def check_all(repo_kernel_file, threshold_list, top_k):
	total = 0
	tp_list = [0]*len(threshold_list)
	fp_list = [0]*len(threshold_list)
	tn_list = [0]*len(threshold_list)
	fn_list = [0]*len(threshold_list)
	acc_list = [0]*len(threshold_list)
	# read kernel only once
	sim = Similarity()
	with open(repo_kernel_file, 'r') as fi:
		for line in fi:
			line = line.rstrip()
			parts = line.split('\t')
			dot_file = parts[0]
			result_program_list_with_score = sim.find_top_k_similar_graphs(dot_file, 'g', top_k, 3) # num_iter = 3
			path_parts = dot_file.split(os.sep)
			true_prob = path_parts[-4]
			total += 1
			for (i, threshold) in enumerate(threshold_list):
				cr = check_result(true_prob, result_program_list_with_score, threshold)
				if cr=='tp':
					tp_list[i] += 1
				elif cr=='fp':
					fp_list[i] += 1
				elif cr=='fn':
					fn_list[i] += 1
					tn_list[i] += 1
				acc = check_top_k_result(true_prob, result_program_list_with_score, threshold, top_k)
				acc_list[i] += acc
	return total, tp_list, fp_list, tn_list, fn_list, acc_list
Ejemplo n.º 2
def find_top_k_similar_program(repo_kernel_file, user_prog_graph_dot_file,
                               graph_name, k, num_iter, cluster_json):
    sim = Similarity()
    result_program_list_with_score = sim.find_top_k_similar_graphs(
        user_prog_graph_dot_file, graph_name, k, num_iter, cluster_json)
    return result_program_list_with_score
def check_all(repo_kernel_file, threshold_list, top_k):
    total = 0
    tp_list = [0] * len(threshold_list)
    fp_list = [0] * len(threshold_list)
    tn_list = [0] * len(threshold_list)
    fn_list = [0] * len(threshold_list)
    acc_list = [0] * len(threshold_list)
    # read kernel only once
    sim = Similarity()
    with open(repo_kernel_file, 'r') as fi:
        for line in fi:
            line = line.rstrip()
            parts = line.split('\t')
            dot_file = parts[0]
            result_program_list_with_score = sim.find_top_k_similar_graphs(
                dot_file, 'g', top_k, 3)  # num_iter = 3
            path_parts = dot_file.split(os.sep)
            true_prob = path_parts[-4]
            total += 1
            for (i, threshold) in enumerate(threshold_list):
                cr = check_result(true_prob, result_program_list_with_score,
                if cr == 'tp':
                    tp_list[i] += 1
                elif cr == 'fp':
                    fp_list[i] += 1
                elif cr == 'fn':
                    fn_list[i] += 1
                    tn_list[i] += 1
                acc = check_top_k_result(true_prob,
                                         threshold, top_k)
                acc_list[i] += acc
    return total, tp_list, fp_list, tn_list, fn_list, acc_list
Ejemplo n.º 4
def main(corpus, annotations, limit=3):
    """ SUMMARY: use case of the user-driven functionality of PASCALI.
  Scenario: User provides the concept of Sequence and the equivalent Java
  types, and the concept of sorted sequence and the relevant type invariant.
  Goal: learn how to get from Sequence -> Sorted Sequence.
  INPUT: annotations, dictionary mapping string -> list of strings
  OUTPUT: recompiles generic-inference-solver with new annotations"""

    """ Look for new mapping from 'ontology concepts'->'java type' and run
  checker framework. Should be implemented in type_inference
  Mapping example:
    Sequence -> java.lang.Array, java.util.List, LinkedHashSet, etc.

