Ejemplo n.º 1
def _parse_struct_union_spec(index, node_type):
    """Parse a struct or union specifier.

    A struct/union specifier includes everything between the `struct`
    keyword to the end of the member list if one exists.

    index - index right past the type definition keyword.
    node_type - either decl_nodes.Struct or decl_nodes.Union.
    start_r = p.tokens[index - 1].r

    name = None
    if token_is(index, token_kinds.identifier):
        name = p.tokens[index]
        index += 1

    members = None
    if token_is(index, token_kinds.open_brack):
        members, index = parse_struct_union_members(index + 1)

    if name is None and members is None:
        err = "expected identifier or member list"
        raise_error(err, index, ParserError.AFTER)

    r = start_r + p.tokens[index - 1].r
    return node_type(name, members, r), index
Ejemplo n.º 2
def _parse_struct_union_spec(index, node_type):
    """Parse a struct or union specifier.

    A struct/union specifier includes everything between the `struct`
    keyword to the end of the member list if one exists.

    index - index right past the type definition keyword.
    node_type - either decl_nodes.Struct or decl_nodes.Union.
    start_r = p.tokens[index - 1].r

    name = None
    if token_is(index, token_kinds.identifier):
        name = p.tokens[index]
        index += 1

    members = None
    if token_is(index, token_kinds.open_brack):
        members, index = parse_struct_union_members(index + 1)

    if name is None and members is None:
        err = "expected identifier or member list"
        raise_error(err, index, ParserError.AFTER)

    r = start_r + p.tokens[index - 1].r
    return node_type(name, members, r), index
Ejemplo n.º 3
def parse_root(index):
    """Parse the given tokens into an AST."""
    items = []
    while True:
            item, index = parse_main(index)
        except ParserError as e:

            item, index = parse_declaration(index)
        except ParserError as e:

        # If neither parse attempt above worked, break

    # If there are tokens that remain unparsed, complain
    if not p.tokens[index:]:
        return nodes.Root(items), index
        raise_error("unexpected token", index, ParserError.AT)
Ejemplo n.º 4
def parse_primary(index):
    """Parse primary expression."""
    if token_is(index, token_kinds.open_paren):
        node, index = parse_expression(index + 1)
        index = match_token(index, token_kinds.close_paren, ParserError.GOT)
        return expr_nodes.ParenExpr(node), index
    elif token_is(index, token_kinds.number):
        return expr_nodes.Number(p.tokens[index]), index + 1
    elif token_is(index, token_kinds.identifier):
        return expr_nodes.Identifier(p.tokens[index]), index + 1
    elif token_is(index, token_kinds.string):
        return expr_nodes.String(p.tokens[index].content), index + 1
    elif token_is(index, token_kinds.char_string):
        chars = p.tokens[index].content
        return expr_nodes.Number(chars[0]), index + 1
        raise_error("expected expression", index, ParserError.GOT)
Ejemplo n.º 5
def parse_primary(index):
    """Parse primary expression."""
    if token_is(index, token_kinds.open_paren):
        node, index = parse_expression(index + 1)
        index = match_token(index, token_kinds.close_paren, ParserError.GOT)
        return expr_nodes.ParenExpr(node), index
    elif token_is(index, token_kinds.number):
        return expr_nodes.Number(p.tokens[index]), index + 1
    elif (token_is(index, token_kinds.identifier)
          and not p.symbols.is_typedef(p.tokens[index])):
        return expr_nodes.Identifier(p.tokens[index]), index + 1
    elif token_is(index, token_kinds.string):
        return expr_nodes.String(p.tokens[index].content), index + 1
    elif token_is(index, token_kinds.char_string):
        chars = p.tokens[index].content
        return expr_nodes.Number(chars[0]), index + 1
        raise_error("expected expression", index, ParserError.GOT)
Ejemplo n.º 6
def _parse_declarator_raw(start, end, is_typedef):
    """Like _parse_declarator, but doesn't add `.r` range attribute."""

    if start == end:
        return decl_nodes.Identifier(None)

    elif (start + 1 == end and
           p.tokens[start].kind == token_kinds.identifier):
        p.symbols.add_symbol(p.tokens[start], is_typedef)
        return decl_nodes.Identifier(p.tokens[start])

    elif p.tokens[start].kind == token_kinds.star:
        const, index = _find_const(start + 1)
        return decl_nodes.Pointer(
            _parse_declarator(index, end, is_typedef), const)

    func_decl = _try_parse_func_decl(start, end, is_typedef)
    if func_decl: return func_decl

