Ejemplo n.º 1
    def test_instances_serialization(self, serializer):
        # Because dictionaries item order is not guaranteed we cannot
        # compare directly directlly the result
        obj = utils.SerializableDummy()
        name = reflect.canonical_name(utils.SerializableDummy)
        data = serializer.convert(obj)
        assert isinstance(data, list)
        assert data[0] == name
        assert isinstance(data[1], list)
        assert data[1][0] == "dictionary"
        dict_vals = data[1][1:]
        assert len(dict_vals) == 12

        assert ['none', ['None']] in dict_vals
        assert ['set', ['set', 1, 2, 3]] in dict_vals
        assert ['str', 'dummy'] in dict_vals
        assert ['tuple', ['tuple', 1, 2, 3]] in dict_vals
        assert ['int', 42] in dict_vals
        assert ['float', 3.1415926] in dict_vals
        assert ['list', ['list', 1, 2, 3]] in dict_vals
        assert ['long', 2 ** 66] in dict_vals
        assert ['bool', ['boolean', 'true']] in dict_vals
        assert ['unicode', ['unicode', 'dummy']] in dict_vals
        assert ['dict', ['dictionary', [1, 2], [3, 4]]] in dict_vals
        assert ['ref', ['None']] in dict_vals

        obj = ListSerializableDummy([1, 2, 3])
        name = reflect.canonical_name(ListSerializableDummy)
        assert serializer.convert(obj) == [name, ['list', 1, 2, 3]]
Ejemplo n.º 2
 def test_method(self, builtin_module):
     assert ('tests.test_reflect.Dummy.spam' == reflect.canonical_name(
     assert ('tests.test_reflect.Dummy.spam' == reflect.canonical_name(
     assert (builtin_module + '.split' == reflect.canonical_name(
Ejemplo n.º 3
 def test_method(self, builtin_module):
     assert (
         'tests.test_reflect.Dummy.spam' ==
     assert (
         'tests.test_reflect.Dummy.spam' ==
     assert (
         builtin_module + '.split' ==
Ejemplo n.º 4
 def _lookup_restorator(self, type_name):
     # Lookup the registry for a IRestorator
     restorator = self._registry.lookup(type_name)
     if restorator is None:
         raise TypeError("Type %s not supported by unserializer %s" %
                         (type_name, reflect.canonical_name(self)))
     return restorator
Ejemplo n.º 5
 def _lookup_restorator(self, type_name):
     # Lookup the registry for a IRestorator
     restorator = self._registry.lookup(type_name)
     if restorator is None:
         raise TypeError("Type %s not supported by unserializer %s"
                         % (type_name, reflect.canonical_name(self)))
     return restorator
Ejemplo n.º 6
    def flatten_unknown_value(self, value, caps, freezing):
        # Flatten enums
        if isinstance(value, enum.Enum):
            return self.flatten_enum_value(value, caps, freezing)

        # Flatten types and interfaces
        if isinstance(value, (type, InterfaceClass)):
            return self.flatten_type_value(value, caps, freezing)

        if self._externalizer is not None:
            extid = self._externalizer.identify(value)
            if extid is not None:
                return self.flatten_external(extid, caps, freezing)

        # Checks if value support the current required protocol
        # Could be ISnapshotable or ISerializable
        if freezing:

                snapshotable = ISnapshotable(value)
            except TypeError:
                    "Freezing of type %s values "
                    "not supported by %s. Value = %r."
                    % (type(value).__name__,
                       reflect.canonical_name(self), value),

            return self.flatten_instance(snapshotable, caps, freezing)


                serializable = ISerializable(value)
            except TypeError:
                    "Serialization of type %s values "
                    "not supported by %s. Value = %r."
                    % (reflect.canonical_name(value),
                       reflect.canonical_name(self), value),

            return self.flatten_instance(serializable, caps, freezing)
Ejemplo n.º 7
    def flatten_unknown_value(self, value, caps, freezing):
        # Flatten enums
        if isinstance(value, enum.Enum):
            return self.flatten_enum_value(value, caps, freezing)

        # Flatten types and interfaces
        if isinstance(value, (type, InterfaceClass)):
            return self.flatten_type_value(value, caps, freezing)

        if self._externalizer is not None:
            extid = self._externalizer.identify(value)
            if extid is not None:
                return self.flatten_external(extid, caps, freezing)

        # Checks if value support the current required protocol
        # Could be ISnapshotable or ISerializable
        if freezing:

                snapshotable = ISnapshotable(value)
            except TypeError:
                    TypeError, "Freezing of type %s values "
                    "not supported by %s. Value = %r." %
                    (type(value).__name__, reflect.canonical_name(self),

            return self.flatten_instance(snapshotable, caps, freezing)


                serializable = ISerializable(value)
            except TypeError:
                    TypeError, "Serialization of type %s values "
                    "not supported by %s. Value = %r." %
                     reflect.canonical_name(self), value),

            return self.flatten_instance(serializable, caps, freezing)
Ejemplo n.º 8
 def flatten_key(self, key, caps, freezing):
     if not isinstance(key, bytes):
         if isinstance(key, unicode) and (self._force_unicode or PY3):
             return self.pack_unicode, key
             raise TypeError("Serializer %s is not capable of serializing "
                             "non-string dictionary keys: %r"
                             % (reflect.canonical_name(self), key))
     # Flatten it as unicode by using the selected encoding
     return self.pack_unicode, key.decode(DEFAULT_ENCODING)
Ejemplo n.º 9
 def flatten_key(self, key, caps, freezing):
     if not isinstance(key, bytes):
         if isinstance(key, unicode) and (self._force_unicode or PY3):
             return self.pack_unicode, key
             raise TypeError("Serializer %s is not capable of serializing "
                             "non-string dictionary keys: %r" %
                             (reflect.canonical_name(self), key))
     # Flatten it as unicode by using the selected encoding
     return self.pack_unicode, key.decode(DEFAULT_ENCODING)
Ejemplo n.º 10
    def test_not_referenceable(self, serializer):
        Klass = utils.NotReferenceableDummy
        Inst = pytree.Instance
        name = reflect.canonical_name(Klass)

        obj = Klass()
        data = serializer.convert([obj, obj])

        assert data == [Inst(name, {"value": 42}), Inst(name, {"value": 42})]

        data = serializer.freeze([obj, obj])
        assert data == [{"value": 42}, {"value": 42}]
Ejemplo n.º 11
    def flatten_unknown_key(self, value, caps, freezing):
        # Flatten enums
        if isinstance(value, enum.Enum):
            return self.flatten_enum_key(value, caps, freezing)

        # Flatten types and interfaces
        if isinstance(value, (type, InterfaceClass)):
            return self.flatten_type_key(value, caps, freezing)

        # Instances are not supported in keys
        raise TypeError("Type %s keys not supported by serializer %s" %
                        (type(value).__name__, reflect.canonical_name(self)))
Ejemplo n.º 12
    def test_not_referenceable(self, serializer):
        Klass = utils.NotReferenceableDummy
        Inst = pytree.Instance
        name = reflect.canonical_name(Klass)

        obj = Klass()
        data = serializer.convert([obj, obj])

        assert data == [
            Inst(name, {"value": 42}), Inst(name, {"value": 42})]

        data = serializer.freeze([obj, obj])
        assert data == [{"value": 42}, {"value": 42}]
Ejemplo n.º 13
    def flatten_unknown_key(self, value, caps, freezing):
        # Flatten enums
        if isinstance(value, enum.Enum):
            return self.flatten_enum_key(value, caps, freezing)

        # Flatten types and interfaces
        if isinstance(value, (type, InterfaceClass)):
            return self.flatten_type_key(value, caps, freezing)

        # Instances are not supported in keys
        raise TypeError("Type %s keys not supported by serializer %s"
                        % (type(value).__name__,
Ejemplo n.º 14
    def test_not_referenceable(self, serializer, helper):
        Klass = utils.NotReferenceableDummy
        name = reflect.canonical_name(Klass)

        obj = Klass()
        data = serializer.convert([obj, obj])

        assert data == [
            [name, ["dictionary", ["value", 42]]],
            [name, ["dictionary", ["value", 42]]],

        data = serializer.freeze([obj, obj])
        assert data == [
            ["dictionary", ["value", 42]],
            ["dictionary", ["value", 42]],
Ejemplo n.º 15
    def _unpack_data(self, data, refid, refdata):
        # Just return pass-through types,
        # support sub-classed base types and metaclasses
        if set(type(data).__mro__) & self.pass_through_types:
            return data

        analysis = self.analyse_data(data)

        if analysis is not None:

            constructor, unpacker = analysis

            if constructor is None:
                # Immutable types
                return unpacker(self, data)

            if callable(constructor):
                # Unpack the mutable containers that provides constructor
                container = constructor()
                if container is not None:
                    if refid is not None:
                        self._references[refid] = (id(refdata), container)
                    return self.delayed_unpacking(container, unpacker,
                                                  self, container, data)