  INPUT: corpus, file containing set of concept->java_type mapping
  OUTPUT: Set of jaif files that are merged into the classes. The jaif files are
          stored as default.jaif in each project's directory.
  BODY: This also triggers back-end labeled graph generation.

    for project in corpus:
    """ Missing step: interact with PA to add a definition of Sorted Sequence
  which is a specialization of Sequence that has a sortedness invariants.
  The sortedness invariant gets turned into a Daikon template
  INPUT: user interaction
  OUTPUT: type_annotation and type_invariant (for sorted sequence)


    ordering_operator = "<="

    ontology_invariant_file = "TODO_from_Howie.txt"
    with open(ontology_invariant_file, 'w') as f:

    invariant_name = "TODO_sorted_sequence"

    daikon_pattern_java_file = ontology_to_daikon.create_daikon_invariant(
        ontology_invariant_file, invariant_name)
    """ Find all methods that have one input parameter annotated as Sequence and return a variable also
  annotated as Sequence.
  INPUT: The corpus and the desired annotations on the method signature
  OUTPUT: List of methods that have the desired signature.
  NOTE: This is a stub and will be implemented as LB query in the future.
    sig_methods = find_methods_with_signature(corpus,
    print("\n   ************")
        "The following corpus methods have the signature Sequence->Sequence {}:"
    for (project, package, clazz, method) in sig_methods:
        print("{}:\t{}.{}.{}".format(project, package, clazz, method))
    print("\n   ************")
    """ Search for methods that have a return type annotated with Sequence
  and for which we can establish a sortedness invariant (may done by LB).

  INPUT: dtrace file of project
         daikon_pattern_java_file that we want to check on the dtrace file.

  OUTPUT: list of ppt names that establish the invariant. Here a ppt
  is a Daikon program point, s.a. test01.TestClass01.sort(int[]):::EXIT

  Note: this step translate the type_invariant into a Daikon
  template (which is a Java file).

    pattern_class_name = invariant_name
    pattern_class_dir = os.path.join(common.WORKING_DIR, "invClass")
    if os.path.isdir(pattern_class_dir):

    cmd = [
        "javac", "-g", "-classpath",
        common.get_jar('daikon.jar'), daikon_pattern_java_file, "-d",

    list_of_methods = []
    for project in corpus:
        dtrace_file = backend.get_dtrace_file_for_project(project)
        if not dtrace_file:
            print("Ignoring folder {} because it does not contain dtrace file".
        ppt_names = inv_check.find_ppts_that_establish_inv(
            dtrace_file, pattern_class_dir, pattern_class_name)
        methods = set()
        for ppt in ppt_names:
            method_name = ppt[:ppt.find(':::EXIT')]
        list_of_methods += [(project, methods)]

    print("\n   ************")
        "The following corpus methods return a sequence sorted by {}:".format(
    for project, methods in list_of_methods:
        if len(methods) > 0:
            for m in methods:
    print("\n   ************")

    """ Expansion of dynamic analysis results ....
  Find a list of similar methods that are similar to the ones found above (list_of_methods).
  INPUT: list_of_methods, corpus with labeled graphs generated, threshold value for similarity,
  OUTPUT: superset_list_of_methods

        "Expanding the dynamic analysis results using graph-based similarity:")
    union_set = set()
    for project, methods in list_of_methods:
        # map Daikon output on sort method to method signature in methods.txt in generated graphs
        for m in methods:
            method_name = common.get_method_from_daikon_out(m)
            #kernel_file = common.get_kernel_path(project)
            method_file = common.get_method_path(project)
            dot_name = common.find_dot_name(method_name, method_file)
            if dot_name:
                # find the right dot file for each method
                dot_file = common.get_dot_path(project, dot_name)
                # find all graphs that are similar to it using WL based on some threshold
                sys.path.append(os.path.join(common.WORKING_DIR, 'simprog'))
                from similarity import Similarity
                sim = Similarity()
                    os.path.join(common.WORKING_DIR, "corpus_kernel.txt"))
                top_k = 3
                iter_num = 3
                result_program_list_with_score = sim.find_top_k_similar_graphs(
                    dot_file, 'g', top_k, iter_num)
                print(project + ":")
                result_set = set(
                    [x[0] for x in result_program_list_with_score])
                # take the union of all these graphs
                union_set = union_set | result_set
    print("Expanded set:")
    print([x.split('/')[-4] for x in union_set])

