Ejemplo n.º 1
def bisect(f, min, max, tol, max_its):
    """Bisection method

  The quadratic y(x) = x^2 + 2x -1 has roots
  -1 - sqrt(2) = -2.4142135623730950488016887242097
  and -1 + sqrt(2) = 0.4142135623730950488016887242097.

  >>> bisect(lambda x: x*x + 2*x - 1, -3, -2, lambda x, y: math.fabs(x-y) < 0.000001, 10)
  (-2.4142141342163086, -2.4142131805419922, 3)

  >>> bisect(lambda x: x*x + 2*x - 1, 0, 1, lambda x, y: math.fabs(x-y) < 0.000001, 10)
  (0.41421318054199219, 0.41421413421630859, 3)


    fmin, fmax = f(min), f(max)
    if fmin == 0: return (min, min, 0)
    if fmax == 0: return (max, max, 0)
    if min >= max: raise RuntimeError, "Arguments in wrong order"
    if fmin * fmax >= 0: raise RuntimeError, "Root not bracketed"

    count = max_its
    if count < 3:
        count = 0
        count -= 3

    while count and tol(min, max) == 0:
        mid = (min + max) / 2.
        fmid = f(mid)
        if mid == max or mid == min:
        if fmid == 0:
            min = max = mid
        elif sign(fmid) * sign(fmin) < 0:
            max, fmax = mid, fmid
            min, fmin = mid, fmid

    max_its -= count

    return (min, max, max_its)
Ejemplo n.º 2
def bisect(f, min, max, tol, max_its):
  """Bisection method

  The quadratic y(x) = x^2 + 2x -1 has roots
  -1 - sqrt(2) = -2.4142135623730950488016887242097
  and -1 + sqrt(2) = 0.4142135623730950488016887242097.

  >>> bisect(lambda x: x*x + 2*x - 1, -3, -2, lambda x, y: math.fabs(x-y) < 0.000001, 10)
  (-2.4142141342163086, -2.4142131805419922, 3)

  >>> bisect(lambda x: x*x + 2*x - 1, 0, 1, lambda x, y: math.fabs(x-y) < 0.000001, 10)
  (0.41421318054199219, 0.41421413421630859, 3)


  fmin, fmax = f(min), f(max)
  if fmin == 0: return (min, min, 0)
  if fmax == 0: return (max, max, 0)
  if min >= max: raise RuntimeError, "Arguments in wrong order"
  if fmin*fmax >= 0: raise RuntimeError,   "Root not bracketed"

  count = max_its
  if count < 3:
    count = 0
  else: count -= 3

  while count and tol(min, max) == 0:
    mid = (min + max)/2.
    fmid = f(mid)
    if mid == max or mid ==min:
    if fmid == 0:
      min = max = mid
    elif sign(fmid)*sign(fmin) < 0:
      max, fmax = mid, fmid
      min, fmin = mid, fmid

  max_its -= count

  return (min, max, max_its)
Ejemplo n.º 3
 def _handle_zero_derivative(f, last_f0, f0, delta, result, guess, min, max):
   if last_f0 == 0:
     # must be first iteration
     if result == min: guess = max
     else: guess = min
     last_f0, _ = f(guess)
     delta = guess - result
   if sign(last_f0)*sign(f0) < 0:
     # we've crossed over so move in opposite
     # direction to last step
     if delta < 0:
       delta = (result - min)/2.0
       delta = (result - max)/2.0
     # move in same direction of last step
     if delta < 0:
       delta = (result - max)/2.0
       delta = (result - min)/2.0
   return (last_f0, delta, result, guess)
Ejemplo n.º 4
 def _handle_zero_derivative(f, last_f0, f0, delta, result, guess, min,
     if last_f0 == 0:
         # must be first iteration
         if result == min: guess = max
         else: guess = min
         last_f0, _ = f(guess)
         delta = guess - result
     if sign(last_f0) * sign(f0) < 0:
         # we've crossed over so move in opposite
         # direction to last step
         if delta < 0:
             delta = (result - min) / 2.0
             delta = (result - max) / 2.0
         # move in same direction of last step
         if delta < 0:
             delta = (result - max) / 2.0
             delta = (result - min) / 2.0
     return (last_f0, delta, result, guess)