                # Instance type name
                prepared = self.prepare_instance(constructor)
                if prepared is None:
                    # Immutable instance
                    return unpacker(self, data, None, None, None)

                restorator, instance = prepared

                if refid is not None:
                    self._references[refid] = (id(refdata), instance)
                return self.delayed_unpacking(instance, unpacker, self, data,
                                              refid, restorator, instance)

        raise TypeError("Type %s not supported by unserializer %s"
                        % (type(data).__name__,
Ejemplo n.º 16
    def _unpack_data(self, data, refid, refdata):
        # Just return pass-through types,
        # support sub-classed base types and metaclasses
        if set(type(data).__mro__) & self.pass_through_types:
            return data

        analysis = self.analyse_data(data)

        if analysis is not None:

            constructor, unpacker = analysis

            if constructor is None:
                # Immutable types
                return unpacker(self, data)

            if callable(constructor):
                # Unpack the mutable containers that provides constructor
                container = constructor()
                if container is not None:
                    if refid is not None:
                        self._references[refid] = (id(refdata), container)
                    return self.delayed_unpacking(container, unpacker, self,
                                                  container, data)

                # Instance type name
                prepared = self.prepare_instance(constructor)
                if prepared is None:
                    # Immutable instance
                    return unpacker(self, data, None, None, None)

                restorator, instance = prepared

                if refid is not None:
                    self._references[refid] = (id(refdata), instance)
                return self.delayed_unpacking(instance, unpacker, self, data,
                                              refid, restorator, instance)

        raise TypeError("Type %s not supported by unserializer %s" %
                        (type(data).__name__, reflect.canonical_name(self)))
Ejemplo n.º 17
 def test_none(self):
     assert None == reflect.canonical_name(None)
Ejemplo n.º 18
 def pack_enum(self, data):
     return [ENUM_ATOM, reflect.canonical_name(data) + "." + data.name]
Ejemplo n.º 19
 def test_interface(self):
     assert (
         'tests.test_reflect.DummyInterface' ==
Ejemplo n.º 20
 def pack_frozen_function(self, data):
     return reflect.canonical_name(data)
Ejemplo n.º 21
 def pack_enum(self, data):
     return [ENUM_ATOM, reflect.canonical_name(data) + "." + data.name]
Ejemplo n.º 22
 def test_function(self, builtin_module):
     assert 'tests.test_reflect.bacon' == reflect.canonical_name(bacon)
     assert builtin_module + '.getattr' == reflect.canonical_name(getattr)
Ejemplo n.º 23
        def convertion_table(capabilities, freezing):
            # ## Basic immutable types ###

            yield bytes, [b""
                          ], str, ['[".enc", "UTF8", ""]',
                                   '[".bytes", ""]'], False
            yield bytes, [b"dummy"], str, [
                '[".enc", "UTF8", "dummy"]', '[".bytes", "ZHVtbXk="]'
            ], False
            yield bytes, [b"\xFF"], str, ['[".bytes", "/w=="]'], False
            yield unicode, [u""], str, ['""'], False
            yield unicode, [u"dummy"], str, ['"dummy"'], False
            yield unicode, [u"áéí"], str, ['"\\u00e1\\u00e9\\u00ed"'], False
            yield [int, long], [0], str, ["0"], False
            yield [int, long], [42], str, ["42"], False
            yield [int, long], [-42], str, ["-42"], False
            yield [int, long], [long(0)], str, ["0"], False
            yield long, [2**72], str, ["4722366482869645213696"], False
            yield long, [-2**72], str, ["-4722366482869645213696"], False
            yield float, [0.0], str, ["0.0"], False
            yield float, [3.141], str, ["3.141"], False
            yield float, [-3.141], str, ["-3.141"], False
            yield float, [1e20], str, ["1e+20"], False
            yield float, [1e-22], str, ["1e-22"], False
            yield bool, [True], str, ["true"], False
            yield bool, [False], str, ["false"], False
            yield type(None), [None], str, ["null"], False

            # ## Types ###
            from datetime import datetime
            if PY3:
                yield type, [int], str, ['[".type", "builtins.int"]'], False
                yield type, [int], str, ['[".type", "__builtin__.int"]'], False
            yield (type, [datetime], str, ['[".type", "datetime.datetime"]'],
            yield (type, [utils.SerializableDummy], str,
                   ['[".type", "tests.utils.'
                    'SerializableDummy"]'], False)
            yield (InterfaceClass, [DummyInterface], str,
                   ['[".type", "tests.test_json.DummyInterface"]'], False)

            # ## Enums ###

            DummyEnum = utils.DummyEnum

            yield (DummyEnum, [DummyEnum.a], str,
                   ['[".enum", "tests.utils.'
                    'DummyEnum.a"]'], False)
            yield (DummyEnum, [DummyEnum.c], str,
                   ['[".enum", "tests.utils.'
                    'DummyEnum.c"]'], False)

            # ## External References ###
            # TODO: not working on PY3
            if not PY3:
                if freezing:
                    name = '[".enc", "UTF8", "%s"]' % helper.ext_val.type_name
                    identifier = ('[".tuple", %s, %d]' %
                                  (name, id(helper.ext_val)))
                    yield (type(helper.ext_val), [helper.ext_val], str,
                           [identifier], False)
                    yield (type(helper.ext_snap_val), [helper.ext_snap_val],
                           str, [str(id(helper.ext_snap_val))], False)
                    name = '[".enc", "UTF8", "%s"]' % helper.ext_val.type_name
                    identifier = ('[".tuple", %s, %d]' %
                                  (name, id(helper.ext_val)))
                    yield (utils.SerializableDummy, [helper.ext_val], str,
                           ['[".ext", %s]' % identifier], False)

            # ## Freezing-Only Types ###

            if freezing:
                mod_name = "tests.test_json"
                fun_name = '"%s.dummy_function"' % mod_name
                meth_name = '"%s.DummyClass.dummy_method"' % mod_name

                yield (types.FunctionType, [dummy_function], str, [fun_name],

                yield (types.FunctionType, [DummyClass.dummy_method], str,
                       [meth_name], True)

                o = DummyClass()
                yield (types.FunctionType, [o.dummy_method], str, [meth_name],

            # ### Basic mutable types plus tuples ###

            # Exception for empty tuple singleton
            yield tuple, [()], str, ['[".tuple"]'], False
            yield tuple, [(1, 2, 3)], str, ['[".tuple", 1, 2, 3]'], True
            yield list, [[]], str, ['[]'], True
            yield list, [[1, 2, 3]], str, ['[1, 2, 3]'], True
            yield set, [set([])], str, ['[".set"]'], True
            yield set, [set([1, 3])], str, ['[".set", 1, 3]'], True
            yield dict, [{}], str, ['{}'], True
            yield dict, [{"1": 2, "3": 4}], str, ['{"1": 2, "3": 4}'], True

            # Container with different types
            yield (tuple,
                   [(0.11, b"a", u"z", False, None, (1, ), [2], set([3]), {
                       "4": 5
                   })], str, [
                       '[".tuple", 0.11, [".enc", "UTF8", "a"], "z", false, '
                       'null, [".tuple", 1], [2], [".set", 3], {"4": 5}]'
                   ], True)
            yield (list, [[
                0.11, b"a", u"z", False, None, (1, ), [2],
                set([3]), {
                    "4": 5
            ]], str, [
                '[0.11, [".enc", "UTF8", "a"], "z", false, null, '
                '[".tuple", 1], [2], [".set", 3], {"4": 5}]'
            ], True)

            # ## References and Dereferences ###

            # Simple reference in list
            a = []
            b = [a, a]
            yield list, [b], str, ['[[".ref", 1, []], [".deref", 1]]'], True

            # Simple reference in tuple
            a = ()
            b = (a, a)
            yield tuple, [b], str, [
                '[".tuple", [".ref", 1, [".tuple"]], '
                '[".deref", 1]]'
            ], True

            # Simple dereference in dict value.
            a = []
            b = [a, {"1": a}]
            yield (list, [b], str, ['[[".ref", 1, []], {"1": [".deref", 1]}]'],

            # Simple reference in dict value.
            a = []
            b = [{"1": a}, a]
            yield (list, [b], str, ['[{"1": [".ref", 1, []]}, [".deref", 1]]'],

            # Multiple reference in dictionary values, because dictionary order
            # is not predictable all possibilities have to be tested
            a = {}
            b = {"1": a, "2": a, "3": a}

            # generate all excepted resoults
            resoults = []
            for p in permutations([1, 2, 3]):
                resoult_parts = [
                    tml % dec for dec, tml in zip(p, ('"%d": [".ref", 1, {}]',
                                                      '"%d": [".deref", 1]',
                                                      '"%d": [".deref", 1]'))
                    '{%s}' % ', '.join(p) for p in permutations(resoult_parts)
            yield (dict, [b], str, resoults, True)