    # return this set as a list of (project, method)
    fo = open("methods.txt", "w")
    expanded_list = []
    for dot_path in union_set:
        method_summary = common.get_method_summary_from_dot_path(dot_path)
    """ Update the type annotations for the expanded dynamic analysis results.
  INPUT: superset_list_of_methods, annotation to be added
  OUTPUT: nothing
  EFFECT: updates the type annotations of the methods in superset_list_of_methods.
  This requires some additional checks to make sure that the methods actually
  perform some kind of sorting. Note that we do it on the superset because the original
  list_of_methods might miss many implementations because fuzz testing could not
  reach them.
    for class_file in []:  # MARTIN
        generated_jaif_file = "TODO"
        insert_jaif.merge_jaif_into_class(class_file, generated_jaif_file)
    """ Ordering of expanded dynamic analysis results ....
  Find the k 'best' implementations in superset of list_of_methods
  INPUT: superset_list_of_methods, corpus, k
  OUTPUT: k_list_of_methods
  Note: similarity score is used. may consider using other scores; e.g., TODO:???

    #TODO: create input file for huascar where each line is formatted like:
    # ../corpus/Sort05/src/[]):int[]

    ordering_dir = os.path.join(common.WORKING_DIR, "ordering_results/")

    methods_file = os.path.join(common.WORKING_DIR, 'methods.txt')
        #TODO generate a proper relevant methods file.
        cmd = [
            "./", "-k", "{}".format(limit), "-t", "typicality", "-f",
        common.run_cmd(cmd, print_output=True)
Ejemplo n.º 5
def main(corpus, annotations):
  """ SUMMARY: use case of the user-driven functionality of PASCALI.
  Scenario: User provides the concept of Sequence and the equivalent Java
  types, and the concept of sorted sequence and the relevant type invariant.
  Goal: learn how to get from Sequence -> Sorted Sequence.

  INPUT: annotations, dictionary mapping string -> list of strings
  OUTPUT: recompiles generic-inference-solver with new annotations"""


  """ Look for new mapping from 'ontology concepts'->'java type' and run
  checker framework. Should be implemented in type_inference
  Mapping example:
    Sequence -> java.lang.Array, java.util.List, LinkedHashSet, etc.

  INPUT: corpus, file containing set of concept->java_type mapping
  OUTPUT: Set of jaif files that are merged into the classes. The jaif files are
          stored as default.jaif in each project's directory.
  BODY: This also triggers back-end labeled graph generation.

  for project in corpus:

  """ Missing step: interact with PA to add a definition of Sorted Sequence
  which is a specialization of Sequence that has a sortedness invariants.
  The sortedness invariant gets turned into a Daikon template
  INPUT: user interaction
  OUTPUT: type_annotation and type_invariant (for sorted sequence)


  ordering_operator = "<="

  ontology_invariant_file = "TODO_from_Howie.txt"
  with open(ontology_invariant_file, 'w') as f:

  invariant_name = "TODO_sorted_sequence"

  daikon_pattern_java_file = ontology_to_daikon.create_daikon_invariant(ontology_invariant_file, invariant_name)

  """ Find all methods that have one input parameter annotated as Sequence and return a variable also
  annotated as Sequence.
  INPUT: The corpus and the desired annotations on the method signature
  OUTPUT: List of methods that have the desired signature.
  NOTE: This is a stub and will be implemented as LB query in the future.
  sig_methods = find_methods_with_signature(corpus, "@ontology.qual.Sequence", ["@ontology.qual.Sequence"])
  print ("\n   ************")
  print ("The following corpus methods have the signature Sequence->Sequence {}:")
  for (project, package, clazz, method) in sig_methods:
    print("{}:\t{}.{}.{}".format(project, package, clazz, method))
  print ("\n   ************")

  """ Search for methods that have a return type annotated with Sequence
  and for which we can establish a sortedness invariant (may done by LB).

  INPUT: dtrace file of project
         daikon_pattern_java_file that we want to check on the dtrace file.

