform(self):
        Ensure that it plays in G major.
        from sebastian.core.transforms import midi_pitch, add, lilypond
        from sebastian.core import DURATION_64
        from sebastian.core import HSeq, Point
        h1 = HSeq(
            [Point(pitch=pitch) for pitch in [0, 1, 2, 3, 4, 11, -4, -11]])
        positioned = h1 | add({'octave': 4, DURATION_64: 8})
        pitched = positioned | midi_pitch()
        pitched[3]['octave'] = 5
        pitched[4]['octave'] = 3
        lilyed = pitched | lilypond()

        import pprint

        self.assertEqual(lilyed._elements, [{
            'duration_64': 8,
            'lilypond': 'd8',
            'midi_pitch': 50,
            'octave': 4,
            'pitch': 0
        }, {
            'duration_64': 8,
            'lilypond': 'a8',
            'midi_pitch': 57,
            'octave': 4,
            'pitch': 1
        }, {
            'duration_64': 8,
            'lilypond': 'e8',
            'midi_pitch': 52,
            'octave': 4,
            'pitch': 2
        }, {
            'duration_64': 8,
            'lilypond': "b'8",
            'midi_pitch': 59,
            'octave': 5,
            'pitch': 3
        }, {
            'duration_64': 8,
            'lilypond': 'fis,8',
            'midi_pitch': 54,
            'octave': 3,
            'pitch': 4
        }, {
            'duration_64': 8,
            'lilypond': 'fisis8',
            'midi_pitch': 55,
            'octave': 4,
            'pitch': 11
        }, {
            'duration_64': 8,
            'lilypond': 'bes8',
            'midi_pitch': 58,
            'octave': 4,
            'pitch': -4
        }, {
            'duration_64': 8,
            'lilypond': 'beses8',
            'midi_pitch': 57,
            'octave': 4,
            'pitch': -11
Ejemplo n.º 13
from sebastian.lilypond import write_lilypond

# construct sequences using lilypond syntax
melody = parse("e4 e f g g f e d c c d e")
A = parse("e4. d8 d2")
Aprime = parse("d4. c8 c2")

two_bars = melody + A + melody + Aprime
two_bars = two_bars | midi_to_pitch()
two_bars = two_bars | add({"octave": 5})

velocities = [
    "pppppp", "ppppp", "pppp", "ppp", "pp", "p", "mp", "mf", "f", "ff", "fff",

for d in velocities:
    two_bars_with_dynamics = two_bars | dynamics(d)
    write_midi.write("ode_%s.mid" % (d, ), [two_bars_with_dynamics])

two_bars_ff_lily = two_bars | dynamics("ff") | lilypond()
write_lilypond.write("ode_ff.ly", two_bars_ff_lily)

crescendo = two_bars | dynamics("ppp", "ff")
write_midi.write("ode_crescendo.mid", [crescendo])
write_lilypond.write("ode_crescendo.ly", crescendo | lilypond())

diminuendo = two_bars | dynamics("mf", "pppp")
write_midi.write("ode_diminuendo.mid", [diminuendo])
write_lilypond.write("ode_diminuendo.ly", diminuendo | lilypond())
Ejemplo n.º 14
from sebastian.lilypond.interp import parse
from sebastian.core.transforms import dynamics, lilypond, midi_to_pitch, add
from sebastian.midi import write_midi
from sebastian.lilypond import write_lilypond

# construct sequences using lilypond syntax
melody = parse("e4 e f g g f e d c c d e")
A = parse("e4. d8 d2")
Aprime = parse("d4. c8 c2")

two_bars = melody + A + melody + Aprime
two_bars = two_bars | midi_to_pitch()
two_bars = two_bars | add({"octave": 5})

velocities = ["pppppp", "ppppp", "pppp", "ppp", "pp", "p", "mp", "mf", "f", "ff", "fff", "ffff"]

for d in velocities:
    two_bars_with_dynamics = two_bars | dynamics(d)
    write_midi.write("ode_%s.mid" % (d,), [two_bars_with_dynamics])

two_bars_ff_lily = two_bars | dynamics("ff") | lilypond()
write_lilypond.write("ode_ff.ly", two_bars_ff_lily)

crescendo = two_bars | dynamics("ppp", "ff")
write_midi.write("ode_crescendo.mid", [crescendo])
write_lilypond.write("ode_crescendo.ly", crescendo | lilypond())

diminuendo = two_bars | dynamics("mf", "pppp")
write_midi.write("ode_diminuendo.mid", [diminuendo])
write_lilypond.write("ode_diminuendo.ly", diminuendo | lilypond())
Ejemplo n.º 15
# play MIDI

# write to MIDI
write_midi.write("seq5.mid", [seq5])

# contruct a horizontal sequence of scale degrees
seq6 = HSeq(Point(degree=degree) for degree in [1, 2, 3, 2, 1])

# put that sequence into C major, octave 4 quavers
C_MAJOR = Key("C", major_scale)
seq7 = seq6 | add({"octave": 4, DURATION_64: 8}) | degree_in_key(C_MAJOR)

# convert to MIDI pitch and play
player.play([OSequence(seq7 | midi_pitch())])

# sequence of first four degree of a scale
seq8 = HSeq(Point(degree=n) for n in [1, 2, 3, 4])

# add duration and octave
seq8 = seq8 | add({DURATION_64: 16, "octave": 5})

# put into C major
seq8 = seq8 | degree_in_key(C_MAJOR)

# annotate with lilypond
seq8 = seq8 | lilypond()

# write out lilypond file
write("example.ly", seq8)
Ejemplo n.º 16

# write to MIDI
write_midi.write("seq5.mid", [seq5])

# contruct a horizontal sequence of scale degrees
seq6 = HSeq(Point(degree=degree) for degree in [1, 2, 3, 2, 1])

# put that sequence into C major, octave 4 quavers
C_MAJOR = Key("C", major_scale)
seq7 = seq6 | add({"octave": 4, DURATION_64: 8}) | degree_in_key(C_MAJOR)

# convert to MIDI pitch and play
player.play([OSequence(seq7 | midi_pitch())])

# sequence of first four degree of a scale
seq8 = HSeq(Point(degree=n) for n in [1, 2, 3, 4])

# add duration and octave
seq8 = seq8 | add({DURATION_64: 16, "octave": 5})

# put into C major
seq8 = seq8 | degree_in_key(C_MAJOR)

# annotate with lilypond
seq8 = seq8 | lilypond()

# write out lilypond file
write("example.ly", seq8)
Ejemplo n.º 17
 def test_output(self):
     pitches = HSeq({"pitch": n} for n in [-2, 0, 2, -3])
     seq = pitches | add({"octave": 5, DURATION_64: 16}) | lilypond()
     self.assertEqual(output(seq), "{ c'4 d'4 e'4 f'4 }")
Ejemplo n.º 18
 def test_output(self):
     pitches = HSeq({"pitch": n} for n in [-2, 0, 2, -3])
     seq = pitches | add({"octave": 5, DURATION_64: 16}) | lilypond()
     self.assertEqual(output(seq), "{ c'4 d'4 e'4 f'4 }")