            # Simple dereference in set.
            a = ()
            b = [a, set([a])]
            yield list, [b], str, [
                '[[".ref", 1, [".tuple"]], '
                '[".set", [".deref", 1]]]'
            ], True

            # Simple reference in set.
            a = ()
            b = [set([a]), a]
            yield list, [b], str, [
                '[[".set", [".ref", 1, [".tuple"]]], '
                '[".deref", 1]]'
            ], True

            # Multiple reference in set, because set values order
            # is not predictable all possibilities have to be tested
            a = ()
            b = set([(1, a), (2, a)])
            yield (set, [b], str, [
                '[".set", [".tuple", 1, [".ref", 1, [".tuple"]]], '
                '[".tuple", 2, [".deref", 1]]]',
                '[".set", [".tuple", 2, [".ref", 1, [".tuple"]]], '
                '[".tuple", 1, [".deref", 1]]]'
            ], True)

            # List self-reference
            a = []
            yield list, [a], str, ['[".ref", 1, [[".deref", 1]]]'], True

            # Dict self-reference
            a = {}
            a["1"] = a
            yield dict, [a], str, ['[".ref", 1, {"1": [".deref", 1]}]'], True

            # Multiple references
            a = []
            b = [a]
            c = [a, b]
            d = [a, b, c]
            yield list, [d], str, [
                '[[".ref", 1, []], '
                '[".ref", 2, [[".deref", 1]]], '
                '[[".deref", 1], [".deref", 2]]]'
            ], True

            # Default instance
            o = DummyClass()
            o.value = 42

            if freezing:
                yield (DummyClass, [o], str, ['{"value": 42}'], True)
                name = reflect.canonical_name(o)
                yield (DummyClass, [o], str, [
                    '{".type": "%s", "value": 42}' % name,
                    '{"value": 42, ".type": "%s"}' % name
                ], True)

            Klass = DummyClass
            name = reflect.canonical_name(Klass)

            a = Klass()
            b = Klass()
            c = Klass()

            a.ref = b
            b.ref = a
            c.ref = c

            if freezing:
                yield (Klass, [a], str,
                       ['[".ref", 1, {"ref": {"ref": [".deref", 1]}}]'], True)
                yield (Klass, [b], str,
                       ['[".ref", 1, {"ref": {"ref": [".deref", 1]}}]'], True)
                yield (Klass, [c], str,
                       ['[".ref", 1, {"ref": [".deref", 1]}]'], True)

                yield (Klass, [a], str,
                       [('[".ref", 1, {".type": "%s", "ref": {".type": "%s", '
                         '"ref": [".deref", 1]}}]') % (name, name)], True)
                yield (Klass, [b], str,
                       [('[".ref", 1, {".type": "%s", "ref": {".type": "%s", '
                         '"ref": [".deref", 1]}}]') % (name, name)], True)
                yield (Klass, [c], str, [('[".ref", 1, {".type": "%s", "ref": '
                                          '[".deref", 1]}]') % (name, )], True)
Ejemplo n.º 24
        def convertion_table(capabilities, freezing):
            # ## Basic immutable types ###

            yield str, [""], str, [""], False
            yield str, ["dummy"], str, ["dummy"], False
            yield unicode, [u""], unicode, [u""], False
            yield unicode, [u"dummy"], unicode, [u"dummy"], False
            yield unicode, [u"áéí"], unicode, [u"áéí"], False
            yield int, [0], int, [0], False
            yield int, [42], int, [42], False
            yield int, [-42], int, [-42], False
            yield long, [long(0)], long, [long(0)], False
            yield long, [2 ** 66], long, [2 ** 66], False
            yield long, [-2 ** 66], long, [-2 ** 66], False
            yield float, [0.0], float, [0.0], False
            yield float, [3.1415926], float, [3.1415926], False
            yield float, [1e24], float, [1e24], False
            yield float, [1e-24], float, [1e-24], False
            yield bool, [True], bool, [True], False
            yield bool, [False], bool, [False], False
            yield type(None), [None], type(None), [None], False

            # ## Types ###
            from datetime import datetime
            yield type, [int], type, [int], False
            yield type, [datetime], type, [datetime], False
            yield (type, [utils.SerializableDummy],
                   type, [utils.SerializableDummy], False)
            yield (InterfaceClass, [DummyInterface],
                   InterfaceClass, [DummyInterface], False)

            # ## Enums ###

            DummyEnum = utils.DummyEnum

            yield DummyEnum, [DummyEnum.a], DummyEnum, [DummyEnum.a], False
            yield DummyEnum, [DummyEnum.c], DummyEnum, [DummyEnum.c], False

            # ## External References ###

            if freezing:
                identifier = (helper.ext_val.type_name, id(helper.ext_val))
                yield (type(helper.ext_val), [helper.ext_val],
                       tuple, [identifier], False)
                yield (type(helper.ext_snap_val), [helper.ext_snap_val],
                       [id(helper.ext_snap_val)], False)
                identifier = (helper.ext_val.type_name, id(helper.ext_val))
                yield (utils.SerializableDummy,
                       [helper.ext_val], pytree.External,
                       [pytree.External(identifier)], False)

            # ## Freezing-Only Types ###

            if freezing:
                mod_name = "tests.test_pytree"
                fun_name = mod_name + ".dummy_function"
                meth_name = mod_name + ".DummyClass.dummy_method"

                yield (
                    types.FunctionType, [dummy_function], str, [fun_name],

                yield (types.FunctionType, [DummyClass.dummy_method],
                       str, [meth_name], True)

                o = DummyClass()
                yield (
                    types.FunctionType, [o.dummy_method],
                    str, [meth_name], True)

            # ### Basic mutable types plus tuples ###

            # Exception for empty tuple singleton
            yield tuple, [()], tuple, [()], False
            yield tuple, [(1, 2, 3)], tuple, [(1, 2, 3)], True
            yield list, [[]], list, [[]], True
            yield list, [[1, 2, 3]], list, [[1, 2, 3]], True
            yield set, [set([])], set, [set([])], True
            yield set, [set([1, 3])], set, [set([1, 3])], True
            yield dict, [{}], dict, [{}], True
            yield dict, [{1: 2, 3: 4}], dict, [{1: 2, 3: 4}], True

            # Container with different types
            yield (tuple, [(0.1, 2 ** 45, "a", u"z", False, None,
                            (1, ), [2], set([3]), {4: 5})],
                   tuple, [(0.1, 2 ** 45, "a", u"z", False, None,
                            (1, ), [2], set([3]), {4: 5})], True)
            yield (list, [[0.1, 2 ** 45, "a", u"z", False, None,
                           (1, ), [2], set([3]), {4: 5}]],
                   list, [[0.1, 2 ** 45, "a", u"z", False, None,
                           (1, ), [2], set([3]), {4: 5}]], True)
            yield (set, [set([0.1, 2 ** 45, "a", u"z", False, None, (1)])],
                   set, [set([0.1, 2 ** 45, "a", u"z", False, None, (1)])],
            yield (dict, [{0.2: 0.1, 2 ** 42: 2 ** 45, "x": "a", u"y": u"z",
                           True: False, None: None, (-1, ): (1, ),
                           8: [2], 9: set([3]), 10: {4: 5}}],
                   dict, [{0.2: 0.1, 2 ** 42: 2 ** 45, "x": "a", u"y": u"z",
                           True: False, None: None, (-1, ): (1, ),
                           8: [2], 9: set([3]), 10: {4: 5}}], True)

            # ## References and Dereferences ###

            Ref = pytree.Reference
            Deref = pytree.Dereference

            # Simple reference in list
            a = []
            b = [a, a]
            yield list, [b], list, [[Ref(1, []), Deref(1)]], True

            # Simple reference in tuple
            a = ()
            b = (a, a)
            yield tuple, [b], tuple, [(Ref(1, ()), Deref(1))], True

            # Simple dereference in dict value.
            a = ()
            b = [a, {1: a}]
            yield list, [b], list, [[Ref(1, ()), {1: Deref(1)}]], True

            # Simple reference in dict value.
            a = ()
            b = [{1: a}, a]
            yield list, [b], list, [[{1: Ref(1, ())}, Deref(1)]], True

            # Simple dereference in dict keys.
            a = ()
            b = [a, {a: 1}]
            yield list, [b], list, [[Ref(1, ()), {Deref(1): 1}]], True

            # Simple reference in dict keys.
            a = ()
            b = [{a: 1}, a]
            yield list, [b], list, [[{Ref(1, ()): 1}, Deref(1)]], True

            # Multiple reference in dictionary values, because dictionary order
            # is not predictable all possibilities have to be tested
            a = {}
            b = {1: a, 2: a, 3: a}
            yield (dict, [b], dict,
                   [{1: Ref(1, {}), 2: Deref(1), 3: Deref(1)},
                    {1: Deref(1), 2: Ref(1, {}), 3: Deref(1)},
                    {1: Deref(1), 2: Deref(1), 3: Ref(1, {})}],