    # First and last elements make a parenthesis pair
    elif (p.tokens[start].kind == token_kinds.open_paren and
          _find_pair_forward(start) == end - 1):
        return _parse_declarator(start + 1, end - 1, is_typedef)

    # Last element indicates an array type
    elif p.tokens[end - 1].kind == token_kinds.close_sq_brack:
        open_sq = _find_pair_backward(
            end - 1, token_kinds.open_sq_brack, token_kinds.close_sq_brack,
            "mismatched square brackets in declaration")

        if open_sq == end - 2:
            num_el = None
            num_el, index = parse_expression(open_sq + 1)
            if index != end - 1:
                err = "unexpected token in array size"
                raise_error(err, index, ParserError.AFTER)

        return decl_nodes.Array(
            num_el, _parse_declarator(start, open_sq, is_typedef))

    raise_error("faulty declaration syntax", start, ParserError.AT)
Ejemplo n.º 7
def _parse_declarator_raw(start, end, is_typedef):
    """Like _parse_declarator, but doesn't add `.r` range attribute."""

    if start == end:
        return decl_nodes.Identifier(None)

    elif (start + 1 == end and p.tokens[start].kind == token_kinds.identifier):
        p.symbols.add_symbol(p.tokens[start], is_typedef)
        return decl_nodes.Identifier(p.tokens[start])

    elif p.tokens[start].kind == token_kinds.star:
        const, index = _find_const(start + 1)
        return decl_nodes.Pointer(_parse_declarator(index, end, is_typedef),

    func_decl = _try_parse_func_decl(start, end, is_typedef)
    if func_decl:
        return func_decl

        # First and last elements make a parenthesis pair
    elif (p.tokens[start].kind == token_kinds.open_paren
          and _find_pair_forward(start) == end - 1):
        return _parse_declarator(start + 1, end - 1, is_typedef)

    # Last element indicates an array type
    elif p.tokens[end - 1].kind == token_kinds.close_sq_brack:
        open_sq = _find_pair_backward(
            end - 1, token_kinds.open_sq_brack, token_kinds.close_sq_brack,
            "mismatched square brackets in declaration")

        if open_sq == end - 2:
            num_el = None
            num_el, index = parse_expression(open_sq + 1)
            if index != end - 1:
                err = "unexpected token in array size"
                raise_error(err, index, ParserError.AFTER)

        return decl_nodes.Array(num_el,
                                _parse_declarator(start, open_sq, is_typedef))

    raise_error("faulty declaration syntax", start, ParserError.AT)
Ejemplo n.º 8
def parse_decl_specifiers(index):
    """Parse a declaration specifier.

        const char
        typedef int

    The returned `specs` list may contain two types of elements: tokens and
    Node objects. A Node object will be included for a struct or union
    declaration, and a token for all other declaration specifiers.
    decl_specifiers = (list(ctypes.simple_types.keys()) + [
        token_kinds.signed_kw, token_kinds.unsigned_kw, token_kinds.auto_kw,
        token_kinds.static_kw, token_kinds.extern_kw, token_kinds.const_kw

    specs = []
    matching = True
    while matching:
        matching = False

        # Parse a struct specifier if there is one.
        if token_is(index, token_kinds.struct_kw):
            node, index = parse_struct_spec(index + 1)
            matching = True

        # Try parsing any of the other specifiers
        for spec in decl_specifiers:
            if token_is(index, spec):
                index += 1
                matching = True

    if specs:
        return specs, index
        raise_error("expected declaration specifier", index, ParserError.AT)
Ejemplo n.º 9
def parse_declarator(start, end):
    """Parse the given tokens that comprises a declarator.

    This function parses both declarator and abstract-declarators. For
    an abstract declarator, the Identifier node at the leaf of the
    generated tree has the identifier None.

