Ejemplo n.º 1
 def assign(self):
     # Prepare #
     self.tmp_dir = tempfile.mkdtemp() + '/'
     os.symlink(self.fasta.path, self.tmp_dir + 'reads.fasta')
     # Run #
     start_time = time.asctime()
     sh.mothur("#classify.seqs(fasta=%s, reference=%s, taxonomy=%s, cutoff=%i, processors=8, probs=F)" %
              (self.tmp_dir + 'reads.fasta', train_db_path, train_tax_path, 80))
     process_log_file('mothur.classify.seqs.logfile', self.base_dir, start_time)
Ejemplo n.º 2
 def assign(self):
     # Prepare #
     self.tmp_dir = tempfile.mkdtemp() + '/'
     os.symlink(self.fasta.path, self.tmp_dir + 'reads.fasta')
     # Run #
     start_time = time.asctime()
     sh.mothur("#classify.seqs(fasta=%s, reference=%s, taxonomy=%s, cutoff=%i, processors=8, probs=F)" %
              (self.tmp_dir + 'reads.fasta', train_db_path, train_tax_path, 80))
     process_log_file('mothur.classify.seqs.logfile', self.base_dir, start_time)
Ejemplo n.º 3
 def align(self, ref_path):
     # Run it #
     sh.mothur("#align.seqs(candidate=%s, template=%s, search=blast, flip=false, processors=8);" % (self.path, ref_path))
     # Move things #
     shutil.move(self.path[:-6] + '.align', self.aligned_path)
     shutil.move(self.path[:-6] + '.align.report', self.report_path)
     shutil.move(self.path[:-6] + '.flip.accnos', self.accnos_path)
     # Clean up #
     if os.path.exists('formatdb.log'): os.remove('formatdb.log')
     if os.path.exists('error.log') and os.path.getsize('error.log') == 0: os.remove('error.log')
     for p in sh.glob('mothur.*.logfile'): os.remove(p)
Ejemplo n.º 4
 def template_align(self, ref_path):
     # Run it #
     sh.mothur("#align.seqs(candidate=%s, template=%s, search=blast, flip=false, processors=8);" % (self.path, ref_path))
     # Move things #
     shutil.move(self.path[:-6] + '.align', self.aligned_path)
     shutil.move(self.path[:-6] + '.align.report', self.report_path)
     shutil.move(self.path[:-6] + '.flip.accnos', self.accnos_path)
     # Clean up #
     if os.path.exists('formatdb.log'): os.remove('formatdb.log')
     if os.path.exists('error.log') and os.path.getsize('error.log') == 0: os.remove('error.log')
     for p in sh.glob('mothur.*.logfile'): os.remove(p)
Ejemplo n.º 5
 def align_mothur(self):
     """Step 1 with mothur"""
     # Run it #
     sh.mothur("#align.seqs(candidate=%s, template=%s, search=kmer, flip=false, processors=%s);" \
               % (self.tax.centers, reference, 16))
     # Move things #
     shutil.move(self.tax.centers.prefix_path + '.align', self.mothur_aligned)
     shutil.move(self.tax.centers.prefix_path + '.align.report', self.p.mothur_report)
     path = self.tax.centers.prefix_path + '.flip.accnos'
     if os.path.exists(path): shutil.move(path, self.p.mothur_accnos)
     # Clean up #
     for p in glob.glob('mothur.*.logfile'): os.remove(p)
Ejemplo n.º 6
 def align_mothur(self):
     """Step 1 with mothur"""
     # Run it #
     sh.mothur("#align.seqs(candidate=%s, template=%s, search=kmer, flip=false, processors=%s);" \
               % (self.tax.centers, reference, 16))
     # Move things #
     shutil.move(self.tax.centers.prefix_path + '.align',
     shutil.move(self.tax.centers.prefix_path + '.align.report',
     path = self.tax.centers.prefix_path + '.flip.accnos'
     if os.path.exists(path): shutil.move(path, self.p.mothur_accnos)
     # Clean up #
     for p in glob.glob('mothur.*.logfile'):
 def template_align(self, ref_path):
     """We align the sequences in the fasta file with mothur and a template."""
     # Run it #
     msg = "#align.seqs(candidate=%s, template=%s, search=blast," \
           "flip=false, processors=8);"
     sh.mothur(msg % (self.path, ref_path))
     # Move things #
     shutil.move(self.path[:-6] + '.align', self.p.aligned)
     shutil.move(self.path[:-6] + '.align.report', self.p.report)
     shutil.move(self.path[:-6] + '.flip.accnos', self.p.accnos)
     # Clean up #
     if os.path.exists('formatdb.log'):
     if os.path.exists('error.log') and os.path.getsize('error.log') == 0:
     for path in sh.glob('mothur.*.logfile'):
     # Return #
     return self.p.aligned
Ejemplo n.º 8
 def join(self):
     """Uses pandaseq 2.7 to join the foward and reverse reads together.
     See https://github.com/neufeld/pandaseq"""
     # Special case for new primers that don't join #
     rev_primer_name = self.info['primers']['reverse']['name']
     not_joining_primers = ("1132R", "1000R")
     if rev_primer_name in not_joining_primers:
         print "No overlap special case"
     # Special case for primers that highly overlap #
     high_overlap_primers = ("806R",)
     if rev_primer_name in high_overlap_primers:
         print "High overlap special case, using mothur"
         result = sh.mothur("#make.contigs(ffastq=%s, rfastq=%s);" % (self.uncomrpessed_pair.fwd, self.uncomrpessed_pair.rev))
         if "ERROR" in result.stdout: raise Exception("Mothur didn't run correctly")
         # Move things #
         #shutil.move(self.tax.centers.prefix_path + '.align', self.mothur_aligned)
         #shutil.move(self.tax.centers.prefix_path + '.align.report', self.p.mothur_report)
     # Default case #
     command = 'pandaseq27 -T 1 -f %s -r %s -u %s -F 1> %s 2> %s'
     command = command % (self.fwd, self.rev, self.unassembled.path, self.assembled.path, self.assembled.p.out)
     shell_call(command) # Because it exits with status 1 https://github.com/neufeld/pandaseq/issues/40
Ejemplo n.º 9
 def check(self):
     start_time = time.asctime()
     sh.mothur("#chimera.uchime(fasta=%s, dereplicate=t, processors=8)" %
     process_log_file('mothur.chimera.uchime.logfile', self.p.orig_dir, start_time)
Ejemplo n.º 10
 def check(self):
     start_time = time.asctime()
     sh.mothur("#chimera.uchime(fasta=%s, dereplicate=t, processors=8)" %
     process_log_file('mothur.chimera.uchime.logfile', self.p.orig_dir, start_time)