            # Multiple reference in dictionary keys, because dictionary order
            # is not predictable all possibilities have to be tested
            a = (1, )
            b = {(1, a): 1, (2, a): 2, (3, a): 3}
            yield (dict, [b], dict,
                   [{(1, Ref(1, (1, ))): 1, (2, Deref(1)): 2, (3, Deref(1)): 3},
                    {(1, Deref(1)): 1, (2, Ref(1, (1, ))): 2, (3, Deref(1)): 3},
                    {(1, Deref(1)): 1, (2, Deref(1)): 2, (3, Ref(1, (1, ))): 3}],

            # Simple dereference in set.
            a = ()
            b = [a, set([a])]
            yield list, [b], list, [[Ref(1, ()), set([Deref(1)])]], True

            # Simple reference in set.
            a = ()
            b = [set([a]), a]
            yield list, [b], list, [[set([Ref(1, ())]), Deref(1)]], True

            # Multiple reference in set, because set values order
            # is not predictable all possibilities have to be tested
            a = (1, )
            b = set([(1, a), (2, a), (3, a)])
            yield (set, [b], set,
                   [set([(1, Ref(1, (1, ))), (2, Deref(1)), (3, Deref(1))]),
                    set([(1, Deref(1)), (2, Ref(1, (1, ))), (3, Deref(1))]),
                    set([(1, Deref(1)), (2, Deref(1)), (3, Ref(1, (1, )))])],

            # List self-reference
            a = []
            yield list, [a], Ref, [Ref(1, [Deref(1)])], True

            # Dict self-reference
            a = {}
            a[1] = a
            yield dict, [a], Ref, [Ref(1, {1: Deref(1)})], True

            # Multiple references
            a = []
            b = [a]
            c = [a, b]
            d = [a, b, c]
            yield (list, [d], list, [[Ref(1, []), Ref(2, [Deref(1)]),
                                      [Deref(1), Deref(2)]]], True)

            # Complex structure without dict or set
            a = ()
            b = (a, )
            b2 = set(b)
            c = (a, b)
            c2 = [c]
            d = (a, b, c)
            d2 = [a, b2, c2]
            e = (b, c, d)
            e2 = [b2, c2, e]
            g = (b, b2, c, c2, d, d2, e, e2)

            yield (tuple, [g], tuple, [(Ref(2, (Ref(1, ()), )),
                                        Ref(4, set([Deref(1)])),
                                        Ref(3, (Deref(1), Deref(2))),
                                        Ref(5, [Deref(3)]),
                                        Ref(6, (Deref(1), Deref(2), Deref(3))),
                                        [Deref(1), Deref(4), Deref(5)],
                                        Ref(7, (Deref(2), Deref(3), Deref(6))),
                                        [Deref(4), Deref(5), Deref(7)])], True)

            Klass = utils.SerializableDummy
            name = reflect.canonical_name(Klass)

            if freezing:
                Inst = lambda v: v
                InstType = dict
                Inst = lambda v: pytree.Instance(name, v)
                InstType = pytree.Instance

            # Default instance
            o = Klass()
            yield (Klass, [o], InstType,
                   [Inst({"str": "dummy",
                          "unicode": u"dummy",
                          "int": 42,
                          "long": 2 ** 66,
                          "float": 3.1415926,
                          "bool": True,
                          "none": None,
                          "list": [1, 2, 3],
                          "tuple": (1, 2, 3),
                          "set": set([1, 2, 3]),
                          "dict": {1: 2, 3: 4},
                          "ref": None})], True)

            Klass = DummyClass
            name = reflect.canonical_name(Klass)

            if freezing:
                Inst = lambda v: v
                InstType = dict
                Inst = lambda v: pytree.Instance(name, v)
                InstType = pytree.Instance

            a = Klass()
            b = Klass()
            c = Klass()

            a.ref = b
            b.ref = a
            c.ref = c

            yield (Klass, [a], Ref,
                   [Ref(1, Inst({"ref":
                                 Inst({"ref": Deref(1)})}))], True)

            yield (Klass, [b], Ref,
                   [Ref(1, Inst({"ref":
                                 Inst({"ref": Deref(1)})}))], True)

            yield (Klass, [c], Ref,
                   [Ref(1, Inst({"ref": Deref(1)}))], True)

            yield (list, [[a, b]], list,
                   [[Ref(1, Inst({"ref":
                                  Ref(2, Inst({"ref": Deref(1)}))})),
                     Deref(2)]], True)

            yield (list, [[a, c]], list,
                   [[Ref(1, Inst({"ref":
                                  Inst({"ref": Deref(1)})})),
                     Ref(2, Inst({"ref": Deref(2)}))]], True)

            yield (list, [[a, [a, [a, [a]]]]], list,
                   [[Ref(1, Inst({'ref': Inst({'ref': Deref(1)})})),
                     [Deref(1), [Deref(1), [Deref(1)]]]]], True)

            yield (tuple, [(a, (a, (a, (a, ))))], tuple,
                   [(Ref(1, Inst({'ref': Inst({'ref': Deref(1)})})),
                     (Deref(1), (Deref(1), (Deref(1), ))))], True)
Ejemplo n.º 25
 def pack_function(self, data):
     return [FUNCTION_ATOM, reflect.canonical_name(data)]
Ejemplo n.º 26
 def pack_frozen_function(self, data):
     return reflect.canonical_name(data)
Ejemplo n.º 27
 def pack_type(self, data):
     return [TYPE_ATOM, reflect.canonical_name(data)]
Ejemplo n.º 28
 def check_capabilities(self, cap, value, caps, freezing):
     if cap not in caps:
         kind = "Freezer" if freezing else "Serializer"
         raise ValueError("%s %s do not support %s: %r"
                          % (kind, reflect.canonical_name(self),
                             cap.name, value))
Ejemplo n.º 29
 def test_function(self, builtin_module):
     assert 'tests.test_reflect.bacon' == reflect.canonical_name(bacon)
     assert builtin_module + '.getattr' == reflect.canonical_name(getattr)
Ejemplo n.º 30
 def pack_type(self, value):
     return [CLASS_ATOM, reflect.canonical_name(value)]
Ejemplo n.º 31
 def pack_enum(self, value):
     return [ENUM_ATOM, reflect.canonical_name(value), value.name]
Ejemplo n.º 32
 def pack_frozen_function(self, value):
     return reflect.canonical_name(value)
Ejemplo n.º 33
 def test_interface(self):
     assert ('tests.test_reflect.DummyInterface' == reflect.canonical_name(
Ejemplo n.º 34
 def pack_type(self, data):
     return [TYPE_ATOM, reflect.canonical_name(data)]
Ejemplo n.º 35
 def test_class_with_meta(self):
     assert ('tests.test_reflect.MetaDummy' == reflect.canonical_name(
Ejemplo n.º 36
 def pack_function(self, data):
     return [FUNCTION_ATOM, reflect.canonical_name(data)]
Ejemplo n.º 37
 def test_class_with_meta(self):
     assert (
         'tests.test_reflect.MetaDummy' ==
Ejemplo n.º 38
 def pack_frozen_function(self, value):
     return reflect.canonical_name(value)
Ejemplo n.º 39
        def convertion_table(capabilities, freezing):
            # ## Basic immutable types ###

            yield str, [""], str, [""], False
            yield str, ["dummy"], str, ["dummy"], False
            yield unicode, [u""], unicode, [u""], False
            yield unicode, [u"dummy"], unicode, [u"dummy"], False
            yield unicode, [u"áéí"], unicode, [u"áéí"], False
            yield int, [0], int, [0], False
            yield int, [42], int, [42], False
            yield int, [-42], int, [-42], False
            yield long, [long(0)], long, [long(0)], False
            yield long, [2**66], long, [2**66], False
            yield long, [-2**66], long, [-2**66], False
            yield float, [0.0], float, [0.0], False
            yield float, [3.1415926], float, [3.1415926], False
            yield float, [1e24], float, [1e24], False
            yield float, [1e-24], float, [1e-24], False
            yield bool, [True], bool, [True], False
            yield bool, [False], bool, [False], False
            yield type(None), [None], type(None), [None], False

            # ## Types ###
            from datetime import datetime
            yield type, [int], type, [int], False
            yield type, [datetime], type, [datetime], False
            yield (type, [utils.SerializableDummy], type,
                   [utils.SerializableDummy], False)
            yield (InterfaceClass, [DummyInterface], InterfaceClass,
                   [DummyInterface], False)

            # ## Enums ###

            DummyEnum = utils.DummyEnum

            yield DummyEnum, [DummyEnum.a], DummyEnum, [DummyEnum.a], False
            yield DummyEnum, [DummyEnum.c], DummyEnum, [DummyEnum.c], False

