Ejemplo n.º 1
 def get_fire(self):
     Function to generate different indices and information
     regarding any fire weather in the sounding.  This helps fill
     the data shown in the FIRE inset.
     self.fosberg = fire.fosberg(self)
     self.ppbl_top = params.pbl_top(self)
     self.sfc_rh = thermo.relh(self.pres[self.sfc], self.tmpc[self.sfc], self.dwpc[self.sfc])
     pres_sfc = self.pres[self.sfc]
     pres_1km = interp.pres(self, interp.to_msl(self, 1000.))
     pbl_h = interp.to_agl(self, interp.hght(self, self.ppbl_top))
     self.rh01km = params.mean_relh(self, pbot=pres_sfc, ptop=pres_1km)
     self.pblrh = params.mean_relh(self, pbot=pres_sfc, ptop=self.ppbl_top)
     self.meanwind01km = winds.mean_wind(self, pbot=pres_sfc, ptop=pres_1km)
     self.meanwindpbl = winds.mean_wind(self, pbot=pres_sfc, ptop=self.ppbl_top)
     self.pblmaxwind = winds.max_wind(self, lower=0, upper=pbl_h)
     #self.pblmaxwind = [np.ma.masked, np.ma.masked]
     mulplvals = params.DefineParcel(self, flag=3, pres=500)
     mupcl = params.cape(self, lplvals=mulplvals)
     self.bplus_fire = mupcl.bplus
Ejemplo n.º 2
    def get_fire(self):
        Function to generate different indices and information
        regarding any fire weather in the sounding.  This helps fill
        the data shown in the FIRE inset.

        self.fosberg = fire.fosberg(self)
        self.ppbl_top = params.pbl_top(self)
        self.sfc_rh = thermo.relh(self.pres[self.sfc], self.tmpc[self.sfc],
        pres_sfc = self.pres[self.sfc]
        pres_1km = interp.pres(self, interp.to_msl(self, 1000.))
        pbl_h = interp.to_agl(self, interp.hght(self, self.ppbl_top))
        self.rh01km = params.mean_relh(self, pbot=pres_sfc, ptop=pres_1km)
        self.pblrh = params.mean_relh(self, pbot=pres_sfc, ptop=self.ppbl_top)
        self.meanwind01km = winds.mean_wind(self, pbot=pres_sfc, ptop=pres_1km)
        self.meanwindpbl = winds.mean_wind(self,
        self.pblmaxwind = winds.max_wind(self, lower=0, upper=pbl_h)
        #self.pblmaxwind = [np.ma.masked, np.ma.masked]
        mulplvals = params.DefineParcel(self, flag=3, pres=500)
        mupcl = params.cape(self, lplvals=mulplvals)
        self.bplus_fire = mupcl.bplus
Ejemplo n.º 3
    def get_thermo(self):
        Function to generate thermodynamic indices.
        Function returns nothing, but sets the following

        self.k_idx - K Index, a severe weather index
        self.pwat - Precipitable Water Vapor (inches)
        self.lapserate_3km - 0 to 3km AGL lapse rate (C/km)
        self.lapserate_3_6km - 3 to 6km AGL lapse rate (C/km)
        self.lapserate_850_500 - 850 to 500mb lapse rate (C/km)
        self.lapserate_700_500 - 700 to 500mb lapse rate (C/km)
        self.convT - The Convective Temperature (F)
        self.maxT - The Maximum Forecast Surface Temp (F)
        self.mean_mixr - Mean Mixing Ratio
        self.low_rh - low level mean relative humidity
        self.mid_rh - mid level mean relative humidity
        self.totals_totals - Totals Totals index, a severe weather index