    Expects the declarator to start at start and end at end-1 inclusive.
    Returns a decl_nodes.Node.
    if start == end:
        return decl_nodes.Identifier(None)
    elif (start + 1 == end and p.tokens[start].kind == token_kinds.identifier):
        return decl_nodes.Identifier(p.tokens[start])

    # First and last elements make a parenthesis pair
    elif (p.tokens[start].kind == token_kinds.open_paren
          and find_pair_forward(start) == end - 1):
        return parse_declarator(start + 1, end - 1)

    elif p.tokens[start].kind == token_kinds.star:
        const, index = find_const(start + 1)
        return decl_nodes.Pointer(parse_declarator(index, end), const)

    # Last element indicates a function type
    elif p.tokens[end - 1].kind == token_kinds.close_paren:
        open_paren = find_pair_backward(end - 1)
        params, index = parse_parameter_list(open_paren + 1)
        if index == end - 1:
            return decl_nodes.Function(params,
                                       parse_declarator(start, open_paren))

    # Last element indicates an array type
    elif p.tokens[end - 1].kind == token_kinds.close_sq_brack:
        first = p.tokens[end - 3].kind == token_kinds.open_sq_brack
        number = p.tokens[end - 2].kind == token_kinds.number
        if first and number:
            return decl_nodes.Array(int(p.tokens[end - 2].content),
                                    parse_declarator(start, end - 3))

    raise_error("faulty declaration syntax", start, ParserError.AT)
Ejemplo n.º 10
def find_pair_backward(index,
                       mess="mismatched parentheses in declaration"):
    """Find the opening parenthesis for the closing at given index.

    Same parameters as _find_pair_forward above.
    depth = 0
    for i in range(index, -1, -1):
        if p.tokens[i].kind == close:
            depth += 1
        elif p.tokens[i].kind == open:
            depth -= 1

        if depth == 0:
        # if loop did not break, no open paren was found
        raise_error(mess, index, ParserError.AT)
    return i
Ejemplo n.º 11
def _find_pair_backward(index,
                        mess="mismatched parentheses in declaration"):
    """Find the opening parenthesis for the closing at given index.

    Same parameters as _find_pair_forward above.
    depth = 0
    for i in range(index, -1, -1):
        if p.tokens[i].kind == close:
            depth += 1
        elif p.tokens[i].kind == open:
            depth -= 1

        if depth == 0:
        # if loop did not break, no open paren was found
        raise_error(mess, index, ParserError.AT)
    return i
Ejemplo n.º 12
def parse_struct_spec(index):
    """Parse a struct specifier as a decl_nodes.Struct node.

    index - index right past the `struct` keyword
    start_r = p.tokens[index - 1].r

    name = None
    if token_is(index, token_kinds.identifier):
        name = p.tokens[index]
        index += 1

    members = None
    if token_is(index, token_kinds.open_brack):
        members, index = parse_struct_members(index + 1)

    if name is None and members is None:
        err = "expected identifier or member list"
        raise_error(err, index, ParserError.AFTER)

    r = start_r + p.tokens[index - 1].r
    return decl_nodes.Struct(name, members, r), index
Ejemplo n.º 13
def parse_root(index):
    """Parse the given tokens into an AST."""
    items = []
    while True:
        with log_error():
            item, index = parse_func_definition(index)

        with log_error():
            item, index = parse_declaration(index)

        # If neither parse attempt above worked, break

    # If there are tokens that remain unparsed, complain
    if not p.tokens[index:]:
        return nodes.Root(items), index
        raise_error("unexpected token", index, ParserError.AT)
Ejemplo n.º 14
def find_pair_forward(index,
                      mess="mismatched parentheses in declaration"):
    """Find the closing parenthesis for the opening at given index.

    index - position to start search, should be of kind `open`
    open - token kind representing the open parenthesis
    close - token kind representing the close parenthesis
    mess - message for error on mismatch
    depth = 0
    for i in range(index, len(p.tokens)):
        if p.tokens[i].kind == open:
            depth += 1
        elif p.tokens[i].kind == close:
            depth -= 1

        if depth == 0:
        # if loop did not break, no close paren was found
        raise_error(mess, index, ParserError.AT)
    return i
Ejemplo n.º 15
def _find_pair_forward(index,
                       mess="mismatched parentheses in declaration"):
    """Find the closing parenthesis for the opening at given index.

    index - position to start search, should be of kind `open`
    open - token kind representing the open parenthesis
    close - token kind representing the close parenthesis
    mess - message for error on mismatch
    depth = 0
    for i in range(index, len(p.tokens)):
        if p.tokens[i].kind == open:
            depth += 1
        elif p.tokens[i].kind == close:
            depth -= 1

        if depth == 0:
        # if loop did not break, no close paren was found
        raise_error(mess, index, ParserError.AT)
    return i
Ejemplo n.º 16
def parse_decl_specifiers(index, _spec_qual=False):
    """Parse a declaration specifier list.

        const char
        typedef int

    If _spec_qual=True, produces a CompilerError if given any specifiers
    that are neither type specifier nor type qualifier.