            # ## External References ###

            if freezing:
                identifier = (helper.ext_val.type_name, id(helper.ext_val))
                yield (type(helper.ext_val), [helper.ext_val], tuple,
                       [identifier], False)
                yield (type(helper.ext_snap_val), [helper.ext_snap_val],
                       [id(helper.ext_snap_val)], False)
                identifier = (helper.ext_val.type_name, id(helper.ext_val))
                yield (utils.SerializableDummy, [helper.ext_val],
                       pytree.External, [pytree.External(identifier)], False)

            # ## Freezing-Only Types ###

            if freezing:
                mod_name = "tests.test_pytree"
                fun_name = mod_name + ".dummy_function"
                meth_name = mod_name + ".DummyClass.dummy_method"

                yield (types.FunctionType, [dummy_function], str, [fun_name],

                yield (types.FunctionType, [DummyClass.dummy_method], str,
                       [meth_name], True)

                o = DummyClass()
                yield (types.FunctionType, [o.dummy_method], str, [meth_name],

            # ### Basic mutable types plus tuples ###

            # Exception for empty tuple singleton
            yield tuple, [()], tuple, [()], False
            yield tuple, [(1, 2, 3)], tuple, [(1, 2, 3)], True
            yield list, [[]], list, [[]], True
            yield list, [[1, 2, 3]], list, [[1, 2, 3]], True
            yield set, [set([])], set, [set([])], True
            yield set, [set([1, 3])], set, [set([1, 3])], True
            yield dict, [{}], dict, [{}], True
            yield dict, [{1: 2, 3: 4}], dict, [{1: 2, 3: 4}], True

            # Container with different types
            yield (tuple, [(0.1, 2**45, "a", u"z", False, None, (1, ), [2],
                            set([3]), {
                                4: 5
                            })], tuple, [(0.1, 2**45, "a", u"z", False, None,
                                          (1, ), [2], set([3]), {
                                              4: 5
                                          })], True)
            yield (list, [[
                0.1, 2**45, "a", u"z", False, None, (1, ), [2],
                set([3]), {
                    4: 5
            ]], list, [[
                0.1, 2**45, "a", u"z", False, None, (1, ), [2],
                set([3]), {
                    4: 5
            ]], True)
            yield (set, [set([0.1, 2**45, "a", u"z", False, None, (1)])], set,
                   [set([0.1, 2**45, "a", u"z", False, None, (1)])], True)
            yield (dict, [{
                0.2: 0.1,
                2**42: 2**45,
                "x": "a",
                u"y": u"z",
                True: False,
                None: None,
                (-1, ): (1, ),
                8: [2],
                9: set([3]),
                10: {
                    4: 5
            }], dict, [{
                0.2: 0.1,
                2**42: 2**45,
                "x": "a",
                u"y": u"z",
                True: False,
                None: None,
                (-1, ): (1, ),
                8: [2],
                9: set([3]),
                10: {
                    4: 5
            }], True)

            # ## References and Dereferences ###

            Ref = pytree.Reference
            Deref = pytree.Dereference

            # Simple reference in list
            a = []
            b = [a, a]
            yield list, [b], list, [[Ref(1, []), Deref(1)]], True

            # Simple reference in tuple
            a = ()
            b = (a, a)
            yield tuple, [b], tuple, [(Ref(1, ()), Deref(1))], True

            # Simple dereference in dict value.
            a = ()
            b = [a, {1: a}]
            yield list, [b], list, [[Ref(1, ()), {1: Deref(1)}]], True

            # Simple reference in dict value.
            a = ()
            b = [{1: a}, a]
            yield list, [b], list, [[{1: Ref(1, ())}, Deref(1)]], True

            # Simple dereference in dict keys.
            a = ()
            b = [a, {a: 1}]
            yield list, [b], list, [[Ref(1, ()), {Deref(1): 1}]], True

            # Simple reference in dict keys.
            a = ()
            b = [{a: 1}, a]
            yield list, [b], list, [[{Ref(1, ()): 1}, Deref(1)]], True

            # Multiple reference in dictionary values, because dictionary order
            # is not predictable all possibilities have to be tested
            a = {}
            b = {1: a, 2: a, 3: a}
            yield (dict, [b], dict, [{
                1: Ref(1, {}),
                2: Deref(1),
                3: Deref(1)
            }, {
                1: Deref(1),
                2: Ref(1, {}),
                3: Deref(1)
            }, {
                1: Deref(1),
                2: Deref(1),
                3: Ref(1, {})
            }], True)

            # Multiple reference in dictionary keys, because dictionary order
            # is not predictable all possibilities have to be tested
            a = (1, )
            b = {(1, a): 1, (2, a): 2, (3, a): 3}
            yield (dict, [b], dict, [{
                (1, Ref(1, (1, ))): 1,
                (2, Deref(1)): 2,
                (3, Deref(1)): 3
            }, {
                (1, Deref(1)): 1,
                (2, Ref(1, (1, ))): 2,
                (3, Deref(1)): 3
            }, {
                (1, Deref(1)): 1,
                (2, Deref(1)): 2,
                (3, Ref(1, (1, ))): 3
            }], True)

            # Simple dereference in set.
            a = ()
            b = [a, set([a])]
            yield list, [b], list, [[Ref(1, ()), set([Deref(1)])]], True

            # Simple reference in set.
            a = ()
            b = [set([a]), a]
            yield list, [b], list, [[set([Ref(1, ())]), Deref(1)]], True

            # Multiple reference in set, because set values order
            # is not predictable all possibilities have to be tested
            a = (1, )
            b = set([(1, a), (2, a), (3, a)])
            yield (set, [b], set, [
                set([(1, Ref(1, (1, ))), (2, Deref(1)), (3, Deref(1))]),
                set([(1, Deref(1)), (2, Ref(1, (1, ))), (3, Deref(1))]),
                set([(1, Deref(1)), (2, Deref(1)), (3, Ref(1, (1, )))])
            ], True)

            # List self-reference
            a = []
            yield list, [a], Ref, [Ref(1, [Deref(1)])], True

            # Dict self-reference
            a = {}
            a[1] = a
            yield dict, [a], Ref, [Ref(1, {1: Deref(1)})], True

            # Multiple references
            a = []
            b = [a]
            c = [a, b]
            d = [a, b, c]
            yield (list, [d], list,
                   [[Ref(1, []),
                     Ref(2, [Deref(1)]), [Deref(1), Deref(2)]]], True)

            # Complex structure without dict or set
            a = ()
            b = (a, )
            b2 = set(b)
            c = (a, b)
            c2 = [c]
            d = (a, b, c)
            d2 = [a, b2, c2]
            e = (b, c, d)
            e2 = [b2, c2, e]
            g = (b, b2, c, c2, d, d2, e, e2)

            yield (tuple, [g], tuple,
                   [(Ref(2, (Ref(1, ()), )), Ref(4, set([Deref(1)])),
                     Ref(3, (Deref(1), Deref(2))), Ref(5, [Deref(3)]),
                     Ref(6, (Deref(1), Deref(2), Deref(3))),
                     [Deref(1), Deref(4),
                      Deref(5)], Ref(7, (Deref(2), Deref(3), Deref(6))),
                     [Deref(4), Deref(5), Deref(7)])], True)

            Klass = utils.SerializableDummy
            name = reflect.canonical_name(Klass)

            if freezing:
                Inst = lambda v: v
                InstType = dict
                Inst = lambda v: pytree.Instance(name, v)
                InstType = pytree.Instance

            # Default instance
            o = Klass()
            yield (Klass, [o], InstType, [
                    "str": "dummy",
                    "unicode": u"dummy",
                    "int": 42,
                    "long": 2**66,
                    "float": 3.1415926,
                    "bool": True,
                    "none": None,
                    "list": [1, 2, 3],
                    "tuple": (1, 2, 3),
                    "set": set([1, 2, 3]),
                    "dict": {
                        1: 2,
                        3: 4
                    "ref": None
            ], True)

