Ejemplo n.º 1
def solwave_mck(c, d, M, dist = pi / 2., xtol = 1.e-12, verbose = False):
	Compute the collocation points and values for the d-dimensional
	McKenzie solitary wave equation.  n=3, m=0.

	Inputs: c - soliton parameter, 

	d - dimension, 

	M - No. of points, 

	[dist = pi/2] - distance from the x axis to the nearest
	singularity in the complex plane, 

	[xtol = 1.e-12] - solver tolerance,


	Outputs: r, f - collocation points and the soliton
	decay = sqrt(1. - 3. / c)

	h = sqrt((pi * dist) / (decay * M))
	r = sinc_eo.points(M, h)
	u0 = magma1d.solwave_mck(r, c) - 1.

	d0 = 1.
	D2 = sinc_eo.D2_e(M, h)
	D1 = sinc_eo.D1_eo(M, h)
	D1_r = sinc_eo.D1_x_e(M, h)
	IN1 = sinc_eo.IN1_oe(M, h)
	params = {'c': c, 'd': d0, 
		  'D2': D2, 'D1':D1, 'D1_r':D1_r, 'IN': IN1}

	if d < 2.:
		params['d'] = d

		u = fsolve(lambda v: solwave_mck_eq(v, params), u0, 
			   fprime = lambda v:solwave_mck_eq_jac(v, params), 
			   xtol= xtol)
		# Initial value for the delta dimension value.  
		# This can be tuned as needed
		delta_dim = (d - 1.)/10.

		# Loop will terminate if the delta dim value gets too
		# small, this may be tunded as needed
		delta_dim_min = 1.e-6

		d0 = 1.

		while d0 < d and delta_dim > delta_dim_min:

			d1 = min([d0 + delta_dim, d])
			params['d'] = d1

			if verbose:
				print ' computing with d = ', d1
			u1, infodict, ier, mesg = \
			    fsolve(lambda v:solwave_mck_eq(v,params), u0, \
				   fprime =lambda v:solwave_mck_eq_jac(v, params), \
				   xtol= xtol,

			if ier == 1 and np.max(np.abs(u1)) > 1.e-8:

				d0 = d1
				u0 = u1

				if verbose:
					if np.max(np.abs(u1)) <= 1.e-8:
						print " converged to the zero solution, adjusteing delta_dim"
						print " solver failed to converge, adjusting delta_dim"
						print " solver err = ", ier

				delta_dim = delta_dim / 2.
			if verbose:
				jac = solwave_mck_eq_jac(u1, params)
				condnum = np.linalg.cond(jac)
				print " condition number = ", condnum

		u = u0

	if d0 < d:
		print " Failed to converge to the soliton solution, last value of d =", d0
		f = 0.0
		f = 1. + u

	return r, f
Ejemplo n.º 2
def solwave_mck(c, d, M, dist = pi / 2., xtol = 1.e-12, verbose = False):
	Compute the collocation points and values for the d-dimensional
	McKenzie solitary wave equation.  n=3, m=0.

	Inputs: c - soliton parameter, 

	d - dimension, 

	M - No. of points, 

	[dist = pi/2] - distance from the x axis to the nearest
	singularity in the complex plane, 

	[xtol = 1.e-12] - solver tolerance,


	Outputs: r, f - collocation points and the soliton
	decay = sqrt(1. - 3. / c)

	h = sqrt((pi * dist) / (decay * M))
	r = sinc_eo.points(M, h)
	u0 = magma1d.solwave_mck(r, c) - 1.

	d0 = 1.
	D2 = sinc_eo.D2_e(M, h)
	D1 = sinc_eo.D1_eo(M, h)
	D1_r = sinc_eo.D1_x_e(M, h)
	IN1 = sinc_eo.IN1_oe(M, h)
	params = {'c': c, 'd': d0, 
		  'D2': D2, 'D1':D1, 'D1_r':D1_r, 'IN': IN1}

	if d < 2.:
		params['d'] = d

		u = fsolve(lambda v: solwave_mck_eq(v, params), u0, 
			   fprime = lambda v:solwave_mck_eq_jac(v, params), 
			   xtol= xtol)
		# Initial value for the delta dimension value.  
		# This can be tuned as needed
		delta_dim = (d - 1.)/10.

