Ejemplo n.º 1
def page_view_page(context, request):
    # Embedding of items has to happen here as we don't know which of their subobjects
    # need embedding as we don't know the type and may need their full page view.
    properties = item_view_page(context, request)
    blocks = properties.get('layout', {}).get('blocks', [])
    for block in blocks:
        if 'item' in block and block['item']:
            block['item'] = request.embed(block['item'], '@@page', as_user=True)
    return properties
Ejemplo n.º 2
def antibody_approval_page_view(context, request):
    if "antibodies" in request.traversed:
        obj = request.embed(request.resource_path(context), "@@object")
        qs = request.query_string
        location = obj["antibody"] + ("?" if qs else "") + qs
        raise HTTPMovedPermanently(location=location)
    if request.has_permission("view"):
        return item_view_page(context, request)
    raise HTTPForbidden()
Ejemplo n.º 3
def antibody_approval_page_view(context, request):
    if 'antibodies' in request.traversed:
        obj = request.embed(request.resource_path(context), '@@object')
        qs = request.query_string
        location = obj['antibody'] + ('?' if qs else '') + qs
        raise HTTPMovedPermanently(location=location)
    if request.has_permission('view'):
        return item_view_page(context, request)
    raise HTTPForbidden()
Ejemplo n.º 4
def page_view_page(context, request):
    # Embedding of items has to happen here as we don't know which of their subobjects
    # need embedding as we don't know the type and may need their full page view.
    properties = item_view_page(context, request)
    blocks = properties.get('layout', {}).get('blocks', [])
    for block in blocks:
        if 'item' in block and block['item']:
            block['item'] = request.embed(block['item'], '@@page', as_user=True)
    return properties
Ejemplo n.º 5
def user_page_view(context, request):
    properties = item_view_page(context, request)
    if not request.has_permission('view_details'):
        filtered = {}
        for key in ['@id', '@type', 'uuid', 'lab', 'title', 'link_id', 'display_title']:
                filtered[key] = properties[key]
            except KeyError:
        return filtered
    return properties
Ejemplo n.º 6
def user_page_view(context, request):
    properties = item_view_page(context, request)
    if not request.has_permission('view_details'):
        filtered = {}
        for key in [
                '@id', '@type', 'uuid', 'institution', 'project', 'title',
                filtered[key] = properties[key]
            except KeyError:
        return filtered
    return properties
Ejemplo n.º 7
def static_page(request):
    basically get the page in a standard way (item_view_page) which will
    do permissions checking.  Then format the return result to be something
    the front-end expects
    def remove_relations_in_tree(node, keep="children"):
        '''Returns (deep-)copy'''
        filtered_node = {"name": node['name']}
        if keep == 'children' and node.get('children') is not None:
            filtered_node['children'] = [
                remove_relations_in_tree(c, keep) for c in node['children']
        if keep == 'parent' and node.get('parent'):
            filtered_node['parent'] = remove_relations_in_tree(
                node['parent'], keep)
        for field in node.keys():
            if field not in ['next', 'previous', 'children', 'parent'
                             ] and node.get(field) is not None:
                filtered_node[field] = node[field]
        return filtered_node

    path_parts = [path_part for path_part in request.subpath if path_part]
    page_name = "/".join(path_parts)

    tree = request._static_page_tree

    if tree is not None:

        tree = add_sibling_parent_relations_to_tree(tree)

        curr_node = tree
        page_in_tree = True
        for path_idx, part in enumerate(path_parts):
            for child in curr_node.get('children', []):
                split_child_name = child['name'].split('/')
                if len(split_child_name
                       ) > path_idx and split_child_name[path_idx] == part:
                    curr_node = child
            if path_idx == len(path_parts) - 1 and curr_node.get(
                    'uuid') is None:
                page_in_tree = False
        page_in_tree = False

    context = Page(request.registry, request._static_page_model)