            Klass = DummyClass
            name = reflect.canonical_name(Klass)

            if freezing:
                Inst = lambda v: v
                InstType = dict
                Inst = lambda v: pytree.Instance(name, v)
                InstType = pytree.Instance

            a = Klass()
            b = Klass()
            c = Klass()

            a.ref = b
            b.ref = a
            c.ref = c

            yield (Klass, [a], Ref,
                   [Ref(1, Inst({"ref": Inst({"ref": Deref(1)})}))], True)

            yield (Klass, [b], Ref,
                   [Ref(1, Inst({"ref": Inst({"ref": Deref(1)})}))], True)

            yield (Klass, [c], Ref, [Ref(1, Inst({"ref": Deref(1)}))], True)

            yield (list, [[a, b]], list, [[
                Ref(1, Inst({"ref": Ref(2, Inst({"ref": Deref(1)}))})),
            ]], True)

            yield (list, [[a, c]], list, [[
                Ref(1, Inst({"ref": Inst({"ref": Deref(1)})})),
                Ref(2, Inst({"ref": Deref(2)}))
            ]], True)

            yield (list, [[a, [a, [a, [a]]]]], list, [[
                Ref(1, Inst({'ref': Inst({'ref': Deref(1)})})),
                [Deref(1), [Deref(1), [Deref(1)]]]
            ]], True)

            yield (tuple, [(a, (a, (a, (a, ))))], tuple,
                   [(Ref(1, Inst({'ref': Inst({'ref': Deref(1)})})),
                     (Deref(1), (Deref(1), (Deref(1), ))))], True)
Ejemplo n.º 40
        def convertion_table(capabilities, freezing):
            ### Basic immutable types ###
            yield str, [""], str, [""], False
            yield str, ["dummy"], str, ["dummy"], False
            yield unicode, [u""], list, [["unicode", ""]], True
            yield unicode, [u"dummy"], list, [["unicode", "dummy"]], True
            yield (unicode, [u"áéí"], list,
                   [["unicode", '\xc3\xa1\xc3\xa9\xc3\xad']], True)
            yield int, [0], int, [0], False
            yield int, [42], int, [42], False
            yield int, [-42], int, [-42], False
            yield long, [long(0)], long, [long(0)], False
            yield long, [2 ** 66], long, [2 ** 66], False
            yield long, [-2 ** 66], long, [-2 ** 66], False
            yield float, [0.0], float, [0.0], False
            yield float, [3.1415926], float, [3.1415926], False
            yield float, [1e24], float, [1e24], False
            yield float, [1e-24], float, [1e-24], False
            yield bool, [True], list, [["boolean", "true"]], True
            yield bool, [False], list, [["boolean", "false"]], True
            yield types.NoneType, [None], list, [["None"]], True

            ### Types ###
            from datetime import datetime
            yield type, [int], list, [["class", "__builtin__.int"]], False
            yield (
                type, [datetime], list,
                [["class", "datetime.datetime"]], False)
            name = reflect.canonical_name(
            yield (type, [utils.SerializableDummy],
                   list, [["class", name]], False)
            name = reflect.canonical_name(DummyInterface)
            yield (InterfaceClass, [DummyInterface],
                   list, [["class", name]], False)

            ### Enums ###

            DummyEnum = utils.DummyEnum
            name = reflect.canonical_name(DummyEnum)

            if Capabilities.enum_values in Capabilities:
                yield (DummyEnum, [DummyEnum.a],
                       list, [["enum", name, DummyEnum.a.name]], False)
                yield (DummyEnum, [DummyEnum.c],
                       list, [["enum", name, DummyEnum.c.name]], False)

            ### External References ###

            if freezing:
                identifier = [
                    "tuple", helper.ext_val.type_name, id(helper.ext_val)]
                yield (type(helper.ext_val), [helper.ext_val],
                       list, [identifier], False)
                yield (type(helper.ext_snap_val), [helper.ext_snap_val],
                       int, [id(helper.ext_snap_val)], False)
                identifier = [
                    "tuple", helper.ext_val.type_name, id(helper.ext_val)]
                yield (utils.SerializableDummy,
                       [helper.ext_val], list,
                        [["external", identifier]], False)

            ### Freezing-Only Types ###

            if freezing:
                mod_name = "tests.test_sexp"
                fun_name = mod_name + ".dummy_function"
                meth_name = mod_name + ".DummyClass.dummy_method"

                yield (
                    types.FunctionType, [dummy_function],
                    str, [fun_name], True)

                yield (types.FunctionType, [DummyClass.dummy_method],
                       str, [meth_name], True)

                o = DummyClass()
                yield (
                    types.FunctionType, [o.dummy_method], str,
                     [meth_name], True)

            ### Basic containers ###
            # Exception for empty tuple
            yield tuple, [()], list, [["tuple"]], False
            yield tuple, [(1, 2, 3)], list, [["tuple", 1, 2, 3]], True
            yield list, [[]], list, [["list"]], True
            yield list, [[1, 2, 3]], list, [["list", 1, 2, 3]], True
            yield set, [set([])], list, [["set"]], True
            yield set, [set([1, 3])], list, [["set", 1, 3]], True
            yield dict, [{}], list, [["dictionary"]], True
            yield (dict, [{1: 2, 3: 4}], list,
                   [["dictionary", [1, 2], [3, 4]]], True)

            # Tuple with various value type
            yield (tuple, [(0.1, 2 ** 45, "a", u"z", False, None,
                            (1, ), [2], set([3]), {4: 5})],
                   list, [["tuple", 0.1, 2 ** 45, "a", ["unicode", "z"],
                           ["boolean", "false"], ["None"], ["tuple", 1],
                           ["list", 2], ["set", 3], ["dictionary", [4, 5]]]],
            # List with various value type
            yield (list, [[0.1, 2 ** 45, "a", u"z", False, None,
                           (1, ), [2], set([3]), {4: 5}]],
                   list, [["list", 0.1, 2 ** 45, "a", ["unicode", "z"],
                           ["boolean", "false"], ["None"], ["tuple", 1],
                           ["list", 2], ["set", 3], ["dictionary", [4, 5]]]],
            # Set with various value type
            # Because set are not ordered every order is possible
            values = [0.1, 2 ** 45, "a", ["unicode", "z"],
                      ["boolean", "false"], ["None"], ["tuple", 1]]
            expected = [["set"] + values]
            alternatives = [["set"] + list(perm)
                            for perm in itertools.permutations(values)]
            yield (set, [set([0.1, 2 ** 45, "a", u"z", False, None, (1, )])],
                    [], list, expected, alternatives, True)
            # Dictionary with various value type
            # Because dictionaries are not ordered every order is possible
            values = [[1, 0.1], [2, 2 ** 45], [3, "a"], [4, ["unicode", "z"]],
                      [5, ["boolean", "false"]]]
            expected = [["dictionary"] + values]
            alternatives = [["dictionary"] + list(perm)
                            for perm in itertools.permutations(values)]
            yield (dict, [{1: 0.1, 2: 2 ** 45, 3: "a", 4: u"z", 5: False}], [],
                   list, expected, alternatives, True)

            values = [[6, ["None"]], [7, ["tuple", 1]], [8, ["list", 2]],
                      [9, ["set", 3]], [0, ["dictionary", [4, 5]]]]
            expected = [["dictionary"] + values]
            alternatives = [["dictionary"] + list(perm)
                            for perm in itertools.permutations(values)]
            yield (dict, [{6: None, 7: (1, ), 8: [2], 9: set([3]), 0: {4: 5}}],
                    [], list, expected, alternatives, True)

            values = [[0.1, 1], [2 ** 45, 2], ["a", 3], [["unicode", "z"], 4],
                      [["boolean", "false"], 5], [["None"], 6],
                      [["tuple", 1], 7]]
            expected = [["dictionary"] + values]
            alternatives = [["dictionary"] + list(perm)
                            for perm in itertools.permutations(values)]
            yield (dict, [{0.1: 1, 2 ** 45: 2, "a": 3, u"z": 4,
                           False: 5, None: 6, (1, ): 7}], [],
                   list, expected, alternatives, True)

            ### References and Dereferences ###

            Ref = lambda refid, value: ["reference", refid, value]
            Deref = lambda refid: ["dereference", refid]

            # Simple reference in list
            a = []
            b = [a, a]
            yield list, [b], list, [["list", Ref(1, ["list"]), Deref(1)]], True

            # Simple reference in tuple
            a = ()
            b = (a, a)
            yield (
                tuple, [b], list,
                [["tuple", Ref(1, ["tuple"]), Deref(1)]], True)

            # Simple dereference in dict value.
            a = {}
            b = [a, {1: a}]
            yield (list, [b], list, [["list", Ref(1, ["dictionary"]),
                                      ["dictionary", [1, Deref(1)]]]], True)

            # Simple reference in dict value.
            a = set([])
            b = [{1: a}, a]
            yield (list, [b], list, [["list",
                                      ["dictionary", [1, Ref(1, ["set"])]],
                                      Deref(1)]], True)

            # Simple dereference in dict keys.
            a = ()
            b = [a, {a: 1}]
            yield (list, [b], list, [["list", Ref(1, ["tuple"]),
                                      ["dictionary", [Deref(1), 1]]]], True)

            # Simple reference in dict keys.
            a = (1, 2)
            b = [{a: 1}, a]
            yield (list, [b], list,
                   [["list", ["dictionary", [Ref(1, ["tuple", 1, 2]), 1]],
                    Deref(1)]], True)