		# Loop will terminate if the delta dim value gets too
		# small, this may be tunded as needed
		delta_dim_min = 1.e-6

		d0 = 1.

		while d0 < d and delta_dim > delta_dim_min:

			d1 = min([d0 + delta_dim, d])
			params['d'] = d1

			if verbose:
				print ' computing with d = ', d1
			u1, infodict, ier, mesg = \
			    fsolve(lambda v:solwave_mck_eq(v,params), u0, \
				   fprime =lambda v:solwave_mck_eq_jac(v, params), \
				   xtol= xtol,

			if ier == 1 and np.max(np.abs(u1)) > 1.e-8:

				d0 = d1
				u0 = u1

				if verbose:
					if np.max(np.abs(u1)) <= 1.e-8:
						print " converged to the zero solution, adjusteing delta_dim"
						print " solver failed to converge, adjusting delta_dim"
						print " solver err = ", ier

				delta_dim = delta_dim / 2.
			if verbose:
				jac = solwave_mck_eq_jac(u1, params)
				condnum = np.linalg.cond(jac)
				print " condition number = ", condnum

		u = u0

	if d0 < d:
		print " Failed to converge to the soliton solution, last value of d =", d0
		f = 0.0
		f = 1. + u

	return r, f
Ejemplo n.º 3
def solwave_m1(c, n, d, M, dist = pi / 2., xtol = 1.e-12, verbose = False):
	Compute the collocation points and values for the general d-dimensional
	solitary wave equation with n > 1, and m=1

	Inputs: c - soliton parameter, 

	n - first nonlinearity, 

	d - dimension, 

	M - No. of points, 

	[dist = pi/2] - distance from the x axis to the nearest
	singularity in the complex plane, 

	[xtol = 1.e-12] - solver tolerance,


	Outputs: r, f - collocation points and the soliton

	# Iterate in soliton parameter, if neccessary, to achieve a good
	# guess.  This may be replaced with another algorithm if a better
	# initial guess for the 1D soliton is available.
	if verbose:
		print " iterating in c"

	# Initial value for delta c.  This can be tuned as needed.
	delta_c = .5 * n / c

	# Loop will terminate if the delta c value gets too small, this may be
	# adjusted as needed
	delta_c_min = 1.e-6

	c0 = n
	d0 = 1.

	while c0 < c and delta_c > delta_c_min:

		c1 = min([c0 + delta_c, c])

		decay = sqrt(1. - n / c1)

		h = sqrt((pi * dist) / (decay * M))

		r1 = sinc_eo.points(M, h)

		D2 = sinc_eo.D2_e(M, h)
		D1 = sinc_eo.D1_eo(M, h)
		D1_r = sinc_eo.D1_x_e(M, h)
		IN1 = sinc_eo.IN1_oe(M, h)

		params = {'c': c1, 'n': n, 'd': d0, 
			  'D2': D2, 'D1': D1, 'D1_r': D1_r, 'IN': IN1}

#			uguess = spline(r0, u0, r1)
			uguess = sinc_eo.sincinterp_e(r0,u0,r1)
			uguess = 3. * (1. - n / c1) / cosh(.5 * decay * r1)**2

		if verbose:
			print ' computing with c = ', c1

		u1, infodict, ier, mesg = \
		    fsolve(lambda v: solwave_m1_eq(v,params), uguess, \
#			   fprime = lambda v:solwave_m1_eq_jac(v, params), \
			   xtol= xtol,

		if ier == 1 and np.max(np.abs(u1)) > 1.e-10:

			c0 = c1
			u0 = u1
			r0 = r1

			if verbose:
				if np.max(np.abs(u1)) <= 1.e-8:
					print " converged to the zero solution, adjusteing delta_c"
					print " solver failed to converge, adjusting delta_c"
					print " solver err = ", ier

			delta_c = delta_c / 2.

	u = u0
	r = r0

	# Iterate in dimension, if neccessary
	if d > 1.:

		if verbose:
			print " iterating in d"

		delta_dim = (n - 1.) / 10.