    if context.properties.get('redirect') and context.properties[
            'redirect'].get('enabled'):  # We have a redirect defined.
        parsed_redirect_uri = urlparse(context.properties['redirect'].get(
            'target', '/'))
        uri_to_use = (parsed_redirect_uri.scheme and
                      (parsed_redirect_uri.scheme + ':')
                      or '') + '//' if parsed_redirect_uri.netloc else ''
        uri_to_use += parsed_redirect_uri.path
        uri_to_use += '?' + urlencode({
            '/' + context.properties.get('name', str(context.uuid))
        }) + ((parsed_redirect_uri.query and
               ('&' + parsed_redirect_uri.query)) or '')
        # Fallback to 307 as is 'safest' (response isn't cached by browsers)
        return get_pyramid_http_exception_for_redirect_code(
            context.properties['redirect'].get('code', 307))(
                location=uri_to_use, detail="Redirected from " + page_name)
    item = item_view_page(context, request)
    item['toc'] = item.get('table-of-contents')
    item['@context'] = item['@id']

    if page_in_tree:
        if curr_node.get('next'):
            item['next'] = remove_relations_in_tree(curr_node['next'])
        if curr_node.get('previous'):
            item['previous'] = remove_relations_in_tree(curr_node['previous'])
        if curr_node.get('parent'):
            item['parent'] = remove_relations_in_tree(curr_node['parent'],
        if curr_node.get('sibling_length') is not None:
            item['sibling_length'] = curr_node['sibling_length']
            item['sibling_position'] = curr_node['sibling_position']

    return item
Ejemplo n.º 8
def static_page(request):
    basically get the page in a standard way (item_view_page) which will
    do permissions checking.  Then format the return result to be something
    the front-end expects

    def remove_relations_in_tree(node, keep="children"):
        '''Returns (deep-)copy'''
        filtered_node = { "name" : node['name'] }
        if keep == 'children' and node.get('children') is not None:
            filtered_node['children'] = [ remove_relations_in_tree(c, keep) for c in node['children'] ]
        if keep == 'parent' and node.get('parent'):
            filtered_node['parent'] = remove_relations_in_tree(node['parent'], keep)
        for field in node.keys():
            if field not in ['next', 'previous', 'children', 'parent'] and node.get(field) is not None:
                filtered_node[field] = node[field]
        return filtered_node

    path_parts = [ path_part for path_part in request.subpath if path_part ]
    page_name = "/".join(path_parts)

    tree = request._static_page_tree

    if tree is not None:

        tree = add_sibling_parent_relations_to_tree(tree)

        curr_node = tree
        page_in_tree = True
        for path_idx, part in enumerate(path_parts):
            for child in curr_node.get('children',[]):
                split_child_name = child['name'].split('/')
                if len(split_child_name) > path_idx and split_child_name[path_idx] == part:
                    curr_node = child
            if path_idx == len(path_parts) - 1 and curr_node.get('uuid') is None:
                page_in_tree = False
        page_in_tree = False

    context = Page(request.registry, request._static_page_model)

    if context.properties.get('redirect') and context.properties['redirect'].get('enabled'): # We have a redirect defined.
        parsed_redirect_uri = urlparse(context.properties['redirect'].get('target', '/'))
        uri_to_use = (parsed_redirect_uri.scheme and (parsed_redirect_uri.scheme + ':') or '') + '//' if parsed_redirect_uri.netloc else ''
        uri_to_use += parsed_redirect_uri.path
        uri_to_use += '?' + urlencode({ 'redirected_from' : '/' + context.properties.get('name', str(context.uuid)) }) + ((parsed_redirect_uri.query and ('&' + parsed_redirect_uri.query)) or '')
         # Fallback to 307 as is 'safest' (response isn't cached by browsers)
        return get_pyramid_http_exception_for_redirect_code(context.properties['redirect'].get('code', 307))(location=uri_to_use, detail="Redirected from " + page_name)
    item = item_view_page(context, request)
    item['toc'] = item.get('table-of-contents')
    item['@context'] = item['@id']

    if page_in_tree:
        if curr_node.get('next'):
            item['next'] =      remove_relations_in_tree(curr_node['next'])
        if curr_node.get('previous'):
            item['previous'] =  remove_relations_in_tree(curr_node['previous'])
        if curr_node.get('parent'):
            item['parent'] =    remove_relations_in_tree(curr_node['parent'], keep="parent")
        if curr_node.get('sibling_length') is not None:
            item['sibling_length'] = curr_node['sibling_length']
            item['sibling_position'] = curr_node['sibling_position']

    return item