            # Multiple reference in dictionary values, because dictionary order
            # is not predictable all possibilities have to be tested
            a = set()
            b = {1: a, 2: a, 3: a}

            values1 = [[1, Ref(1, ["set"])], [2, Deref(1)], [3, Deref(1)]]
            values2 = [[2, Ref(1, ["set"])], [3, Deref(1)], [1, Deref(1)]]
            values3 = [[3, Ref(1, ["set"])], [1, Deref(1)], [2, Deref(1)]]
            expected1 = [["dictionary"] + values1]
            expected2 = [["dictionary"] + values2]
            expected3 = [["dictionary"] + values3]
            alternatives1 = [["dictionary"] + list(perm)
                             for perm in itertools.permutations(values1)]
            alternatives2 = [["dictionary"] + list(perm)
                             for perm in itertools.permutations(values2)]
            alternatives3 = [["dictionary"] + list(perm)
                             for perm in itertools.permutations(values3)]

            yield (dict, [b], [], list, expected1 + expected2 + expected3,
                   alternatives1 + alternatives2 + alternatives3, True)

            # Multiple reference in dictionary keys, because dictionary order
            # is not predictable all possibilities have to be tested
            a = (1, )
            b = {(1, a): 1, (2, a): 2, (3, a): 3}

            values1 = [
                [["tuple", 1, Ref(1, ["tuple", 1])], 1],
                [["tuple", 2, Deref(1)], 2], [["tuple", 3, Deref(1)], 3]]
            values2 = [
                [["tuple", 2, Ref(1, ["tuple", 1])], 2],
                [["tuple", 3, Deref(1)], 3], [["tuple", 1, Deref(1)], 1]]
            values3 = [
                [["tuple", 3, Ref(1, ["tuple", 1])], 3],
                [["tuple", 1, Deref(1)], 1], [["tuple", 2, Deref(1)], 2]]
            expected1 = [["dictionary"] + values1]
            expected2 = [["dictionary"] + values2]
            expected3 = [["dictionary"] + values3]
            alternatives1 = [["dictionary"] + list(perm)
                             for perm in itertools.permutations(values1)]
            alternatives2 = [["dictionary"] + list(perm)
                             for perm in itertools.permutations(values2)]
            alternatives3 = [["dictionary"] + list(perm)
                             for perm in itertools.permutations(values3)]

            yield (dict, [b], [], list, expected1 + expected2 + expected3,
                   alternatives1 + alternatives2 + alternatives3, True)

            # Simple dereference in set.
            a = ("a", )
            b = [a, set([a])]
            yield (list, [b], list, [["list", Ref(1, ["tuple", "a"]),
                                      ["set", Deref(1)]]], True)

            # Simple reference in set.
            a = ("b", )
            b = [set([a]), a]
            yield (list, [b], list, [["list", ["set", Ref(1, ["tuple", "b"])],
                                      Deref(1)]], True)

            # Multiple reference in set, because set values order
            # is not predictable all possibilities have to be tested
            a = (1, )
            b = set([(1, a), (2, a), (3, a)])

            values1 = [["tuple", 1, Ref(1, ["tuple", 1])],
                       ["tuple", 2, Deref(1)], ["tuple", 3, Deref(1)]]
            values2 = [["tuple", 2, Ref(1, ["tuple", 1])],
                       ["tuple", 3, Deref(1)], ["tuple", 1, Deref(1)]]
            values3 = [["tuple", 3, Ref(1, ["tuple", 1])],
                       ["tuple", 1, Deref(1)], ["tuple", 2, Deref(1)]]
            expected1 = [["set"] + values1]
            expected2 = [["set"] + values2]
            expected3 = [["set"] + values3]
            alternatives1 = [["set"] + list(perm)
                             for perm in itertools.permutations(values1)]
            alternatives2 = [["set"] + list(perm)
                             for perm in itertools.permutations(values2)]
            alternatives3 = [["set"] + list(perm)
                             for perm in itertools.permutations(values3)]

            yield (set, [b], [], list, expected1 + expected2 + expected3,
                   alternatives1 + alternatives2 + alternatives3, True)

            # List self-reference
            a = []
            yield list, [a], list, [Ref(1, ["list", Deref(1)])], True

            # Dict self-reference
            a = {}
            a[1] = a
            yield (
                dict, [a], list,
                [Ref(1, ["dictionary", [1, Deref(1)]])], True)

            # Multiple references
            a = []
            b = [a]
            c = [a, b]
            d = [a, b, c]
            yield (list, [d], list, [["list", Ref(1, ["list"]),
                                      Ref(2, ["list", Deref(1)]),
                                      ["list", Deref(1), Deref(2)]]], True)

            # Complex structure without dict or set
            a = ()
            b = (a, )
            b2 = set(b)
            c = (a, b)
            c2 = [c]
            d = (a, b, c)
            d2 = [a, b2, c2]
            e = (b, c, d)
            e2 = [b2, c2, e]
            g = (b, b2, c, c2, d, d2, e, e2)

            yield (tuple, [g], list,
                   [['tuple', Ref(2, ['tuple', Ref(1, ['tuple'])]),
                     Ref(4, ['set', Deref(1)]),
                     Ref(3, ['tuple', Deref(1), Deref(2)]),
                     Ref(5, ['list', Deref(3)]),
                     Ref(6, ['tuple', Deref(1), Deref(2), Deref(3)]),
                     ['list', Deref(1), Deref(4), Deref(5)],
                     Ref(7, ['tuple', Deref(2), Deref(3), Deref(6)]),
                     ['list', Deref(4), Deref(5), Deref(7)]]], True)

            Klass = utils.SerializableDummy

            # Object instances
            o = Klass()
            # Update the instance to have only one attribute
            del o.set
            del o.dict
            del o.str
            del o.unicode
            del o.long
            del o.float
            del o.bool
            del o.none
            del o.list
            del o.tuple
            del o.ref
            o.int = 101

            if freezing:
                yield (Klass, [o], list,
                       [["dictionary", ["int", 101]]], True)
                yield (Klass, [o], list,
                         ["dictionary", ["int", 101]]]], True)

            Klass = DummyClass
            name = reflect.canonical_name(Klass)
            if freezing:
                Inst = lambda v: v
                Inst = lambda v: [name, v]

            a = Klass()
            b = Klass()
            c = Klass()

            a.ref = b
            b.ref = a
            c.ref = c

            yield (Klass, [a], list,
                   [Ref(1, Inst(
                        ["ref", Inst(["dictionary", ["ref", Deref(1)]])]]))],

            yield (Klass, [b], list,
                   [Ref(1, Inst(
                        ["ref", Inst(["dictionary", ["ref", Deref(1)]])]]))],

            yield (Klass, [c], list,
                   [Ref(1, Inst(["dictionary", ["ref", Deref(1)]]))], True)

            yield (list, [[a, b]], list,
                   [["list", Ref(1, Inst(
                       ["dictionary", ["ref",
                                       Ref(2, Inst(["dictionary",
                                                    ["ref", Deref(1)]]))]])),
                     Deref(2)]], True)

            yield (list, [[a, c]], list,
                   [["list", Ref(1, Inst(
                       ["dictionary", ["ref",
                                             ["ref", Deref(1)]])]])),
                     Ref(2, Inst(["dictionary", ["ref", Deref(2)]]))]], True)
Ejemplo n.º 41
 def pack_type(self, value):
     return [CLASS_ATOM, reflect.canonical_name(value)]
Ejemplo n.º 42
 def test_class(self, builtin_module):
     assert 'tests.test_reflect.Dummy' == reflect.canonical_name(Dummy)
     assert 'tests.test_reflect.Dummy' == reflect.canonical_name(Dummy())
     assert builtin_module + '.int' == reflect.canonical_name(int)
     assert builtin_module + '.str' == reflect.canonical_name('some string')
Ejemplo n.º 43
 def pack_enum(self, value):
     return [ENUM_ATOM, reflect.canonical_name(value), value.name]
Ejemplo n.º 44
 def check_capabilities(self, cap, value, caps, freezing):
     if cap not in caps:
         kind = "Freezer" if freezing else "Serializer"
         raise ValueError(
             "%s %s do not support %s: %r" %
             (kind, reflect.canonical_name(self), cap.name, value))
Ejemplo n.º 45
 def test_class(self, builtin_module):
     assert 'tests.test_reflect.Dummy' == reflect.canonical_name(Dummy)
     assert 'tests.test_reflect.Dummy' == reflect.canonical_name(Dummy())
     assert builtin_module + '.int' == reflect.canonical_name(int)
     assert builtin_module + '.str' == reflect.canonical_name('some string')
Ejemplo n.º 46
 def test_none(self):
     assert None == reflect.canonical_name(None)
Ejemplo n.º 47
        def convertion_table(capabilities, freezing):
            # ## Basic immutable types ###

            yield bytes, [b""], str, ['[".enc", "UTF8", ""]',
                                      '[".bytes", ""]'], False
            yield bytes, [b"dummy"], str, ['[".enc", "UTF8", "dummy"]',
                                           '[".bytes", "ZHVtbXk="]'], False
            yield bytes, [b"\xFF"], str, ['[".bytes", "/w=="]'], False
            yield unicode, [u""], str, ['""'], False
            yield unicode, [u"dummy"], str, ['"dummy"'], False
            yield unicode, [u"áéí"], str, ['"\\u00e1\\u00e9\\u00ed"'], False
            yield [int, long], [0], str, ["0"], False
            yield [int, long], [42], str, ["42"], False
            yield [int, long], [-42], str, ["-42"], False
            yield [int, long], [long(0)], str, ["0"], False
            yield long, [2 ** 72], str, ["4722366482869645213696"], False
            yield long, [-2 ** 72], str, ["-4722366482869645213696"], False
            yield float, [0.0], str, ["0.0"], False
            yield float, [3.141], str, ["3.141"], False
            yield float, [-3.141], str, ["-3.141"], False
            yield float, [1e20], str, ["1e+20"], False
            yield float, [1e-22], str, ["1e-22"], False
            yield bool, [True], str, ["true"], False
            yield bool, [False], str, ["false"], False
            yield type(None), [None], str, ["null"], False