		# Loop will terminate if the delta dim value gets too
		# small, this can be adjusted as desired 
		delta_dim_min = 1.e-6

		d0 = 1.

		u0 = u

		while d0 < d and delta_dim > delta_dim_min:

			d1 = min([d0 + delta_dim, d])

			params['d'] = d1

			if verbose:
				print ' computing with d = ', d1
			u1, infodict, ier, mesg = \
			    fsolve(lambda v: solwave_m1_eq(v, params), u0, \
#				   fprime = lambda v:solwave_m1_eq_jac(v, params),
				   xtol= xtol,

			if ier == 1 and np.max(np.abs(u1)) > 1.e-8:

				d0 = d1
				u0 = u1

				if verbose:
					if np.max(np.abs(u1)) <= 1.e-8:
						print " converged to the zero solution, adjusteing delta_dim"
						print " solver failed to converge, adjusting delta_dim"
						print " solver err = ", ier

				delta_dim = delta_dim / 2.
		u = u0
	if d0 < d:
		print " Failed to converge to the soliton solution, last value of d =", d0
		f = 0.0
		f = 1. + u

	return r, f
Ejemplo n.º 4
def solwave_m1(c, n, d, M, dist = pi / 2., xtol = 1.e-12, verbose = False):
	Compute the collocation points and values for the general d-dimensional
	solitary wave equation with n > 1, and m=1

	Inputs: c - soliton parameter, 

	n - first nonlinearity, 

	d - dimension, 

	M - No. of points, 

	[dist = pi/2] - distance from the x axis to the nearest
	singularity in the complex plane, 

	[xtol = 1.e-12] - solver tolerance,


	Outputs: r, f - collocation points and the soliton

	# Iterate in soliton parameter, if neccessary, to achieve a good
	# guess.  This may be replaced with another algorithm if a better
	# initial guess for the 1D soliton is available.
	if verbose:
		print " iterating in c"

	# Initial value for delta c.  This can be tuned as needed.
	delta_c = .5 * n / c

	# Loop will terminate if the delta c value gets too small, this may be
	# adjusted as needed
	delta_c_min = 1.e-6

	c0 = n
	d0 = 1.

	while c0 < c and delta_c > delta_c_min:

		c1 = min([c0 + delta_c, c])

		decay = sqrt(1. - n / c1)

		h = sqrt((pi * dist) / (decay * M))

		r1 = sinc_eo.points(M, h)

		D2 = sinc_eo.D2_e(M, h)
		D1 = sinc_eo.D1_eo(M, h)
		D1_r = sinc_eo.D1_x_e(M, h)
		IN1 = sinc_eo.IN1_oe(M, h)

		params = {'c': c1, 'n': n, 'd': d0, 
			  'D2': D2, 'D1': D1, 'D1_r': D1_r, 'IN': IN1}

#			uguess = spline(r0, u0, r1)
			uguess = sinc_eo.sincinterp_e(r0,u0,r1)
			uguess = 3. * (1. - n / c1) / cosh(.5 * decay * r1)**2

		if verbose:
			print ' computing with c = ', c1

		u1, infodict, ier, mesg = \
		    fsolve(lambda v: solwave_m1_eq(v,params), uguess, \
#			   fprime = lambda v:solwave_m1_eq_jac(v, params), \
			   xtol= xtol,

		if ier == 1 and np.max(np.abs(u1)) > 1.e-10:

			c0 = c1
			u0 = u1
			r0 = r1

			if verbose:
				if np.max(np.abs(u1)) <= 1.e-8:
					print " converged to the zero solution, adjusteing delta_c"
					print " solver failed to converge, adjusting delta_c"
					print " solver err = ", ier

			delta_c = delta_c / 2.

	u = u0
	r = r0

	# Iterate in dimension, if neccessary
	if d > 1.:

		if verbose:
			print " iterating in d"

		delta_dim = (n - 1.) / 10.

		# Loop will terminate if the delta dim value gets too
		# small, this can be adjusted as desired 
		delta_dim_min = 1.e-6

		d0 = 1.

		u0 = u

		while d0 < d and delta_dim > delta_dim_min:

			d1 = min([d0 + delta_dim, d])

			params['d'] = d1

			if verbose:
				print ' computing with d = ', d1
			u1, infodict, ier, mesg = \
			    fsolve(lambda v: solwave_m1_eq(v, params), u0, \
#				   fprime = lambda v:solwave_m1_eq_jac(v, params),
				   xtol= xtol,

			if ier == 1 and np.max(np.abs(u1)) > 1.e-8:

				d0 = d1
				u0 = u1

				if verbose:
					if np.max(np.abs(u1)) <= 1.e-8:
						print " converged to the zero solution, adjusteing delta_dim"
						print " solver failed to converge, adjusting delta_dim"
						print " solver err = ", ier

				delta_dim = delta_dim / 2.
		u = u0
	if d0 < d:
		print " Failed to converge to the soliton solution, last value of d =", d0
		f = 0.0
		f = 1. + u

	return r, f