        ## either get or calculate the indices, round to the nearest int, and
        ## convert them to strings.
        ## K Index
        self.k_idx = params.k_index( self )
        ## precipitable water
        self.pwat = params.precip_water( self )
        ## 0-3km agl lapse rate
        self.lapserate_3km = params.lapse_rate( self, 0., 3000., pres=False )
        ## 3-6km agl lapse rate
        self.lapserate_3_6km = params.lapse_rate( self, 3000., 6000., pres=False )
        ## 850-500mb lapse rate
        self.lapserate_850_500 = params.lapse_rate( self, 850., 500., pres=True )
        ## 700-500mb lapse rate
        self.lapserate_700_500 = params.lapse_rate( self, 700., 500., pres=True )
        ## 2-6 km max lapse rate
        self.max_lapse_rate_2_6 = params.max_lapse_rate( self )
        ## convective temperature
        self.convT = thermo.ctof( params.convective_temp( self ) )
        ## sounding forecast surface temperature
        self.maxT = thermo.ctof( params.max_temp( self ) )
        #fzl = str(int(self.sfcparcel.hght0c))
        ## 100mb mean mixing ratio
        self.mean_mixr = params.mean_mixratio( self )
        ## 150mb mean rh
        self.low_rh = params.mean_relh( self )
        self.mid_rh = params.mean_relh( self, pbot=(self.pres[self.sfc] - 150),
            ptop=(self.pres[self.sfc] - 350) )
        ## calculate the totals totals index
        self.totals_totals = params.t_totals( self )
        ## calculate the inferred temperature advection
        self.inf_temp_adv = params.inferred_temp_adv(self, lat=self.latitude)
Ejemplo n.º 4
    def get_thermo(self):
        Function to generate thermodynamic indices.
        Function returns nothing, but sets the following

        self.k_idx - K Index, a severe weather index
        self.pwat - Precipitable Water Vapor (inches)
        self.lapserate_3km - 0 to 3km AGL lapse rate (C/km)
        self.lapserate_3_6km - 3 to 6km AGL lapse rate (C/km)
        self.lapserate_850_500 - 850 to 500mb lapse rate (C/km)
        self.lapserate_700_500 - 700 to 500mb lapse rate (C/km)
        self.convT - The Convective Temperature (F)
        self.maxT - The Maximum Forecast Surface Temp (F)
        self.mean_mixr - Mean Mixing Ratio
        self.low_rh - low level mean relative humidity
        self.mid_rh - mid level mean relative humidity
        self.totals_totals - Totals Totals index, a severe weather index

        ## either get or calculate the indices, round to the nearest int, and
        ## convert them to strings.
        ## K Index
        self.k_idx = params.k_index( self )
        ## precipitable water
        self.pwat = params.precip_water( self )
        ## 0-3km agl lapse rate
        self.lapserate_3km = params.lapse_rate( self, 0., 3000., pres=False )
        ## 3-6km agl lapse rate
        self.lapserate_3_6km = params.lapse_rate( self, 3000., 6000., pres=False )
        ## 850-500mb lapse rate
        self.lapserate_850_500 = params.lapse_rate( self, 850., 500., pres=True )
        ## 700-500mb lapse rate
        self.lapserate_700_500 = params.lapse_rate( self, 700., 500., pres=True )
        ## convective temperature
        self.convT = thermo.ctof( params.convective_temp( self ) )
        ## sounding forecast surface temperature
        self.maxT = thermo.ctof( params.max_temp( self ) )
        #fzl = str(int(self.sfcparcel.hght0c))
        ## 100mb mean mixing ratio
        self.mean_mixr = params.mean_mixratio( self )
        ## 150mb mean rh
        self.low_rh = params.mean_relh( self )
        self.mid_rh = params.mean_relh( self, pbot=(self.pres[self.sfc] - 150),
            ptop=(self.pres[self.sfc] - 350) )
        ## calculate the totals totals index
        self.totals_totals = params.t_totals( self )
        ## calculate the inferred temperature advection
        self.inf_temp_adv = params.inferred_temp_adv(self)
Ejemplo n.º 5
    def get_precip(self):
        Function to generate different indices and information
        regarding any precipitation in the sounding.  This helps fill
        the data shown in the WINTER inset.

        Returns nothing, but sets the following

        self.dgz_pbot, self.dgz_ptop : the dendretic growth zone (DGZ) top and bottom (mb)
        self.dgz_meanrh : DGZ mean relative humidity (%)
        self.dgz_pw : the preciptable water vapor in the DGZ (inches)
        self.dgz_meanq : the mean water vapor mixing ratio in the DGZ (g/kg)
        self.dgz_meanomeg : the mean omega in the DGZ (microbars/second)
        self.oprh : the OPRH variable (units don't mean anything)
        self.plevel, self.phase, self.tmp, self.st : the initial phase, level, temperature, and state of any precip in the sounding
        self.tpos, self.tneg, self.ttop, self.tbot : positive and negative temperature layers in the sounding
        self.wpos, self.wneg, self.wtop, self.wbot : positive and negative wetbulb layers in the soundings
        self.precip_type : the best guess precipitation type

        self.dgz_pbot, self.dgz_ptop = params.dgz(self)
        self.dgz_meanrh = params.mean_relh(self,
        self.dgz_pw = params.precip_water(self,
        self.dgz_meanq = params.mean_mixratio(self,
        self.dgz_meanomeg = params.mean_omega(
            self, pbot=self.dgz_pbot,
            ptop=self.dgz_ptop) * 10  # to microbars/sec
        self.oprh = self.dgz_meanomeg * self.dgz_pw * (self.dgz_meanrh / 100.)