            # ## Types ###
            from datetime import datetime
            if PY3:
                yield type, [int], str, ['[".type", "builtins.int"]'], False
                yield type, [int], str, ['[".type", "__builtin__.int"]'], False
            yield (type, [datetime],
                   str, ['[".type", "datetime.datetime"]'], False)
            yield (type, [utils.SerializableDummy],
                   str, ['[".type", "tests.utils.'
                         'SerializableDummy"]'], False)
            yield (InterfaceClass, [DummyInterface],
                   str, ['[".type", "tests.test_json.DummyInterface"]'], False)

            # ## Enums ###

            DummyEnum = utils.DummyEnum

            yield (DummyEnum, [DummyEnum.a],
                   str, ['[".enum", "tests.utils.'
                         'DummyEnum.a"]'], False)
            yield (DummyEnum, [DummyEnum.c],
                   str, ['[".enum", "tests.utils.'
                         'DummyEnum.c"]'], False)

            # ## External References ###
            # TODO: not working on PY3
            if not PY3:
                if freezing:
                    name = '[".enc", "UTF8", "%s"]' % helper.ext_val.type_name
                    identifier = (
                        '[".tuple", %s, %d]' % (name, id(helper.ext_val)))
                    yield (type(helper.ext_val), [helper.ext_val],
                           str, [identifier], False)
                    yield (type(helper.ext_snap_val), [helper.ext_snap_val],
                           str, [str(id(helper.ext_snap_val))], False)
                    name = '[".enc", "UTF8", "%s"]' % helper.ext_val.type_name
                    identifier = (
                        '[".tuple", %s, %d]' % (name, id(helper.ext_val)))
                    yield (utils.SerializableDummy,
                           [helper.ext_val], str,
                           ['[".ext", %s]' % identifier], False)

            # ## Freezing-Only Types ###

            if freezing:
                mod_name = "tests.test_json"
                fun_name = '"%s.dummy_function"' % mod_name
                meth_name = '"%s.DummyClass.dummy_method"' % mod_name

                yield (
                    types.FunctionType, [dummy_function],
                    str, [fun_name], True)

                yield (types.FunctionType, [DummyClass.dummy_method],
                       str, [meth_name], True)

                o = DummyClass()
                yield (
                    types.FunctionType, [o.dummy_method],
                    str, [meth_name], True)

            # ### Basic mutable types plus tuples ###

            # Exception for empty tuple singleton
            yield tuple, [()], str, ['[".tuple"]'], False
            yield tuple, [(1, 2, 3)], str, ['[".tuple", 1, 2, 3]'], True
            yield list, [[]], str, ['[]'], True
            yield list, [[1, 2, 3]], str, ['[1, 2, 3]'], True
            yield set, [set([])], str, ['[".set"]'], True
            yield set, [set([1, 3])], str, ['[".set", 1, 3]'], True
            yield dict, [{}], str, ['{}'], True
            yield dict, [{"1": 2, "3": 4}], str, ['{"1": 2, "3": 4}'], True

            # Container with different types
            yield (tuple, [(0.11, b"a", u"z", False, None,
                            (1, ), [2], set([3]), {"4": 5})],
                   str, ['[".tuple", 0.11, [".enc", "UTF8", "a"], "z", false, '
                         'null, [".tuple", 1], [2], [".set", 3], {"4": 5}]'],
            yield (list, [[0.11, b"a", u"z", False, None,
                           (1, ), [2], set([3]), {"4": 5}]],
                   str, ['[0.11, [".enc", "UTF8", "a"], "z", false, null, '
                         '[".tuple", 1], [2], [".set", 3], {"4": 5}]'], True)

            # ## References and Dereferences ###

            # Simple reference in list
            a = []
            b = [a, a]
            yield list, [b], str, ['[[".ref", 1, []], [".deref", 1]]'], True

            # Simple reference in tuple
            a = ()
            b = (a, a)
            yield tuple, [b], str, ['[".tuple", [".ref", 1, [".tuple"]], '
                                    '[".deref", 1]]'], True

            # Simple dereference in dict value.
            a = []
            b = [a, {"1": a}]
            yield (
                list, [b], str, ['[[".ref", 1, []], {"1": [".deref", 1]}]'],

            # Simple reference in dict value.
            a = []
            b = [{"1": a}, a]
            yield (
                list, [b], str, ['[{"1": [".ref", 1, []]}, [".deref", 1]]'],

            # Multiple reference in dictionary values, because dictionary order
            # is not predictable all possibilities have to be tested
            a = {}
            b = {"1": a, "2": a, "3": a}

            # generate all excepted resoults
            resoults = []
            for p in permutations([1, 2, 3]):
                resoult_parts = [tml % dec for dec, tml
                                 in zip(p, ('"%d": [".ref", 1, {}]',
                                            '"%d": [".deref", 1]',
                                            '"%d": [".deref", 1]'))]
                    ['{%s}' % ', '.join(p)
                     for p in permutations(resoult_parts)])
            yield (
                dict, [b], str,

            # Simple dereference in set.
            a = ()
            b = [a, set([a])]
            yield list, [b], str, ['[[".ref", 1, [".tuple"]], '
                                   '[".set", [".deref", 1]]]'], True

            # Simple reference in set.
            a = ()
            b = [set([a]), a]
            yield list, [b], str, ['[[".set", [".ref", 1, [".tuple"]]], '
                                   '[".deref", 1]]'], True

            # Multiple reference in set, because set values order
            # is not predictable all possibilities have to be tested
            a = ()
            b = set([(1, a), (2, a)])
            yield (set, [b], str,
                   ['[".set", [".tuple", 1, [".ref", 1, [".tuple"]]], '
                    '[".tuple", 2, [".deref", 1]]]',
                    '[".set", [".tuple", 2, [".ref", 1, [".tuple"]]], '
                    '[".tuple", 1, [".deref", 1]]]'], True)

            # List self-reference
            a = []
            yield list, [a], str, ['[".ref", 1, [[".deref", 1]]]'], True

            # Dict self-reference
            a = {}
            a["1"] = a
            yield dict, [a], str, ['[".ref", 1, {"1": [".deref", 1]}]'], True

            # Multiple references
            a = []
            b = [a]
            c = [a, b]
            d = [a, b, c]
            yield list, [d], str, ['[[".ref", 1, []], '
                                   '[".ref", 2, [[".deref", 1]]], '
                                   '[[".deref", 1], [".deref", 2]]]'], True

            # Default instance
            o = DummyClass()
            o.value = 42

            if freezing:
                yield (DummyClass, [o], str, ['{"value": 42}'], True)
                name = reflect.canonical_name(o)
                yield (DummyClass, [o], str,
                       ['{".type": "%s", "value": 42}' % name,
                        '{"value": 42, ".type": "%s"}' % name], True)

            Klass = DummyClass
            name = reflect.canonical_name(Klass)

            a = Klass()
            b = Klass()
            c = Klass()

            a.ref = b
            b.ref = a
            c.ref = c

            if freezing:
                yield (Klass, [a], str,
                       ['[".ref", 1, {"ref": {"ref": [".deref", 1]}}]'], True)
                yield (Klass, [b], str,
                       ['[".ref", 1, {"ref": {"ref": [".deref", 1]}}]'], True)
                yield (Klass, [c], str,
                       ['[".ref", 1, {"ref": [".deref", 1]}]'], True)

                yield (Klass, [a], str,
                       [('[".ref", 1, {".type": "%s", "ref": {".type": "%s", '
                         '"ref": [".deref", 1]}}]') % (name, name)], True)
                yield (Klass, [b], str,
                       [('[".ref", 1, {".type": "%s", "ref": {".type": "%s", '
                         '"ref": [".deref", 1]}}]') % (name, name)], True)
                yield (Klass, [c], str, [('[".ref", 1, {".type": "%s", "ref": '
                                          '[".deref", 1]}]') % (name, )], True)