    The returned `specs` list may contain two types of elements: tokens and
    Node objects. A Node object will be included for a struct or union
    declaration, and a token for all other declaration specifiers.
    type_specs = set(ctypes.simple_types.keys())
    type_specs |= {token_kinds.signed_kw, token_kinds.unsigned_kw}

    type_quals = {token_kinds.const_kw}

    storage_specs = {
        token_kinds.auto_kw, token_kinds.static_kw, token_kinds.extern_kw,

    specs = []

    # The type specifier class, either SIMPLE, STRUCT, or TYPEDEF,
    # represents the allowed kinds of type specifiers. Once the first
    # specifier is parsed, the type specifier class is set. If the type
    # specifier class is set to STRUCT or TYPEDEF, no further type
    # specifiers are permitted in the type specifier list. If it is set to
    # SIMPLE, more simple type specifiers are permitted. This is important
    # for typedef parsing.

    SIMPLE = 1
    STRUCT = 2
    TYPEDEF = 3
    type_spec_class = None

    while True:
        # Parse a struct specifier if there is one.
        if not type_spec_class and token_is(index, token_kinds.struct_kw):
            node, index = parse_struct_spec(index + 1)
            type_spec_class = STRUCT

        # Parse a union specifier if there is one.
        elif not type_spec_class and token_is(index, token_kinds.union_kw):
            node, index = parse_union_spec(index + 1)
            type_spec_class = STRUCT

        # Match a typedef name
        elif (not type_spec_class and token_is(index, token_kinds.identifier)
              and p.symbols.is_typedef(p.tokens[index])):
            index += 1
            type_spec_class = TYPEDEF

        elif type_spec_class in {None, SIMPLE} and token_in(index, type_specs):
            index += 1
            type_spec_class = SIMPLE

        elif token_in(index, type_quals):
            index += 1

        elif token_in(index, storage_specs):
            if not _spec_qual:
                err = "storage specifier not permitted here"
                error_collector.add(CompilerError(err, p.tokens[index].r))
            index += 1


    if specs:
        return specs, index
        raise_error("expected declaration specifier", index, ParserError.AT)
Ejemplo n.º 17
def parse_decl_specifiers(index, _spec_qual=False):
    """Parse a declaration specifier list.

        const char
        typedef int

    If _spec_qual=True, produces a CompilerError if given any specifiers
    that are neither type specifier nor type qualifier.

    The returned `specs` list may contain two types of elements: tokens and
    Node objects. A Node object will be included for a struct or union
    declaration, and a token for all other declaration specifiers.
    type_specs = set(ctypes.simple_types.keys())
    type_specs |= {token_kinds.signed_kw, token_kinds.unsigned_kw}

    type_quals = {token_kinds.const_kw}

    storage_specs = {token_kinds.auto_kw, token_kinds.static_kw,
                     token_kinds.extern_kw, token_kinds.typedef_kw}

    specs = []

    # The type specifier class, either SIMPLE, STRUCT, or TYPEDEF,
    # represents the allowed kinds of type specifiers. Once the first
    # specifier is parsed, the type specifier class is set. If the type
    # specifier class is set to STRUCT or TYPEDEF, no further type
    # specifiers are permitted in the type specifier list. If it is set to
    # SIMPLE, more simple type specifiers are permitted. This is important
    # for typedef parsing.

    SIMPLE = 1
    STRUCT = 2
    TYPEDEF = 3
    type_spec_class = None

    while True:
        # Parse a struct specifier if there is one.
        if not type_spec_class and token_is(index, token_kinds.struct_kw):
            node, index = parse_struct_spec(index + 1)
            type_spec_class = STRUCT

        # Parse a union specifier if there is one.
        elif not type_spec_class and token_is(index, token_kinds.union_kw):
            node, index = parse_union_spec(index + 1)
            type_spec_class = STRUCT

        # Match a typedef name
        elif (not type_spec_class
              and token_is(index, token_kinds.identifier)
              and p.symbols.is_typedef(p.tokens[index])):
            index += 1
            type_spec_class = TYPEDEF

        elif type_spec_class in {None, SIMPLE} and token_in(index, type_specs):
            index += 1
            type_spec_class = SIMPLE

        elif token_in(index, type_quals):
            index += 1

        elif token_in(index, storage_specs):
            if not _spec_qual:
                err = "storage specifier not permitted here"
                error_collector.add(CompilerError(err, p.tokens[index].r))
            index += 1


    if specs:
        return specs, index
        raise_error("expected declaration specifier", index, ParserError.AT)