        self.plevel, self.phase, self.tmp, self.st = watch_type.init_phase(
        self.tpos, self.tneg, self.ttop, self.tbot = watch_type.posneg_temperature(
            self, start=self.plevel)
        self.wpos, self.wneg, self.wtop, self.wbot = watch_type.posneg_wetbulb(
            self, start=self.plevel)
        self.precip_type = watch_type.best_guess_precip(
            self, self.phase, self.plevel, self.tmp, self.tpos, self.tneg)
Ejemplo n.º 6
    def get_precip(self):
        Function to generate different indices and information
        regarding any precipitation in the sounding.  This helps fill
        the data shown in the WINTER inset.

        Returns nothing, but sets the following

        self.dgz_pbot, self.dgz_ptop : the dendretic growth zone (DGZ) top and bottom (mb)
        self.dgz_meanrh : DGZ mean relative humidity (%)
        self.dgz_pw : the preciptable water vapor in the DGZ (inches)
        self.dgz_meanq : the mean water vapor mixing ratio in the DGZ (g/kg)
        self.dgz_meanomeg : the mean omega in the DGZ (microbars/second)
        self.oprh : the OPRH variable (units don't mean anything)
        self.plevel, self.phase, self.tmp, self.st : the initial phase, level, temperature, and state of any precip in the sounding
        self.tpos, self.tneg, self.ttop, self.tbot : positive and negative temperature layers in the sounding
        self.wpos, self.wneg, self.wtop, self.wbot : positive and negative wetbulb layers in the soundings
        self.precip_type : the best guess precipitation type

        self.dgz_pbot, self.dgz_ptop = params.dgz(self)
        self.dgz_meanrh = params.mean_relh(self, pbot=self.dgz_pbot, ptop=self.dgz_ptop)
        self.dgz_pw = params.precip_water(self, pbot=self.dgz_pbot, ptop=self.dgz_ptop)
        self.dgz_meanq = params.mean_mixratio(self, pbot=self.dgz_pbot, ptop=self.dgz_ptop)
        self.dgz_meanomeg = params.mean_omega(self, pbot=self.dgz_pbot, ptop=self.dgz_ptop) * 10 # to microbars/sec
        self.oprh = self.dgz_meanomeg * self.dgz_pw * (self.dgz_meanrh/100.)

        self.plevel, self.phase, self.tmp, self.st = watch_type.init_phase(self)
        self.tpos, self.tneg, self.ttop, self.tbot = watch_type.posneg_temperature(self, start=self.plevel)
        self.wpos, self.wneg, self.wtop, self.wbot = watch_type.posneg_wetbulb(self, start=self.plevel)
        self.precip_type = watch_type.best_guess_precip(self, self.phase, self.plevel, self.tmp, self.tpos, self.tneg)
Ejemplo n.º 7
''' Create the Sounding (Profile) Object '''
Ejemplo n.º 8
                        if m15_rh > 50:                                   
                            date = datetime.datetime.strptime(datestring, "%m%d%y/%H%M")
                            # this returns a SHARPPy profile, including theta-e and wetbulb                        
                            prof = profile.create_profile(profile='default', pres=pres, hght=hght, tmpc=tmpc, \
                                            dwpc=dwpc, wspd=wspd, wdir=wdir, missing=-9999, date=date, \
                                            location=loc, strictQC=True)
                            prof = interpZeroTemps(prof)
                            prof = interpZeroWetbulbs(prof)
                            #mean_rh_tmp = params.mean_relh(prof)
                            mean_rh = params.mean_relh(prof, ptop=400)
                            # print mean_rh
                            #if prof.tmpc[0] > -12:
                            #dgz_pbot, dgz_ptop = params.dgz(prof)
                            dgz_pbot, dgz_ptop = dgz(prof)
                            # If DGZ properly decreases in pressure, meaning both 
                            # the top and bottom were found, proceed.
                            if dgz_pbot > dgz_ptop:
                                dgz_meanrh = params.mean_relh(prof, pbot=dgz_pbot, ptop=dgz_ptop)