  OUTPUT: list of ppt names that establish the invariant. Here a ppt
  is a Daikon program point, s.a. test01.TestClass01.sort(int[]):::EXIT

  Note: this step translate the type_invariant into a Daikon
  template (which is a Java file).

  pattern_class_name = invariant_name
  pattern_class_dir = os.path.join(common.WORKING_DIR, "invClass")
  if os.path.isdir(pattern_class_dir):

  cmd = ["javac", "-g", "-classpath", common.get_jar('daikon.jar'),
         daikon_pattern_java_file, "-d", pattern_class_dir]

  list_of_methods = []
  for project in corpus:
    dtrace_file = backend.get_dtrace_file_for_project(project)
    if not dtrace_file:
      print ("Ignoring folder {} because it does not contain dtrace file".format(project))
    ppt_names = inv_check.find_ppts_that_establish_inv(dtrace_file, pattern_class_dir, pattern_class_name)
    methods = set()
    for ppt in ppt_names:
      method_name = ppt[:ppt.find(':::EXIT')]
    list_of_methods +=[(project, methods)]

  print ("\n   ************")
  print ("The following corpus methods return a sequence sorted by {}:".format(ordering_operator))
  for project, methods in list_of_methods:
    if len(methods)>0:
      print (project)
      for m in methods:
  print ("\n   ************")


  """ Expansion of dynamic analysis results ....
  Find a list of similar methods that are similar to the ones found above (list_of_methods).
  INPUT: list_of_methods, corpus with labeled graphs generated, threshold value for similarity,
  OUTPUT: superset_list_of_methods

  print("Expanding the dynamic analysis results using graph-based similarity:")
  union_set = set()
  for project, methods in list_of_methods:
    # map Daikon output on sort method to method signature in methods.txt in generated graphs
    for m in methods:
      method_name = common.get_method_from_daikon_out(m)
      #kernel_file = common.get_kernel_path(project)
      method_file = common.get_method_path(project)
      dot_name = common.find_dot_name(method_name, method_file)
      if dot_name:
        # find the right dot file for each method
        dot_file = common.get_dot_path(project, dot_name)
        # find all graphs that are similar to it using WL based on some threshold
        sys.path.insert(0, 'simprog')
        from similarity import Similarity
        sim = Similarity()
        top_k = 3
        iter_num = 3
        result_program_list_with_score = sim.find_top_k_similar_graphs(dot_file, 'g', top_k, iter_num)
        result_set = set([x[0] for x in result_program_list_with_score])
        # take the union of all these graphs
        union_set = union_set | result_set
  print("Expanded set:")
  print([x.split('/')[-4] for x in union_set])

  # return this set as a list of (project, method)
  fo = open("methods.txt", "w")
  expanded_list = []
  for dot_path in union_set:
    method_summary = common.get_method_summary_from_dot_path(dot_path)

  """ Update the type annotations for the expanded dynamic analysis results.
  INPUT: superset_list_of_methods, annotation to be added
  OUTPUT: nothing
  EFFECT: updates the type annotations of the methods in superset_list_of_methods.
  This requires some additional checks to make sure that the methods actually
  perform some kind of sorting. Note that we do it on the superset because the original
  list_of_methods might miss many implementations because fuzz testing could not
  reach them.
  for class_file in []: # MARTIN
    generated_jaif_file = "TODO"
    insert_jaif.merge_jaif_into_class(class_file, generated_jaif_file)

  """ Ordering of expanded dynamic analysis results ....
  Find the k 'best' implementations in superset of list_of_methods
  INPUT: superset_list_of_methods, corpus, k
  OUTPUT: k_list_of_methods
  Note: similarity score is used. may consider using other scores; e.g., TODO:???

  #TODO: create input file for huascar where each line is formatted like:
  # ../corpus/Sort05/src/[]):int[]

  ordering_dir = os.path.join(common.WORKING_DIR, "ordering_results/")

  methods_file = os.path.join(common.WORKING_DIR, 'methods.txt')
    #TODO generate a proper relevant methods file.
    cmd = ["./",
           "-k", "3",
           "-t", "typicality",
           "-f", methods_file]
    common.run_cmd(cmd, print_output=True)

  Close the loop and add the best implementation found in the previous
  step back to the ontology.
  INPUT: k_list_of_methods
  OUTPUT: patch file for the ontology. Worst case: just add the 'best' implementation
  found in the corpus as a blob to the ontology. Best case: generate an equivalent
  flow-graph in the ontology.
  print "TODO" # ALL
Ejemplo n.º 6
def find_top_k_similar_program(repo_kernel_file, user_prog_graph_dot_file, graph_name, k, num_iter):
	sim = Similarity()
	result_program_list_with_score = sim.find_top_k_similar_graphs(user_prog_graph_dot_file, graph_name, k, num_iter)
	return result_program_list_with_score